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Maou 739th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "RIP" , posted Thu 15 Dec 12:16
Argh, not that surprising given their nonexistent means of support lately, but this makes me sad. Not that many cafe members play that many RPG's I guess, but still, what a drag. Now that people outside of Japan have access to many translated games, it's not as huge a hit for English-speaking audiences I suppose, but back during 16- and early 32-bit eras, Working Designs were the reason English speakers got to play countless wonderful RPG's outside of Square's lineup.
When I bought Lunar~Eternal Blue on SegaCD in English in high school, it was the first RPG I ever owned, and it's still my favorite. Theirs were for a long time (and arguably, still are) the best translations in the business as far as capturing the emotive spirit of the original texts they translated, which meant both good translation and straight-up good writing in English, too. Plus, I have a soft spot for the company that was so in touch with its fans in a way that the US branch of a Japanese company can never be. RIP, WD.