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IkariDC 472th Post

Gold Customer
| "Re(4):Question on Yomigaeru Gyakuten" , posted Fri 23 Dec 00:33
quote: It works, but grudgingly. It may be just a coincidence.
Man, the extra case was a disappointment.
Was it? I just started it. On the first trial day yet.
No, it's actually awesome. Of course I never played the Gameboy Advance ones so the entire thing was NEW TO YOU! I can understand being annoyed if you've already played the first four chapter since it wasn't much longer than those.
I finished the game yesterday. Dissapointment? Why? Well this is my first experience with a Gyakuten Saiban game, but no other game had me glued to my DS like this one! And I think that the extra chapter is as good, if not the best, as the other chapters. Maybe you complain about the gimmicky features? Well, having the evidences in 3D is nothing new, it's just like in King's Quest 7, and that was released in 1994. I mean, that those features aren't anything suprising or new, but they work.
Pollyanna 1565th Post

Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

| "Re(4):Question on Yomigaeru Gyakuten" , posted Fri 23 Dec 04:26:
There were gaping holes in the plot, poor emotional resolution, poor/nearly nonsensical motivation from the murderer and an even worse raping of the legal/Gyakuten Saiban system than usual.
It's not just that it was inferior to other GS trials (and certainly to GS2/3 ones), but it was a mess. The characters were charming enough and the art looked fantastic, but the case as a whole was by far the worst in the series. There were some nice moments with Mitsurugi and I enjoyed most of it, but in the end, it fell way short of the GS standard.
I think most of you were having too much fun to notice all the problems. I suppose if a game can accomplish than, then it's succeeded, but I like GS too much and play too many games to tolerate mediocrity.
I'm not saying it stunk, but it fell short of my expectations.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Fri 23 Dec 04:38] |
exodus 3175th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Question on Yomigaeru Gyakuten" , posted Fri 23 Dec 04:46
quote: There were gaping holes in the plot, poor emotional resolution, poor/nearly nonsensical motivation from the murderer and an even worse raping of the legal/Gyakuten Saiban system than usual.
No, I totally agree with you. I felt that way all the way through it. I felt like it was inferior in all the ways you mentioned, and the editing really bugged me. But the science girl, the forensics and the animated bits made me feel better about it, to the point where I was disappointed, but would hesitate to call it 'bad.' I think the nonsensical motivation was a big problem - but it felt like an extended extra, and in that mindset, it was passable. Not good, but not horrid. Didn't ruin the experience for me.
Radish 3133th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Question on Yomigaeru Gyakuten" , posted Fri 23 Dec 21:05
quote: There were gaping holes in the plot, poor emotional resolution, poor/nearly nonsensical motivation from the murderer and an even worse raping of the legal/Gyakuten Saiban system than usual.
No, I totally agree with you. I felt that way all the way through it. I felt like it was inferior in all the ways you mentioned, and the editing really bugged me. But the science girl, the forensics and the animated bits made me feel better about it, to the point where I was disappointed, but would hesitate to call it 'bad.' I think the nonsensical motivation was a big problem - but it felt like an extended extra, and in that mindset, it was passable. Not good, but not horrid. Didn't ruin the experience for me.
Exactly. There were definitely some holes but the rest of the experience brought it back up. Personally I thought the motivation was decent enough considering
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - the super prosecutor from Episode 4 killed two people and tried to have another executed just because one slightly tarnished his perfect record
End of Spoiler
which is kind of out there in itself. I agree that certain rules (like the evidence stuff that was never an issue before) came out of nowhere but eh, I have a hard time holding the judicial system of a series where they'll put a guy in jail, even though he's blatantly innocent but they haven't found anyone else to take the blame THAT seriously. It was fun which I find is more important to the overall game than being rigorously strict to the game's formula. Maybe it's more obvious when you've played them all so I can't judge based on that criteria. However considering that most people outside Japan will probably never see the second and third games, it’s not like many people in the US at least will ever know.
I totally agree that the editing seemed sloppy though. I found a few spelling mistakes that shouldn't have been in there at all.