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Iggy 7470th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Christmas random news" , posted Tue 13 Dec 23:50
Kutaragi :
,! \ ,!\ ! \ I'm not a Sony employee. i \ l \,,..__ I'm just a piece of the Playstation World. ,i′ ,\___,,--―l \::゙'冖ーi、、 i :;\::::::::::..l `'‐、、 /__,..;:r---―-、,..__. ,;'il:;} .;:::`L__ ,.:f''""゙゙゙´ 、 ̄ヽ,// ...::::::l;;;:;;:::: _/ ...... 、 \//、 ::::::::リ;;:::::::::.... // ......:;::::::::::::. ヽ、\ ゙ヽ ヘ ● ....:::::::::i';;;;:::::::::::: ;;/ ::::::::::::;;;;;ノ ̄\:: 〉 〉゙'、 `ヽ_ノ ......:::::::.;;;:ノ:;;;::::::::::::: / ..::::、__;;ノ;;;`ヽ_/: / /⌒)メ、_ノ/ .....:::::;;;/;;;:::::;;::::::::: ..:::イ;;.ヽ::;;;;;;;;;(__ノ /'"..:::::::::::::/ ...............:::::::::::;;;,;ノ;;:::::::::::::::: :::::::l;;;;;;;;;\;;;;;;;,.(__ノ;.;:.\:::::::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::;;;;;/;::::::::::::::::: ::::::::,!::;;;;;;;;;;:.`゙'-、、 ::: \_/::::::::::;;;___,.;-―''":::::::::::::::::::::::: ..::::::::::,!;;;;;:;;;;;:::;;;;;:::;;;;;;`゙ ̄'''冖''―--―'";;;;;;;;;:::::::::::::::::::::::::
Have I already said that I loved this insane man ? Also, Mario Kart clone on cell phone by Sony.
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Iggy 7486th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Christmas random news" , posted Sun 25 Dec 21:06:
quote: I hope you're not implying that this game falls into the category of all those awful 2D games... but which ones would those be, anyway? I haven't been keeping up...
I would say... Battle Colloseum, Ken Samu (which is not exactly awful, but a huge disappointment after SS0 and Supisupe), GGXX/ and Melty Blood AC.
Hokuto no Ken may have a good balance, but.... frankly... I'm not sure it's even relevant anymore.
The fact the instant kill can be comboed after even a small kick or a throw is insane. Oh, and even the computer often does it. I guess the concept behind the game is that only the players able to survive to a real post apocalyptic world should be allowed to insert a 100 yen coin in it.
Beside, the team behind the game has absolutely no interest for the original manga, which is NOT a good thing when you plan to sell a game on its name alone. Maybe some western fans like it just because it's Ken and they're happy with it, but if they don't see what is wrong to put a Hokuto game with the GG engine, then I guess I have nothing to say. Or if the original moves of the characters don't have anything to do with what they did in the manga. Or if stupid moves names like "Grape Shoot" or "Punishing Strike" don't match the Hokuto no Ken universe (but I guess the developpers thought that making the name of the move appear in huge letters in the background was enough to make it look cool). Or if some voices don't have anything to do with what they said in the manga. Or even when they say it, it sounds wrong (or maybe Mamiya and Heartsama also were Raô's 強敵(とも), who knows). Or if the Hyakuretsuken includes a bunch of kicks and a ends up with a kick.
The developpers don't care about the manga at all. Their game sucks.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Sun 25 Dec 21:10] |
Spoon 1251th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):Christmas random news" , posted Mon 26 Dec 15:37
quote: Hokuto no Ken may have a good balance, but.... frankly... I'm not sure it's even relevant anymore.
The fact the instant kill can be comboed after even a small kick or a throw is insane.
One thing to note is that at the moment, only two characters have been seen to be able to combo into instant kill off of some kind of throw, and those are Shin with his command throw, and possibly Toki off a throw against a cornered opponent. Shin's command throw is one of, if not wholly, his selling points. But then, you see Rei do a combo that takes off four stars, or Heart do his super and take off half your health, and you realize that there's a lot of abusable stuff in the game.
Nevertheless, this is old as hell. It was in the first batch of videos released, and the Ken player in the vid sucked. People screamed WTF! then, but after seeing Shin and Rei die numerous, uncountable times by DAMAGE (not instant kill) to Toki, we got over it.
quote: complaints that are not without merit
After the Hokuto no Ken OAV, all expectations are so low that the prospect of a decent and NEW fighting game that simultaneously happens to have HnK content is overwhelming. Yes, there's a bunch of stuff that the fanboy in me wants to cry, "UNFORGIVABLE!" over, but eventually the urges subside.
Red Falcon 5623th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Christmas random news" , posted Tue 27 Dec 03:46:
quote: The fact the instant kill can be comboed after even a small kick or a throw is insane. Oh, and even the computer often does it. I guess the concept behind the game is that only the players able to survive to a real post apocalyptic world should be allowed to insert a 100 yen coin in it.
The game is fun, and people seem to like it, and not just (gasp) WESTERN fans, who we all know are inferior. I for one like it and I'm glad I got it. Fatal KOs are comboable, but you have to empty their star gauge first so it's not exactly as abusable as you seem to imply. In real matches, you hardly ever see Fatal KO's with the exception of Shin's, whose... is actually kind of abusable. Sure, most of the moves are made up for the game, but it makes it an actually GOOD, FUN fighter... as opposed to every other Hokuto fighter ever made (and heck, most Hokuto games... seems it's been cursed with suckiness until this and the punching game)
Iggy = the Fox News of gaming info.
Edit: Arcadia tier list is already out. Heart = low, boo hoo.. Jagi = mid, YES. Of course they're flexible as time goes on, and I'm using Heart-sama anyway. And besides, tiers are stupid and shouldn't dictate how people play.
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 27 Dec 03:54] |
Red Falcon 5624th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Christmas random news" , posted Tue 27 Dec 04:03:
quote: I think Iggy is being needlessly negative about it (and its makers)...
Like I said, Iggy is the Fox News of gaming info. Don't get me wrong Iggy, you're a nice guy, but you regularly only report info that supports only the opinions you have/want others to have on a game. Normally I don't care, but I'm admittedly very enthusiastic about this fighter, as I've been waiting for 10 years or more for an actually enjoyable Hokuto fighting game. As somebody who has become sort of a "news mogul" on this site, you should strive for more impartiality.
Edit: Tier list. Forgot, Souther is high. Well, that's pretty nice. I guess things have changed since the first couple of tourneys though, where Shin was owning and Ken was creamed every time. http://www.shoryuken.com/forums/showthread.php?t=105515
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 27 Dec 04:05] |
Iggy 7489th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Christmas random news" , posted Tue 27 Dec 04:55
quote: you regularly only report info that supports only the opinions you have/want others to have on a game.
Of course that's what I do. I'm not interested enough in what others think to smoothen my pre-made opinions.
quote: As somebody who has become sort of a "news mogul" on this site, you should strive for more impartiality.
Hum... I don't like that "news mogul" thing (if only because I do nothing but translating Namae no nai Heya, random posts from blogs or 2ch, or just writing down things the Hagué discovers all by himself, and it's not like if those things were hard to do nor took more than a few minutes a day/week).
I'm only half joking when I say this board is my blog. I really have a terrible, terrible memory (the few people around here who know me can tell interesting anecdotes about the blackhole that lies between my two hears). So most of the things I post around here (especially those in the random news threads) are just things for me not to forget. Which means I don't care for what most people think about what I post here (I mean, even less then what they think about what I post elsewhere) or if the informations I post can interest anybody beside myself. This is really a glorified notepad, except that when I write something here I have bonus boobs to welcome me while I discover what I wrote the night before.
When I posted on the frontpage of IC, and if the Professor is desper... nice enough to ask me to post on the MMC frontpage, I was/will be adressing to people, the faceless readers of the site, and I will change my style accordingly. As odd as it seems, I still have trouble imagining any real person reads this BBS. I sometimes wonder if all the posters here are not just different personalities that write on the board while the Iggy and Guillaume personae are asleep.
At least the therapy managed to get us rid of the HazZan personality.
As for Hokuto no Ken, I just hate it because it's an awful tribute to the original manga. I can't see it as a fighting game but a licensed game. And as a licensed game, it's terrible. I thought they could do something near the level of Jojo, but instead we just had another franchise forced into a game that has nothing to do with the original product like we used to have 10 years ago. But at least those used contemporary franchises to cash on their fame. I don't see the point to take an old franchise like this one if you don't like it in the first place.
Red Falcon 5626th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(8):Christmas random news" , posted Tue 27 Dec 05:13:
quote: I don't like that "news mogul" thing (if only because I do nothing but translating Namae no nai Heya, random posts from blogs or 2ch, or just writing down things the Hagué discovers all by himself, and it's not like if those things were hard to do nor took more than a few minutes a day/week).
Whether you like it or not, I think it's kind of become true (especially for people who wish they could eat out of your hand, like... neoshingoblahblahblah) I guess I can see what you say about it compared to the manga; it really isn't like it at all, but I kind of viewed it more in the context of the anime (Bart and Rin are their anime-colours, and blood turns white in certain fatal KOs) and I kind of wish Mamiya wasn't in it (Hokuto was always supposed to be a sort of a sausage-fest).Tetsuo Hara did all the character art, so he's probably okay with it, no? I'll just think of it as another "alternate universe".. hell, otherwise none of these people would be alive.
edit: very bad writing. I'm depressed and tired, I should go back to sleep.
Best site EVER:Link Here
[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 27 Dec 05:14] |
Stifu 318th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(9):Christmas random news" , posted Tue 27 Dec 06:04
I think the game looks great... Also, I can't see how Iggy can tell the makers don't like the manga. Anyway, there are many people behind the game, obviously, and I think it's a bit stupid to take them as a mass... Obviously, the whole team is made of individuals, and they most likely don't all share the same point of view.
By the way, I can't see a problem with having an engine that's like the Guilty one for this game. I'm not into Guilty Gear at all though (not that I don't like it, I just never really tried it), but from what I gathered, it has a fast combo engine... I read GG is more into air battles than Hokuto no Ken, but that apart from that, they were quite similar. So what's the problem ? The fact it's so fast and so heavily combo-based ? That's the only answer I could think of, but feel free to enlighten me.
In the HnK manga, there are several scenes where fights are supposed to be light speed... Like when Toki and Raoh fight and got their foot impaled together, they don't look like they're moving at all, but Rei states that they're fighting so fast you can't see anything, or something like that... I'm just saying that to say such a game engine seems appropriate enough to me, not miles away from the spirit of the manga.
Iggy 7491th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(9):Christmas random news" , posted Tue 27 Dec 18:15:
Red Falcon : people who wish they could eat in my hands can burn in hell, as far as I'm concerned. And post-christmas depression is bad, please recover soon. You should have done like me, have a relative like a cherished aunt dying the 24th, so you're depressed during the whole holidays and become used to it.
quote: You're asking for the impossible, and we both know it.
Oh no. I wasn't talking about the general quality, I'm indeed aware that Capcom put more money in Jojo than Sega in Hokuto no Ken, but about the global adaptation. I mean, the Jojo game, for a fan of the manga is absolutely fantastic. Absolutely each and every move manages to stay in-character, even the way they run, the way they dodge, or the way they do crouching light punches (which they obviously don't in the manga). The game is saturated with ideas to adapt the maximum of sequences, and I still can't help smiling when I see Hol Horse's medium attack when he uses his brick. When they had to draw Mariah or Alessy running, they looked into the manga to see exactly how they did it and render it the best way possible. And Dio's back dash animation.... Oh god, Dio's back dash.
You see what I mean ? When you play Hokuto no Ken, well... it's just HnK characters moving and fighting like any characters from any other fighting game, with at most 2 or 3 signature moves. You don't need money to be creative with something you like. And you don't need money to make Ken NOT kick during his hyakuretsuken.
I think I'm going to play a little of Jojo now.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Tue 27 Dec 18:17] |
Professor 2267th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "NeoGeo Ver. / Christmas random news" , posted Thu 29 Dec 01:46:
Merry Xmas'!
Anyways, here's a few short Q&A's from someone who actually took the SNK Playmore Shuttle bus to attended the NewGeo New years bash in Tokyo... which didn't go as well as it was planned since the heavy snow forced the bus to take a U-turn back to Osaka. Falcoon and some of the staffs decided to take a Shinkansen/Bullet Train ride to Tokyo, while the fans were given a free viewing of all the KOF short anime episodes at SNK Headquarters.
Anyway, there was a Q & A session with Falcoon during the early period of the bus ride. Here goes a rough translation of the core questions.
URL of report is: http://www.geocities.jp/mozkof2004/repo/kofbounen2005.html
Q: Is KOFXII in development? A: It's just begun.
Q: Are [you] doing artworks for Card Figthers DS, and how far is the game in development? A: [I'm] doing some. Development's at 2% (laughs)
Q: Are there plans to release a soundtrack for the [KOF's] short anime? A: We didn't do the music. It's done by the person that did Gran Turismo, so we don't know.
Q: What about a sequel for Garou MOW? A: It was about 70% done back in the old SNK, but whether it'll be released is undecided.
Q: Will NBC2 come out? A: It's undecided. It will depend on NBC's sales for the PS2, so please buy it (laughs
Q: [I've] heard that Rock can't come out in KOF? A: Terry is in his MOW costume, so we have plans to use him as well.
Q: Will Ash's flames be red in KOFXII? Will Iori still come out? A: For Ash, it's undecided. Iori is undecided too, but he needs to come out since he's a popular character.
Q: [I've] heard that Rugal has a young brother, but will he ever come out? A: He has a young brother. Whether he'll ever appear is undecided.
Q: Will characters from KOF Kyo ever be used again? A: That's undecided.
Q: Will KOF98 be released as an online collection? A: We have plans of releasing it like 94RE. We also have something in mind for 2002.
Q: Will there be a male version of Days of Memories (KOF cell phone dating sim)? A: Yes. Please look forward.
[edit] On a side note, personally I'm having fun with Hokuto no Ken/Fist of the North star. I think all the characters can use their instant death in a combo (not sure about Mr.Heart). But fortunately, many arcades keep that in consideration and set their machines to 3 points.
[this message was edited by Professor on Thu 29 Dec 02:42] |
Pollyanna 1580th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(3):NeoGeo Ver. / Christmas random news" , posted Thu 29 Dec 05:57
quote: Somebody punch some more answers out of Falcoon, pronto!
This is a great day for famous quotes. But...but... Damn it! I made fun of Neowave, too, but after playing the PS2 version, I've changed my song. It's like 2002 only better in every way. Actually, it's the only KOF I'll play anymore. I wish they'd make a Neowave 2 with like, 12 more characters and (assuming they don't totally break the decent balance) it would be the "beat all" of the "old style" KOF games.
But still, regardless of how much I like Neowave, your point remains. I'm not a big MOTW fan, but I'll take a sequel, sure.
Shingo The One 670th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "NeoGeo/ Christmas random news" , posted Thu 29 Dec 15:24
quote: Merry Xmas'!
Anyways, here's a few short Q&A's from someone who actually took the SNK Playmore Shuttle bus to attended the NewGeo New years bash in Tokyo... which didn't go as well as it was planned since the heavy snow forced the bus to take a U-turn back to Osaka. Falcoon and some of the staffs decided to take a Shinkansen/Bullet Train ride to Tokyo, while the fans were given a free viewing of all the KOF short anime episodes at SNK Headquarters.
Anyway, there was a Q & A session with Falcoon during the early period of the bus ride. Here goes a rough translation of the core questions.
URL of report is: http://www.geocities.jp/mozkof2004/repo/kofbounen2005.html
Q: Is KOFXII in development? A: It's just begun.
Q: Are [you] doing artworks for Card Figthers DS, and how far is the game in development? A: [I'm] doing some. Development's at 2% (laughs)
Q: Are there plans to release a soundtrack for the [KOF's] short anime? A: We didn't do the music. It's done by the person that did Gran Turismo, so we don't know.
Q: What about a sequel for Garou MOW? A: It was about 70% done back in the old SNK, but whether it'll be released is undecided.
Q: Will NBC2 come out? A: It's undecided. It will depend on NBC's sales for the PS2, so please buy it (laughs
Q: [I've] heard that Rock can't come out in KOF? A: Terry is in his MOW costume, so we have plans to use him as well.
Q: Will Ash's flames be red in KOFXII? Will Iori still come out? A: For Ash, it's undecided. Iori is undecided too, but he needs to come out since he's a popular character.
Q: [I've] heard that Rugal has a young brother, but will he ever come out? A: He has a young brother. Whether he'll ever appear is undecided.
Q: Will characters from KOF Kyo ever be used again? A: That's undecided.
Q: Will KOF98 be released as an online collection? A: We have plans of releasing it like 94RE. We also have something in mind for 2002.
Q: Will there be a male version of Days of Memories (KOF cell phone dating sim)? A: Yes. Please look forward.
Hey Professor, how are you? I hope that you had a very happy Xmas and you're having a good time. Thank you so very much for the event info, I so was looking forward to that. So I see that KOFXI has gone so very well that The King Of Fighters XII has already begun, and I deduce that Rock Howard(I predicted he would be in XI) has been all but confirmed for the new KOF, that the "protagonist" of the Tales of Ash will be more powerful flames-wise, that SNK Playmore is more stronger and more busier than ever, and that Iori will be back, flames or not. In fact, it would be total suicide to not feature, not even once, a icon such as him. To prove it, here's a personal comparison of mine to show just that: Past Coming People - Akatsuki Kusanagi Kyo - Uzumaki Naruto Yagami Iori - UCHIHA SASUKE!!! To sum it up, I compared the mysterious organization of the new KOF with the mysterious organization of Naruto, and then I compared its' two stars, and as you see, the similarity between the greatest 2D/3D fighting game series ever and the greatest manga/anime franchise EVER is striking, isn't it? And now, the latest Japan PS2 game sale chart is already out(check out The Magic Box for the report), but there's satisfaction on my part: Naruto:Narutimate Hero 3(for me, THE Game of the Year) landed in No.4 with 216,966; this means the Narutimate Hero series has reached in the land of the rising sun the 1,000,000 mark. Well, this year has gone very well for me, a whole lot better than recent times, and I hope that 2006 will offer good things and more. See ya.
Iggy 7494th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):NeoGeo Ver. / Christmas random news" , posted Fri 30 Dec 06:16
quote: Hum, I had the feeling it never bothered gay geeks to play a girl in GS2.
Hey ! It was just for fun, I never...
Hum.... yeah, whatever.
I'll soon stop posting on the board until my new appartment is given by the Lord the divine gifts of an internet connection, and telephone, and water, and a roof. So, well, either way, for the few days I have left, I won't create a new random news thread.
Front Mission 5 bug and how to avoid it Are these kind of bugs more frequent than they used to be, or is it just that the developers talk more freely about it ?
Also, more importantly : CALIBUR 3 arcade version being developed. Well, everybody knew they would do one sooner or later, but still. Good, good. The game was shown at a Namco Private show, and may be released next spring.
Arngrim 47th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(5):NeoGeo Ver. / Christmas random news" , posted Sat 31 Dec 00:15
quote: Hold on your horses, pardner. If you controlled a boy in the original Days of Memories, in this one you will controll a girl. It's just the oposite, like in Tokimemo Girl's Side.
Hum, I had the feeling it never bothered gay geeks to play a girl in GS2.
Of course not, but you can't call it "official yaoi game" because of that.
I know, I know, I was just kidding, but anyway, I wouldn't be very surprised if you controled a man in DoM2, seeing the lasts advances is the KOF characters traits... ^^U
It's clear it will have a female main character, but, as said above, anybody can enjoy romantic dating with their favourite KOF guy disregard if they're men or female (even though, I don't think Ash does a good match with any woman, anyway).
...and I want Oswald, Chang, Choi and Bao in DoM2!!! (diversity FTW!!! xD)
-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-