Lost Planet -- Capcom - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Silver Customer

"Lost Planet -- Capcom" , posted Mon 12 Dec 02:14post reply

Well what do you know, an actual game on Xbox360?

Anyway, this doesn't look particularly interesting on a conceptual level, and the lead character alone isn't going to have Japan knocking down doors for an Xbox, but it looks like the first solid 3rd-party Japanese built-from-the-ground-up next-gen game for the 360, so that's something. Plus, Byung Hun Lee. What else do you need?



(And [Enchant arM] doesn't count...because I say so.)


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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Lost Planet -- Capcom" , posted Mon 12 Dec 09:53post reply

This is amazing. I've never seen a game capture the "piece of crap special effects bad acting Hollywood sci fi blowout movie" feel so well. I wish I could care, but at the very least, I'm impressed.

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):Lost Planet -- Capcom" , posted Mon 12 Dec 10:25post reply

It really was pretty funny how straight-forward and formulaic the entire way they presented anything about the game was.

Still, I feel like I could stand to have that fill up my screen if I was dumb enough to have a 360. This is what "next gen" amounts to at the moment, really.

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Lost Planet -- Capcom" , posted Mon 12 Dec 10:27post reply

Wow, Capcom can put out some really nice Mech simulators. Why is there such a void on the market for those things?

I want something like steel batallion for my PC really, something extremely complicated and realistic, with great graphics =) The Mechwarrior series is pretty much destroyed by Microsoft =(

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