Capcom Illust.. Early Days Book/SF Anime Book - Forums

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"Capcom Illust.. Early Days Book/SF Anime Book" , posted Mon 12 Dec 12:03:post reply


Just wanted to know if this book has the same material as Capcom Illustrations did?

I have the original CI (that's way out of print mint) and I saw on ebay it's going for over 150 dollars...

I also wanted to know is the "This is animaton" Street Fighter Anime Book still in print? (It has Cammy on the Cover)


[this message was edited by sushi_bunny on Mon 12 Dec 12:04]


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"Re(1):Capcom Illust.. Early Days Book/SF Anim" , posted Mon 12 Dec 14:35:post reply

I have both Capcom Illustrations and Capcom Design Works Early Days. They are very similar in content... very similar. CDW seems to have a bit more exclusive stuff compared to CI. For instance... Strider, Ghosts & Goblins, Cyberbots, Trojan and some other classic arcade games have additional pieces added to CDW, while Breath of Fire and Mega Man X illustrations were added as well.

There are some new illustrations added to the first set of pages on CDW, like a Shinkiro illustration of Forgotten Worlds and a Kinu Nishimura picture featuring red-haired SF1 Ryu, Chun-Li and Mega Man. Also, CI does have a few illustrations that are bigger in size compared to CDW, since the layout of CDW seems to be a bit more compact in terms of having more artworks on one page.

CI's exclusive content is scant, but it does have a few Alien Vs. Predator and Cadillacs Vs. Dinosaurs artworks. It may be due to licensing that these didn't make the newer CDW, although they were able to use some artworks based on Marvel games, like Marvel Super Heroes or The Punisher.

I didn't know CI was fetching 150 bones on eBay. Not selling mine, but it's a bit shocking to hear that. But quite honestly, if you have either CDW or CI... either one would be sufficient to have.

And no, I don't think the SF The Animated Movie book is in print anymore. I'd be surprised if it was.

[this message was edited by EddyT on Mon 12 Dec 14:40]

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"Arigato Eddy!" , posted Tue 13 Dec 12:46post reply


Thanks for the 411 about the book.. I am thinking of going to my nearby Kinokuniya to get it next year.

I have this compulsive feeling not to sell the CI book because for some reason I feel it's like gonna be the next Superman #1 from way back or something ... or a family heirloom. I can't do it..

And it's also too authentic unlike all of those Taiwan knockoffs of it.

Yeah, I didn't even see the SF Artbook of the Movie on Ebay.. is it really worth anything?


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"Re(1):Arigato Eddy!" , posted Tue 13 Dec 15:47post reply

I don't know if that SF Anime book is worth anything as of now... but it's nice, and it's a great study if you're into behind-the-scenes production stuff. A must for any SF fan. I love browsing through it every once in a while.

I think that "This Is Animation" book is a book I haven't heard of before... I initially thought you were talking about the SF Animation Complete Works book. It did have Cammy on the cover as well, so I guessed that was it.

Yeah, get the CDW book if you can. It's nicely designed and is a great back-up to your CI, if you want to keep it mint.