Guess the game, riddle version. - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 02:57post reply

Tired of lurking without knowing what to post for weeks, I decided I'd bring back this good ol' game... You know the rules: when you guess the game you say your own.
(But who cares, they end up piled up anyway...)
This time, tho', I'll add this little twist: You not need to refer to the game in general, but may point out sth specific about it (the main character, this stage, that song, that special cameo that appears in stage 2... whatever), so even classic games might become harder to guess... And you have to write riddles, in the classic way, like this one:

As long as I have my scythe
On me you can certainly bet.
You could say I win at life...
Even if I'm already dead!

Or this one:

German witches be in me name,
I mixed Doom and RPG,
You are the one to blame
if with this you can't guess me!

And this is how Sensenic starts breaking the rules from the beginning! ^_^;

Note: I'll point out that the riddles don't need to rhyme or to have 4 verses, whatsoever...

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula


Time Mage
2288th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 05:30post reply

As long as I have my scythe
On me you can certainly bet.
You could say I win at life...
Even if I'm already dead!

Testament, from the Guilty Gear series?

466th Post

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"Re(1):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 05:32post reply


As long as I have my scythe
On me you can certainly bet.
You could say I win at life...
Even if I'm already dead!

Grim Fandango?

Maese Spt
106th Post

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"Re(1):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 06:09post reply

Uh oh, another spaniard ghetto is on the works...!

Bah, I´ll make a guess and say "Wolfenstein" for the second one (I know I poorly missed, though)

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1555th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 06:32post reply

I wouldn't know, because I haven't actually played it, but I'm going to guess the second in "Hexen" all the same.

1410th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 07:12post reply

Testament, from the Guilty Gear series?

Nope, but certainly would fit too. But...
Grim Fandango?

This one fits more. I wanted to stress the thing about Manny Calavera being a winner (just look at the year 1-year2 and the 2-3 intermissions), the casino he owns during year 2 ("on me you can bet"), and, of course, the scythe, which he keeps "where he used to have his heart"
Uh oh, another spaniard ghetto is on the works...!

Hope not... At least Polly replied in this one n_n

Bah, I´ll make a guess and say "Wolfenstein" for the second one (I know I poorly missed, though)

I wouldn't know, because I haven't actually played it, but I'm going to guess the second in "Hexen" all the same.

Yup. I haven't played it that much (only the shareware demo), but I thought the 2 first clues would be enough.
"Hexen" means "witches" in German, AFAIK.
And it did add RPG elements to a Doom-like game.

Your turn.

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

Undead Fred
2588th Post

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"Re(4):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 19:11:post reply

It's a strange world
in which I dwell.
Chased by hawks, quarterbacks,
and bike punks as well.

Their numbers are strong,
but my feet are faster
with shuriken and sword
I will seek out their master.

Don't know if there's a limit on lines and I suck at poetry, but there's my entry.

EDIT: Slight wording change.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Thu 15 Dec 19:14]

467th Post

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"Re(5):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 19:55post reply

It's a strange world
in which I dwell.
Chased by hawks, quarterbacks,
and bike punks as well.

Their numbers are strong,
but my feet are faster
with shuriken and sword
I will seek out their master.

Don't know if there's a limit on lines and I suck at poetry, but there's my entry.

EDIT: Slight wording change.

NES Ninja Gaiden

16th Post

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"Re(6):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 15 Dec 22:59post reply

Shadow Dancer?

just improving my english...

Maese Spt
108th Post

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"I´m hooked into this crap!" , posted Fri 16 Dec 02:10post reply

Heck, I´ve not tried to write poetry in english before, but videogame riddles are a silly enough theme to get me inspired, so there it goes. Actually, I suppose you have to guess right the prior riddle to gain the right to write your own one (this is a game after all), but anyway... I just can´t resist...


A maiden is kept in a castle of gloom
Her ethereal visage as pale as the moon.
Two hopeless warriors cross endless corridors
Hands-holded they flee, as shadows arose.


In search for a princess crowned by curls of gold
A heroic rider furrows plains back and forth;
Her curls are as golden as that power of gods
Wich an evil fiend lusts for with his army unfold.



Destiny´s wheel has begun to turn again
Thus the flames of the war will atone history´s sin.
The anger cries of the people reach even heavens
Now it´s time for the chosens to follow their omens.
A hundred of souls will gater at last
To drive the scarlet moon forward to its dusk.



Transcending the times, one sword lusts for souls
And now is the azure knight who resumes its vows.
From Far East to the New World, brave fencers hunt down
This cursed old edge whose destiny remains unknown.

Man, verily did I screwed the metrics... Oh, well, I guess that´s not the only thing screwed up in these poems, so why bother. At least, it´s terribly funny to compose this crap! I´m hooked!

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

Undead Fred
2589th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Fri 16 Dec 03:47:post reply

NES Ninja Gaiden

Heh heh. Yeah, figured it'd be easy.

EDIT: Oh yeah, Maese's riddles: number 1 is Ico, and number 4 is Soul Blade.

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Fri 16 Dec 03:53]

Time Mage
2289th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):I´m hooked into this crap!" , posted Fri 16 Dec 05:13post reply


In search for a princess crowned by curls of gold
A heroic rider furrows plains back and forth;
Her curls are as golden as that power of gods
Wich an evil fiend lusts for with his army unfold.

The Legend of Zelda, I suppose.

1412th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):I´m hooked into this crap!" , posted Fri 16 Dec 05:41post reply


In search for a princess crowned by curls of gold
A heroic rider furrows plains back and forth;
Her curls are as golden as that power of gods
Wich an evil fiend lusts for with his army unfold.

The Legend of Zelda, I suppose.

Oh, which reminds me... Since this is "guess the game" when refering to a saga, try to specify the game you're referring to, with some hint or whatever. As in:

From NES to Game Boy Advance
that's how big is my reach.
In a world filled with dancing plants,
starts this quest for Princess Peach.

(And I tried to guess Maese's number III, but no can think of anything now... u_u)

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

Listen to them - the children of the night. What music they make! Dracula

Maese Spt
111th Post

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"bump" , posted Tue 20 Dec 05:51post reply

I liked the guessing game, so I bump the thread.

Time Mage and Undead Fred guessed right. Oh, well, being too picky, only the Ico one is truly correct, since on the other two riddles were clues to guess that I was referring to Ocarina of Time and Soul Calibur I, but, heh.

And as for my riddle #III goes, hmm, I´ll give you a hint: let´s say it could be entitled "Stars of Destiny". And the "scarlet moon" reference is a clue too.

Oh, and I´m guessing Sensenic´s last riddle is, hmmm.... maybe Super Mario bros 3?

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

561th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):bump" , posted Tue 20 Dec 10:18post reply

Pretty cool poems, Maese. Unfortunately they are too easy (well at least for the one who bears with you and your mad topics almost every day). But do not worry, children of Bosnia, 'cause I won't spoil the fun...keep guessing bitches!!!!

Tip for Ikari: It's a Konami game LOL!!!

Variable Savior
325th Post

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"Re(2):bump" , posted Tue 20 Dec 11:06:post reply

And as for my riddle #III goes, hmm, I´ll give you a hint: let´s say it could be entitled "Stars of Destiny". And the "scarlet moon" reference is a clue too.

Hmmm... I'd say one of the Suikoden games. Let's just go with #1

Here's one - little more than doggerel but hey, I'm hardly a poet

Not every race involves a track
This contest's won as corpses stack
The prize you seek you may wish back
Within this world all colors lack

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Tue 20 Dec 11:48]

562th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):bump" , posted Tue 20 Dec 20:06post reply


Not every race involves a track
This contest's won as corpses stack
The prize you seek you may wish back
Within this world all colors lack

Well, it's clearly Sega Genesis' "Toe Jam & Earl 2 : Panic on Funkotron"....

Variable Savior
325th Post

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"Funky" , posted Wed 21 Dec 11:10post reply


Well, it's clearly Sega Genesis' "Toe Jam & Earl 2 : Panic on Funkotron"....

Who knew? I'd have expected a poem about T&E to have contained a line ending in "wack"...

Blood marks heaven's path

Maese Spt
112th Post

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"Re(3):bump" , posted Wed 21 Dec 17:38post reply


Hmmm... I'd say one of the Suikoden games. Let's just go with #1

Bingo! Scarlet Moon is the name of the empire you have to overthrow in GenSui I. How do I love that game...

But do not worry, children of Bosnia, 'cause I won't spoil the fun...

Wrong forum, moron, gbt/b. But maybe you should compose a Silk Road riddle first, lol!

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1416th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Funky" , posted Wed 21 Dec 20:54post reply


Oh, and I´m guessing Sensenic´s last riddle is, hmmm.... maybe Super Mario bros 3?

No way on Earth you could guess that so quick! You cheated!

Nice poems you did there, BTW. :)
Well, it's clearly Sega Genesis' "Toe Jam & Earl 2 : Panic on Funkotron"....

Who knew? I'd have expected a poem about T&E to have contained a line ending in "wack"...

But does this mean he got it? Or not?

Anyway I'll just throw another one:

You can tune them, but they are not from Juiced...
You can make them happy, but they are not from Nintendogs...
You must hide from them, but they are not from Splinter Cell...

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

Variable Savior
326th Post

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"Re(2):Funky" , posted Thu 22 Dec 07:51post reply


But does this mean he got it? Or not?

No, it's not T & E. I assumed he was joking with Funkotron so I just thought I'd play along.

Blood marks heaven's path

426th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):bump" , posted Thu 22 Dec 16:21post reply

Not every race involves a track
This contest's won as corpses stack
The prize you seek you may wish back
Within this world all colors lack

Twisted Metal Black?

Your reasons I don't understand!
I just beat the evil at hand!
Combining your might
you still want to fight?
I guess I should give you a hand.

Variable Savior
327th Post

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"Re(4):bump" , posted Fri 23 Dec 07:49post reply

Not every race involves a track
This contest's won as corpses stack
The prize you seek you may wish back
Within this world all colors lack

Twisted Metal Black?

You are correct, sir

Blood marks heaven's path

563th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):bump" , posted Sat 24 Dec 06:09post reply


Your reasons I don't understand!
I just beat the evil at hand!
Combining your might
you still want to fight?
I guess I should give you a hand.

This is a tricky one... I'd be either for PsOne's "Rival Schools" or Mega Cd's "Power Rangers: The Movie"

Maese Spt
117th Post

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"Re(5):bump" , posted Tue 27 Dec 07:19post reply


Your reasons I don't understand!
I just beat the evil at hand!
Combining your might
you still want to fight?
I guess I should give you a hand.

This is a tricky one... I'd be either for PsOne's "Rival Schools" or Mega Cd's "Power Rangers: The Movie"

You dummy... It´s clearly "Pit Fighter".

On a more serious note, here´s another silly riddle for your consideration:

The norse battle maiden
needs brave souls no more.
With her greenish companion
shoots her way up and down.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1905th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):bump" , posted Tue 27 Dec 07:32post reply


The norse battle maiden
needs brave souls no more.
With her greenish companion
shoots her way up and down.

Legend of Valkyrie?

And I'll guess Chrono Trigger for Kaepora's, though it could also just as easily be Double Dragon 3.

Maese Spt
118th Post

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"Re(7):bump" , posted Wed 28 Dec 06:04post reply


Legend of Valkyrie?

You are correct, sir.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1906th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):bump" , posted Wed 28 Dec 06:29post reply

I guess I should do something then

From bees to bones
My grinding tones
Make evil scream;
My heroic theme

Squirt, fly, bounce, run
maybe then you'll see the sun

427th Post

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"Re(5):Guess the Game, Riddle ver." , posted Wed 28 Dec 17:05post reply

Not Rival Schools, Power Rangers, Pit Fighter, nor Chrono Trigger.

Somewhere in the re-writes to fit a rhyming lyrical scheme, I think I managed to change it around to the point that it sounds like a lot of other things (and maybe not necessarily what I was originally trying for). I'll post my original subject if someone asks.

Maese Spt
121th Post

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"Re(6):Guess the Game, Riddle ver." , posted Sat 31 Dec 02:54post reply


I'll post my original subject if someone asks.

Actually, I´d like to know it.

And about Gojira´s riddles... well, I´d want to say Light Crusader for the first and Cyber Speedway for the second one, but the truth is that I have no clue. I´m terrible at guessing things, sorry.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

428th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(7):Guess the Game, Riddle ver." , posted Sat 31 Dec 11:08post reply

I'll post my original subject if someone asks.

Actually, I´d like to know it.

Answer & interpretation:

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The game is Mischeif Makers. Specifically, the final stage/battle.

You had just beat the evil Doctor Monolith guy in the stage before after he confessed that he's been behind the whole kidnapping attempts and trouble. He's also the one that was controlling the Beast Protectors and giving them their orders. By all means, the game implied that beating him was likely to be the end of things.

Instead, you go straight from that battle to a fight against the Beast Warriors. I had assumed that the control over them had been broken or that they saw that you weren't the bad guy afterall. Maybe it's explained better in the Japanese version.

Anyway, the three merge their vehicle/animal machines into the giant Beastector, which you defeat by hitting the robot with it's own Rocket Fist.

End of Spoiler

Like I said, my first attempts were better at being specific (IMO) but didn't feel like proper poetry to me, so I kept rewriting until I came to a compromise that satisfied me. I didn't think it could be anything else because I already knew what it was supposed to be and didn't try to guess my own riddle.

Time Mage
2292th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):bump" , posted Sat 31 Dec 20:39post reply


Squirt, fly, bounce, run
maybe then you'll see the sun

That's Super Mario Sunshine, maybe?

And sorry if I don't post any riddle, but my poetry skillz are next to null.

Maese Spt
124th Post

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"Re(9):bump" , posted Sat 31 Dec 23:38post reply

I kinda feel like saying goodbye to 2005 with the silliest riddle ever. Oh, damn hangover...

From Dunan to Highland I witness the stars galore
I can tell you obscure secrets that no one has known before.
In a great holy kingdom I was born as a knight
though in those foreign nations rather lurk out of sight.
In villages as in palaces women faint at my will
but the one who would tame me yet remains to be seen.

Woah, my poetry skills get worse day by day!

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

567th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):bump" , posted Mon 2 Jan 10:23post reply

I kinda feel like saying goodbye to 2005 with the silliest riddle ever. Oh, damn hangover...

From Dunan to Highland I witness the stars galore
I can tell you obscure secrets that no one has known before.
In a great holy kingdom I was born as a knight
though in those foreign nations rather lurk out of sight.
In villages as in palaces women faint at my will
but the one who would tame me yet remains to be seen.

Woah, my poetry skills get worse day by day!

Is this Sword of Vermillion?

1420th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(10):bump" , posted Mon 2 Jan 22:22:post reply

EDIT: format
All right... So far we have, unguessed:

You can tune them, but they are not from Juiced...
You can make them happy, but they are not from Nintendogs...
You must hide from them, but they are not from Splinter Cell...

From bees to bones
My grinding tones
Make evil scream;
My heroic theme

Guessed somewhat:

Your reasons I don't understand!
I just beat the evil at hand!
Combining your might
you still want to fight?
I guess I should give you a hand.

(Answer already told by Kaepora but in spoiler so you still may guess)

Squirt, fly, bounce, run
maybe then you'll see the sun

(TM guessed Super Mario Sunshine. Unconfirmed)

From Dunan to Highland I witness the stars galore
I can tell you obscure secrets that no one has known before.
In a great holy kingdom I was born as a knight
though in those foreign nations rather lurk out of sight.
In villages as in palaces women faint at my will
but the one who would tame me yet remains to be seen.

(HAYATO guessed Sword of Vermillion but I never know whether he's joking or not, plus I don't know that game either. Unconfirmed anyway)

For this last one, my bet would be.... uh... Knights of Xentar?
\( u_u)/
And sorry if I don't post any riddle, but my poetry skillz are next to null.

No need them. I just said to post riddles and riddles are usually BUT NOT ALWAYS poems or rhymes. Look at my last one.
Not that my poetry skillz are what you could call good either, and I posted them. Just you go ahead and try.

OT PS: To HAYATO, have you seen this one?

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Mon 2 Jan 22:34]

1912th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(10):bump" , posted Tue 3 Jan 07:05:post reply


Squirt, fly, bounce, run
maybe then you'll see the sun

That's Super Mario Sunshine, maybe?

Yeah, that's it.

Since time ran out on the first one, the answer was:

EDIT: LOL, I forgot editing destroys spoilers

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Gitaroo Man

End of Spoiler

And Maese did one of the Suikogaiden games it looks like, the first one I think

No idea on the 3-liner

[this message was edited by Gojira on Wed 4 Jan 05:54]

Maese Spt
125th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):bump" , posted Tue 3 Jan 17:45post reply


And Maese did one of the Suikogaiden games it looks like, the first one I think

You guessed right! Is the first one, "The knight of Harmonia".

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

Time Mage
2293th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):bump" , posted Tue 3 Jan 21:17post reply

OK, here is one, but I decline all responsability in regards to the quality. Read at your own risk:

Slash, pierce, chop
lead your troops
with all your might
but beware, though
because if you mess up
they will pay with their life.

Suckiness to the max!

Maese Spt
128th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):bump" , posted Tue 3 Jan 21:59:post reply


Slash, pierce, chop
lead your troops
with all your might
but beware, though
because if you mess up
they will pay with their life.

It sounds a bit too vague, but it could very well be Dinasty Warriors. Let´s say Dinasty Warriors Xtreme.

So Kong Rong knows there´s a Liu Bei in this world...

(oh, sorry, I couln´t help it, I´m such a feeble-minded person... Anyway, add random Sangokushi love here.)

EDIT: disclaimer

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Tue 3 Jan 22:06]

Variable Savior
329th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):bump" , posted Thu 5 Jan 08:02:post reply


Slash, pierce, chop
lead your troops
with all your might
but beware, though
because if you mess up
they will pay with their life.

Sounds like Fire Emblem to me. Specifically - I dunno. I'll say Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

Blood marks heaven's path

[this message was edited by Variable Savior on Thu 5 Jan 08:03]

429th Post

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"Re(3):Re(10):bump" , posted Thu 5 Jan 11:39post reply

Slash, pierce, chop
lead your troops
with all your might
but beware, though
because if you mess up
they will pay with their life.

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

109th Post

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"Re(1):Guess the game, riddle version." , posted Thu 5 Jan 14:37:post reply

I guess I'll throw one in
sounds like fun actually.

Angry at life
Undenied goals not in sight
Dragged into the fight
for future life in sight.


Made from the maiden
striking fear while slaying
Breathing only pain
For the future deliverance


[this message was edited by catalyst on Thu 5 Jan 14:38]

430th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(4):Re(10):bump" , posted Thu 5 Jan 15:57post reply

Edit: I somehow missed the post right above this one. I fail. Here's a failry game riddle to make up for it:

Despite my job I'm quite nice,
a regular goody-two-shoes.
I might have been in jail once or twice,
but I still have an optimistic view.

I'm usually with my best friend
and a girl that we met on the way.
Though foes try to make my tale end,
We keep making progress each day.

I'm finally living the dream!
Exploring is my one true love.
And if I may run out of steam,
I can always look to the skies above.

1423th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Re(10):bump" , posted Thu 5 Jan 18:53:post reply

All right... No more riddles please... we have a lot accumulating.

So far we have, unguessed:

1) By me:
You can tune them, but they are not from Juiced...
You can make them happy, but they are not from Nintendogs...
You must hide from them, but they are not from Splinter Cell...

2) By catalyst:
Angry at life
Undenied goals not in sight
Dragged into the fight
for future life in sight.

3)By catalyst too:
Made from the maiden
striking fear while slaying
Breathing only pain
For the future deliverance

Guessed, not confirmed:

4) by TM (ya era hora, leñe :p ):
Slash, pierce, chop
lead your troops
with all your might
but beware, though
because if you mess up
they will pay with their life.

- EDIT: Dinasty Warriors Xtreme by Maese Spt
- Fire Emblem: Path of radiance by Variable Savior and kaepora.

5)By kaepora:
Despite my job I'm quite nice,
a regular goody-two-shoes.
I might have been in jail once or twice,
but I still have an optimistic view.

I'm usually with my best friend
and a girl that we met on the way.
Though foes try to make my tale end,
We keep making progress each day.

I'm finally living the dream!
Exploring is my one true love.
And if I may run out of steam,
I can always look to the skies above.

- I'll say... The bouncer? o_O

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Thu 5 Jan 19:05]

Time Mage
2295th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):bump" , posted Thu 5 Jan 19:35post reply

Sounds like Fire Emblem to me. Specifically - I dunno. I'll say Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance.

I's a Fire Emblem, but it's not Path of Radiance, I was thinking in The Blazing Sword (the first that came to the US and Europe).
However, I realized after posting the riddle that the hint I made was too vague (slash, pierce, chop -> Lynn's sword, Eliwood's Rapier, Hector's Axe), so I'll accept the answer.

569th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Re(10):bump" , posted Fri 6 Jan 14:51:post reply

Despite my job I'm quite nice,
a regular goody-two-shoes.
I might have been in jail once or twice,
but I still have an optimistic view.

I'm usually with my best friend
and a girl that we met on the way.
Though foes try to make my tale end,
We keep making progress each day.

I'm finally living the dream!
Exploring is my one true love.
And if I may run out of steam,
I can always look to the skies above.

It's clearly Final Fight. In case it isn't, it'd deserve to be it...


OT PS: To HAYATO, have you seen this one?

Oh, but of course, my dear. I was aware of this one since I began lurking 4chan some months ago...

And now, to celebrate the Three Wise men's coming, let me show you my tribute to those legendary "kings"...

[this message was edited by HAYATO on Fri 6 Jan 14:57]