Valkyrie Profile ST - Forums

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Occasional Customer

"Valkyrie Profile ST" , posted Wed 21 Dec 03:00post reply

Does anyone know if someone ever released an y kid of original soundtrack or arrange soundtrack of the first Valkyrie Profile for Playstation?



741th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):Valkyrie Profile ST" , posted Wed 21 Dec 05:33post reply

RPGFan's unrealistically large soundtrack section says: YES.
There's an arrange one in the same section, I do believe.


1902th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Valkyrie Profile ST" , posted Wed 21 Dec 10:21post reply

Yes there is an Valkyrie Profile Arrange soundtrack, I have it and it's very good. Some of Sakuraba's best work, IMHO.

Maese Spt
113th Post

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"Re(3):Valkyrie Profile ST" , posted Wed 21 Dec 17:43post reply

Yes there is an Valkyrie Profile Arrange soundtrack, I have it and it's very good. Some of Sakuraba's best work, IMHO.

I concur. Even though I havenīt play the game that much, I can tell VPīs arrange soundtrack is pure gold. I usually carry the battle theme in my mp3 (along with a crapload of Suikogaiden tracks xD) when I go to work.

You should get that CD no matter what.

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660th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(4):Valkyrie Profile ST" , posted Fri 30 Dec 12:54post reply

Yes there is an Valkyrie Profile Arrange soundtrack, I have it and it's very good. Some of Sakuraba's best work, IMHO.

While I think it is pretty good, I don't have nearly as much attachment to it as say, SO: The Second Story's arranged soundtrack CD. Or rather, I never thought the Valkyrie Profile soundtrack was that great overall (and the SO: The Second Story soundtrack wasn't all that hot, either).

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