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Burning Ranger 1344th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):Xbox 360 line in Japan" , posted Sat 10 Dec 09:08
quote: It's a Friday night, I decide to take it easy with a few drinks, I notice it's 30 minutes before midnight and I'm near the Yodobashi Camera where there was a huge line last year for the PSP, so I decide to check out how the Xbox 360 is doing.
By God, can this be?
Oh, picture 2 is the Yodobashi. 1 and 3's another shop called Sofmap. Technically, there's a guy at the Sofmap. But he's a bum.
Geez, this was to be expected. Then again, Japan won't matter when it comes to the X360's overall success. It's going to sell a lot in the US (and probably Europe and Central/South America). After all, it's not like the old Xbox was a distant second in the US. It sold enough to warrant a successor-that has to say something.
On the other hand, the 360 might still take off there, given the big names that are working on projects there.
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger
 ...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!
Undead Fred 2581th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Xbox 360 line in Japan" , posted Sat 10 Dec 15:25:
quote: http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?t=77389
Here's more pictures of the lack of interest...
I'll only go off-topic for a sec, so I'm sorry- TallGuy, I just noticed you had an Aphex Twin avatar. Very nice, very nice... I've only got Come to Daddy right now, but I like his stuff. I've been looking to get Druqxs for a while now... is that one any good?
But anyway, back on topic. Yeah, I'm not too surprised that people don't care about the 360 in Japan. I was under the impression they really didn't care about the XBox, so why would they be any more hyped about the 360? Just because it's out earlier and they'll have Halo 2.5 and Madden God-Knows-What a year before the PS3 is out? I'd be happy if the 360 falls harder and flatter than the XBox, just because it was wasteful for them to rush the new generation out the door when the XBox has PLENTY of power they haven't even tapped yet. I mean, look at the PS2. Its hardware has been out of date for a while now and they can STILL squeeze out some really nice-looking games on it.
[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Sat 10 Dec 15:26] |
KTallguy 778th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(4):Xbox 360 line in Japan" , posted Sat 10 Dec 15:52
quote: I'll only go off-topic for a sec, so I'm sorry- TallGuy, I just noticed you had an Aphex Twin avatar. Very nice, very nice... I've only got Come to Daddy right now, but I like his stuff. I've been looking to get Druqxs for a while now... is that one any good?
Thanks for noticing! I have Druqxs. The one thing I can say about Aphex Twin's stuff is that there is a definite change depending on the album. Drukqs is very dark and moody, with some short piano and organ pieces, some that kind of sound like an asian themed instrument. Not too sure what it is, but it's definitely interesting. =)
If you're really interested I could e-mail you an mp3 or two from my gmail account. It's just my mmcafe username @ gmail. His older stuff is really good too.
But anyway, back on topic. Yeah, I'm not too surprised that people don't care about the 360 in Japan. I was under the impression they really didn't care about the XBox, so why would they be any more hyped about the 360?
The only people I knew who had X-boxes while I was in Japan were... oh wow... I didn't know anybody at all! =) Actually I met one guy who had an X-box and was playing Halo 2, but that guy was a pretty hardcore gamer, even more hardcore than most.
One thing I noticed when I visited an import shop in Japan for American games, was that the whole place had this whole 'american feel' from the moment I walked through the door. The cashiers all looked like they could speak English, and I'm assuming the customers are pretty hardcore America fans. It's kind of like some of us being Japan fans right? Of course, the vast majority of people in the US watching anime, reading manga and playing Japanesy games can't speak Japanese. Hell, some people even import the latest Final Fantasy when they can't understand what the hell is going on in the game because of lack of Japanese knowledge.
Sorry, kind of drifted off on a tangent a little bit. To sum it up, those people who like American games in Japan are kind of like those American 'otakus' who are into anything Japanese. However, from my limited experience, I'd say that Japanese people that are into America are usually not into games. They are more into American movies, music, fashion, because those are the main avenues to the exportation of American culture to different countries.
Also, you take into account that many of the types of games that the Japanese 'hardcore' segment likes the most (RPGs, Fighting Games, Music Games, Sports games [not madden]) are all well covered by Japanese publishers, and the vast majority of those key, high volume titles have been PS2 exclusives.
So as a result, you have a console that on launch doesn't have one RPG, or one fighting game to offer, and there's no Winning Eleven or "Let's make a Pro-Baseball Team" system seller game out there either.
What does Microsoft expect? That opening a big 'fashionable' hall in Tokyo will get hardcore otaku to buy their games? I think they're having a bit of a market identity crisis. Their system is trying to be hip and cool. They are giving systems to Madonna and Paris Hilton, who just chuck them. It's like they're posing, trying to be someone that they aren't and it's just so painfully obvious.
In America, people will buy an X-Box 360 to play Madden.
In Japan, people will horde PS3 when it comes out to get their hands on Winning Eleven and Dragon Quest.
Anyway, I'm rambling too much, but you get the idea...
Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY "テメエがヤクブソクなんだよ!"
Shooo-rook 7th Post

New Customer
| "Re(5):Xbox 360 line in Japan" , posted Sun 11 Dec 07:50
quote: I'll only go off-topic for a sec, so I'm sorry- TallGuy, I just noticed you had an Aphex Twin avatar. Very nice, very nice... I've only got Come to Daddy right now, but I like his stuff. I've been looking to get Druqxs for a while now... is that one any good? Thanks for noticing! I have Druqxs. The one thing I can say about Aphex Twin's stuff is that there is a definite change depending on the album. Drukqs is very dark and moody, with some short piano and organ pieces, some that kind of sound like an asian themed instrument. Not too sure what it is, but it's definitely interesting. =)
Off topic but... The video for windowlicker... IS AMAZING!!! It is probably the most hilarious music video I have ever seen in my life... A good 10 minutes of video, while the song is about 5 or 6 minutes, but that is because two "intellectuals" have dialogue in the beginning with two black whores... ITS AMAZING!!!
quote: So as a result, you have a console that on launch doesn't have one RPG, or one fighting game to offer, and there's no Winning Eleven or "Let's make a Pro-Baseball Team" system seller game out there either.
What does Microsoft expect? That opening a big 'fashionable' hall in Tokyo will get hardcore otaku to buy their games? I think they're having a bit of a market identity crisis.
That is right, I do not know who is running the show at Japan, but that's pretty stupid. But then again, Xbox does not have any RPG series that has been around for a while thanks to Xbox's infancy in the gaming market... When did the Ps1 come out? mid to late 90's??? and before that the FF series was on SNES wasn't it??? Nintendo and Sony have the characters and series that Xbox so desperately needs
http://i6.photobucket.com/albums/y203/shibito/croppedart2.jpg [Image Attached] How many dicks does it take to get to the center of a STD?
gorgeous 29th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(7):More Sold Out Reports in Japan" , posted Mon 12 Dec 17:38
quote: Hmm hmm, my mistake, I was thinking Sega was still a popular company whose clever games were widely liked.
Well, you must not have played Shadow the Hedgehog!
I'm joking. Ryu ga gotoku is amazing, however.
As for the Xbox 360 selling: it'll happen eventually. I mean, once Blue Dragon comes out. Everyone's all hyped about that Lost Odyssey game. Once that comes out I'm sure the Japanese people will go appropriately nuts over it. I mean, it's apparently the "NEW" Final Fantasy, from an older, wiser (?), edgier, grayer, more-mustached Hironobu Sakaguchi.
Ultima 429th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(2):Xbox 360 only sells half of Xbox" , posted Wed 14 Dec 00:24
> As for Japanese people not buying anything that doesn't have "Final Fantasy" or "Dragon Quest" on the box -- remember this simple rule: Before Dragon Quest was popular, it wasn't anything at all.
What? As in, it didn't exist? Fair enough. What's your point?
> Right now Blue Dragon and Lost Odyssey aren't anything at all; their chances to turn into Dragon Quest aren't yet dead.
Not impossible, but highly unlikely. Brand loyalty is probably the strongest selling point of DQ and FF. WHat I'm saying is that, just because Hironobu is involved, it doesn't mean that the Jpn are *going* to care. They *mght* end up caring, but it won't be *because* Hironobu, the "father of Final Fantasy" will be involved.
And if even if they do end up caring, the likelyhood of them caring in sufficient numbers that it will end up making a noticeable dent in Sony's likely market dominance in Japan is slim to none. If MS wants to sell numbers like Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest in Japan, then they need Final Fantasy (a real one, XI doesn't count) and Dragon Quest. Until that time, I expect to see MS relgated to a distance 3rd in Japan, just like in this generation. Dunno about the US and Europe. Sony's still likely to be market leader, but if they fuck up the online front as badly as they seem they might, their market share will be drastically cut into.
-- Ultima - The Right arm of Scrub Voltron http://uramble.com/index.html - U's Rambling Page
crazymike 1195th Post

Red Carpet Premium Member+
| "Re(3):Xbox 360 only sells half of Xbox" , posted Wed 14 Dec 00:47
What I hate is people whining about the littlest things to dislike the system.
Bash the launch titles yeah, even bash Microsoft and Gates for what they represent but the biggest complains i've seen so far are:
1. It consumes 150 watts of power OMG
Well the average computer user is using between 200-300 watts, sometimes more. Anyone expect the PS3 to be any different?
2. Its not HD-DVD OMG!
Lets face the facts. As much as Sony and MS want to push HD, the day when the average consumer will have an HDTV in his house (especially the US) is still years away. By the time that happens, it will be time for a new game system to roll out.
And people whining that the DVD is not enough space to hold games...remember, very few games for Xbox 1 or PS2 ever went beyond DVD-5. Only the crown jewel Final Fantasy X used a dual layer disc, and that was used for cinemas.
There is plenty of space of data that a game requires, however devs are whiny because they want pre-rendered cinemas which are overdone anyway
3. It scratches discs, OMG!
Only if you tilt the system sideways while in the middle of playing. And seriously, who ever does that to begin with? I don't do it to my DVD player so why would I with a game system?
End of rant.