SexBox360? - Forums

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1073th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"SexBox360?" , posted Fri 16 Dec 01:41post reply

Found this amusing.

and craigslist post if it's working,

Fuu is a cutie!!


3127th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):SexBox360?" , posted Fri 16 Dec 01:57post reply

Found this amusing.

and craigslist post if it's working,

While I'm 100% sure that this was a hoax, in the incredibly unlikely event that it was true, a resonably attractive girl wouldn't even remotely have to go as far as offer free sex in order to get an XBox 360.

3163th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):SexBox360?" , posted Fri 16 Dec 02:20post reply

a resonably attractive girl wouldn't even remotely have to go as far as offer free sex in order to get an XBox 360.

I guess if she were manipulative and found the right chump, but yeah. not exactly free, if you're paying $400, is it?

3130th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):SexBox360?" , posted Fri 16 Dec 02:32:post reply

a resonably attractive girl wouldn't even remotely have to go as far as offer free sex in order to get an XBox 360.

I guess if she were manipulative and found the right chump, but yeah. not exactly free, if you're paying $400, is it?

Well I've seen attractive female CSRs manipulate somewhat desperate looking guys into buying stuff they weren't planning on or getting stupid replacement plans because "it would really help me meet my quota" or some such line along with some puppy dog eyes so I think a nerd could be easily manipulated into giving up an xbox for nothing tangible in return.

[this message was edited by Radish on Fri 16 Dec 02:32]

3164th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):SexBox360?" , posted Fri 16 Dec 02:55post reply

I think a nerd could be easily manipulated into giving up an xbox for nothing tangible in return.

shoot. if it's a female nerd, I'll make HER give ME a 360. heyoooo!

1557th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):SexBox360?" , posted Fri 16 Dec 03:05post reply

a resonably attractive girl wouldn't even remotely have to go as far as offer free sex in order to get an XBox 360.

I know it was a bad idea, but let's not add insult to injury.

pointman 4000
4th Post

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New Customer

"Re(5):SexBox360?" , posted Fri 16 Dec 03:07post reply

Shit, I'd have done that if the 360 had DOAXBV2 or Halo 3 as a launch title.


6936th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Market Techs" , posted Fri 16 Dec 04:42post reply

Microsoft is using this tactic in Japan so people actually buy the 360.

1165th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(1):Market Techs" , posted Fri 16 Dec 06:59post reply

When asked by host Yoshida if he'll be playing with his girlfriend, the customer quietly mumbled and dodged the question. Later on, Moore teased him, saying, "I'd like to tell our lucky winner that he's guaranteed a girlfriend with every Xbox 360."

So Moore meant what he was talking about after all!

The girl must be really desperate for some tetris.

113th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Market Techs" , posted Fri 16 Dec 12:32post reply


The girl must be really desperate for some tetris.

It's all about the L block.