OT: Memoirs of a Geisha - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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373th Post

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"OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 8 Dec 12:21post reply

Hello All,

Read the book. It's really really good. I wish I would of made an anime out of it, or had the capital and free time to make a manga out of it ... When I read the book, I thought of Mameha's voice like Helena's in DOA and Hitomi's voice as Pumpkin, and Sayuri's voice as Kasumi's.

The only thing that makes me fret about the movie is that Michelle Yeoh and X. Yiyi are not Japanese.. they're Chinese. >_<

I guess it's better than not having the movie, but still, I feel it would of been more authentic with Japanese actresses. It would been interesting if Spielberg directed it, but I guess Rob Marshall could have a more better touch to it .. even though I never seen Chicago.

I guess Sony or Columbia only picks people that are in their collective of Asian Actors or Actresses since they were in Crouching Tiger.. but I digress...

I still can't believe Michelle Yeoh portraying as Mameha... I would see someone else as Mameha ... but Gong Li sure has the Beautiful Devilish look for Hatsumomo (and to think she has a voice like B-Ko in Project A-ko).

What do you think guys and women?




260th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 8 Dec 12:30post reply

Hatsumomo is the coolest[/i.]


775th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 8 Dec 12:51post reply

I admit that it kind of irks me that Chinese actresses are being used to represent Japanese culture.

Zi-Yi is phenomonal, and beautiful... it's just weird that she's playing a Japanese geisha.

Also, it seems like this might create a little bit of backlash in the Japanese community.

But then, the film is pure hollywood, as well as the book. Even as Memoirs of a Geisha is taken as fact by many people, the person that the author interviewed sued him for misrepresenting her, so I guess there's a small hint.

Also, the fact that Zi-Yi is probably the most well known asian actress in the west. Therefore marketing really dictates that she should be the one to play the role.

As much as it's difficult to say, it'd be great if everyone could ignore racial differences and just celebrate humanity with films like these. Who really cares about the race of the actress, honestly. It's not billed as an 'authentic film'.

But the way the world is working now, it's very doubtful.

oh and sorry if it's an OT in an OT, but

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"Re(2):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 8 Dec 21:37post reply

Kingpin is white dammit!

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron
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111th Post

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"Re(1):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 03:12post reply

The choice of Chinese actresses is a little annoying, but find me a Japanese actress that has the acting chops AND speaks good english. Not to say Zhang's english is spectacular, but it's gotten miles better from when she debuted. Plus, her mass-market appeal is enough to sell most Western audiences.

From the trailer, looks like we'll be treated to some gorgeous cinematography.

641th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 03:46post reply


But then, the film is pure hollywood, as well as the book. Even as Memoirs of a Geisha is taken as fact by many people, the person that the author interviewed sued him for misrepresenting her, so I guess there's a small hint.

And she then wrote an autobiography:


I'd like to get this one.

Jabel D. Morales - VMan of Mana.

"Tameraeba makeyo!"

3141th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 04:12post reply

zhang ziyi is cute (I say this about almost nobody), but I don't think they should have a chinese person playing a japanese person, speaking english in japan. it's just rather stupid. maybe they hired her because she's good at looking indignant.

I bet she's really high maintenance.

4324th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 08:15post reply

I don't think they should have a chinese person playing a japanese person, speaking english in japan. it's just rather stupid.

Can't be any stupider than The Last Samurai...

112th Post

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"Re(3):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 09:18post reply


I bet she's really high maintenance.

...just like a geisha!

1263th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 11:24post reply

God, I can't believe exodus posted in this thread :(

27th Post

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"Re(2):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 17:35:post reply

I admit that it kind of irks me that Chinese actresses are being used to represent Japanese culture.

Zi-Yi is phenomonal, and beautiful... it's just weird that she's playing a Japanese geisha.

Also, it seems like this might create a little bit of backlash in the Japanese community.

Actually, no! They're all like "OH SHE'S SO PRETTY" and she's on this awful makeup commercial where this white woman is presenting an award and screams "AND THE WINNER IS . . . JANGG ZEEEEE EEEE!" I think she's Australian. Then the curtain comes up and no one's there. The woman screams "WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!?!" And they show her in a red dress standing on a shiny black floor, with lightning crackling in the background, with this impish grin. And this really really white-sounding Japanese guy says "THE NEW FACE OF AJIAN BYUUUTY."

So yeah. She's neither Chinese nor Japanese. She's not even Asian: She's Ajian. This is the Japanese people's way of justifying their strong pride that such a pretty, famous girl is playing the main character in a movie that misrepresents everything it represents. They take pride and clap: "It's so nice of her!"

(Aside: I personally despise the reasoning behind picking Zhang Ziyi for the role. There are hundreds of good-looking Japanese girls, especially on television. Fuck, why not get Aya Matsuura to play the main character? What a hell of a world motion picture debut! Spielberg and his money-hat-fuckers wouldn't do THAT, though. That'd be taking a risk. So they do what Universal did in Street Fighter II, what Disney did in Mulan, what Square did when they made Final Fantasy the movie, when they needed an Asian woman to play the part of their Asian-ish character: they hired Ming-na Wen. Except Ming-na Wen is fucking a black guy on ER now, so she's not fit to play a geisha anymore. So, "Zhang Zi Yi? I think I've heard of her before." And there she is. YOU KNOW, BEFORE ZHANG ZI YI WAS FAMOUS, SHE WASN'T FAMOUS. YOU'RE ALREADY MAKING A MOVIE BASED ON A BESTSELLING BOOK. PICK SOMEBODY ELSE, AND PICK SOMEBODY JAPANESE.)

The Japanese don't care if the main character isn't Japanese.

I despise the story anyway. It's so cloying. If you want a story about a geisha, read Yasunari Kawabata's novel "Snow Country." I warn you, however, that it requires a bit of imagination. "Memoirs of a Geisha," though, is trash.

Once someone recommended it to me and I never talked to them again.

Maybe the Japanese are so accepting of Chineseos playing all the roles in a movie about Japanese people because it's based on something some white guy wrote. That's what I think. If it had been a Spielberg-directed film based on Kawabata or something, and it had Chinese people in all the lead roles, I'm sure someone would stand up and complain about it. Or maybe not. They're timid over here. They keep their hate inside.

In closing, the Japanese title of the movie is "SAYURI." Which I guess . . . is the name of the geisha? 小百合. Little Lily. Hmm.

Ayumi Hamasaki is on the radio. I think she'd have a better career as a geisha.

[this message was edited by gorgeous on Fri 9 Dec 17:36]

776th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 9 Dec 17:45post reply

zhang ziyi is cute (I say this about almost nobody), but I don't think they should have a chinese person playing a japanese person, speaking english in japan. it's just rather stupid. maybe they hired her because she's good at looking indignant.

I bet she's really high maintenance.

I'd still pay for it =) She's that cute.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

375th Post

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Silver Customer

"OT: Tallguy/Sushi Video" , posted Sun 11 Dec 13:23post reply

Hey Tallguy,

Thanks for the sushi video. It was pretty funny. It felt like watching a long commercial for some reason...


780th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):OT: Tallguy/Sushi Video" , posted Sun 11 Dec 13:26post reply

Hey Tallguy,

Thanks for the sushi video. It was pretty funny. It felt like watching a long commercial for some reason...


haha, I'm camping these forums because I'd rather do that than do my homework.

Oh, and thanks for noticing the video! It's HILARIOUS, especially because of the deadpan delivery the announcer uses.

Half of it is pretty accurate, and half of it is just straight up fabrication. =)

"This is Gari. Where is comes from is a mystery."

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180th Post

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"Re(3):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Mon 12 Dec 16:16post reply

I admit that it kind of irks me that Chinese actresses are being used to represent Japanese culture.

Zi-Yi is phenomonal, and beautiful... it's just weird that she's playing a Japanese geisha.

Also, it seems like this might create a little bit of backlash in the Japanese community.

Actually, no! They're all like "OH SHE'S SO PRETTY" and she's on this awful makeup commercial where this white woman is presenting an award and screams "AND THE WINNER IS . . . JANGG ZEEEEE EEEE!" I think she's Australian. Then the curtain comes up and no one's there. The woman screams "WHERE IS SHE?!?!?!?!" And they show her in a red dress standing on a shiny black floor, with lightning crackling in the background, with this impish grin. And this really really white-sounding Japanese guy says "THE NEW FACE OF AJIAN BYUUUTY."

So yeah. She's neither Chinese nor Japanese. She's not even Asian: She's Ajian. This is the Japanese people's way of justifying their strong pride that such a pretty, famous girl is playing the main character in a movie that misrepresents everything it represents. They take pride and clap: "It's so nice of her!"

(Aside: I personally despise the reasoning behind picking Zhang Ziyi for the role. There are hundreds of good-looking Japanese girls, especially on television. Fuck, why not get Aya Matsuura to play the main character? What a hell of a world motion picture debut! Spielberg and his money-hat-fuckers wouldn't do THAT, though. That'd be taking a risk. So they do what Universal did in Street Fighter II, what Disney did in Mulan, what Square did when they made Final Fantasy the movie, when they needed an Asian woman to play the part of their Asian-ish character: they hired Ming-na Wen. Except Ming-na Wen is fucking a black guy on ER now, so she's not fit to play a geisha anymore. So, "Zhang Zi Yi? I think I've heard of her before." And there she is. YOU KNOW, BEFORE ZHANG ZI YI WAS FAMOUS, SHE WASN'T FAMOUS. YOU'RE ALREADY MAKING A MOVIE BASED ON A BESTSELLING BOOK. PICK SOMEBODY ELSE, AND PICK SOMEBODY JAPANESE.)

The Japanese don't care if the main character isn't Japanese.

I despise the story anyway. It's so cloying. If you want a story about a geisha, read Yasunari Kawabata's novel "Snow Country." I warn you, however, that it requires a bit of imagination. "Memoirs of a Geisha," though, is trash.

Once someone recommended it to me and I never talked to them again.

Maybe the Japanese are so accepting of Chineseos playing all the roles in a movie about Japanese people because it's based on something some white guy wrote. That's what I think. If it had been a Spielberg-directed film based on Kawabata or something, and it had Chinese people in all the lead roles, I'm sure someone would stand up and complain about it. Or maybe not. They're timid over here. They keep their hate inside.

In closing, the Japanese title of the movie is "SAYURI." Which I guess . . . is the name of the geisha? 小百合. Little Lily. Hmm.

Ayumi Hamasaki is on the radio. I think she'd have a better career as a geisha.

youre not really enjoying your time in this country are you. hahahahaha.

30th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Mon 12 Dec 17:40post reply

youre not really enjoying your time in this country are you. hahahahaha.

Oh no, I enjoy myself quite a great deal.

I just have this thing for/against Hollywood, that's all.

And I'm usually very hungry when I post things on messageboards, and I reckon a man can't be reasonable and sane when he's hungry.

3149th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Mon 12 Dec 18:13post reply

God, I can't believe exodus posted in this thread :(


48th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(6):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Tue 13 Dec 12:09post reply

my main problem with casting Zhang Ziyi in a role like this is that she isn't an excellent actress. She seems to have about as many facial expressions as Daniel Radcliffe has in the Harry Potter movies.

square peg. round hole. large hammer.

181th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(7):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Tue 13 Dec 13:36post reply

my main problem with casting Zhang Ziyi in a role like this is that she isn't an excellent actress. She seems to have about as many facial expressions as Daniel Radcliffe has in the Harry Potter movies.

i hear she's good in 2046 or was that someone else? i didnt see it so i have no idea.

gorgeous, no one is ever expected to be sane on an empty stomach. hahahaha.

430th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Wed 14 Dec 00:47post reply

(Aside: I personally despise the reasoning behind picking Zhang Ziyi for the role. There are hundreds of good-looking Japanese girls, especially on television. Fuck, why not get Aya Matsuura to play the main character?

Because no one knows who the fuck Aya Matsuura is. Supposedly, the people behind this were looking for Oscar (LOL) contendership, and they didn't want to bank on someone unknown.

Sadly, Ziyi may be cute and stoic and great at looking indignant, but speaking english kills her.

Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron
http://uramble.com/index.html - U's Rambling Page

35th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(4):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Wed 14 Dec 16:44post reply

Because no one knows who the fuck Aya Matsuura is. Supposedly, the people behind this were looking for Oscar (LOL) contendership, and they didn't want to bank on someone unknown.

_I_ know who she is!! She's on my cellphone wallpaper image!!

And you know, Zhang Ziyi ain't exactly Audrey Hepburn herself. You'd be hard-pressed to find her in black and white photographs on some kid's wall is Bosnia or wherever. She's not HUGE.

Your saying that "brand loyalty" is a strong selling point (in the Xbox thread) is led by the same paranoid late-20th century reasoning you're exhibiting here. Which is okay! You can still be saved, my brother!

You need to read some Carnegie!

Entrepreneurs will rise again!!


It's the "if you build it they will come" post-depression optimism. It needs to come back. It needs to be cool again. Aya Matsuura has a real live personality. She's only 20; I predict she will be a superstar if she faces up to the challenge. Though -- I guess playing a geisha in a Hollywood film wouldn't have been the best debut, anyway. She has to make her Japanese film debut first. Hmm.

If only Spielberg would have just called me and asked me, first, anyway!

Or, even worse, he could have used that damn retarded Kill Bill girl. GAH

Maese Spt
105th Post

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"Re(5):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 15 Dec 06:07post reply

You know, Arthur Goldenīs original novel was already a dull and poorly developed story, full of biased stereothypes and misconceptions about Japanīs reality in general and geishaīs world in particular... the tipical "japanesque" story told from an american point of view wich ends up being (unintentionally) ludicrous, as weīve seen lots of times before (The Last Samurai, anyone...?). So Iīm not surprised the filmic adaptation being a cheesy flick. The story donīt deserve much more, anyway. Yeah, I know this book is like a bible for many young wapanese weeabooes, but heh.

As long as I can admire the ever-gorgeouys Zhang Ziyi in all her splendor, dressed with a different kimono every ten minutes, Iīll be satisfied. Besides, those type of movies use to be aestethically gorgeous and completely empty both plot and character-wise, so I only expect to watch another silly film wrapped up in a magnificent envelopment. I think I would enjoy the atrezzo and the "japanesque" stages, anyway, so thatīs OK for me. In fact, when I want to see an actually interesting movie in a japanese scenario, I know very well itīs not in Hollywood where I have to search.

However, I must admit that I find somehow amazing the fact that most of the female roles are played by chinese actresses, but I wonīt complain about having Zhang Ziyi as main protagonist <3.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

177th Post

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"Re(8):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 15 Dec 18:11post reply


i hear she's good in 2046 or was that someone else? i didnt see it so i have no idea.

2046 was an awesome movie. Sorry, just had to point that out.

Anyways, my hutch is that they used mostly Chinese actors because it's easier to find english speaking Chinese actors then english speaking Japanese actors. Zhang Ziyi has been exposed to the American Hollywood scene somewhat.

pointman 4000
0th Post

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"Re(1):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 15 Dec 23:10post reply

New here, don't mind me.

Anyway, I'm not bothered about Chinese actresses playing Japanese characters. Brits, Australians and New Zealanders (and Arnold Schwarzenegger) are cast as Americans in many movies so I don't see the big deal.

If anything, I'm more worried about Japan not producing a decent actress since Tripitaka from the Monkey TV series.


1266th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 15 Dec 23:17post reply

Hey, I just thought of something...


pointman 4000
2th Post

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"Re(3):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Thu 15 Dec 23:19post reply

Hey, I just thought of something...


Does that mean Haado Gei got a part in the movie?


1267th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 16 Dec 00:26post reply

no, it just means the movie is gay

pointman 4000
3th Post

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"Re(5):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 16 Dec 02:57post reply

Like, Marimite gay? Because Zhang Ziyi and Gong Li making out would be great.


1268th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 16 Dec 10:40post reply

No, like King Kong gay.

36th Post

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"Re(6):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Fri 16 Dec 11:06post reply

As long as I can admire the ever-gorgeouys Zhang Ziyi in all her splendor, dressed with a different kimono every ten minutes, Iīll be satisfied.

See, this is where you (whoever you are) and I differ: I'd rather admire not-quite-gorgeous, normal, average, everyday, plain, and charming REAL girls not wearing any clothes at ALL, in REAL LIFE!!

Also, yeah, King Kong is definitely gay.

They should have gotten Madonna to play the girl. It would have all made so much sense then.

Maese Spt
110th Post

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"Re(7):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Tue 20 Dec 05:45post reply

See, this is where you (whoever you are) and I differ: I'd rather admire not-quite-gorgeous, normal, average, everyday, plain, and charming REAL girls not wearing any clothes at ALL, in REAL LIFE!!

You know, I myself actually prefer not only to admire plain, real girls on real life (dressed or not), but rather to taste them as well. But maybe itīs just me...

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

380th Post

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Silver Customer

"Wooden Acting..." , posted Mon 26 Dec 08:10post reply


Had saw the movie. It was good eye candy, but I think the pacing was off, and I don't know it just didn't feel authentically japanese. It's more like they had zombie-like expressions or trance or whatever. I give it a C plus.


1570th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):OT: Memoirs of a Geisha" , posted Mon 26 Dec 16:45post reply


If anything, I'm more worried about Japan not producing a decent actress since Tripitaka from the Monkey TV series.

I love you. I don't know why I was reading this topic (maybe it's because I'm sick and loopy right now), but now I'm glad I did.

Ah, she was cute, too.