Your game of the year? - Forums

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9th Post

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"Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 00:25:post reply

I'm going to be terribly pedantic and say Resident Evil 4. Notable mentions include Mario Kart DS, Tekken 5, Animal Crossing:WW and Oppai.


[this message was edited by pointman_4000 on Tue 27 Dec 00:30]


6944th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 00:28post reply

Senko no Ronde, Screw Breaker. But I'm weird.

1477th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 00:42post reply

Bumpy Trot. - My own personal waste of time.

504th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 00:45post reply

Senko no Ronde, Screw Breaker. But I'm weird.

Sonic Rush

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7487th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 01:36post reply

No surprise for me, RomaSaga MS was my game of 2005 long before the end of the year (or even before it was even released).

3108th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 01:43post reply

It was RE4 (GCN) for me as well. Though with the way AC:WW is sucking away my life I almost want to say it was my game of the year.

Mario Kart DS Friend Code:

Time Mage
2290th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 02:12post reply

Resident Evil 4, no doubt about it. A game that was so hyped and still managed to surprise me, not only in the graphics but also in the gameplay, deserves the title.

1075th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 02:19post reply

I'm with Shadow the Colussus for two reasons the huge bosses and great score. Close 2nd would be Tekken 5.

Fuu is a cutie!!

1171th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 02:37post reply

Hollow Ataraxia!

1573th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 04:46post reply

I'd like to hear everyone's greatest disappointments, too.

Anyway, my game of the year is Shadow of the Colossus. No competition. It's the type of game that justifies buying a system, or having continued faith in gaming altogether.

Despite Ouendan's tremendous effort, I think Advance Wars DS is the best portable game of the year. I would most certainly say that Popolocrois is the best, but it's just a port, after all, so I can't give it too much credit.

I haven't played Kingdom Hearts 2 yet, but my "best RPG of the year" is probably Tales of the Abyss. I dunno...Minstrel Song was great, but a lot of that is my love for the soundtrack. If ToA had Minstrel Song's soundtrack, there wouldn't be much competition.

DQ8 is excluded, because it wins the coveted "best localization ever" award. Or perhaps the "only superior localization I can think of" award. Kingdom Hearts doesn't count, because Donald Duck is WAY cooler in Japanese.

6946th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 04:49post reply

Biggest dissapointment? Gunstar Super Heroes. It's a great game by itself but does not lives up to its name, being a flawed remake.

1904th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 04:59:post reply

I'll have to say Shadow of the Colossus, but more out of importance than traditional requirements. I have games that I think were strongest in a particular genre, and even games that I considered more fun, but SotC is one of the few experiences I'd consider a work of art before a genre game, and I hope it's not the last. And by that I DON'T mean I want to see a bunch of copycats eventually negating its accomplishments.

For others, best RPG for me was Dragon Quest VIII, best action was Resident Evil 4.

And biggest disappointment was Soul Calibur 3 and all its asstacular bugs, with Suikoden 4 as a runner-up (though technically that should be last year's).

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 27 Dec 05:02]

1423th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 05:49:post reply

For me I'd have to say Indigo Prophecy... it just completely caught me by surprise. Games like RE4 and Shadow of the Colossus I knew were going to be great and of course they lived up to expectation.

I think one of the most amazing things about Indigo Prophecy is it's flexibility, every action you take has some kind of direct effect... like if you take painkillers and then drink alcohol... it will kill you. Or if you're playing as Lucas and leave evidence, once you're playing as the police you can pick up on that evidence. Also a lot of times you have to make a split decision... which I found to really keep you on the edge of your seat... also it makes it so that you can play the game multiple times and the scenario is always different depending on how well you can react.

I also really like how the incorporated the old Dragon's Lair/Shen Mu quick reaction system. It was just so really well thought out and the times when you have to struggle you're really pounding the buttons as fast and as hard as you can.

The story is really good (not great) and the voice acting is top notch. I'd say that Indigo Prophecy was this year's Ico/Beyond Good and Evil in terms of a brilliant game that got completely overlooked.

As for disappointments, Marvel Nemesis was the biggest stinker for me. It sounded promising with a fighting system similar to Powerstone... but the crappy original EA characters and uninteresting gameplay topped with more "movie" like versions of the Marvel characters just tanked it.... rise of the imperfect indeed.

[this message was edited by Fuchikoma on Tue 27 Dec 05:56]

1253th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 06:38post reply

DQ8 is excluded, because it wins the coveted "best localization ever" award. Or perhaps the "only superior localization I can think of" award.

It does, at least to my ignorant North American senses, a great job of being British. They even named the kids "Bangerz" and "Mash"! I would've actually liked it if Yangus were more Cockney, but I suppose that would interfere with people understanding him.
The next step, of course, would've been for each region (North, South, etc.) of the game world to adopt the respective UK dialect, but that would be too much work.

Cave Story in english is probably my favourite of the year. Shadow of the Colossus is amazing in pretty much every regard, and I won't oppose anyone who gives it tops simply as a matter of its achievement. But the traditional joy of Cave Story was so surpassing for me that it cannot be denied.

I want Earth Defense Force 2 to win some kind of award.

And Indigo Prophecy is very cool. Haven't finished it yet, though... and why the hell is it called "Fahrenheit" in the EU release?!

Maese Spt
116th Post

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"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 07:14post reply

Game of the year, huh...? Well, I wouldn´t know, since I haven´t played that much this year, and most of the times the games were old PSX ones... But I guess one might say Shadow of the Colossus is 2005´s best game (I´ve only played a demo, though).

And as for my personal choice, among the games I´ve played for the first time this year, the absolute winner is Ico. I´m enamored with this game.

Perhaps Kessen 3 could be the second in the podium (if only for Nobunaga anachronysm goodness), followed by Tales of Symphonia. But, actually, I´ve enjoyed much more my replays of GenSui I, II and III this autumn...

The most dissapointing would have been Sengoku Musou, but an utter abomination called Suikoden IV appeared in my way many months ago, and I wasn´t wise enough to dodge it... much to my regret.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1904th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 07:27post reply


And Indigo Prophecy is very cool. Haven't finished it yet, though... and why the hell is it called "Fahrenheit" in the EU release?!

Well, if you finish it you'll probably understand why.

Honestly though, the camera and the last 1/3 of Indigo Prophecy is what kept me from considering it in the "best of 2k5" area. I was really digging it up until about the part after...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
...the two main characters meet up in the graveyard. Everything just went downhill from there, and the endings didn't really feel like part of the story.

End of Spoiler

1423th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 10:18post reply


And Indigo Prophecy is very cool. Haven't finished it yet, though... and why the hell is it called "Fahrenheit" in the EU release?!

Well, if you finish it you'll probably understand why.

Honestly though, the camera and the last 1/3 of Indigo Prophecy is what kept me from considering it in the "best of 2k5" area. I was really digging it up until about the part after...

The US console versions of Indigo Prophecy got censored quite a bit over the UK PC version (which I played). In Fahrenheit, Carla walks around her apartment with much less on and there's a quite long and graphic sex scene, there's also a scene where her partner's girlfriend does a strip tease (it's a bonus after beating the game). They probably took most of the content out because of the hot coffee scandal.

I agree that the game does start to fall apart about 1/3 of the way through compared to the strong start...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
To me it begins much like the original Matrix... weird things going on in an office building and people with super powers... but then when you find out what Chroma is it's kind of lame. Things really go out of whack when they try to link things to ancient Mayan stories

End of Spoiler

It's not a great story... but it was enough to keep me interested, and it certainly had a really cinematic feel to it.

Burning Ranger
1353th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 12:41post reply

I'm going to admit that I haven't been very active as a gamer this year with regard to following this year's *hot* games. Frankly, nothing really turned me on except for the SNK fighters, and I couldn't even play them because we didn't get them here (still waiting for NGBC, Rumblefish 2 and KOF XI to come to San Antonio). The only game from this year that I've just started to play and that I'm really enjoying is F.E.A.R., and I just started that today.

I will admit that I have been disappointed a lot this year (Xenosaga Ep. 2, CFE).

To me, it's just been a slow year. And the way things are going in the industry, I fear things will just get slower and slower.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

863th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 13:54:post reply

Let me see what comes to mind...

I had a lot of fun with the following games this year. I'll probably leave something out though. I'm gonna skip the obvious favorites like NGBC, SS Tenka, KOF XI, and RE4.

Burnout 3 Takedown: I really don't need to back this claim with anything.

Splinter Cell Chaos Theory: AWESOME GAME! The co op missions were some of the most fun I've had in any game ever. I still haven't tried out the online features.

Fire Emblem Path of Radiance: Good old SRPG fun but Nintendo style. I like it.

Other games I should mention are MK Shaolin Monks, Doom 3, Magna Carta, Jade Empire, Yuu Yuu Hakusho Forever, Naruto GNT4...and I'm still waiting for a new PC to play Half Life 2.

[this message was edited by Phoenix on Tue 27 Dec 13:56]

7th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 13:57:post reply

For me the GOTY is Guitar Hero. This is the only game I found myself playing for about a month after it came out, and I'm still not tired of it yet.


[this message was edited by slayzz on Tue 27 Dec 13:58]

1271th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 14:35post reply

Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter

739th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 18:16:post reply

I'm going to say Soul Calibur 3. It's the game I was looking forward to the most and the one I have the most fun playing with friends. I STILL haven't unlocked everything, but this could also be because I really begin to hate Chronicles of the Sword mode after a while.

As for the biggest disappointment? Mehhh. I guess I'm disappointed that I haven't played any of the Atomiswave-based Imoya games for myself yet.

I'm also disappointed about not being able to play as Lili in the new Tekken 5 upgrade yet. I'm fairly convinced that whenever the game DOES get a domestic release that someone I live with will buy it, though.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

[this message was edited by Nate on Tue 27 Dec 18:19]

1565th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 18:29post reply

It may have been released very late last year -- but we got the English patch very early this year, so I'm gonna go ahead and call Cave Story / Doukutsu Monogatari my game of the year.


7491th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 18:31post reply

I'm also disappointed about not being able to play as Lili in the new Tekken 5 upgrade yet.

I love the Lilly player whose alias is "Lilly's accessories all suck (´・ω・`)shobon" and is the only one I know who plays with a non customized character.

Back on topic, I will be anticlimatic and add Civilization 4 as my second favourite game of the year.

310th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Tue 27 Dec 19:34post reply

They probably took most of the content out because of the hot coffee scandal.

No it was stated pretty early on that they'd censor the US version.
Pretty much around the same time they announced the game wouldn't be cut and sold in monthly episodes anymore.

My game of the year is Doukutsu Monogatari, although nitpickers would argue the first version was out in late 2004.

My biggest disappointment is Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2, or the lack thereof.


3341th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 00:24post reply

Well I'll use the classics... RE4, TK5 and SC3.

Disapointment NGBC....

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

342th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 00:36post reply

For me the GOTY is Guitar Hero. This is the only game I found myself playing for about a month after it came out, and I'm still not tired of it yet.

Same here, this is clearly the game that got me hooked this year. Can't wait for the announcement of a sequel.


46th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 02:27:post reply

You are gonna kill me for this, but my game of the year has been Killer7.

Also special mention to Doukutsu Monogatari (I didn't remember it was this year at all ^^U), Tekken5, SC3, RE4, Fahrenheit and Magna Carta Crimson Stigmata.

Also a little dissappointed by NGBC... -__-;

...and sadly, as I don't understand japanese, I haven't been able to play Hollow Ataraxia, but I also agree it has been one of the best releases of the year ^^

...also, I agree it's a pity I haven't been able to play as Lili and KenSamu this year! T__T

EDIT: Forgot SotC!!! How could I? O_o

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Wed 28 Dec 06:10]

3179th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 03:13post reply

resident evil 4. whee.

I have no biggest disappointment - I'm surprised whenever a game is good, so it's rather tough to have expectations higher than what a game delivers.

I'm supposed to do a 'top 3' games thing - I can't think of two other games I liked enough to call the top anything. maybe guitar hero, maybe killer 7, maybe...I don't know. something?

1195th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 05:00post reply

My game of the year is The Incredible Hulk: Ultimate Destruction of the X-box. It really captured the feel of the Hulk and it had nice mini-games.

My biggest disappointment would have to go to Ultimate Spider-Man. Although it had a interesting storyline that connected to the comic. The gameplay was dumbed down compared to Spider-Man 2.

Time Mage
2291th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 05:20post reply

The biggest disappointment among the games I've played this year should be Baten Kaitos, but don't know if it was released in the US this year or not.
The background graphics are amazing, the music score great, and the character designs were quite good in general, but the rest, that is, character models, battle system, game system, the story, the voices... Were mediocre or just bad. I still have it unfinished, with only the last dungeon to go.

2326th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 05:30post reply

Hmm, I wish I had some original game to talk about here instead of parroting previous responses. Anyway, the game that really stood out for me this year was Killer 7. Trippy, a great sense of design and it provided me with my current avatar. Another highlight was Shadow of the Colossus. It's been awhile since I've burned through a game like a crazy man but that's the addictive sort of world that SotC created. Because it's my list I'll add a third game; Soul Calibur 3. SC3 makes it on because it let me create ninja girls in frilly Europeon dresses and old men who beat people over the head with tambourines. This is the direction I feel fighting games should move in.

1272th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 08:35post reply

No one's going to mention "Imperishable Night"?

1574th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 09:01post reply

No one's going to mention "Imperishable Night"?

Yeah, but didn't that like...come out at the beginning of 2004/end of 2003? It seems really old to me now, and there's already been a sequel (even if it's still my favorite shooter).

Of course, I can't tell if you're being sincere or not. As far as I can tell you're never sincere.

In an unrelated statement, while I agree that RE4 was a great game, I feel it's a bit overrated. People who say think this is a good direction for survival horror to go in don't have any concept of survival horror in the first place. RE4 was an excellent, fun action game and a good direction to take a series that was growing increasingly stale. I can't really compliment it outside of that.

As for disappointment...well, since Suiko 4 came out last year, and I can't very well name it EVERY year, even if I'm still suffering from it, I guess my biggest upset was Hanjuku Hero 4. I wanted to love it so much. It was funny, it had delightful characters, a good soundtrack, the kind of opening you watch every time you turn the game on and a system vastly superior to its predecessor in every way. Yet, it just wasn't any fun. It was a chore to play. I was just working to get to the next cinema. (and yet, I'm still using an icon from it)

Also, Brandon should be friends with the Katamari Damacy guy.

3183th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 09:28post reply

In an unrelated statement, while I agree that RE4 was a great game, I feel it's a bit overrated.

I dunno if it's overrated - maybe it's not great for the reason some people think that it's great, but it IS great. I will defend it in an editorial some day...I'm sure of it!

In other news, I decided that my #s 2 and 3 best of 2005 are: Doukutsu Monogatari and Rumblefish 2. Pretty sure Doukutsu Monogatari was released at the very beginning of 2005, and the english patch definitely falls into the 2k5 timeframe, soooooooooo - fair game!

1575th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 10:23post reply


I dunno if it's overrated - maybe it's not great for the reason some people think that it's great, but it IS great. I will defend it in an editorial some day...I'm sure of it!

I can agree with that. I felt the same way about Silent Hill 4, only not with "it's great" but "it sucks". I'm not sure that it needs defending, though. There isn't a big anti-RE4 backlash, is there?

Also, for those of you who like Guitar Hero, just get the new Guitar Freaks when it comes out. It has a great selection of songs. I don't know how to feel about Guitar Hero ripping off Guitar Freaks. I don't know if I should shake my finger at Red Octane, or Konami. Actually, I think I'll shake my finger at Red Octane and simultaneously applaud them, like the hero who breaks the law and goes to jail for a short time all while being cheered for by a large crowd.

74th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 11:33post reply

I'm going to be totally uncool and pick We Love Katamari as my favorite game of the year.

HONORABLE MENTION: SotC (of course) and the Super Mario World hack I made :>

BIGGEST DISAPPOINTMENT: Nintendogs, although I'm not so sure it counts as disappointment when you know exactly what you're getting and you buy it anyway. WHAT HAPPENED?

1907th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 12:08post reply


I can agree with that. I felt the same way about Silent Hill 4, only not with "it's great" but "it sucks". I'm not sure that it needs defending, though. There isn't a big anti-RE4 backlash, is there?

Well, I do know people who hate RE4 for being more like Gun Survivor than RE, so they're definitely out there.

1274th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 12:17:post reply

Yeah, but didn't that like...come out at the beginning of 2004/end of 2003? It seems really old to me now, and there's already been a sequel (even if it's still my favorite shooter).

Of course, I can't tell if you're being sincere or not. As far as I can tell you're never sincere.

Oops. I think you may be right. I thought it came out around the beginning of 2005.

[this message was edited by sabo10 on Wed 28 Dec 12:20]

106th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(7):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 12:18post reply

I believe my game of the year has to be Devil May Cry 3. Personally I really never felt limited in this game at all, using all weapons and all styles were fair game to either to take down a group of monsters or mess it up completely.

Then again most people who are royal gaurd enthusiast make the game much more easier to play seeing it can block almost every attack except for Nevan's bite making the game itself favor Royal Gaurd.

As for disappointments, not sure I have one I try to get out and play games but i'm usually busy so it gets cut short and I end up returning them after renting them.

28th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 14:16post reply


Overall: Resident Evil 4 (Cube)

Wow, just wow. Nothing super innovative, but the gameplay and fun factor are top notch. Easily spent the most of my gaming hours on this game.

PS2: Shadow of Collosus

It's rare to experience a unique and enjoyable game these days. A diamond in the rough.

DS: Castlevania Dawn of Sorrow

I can't get enough Metroid style Castlevania. I wouldn't mind if they released a new chapter to this storyline every year. Certain aspects need to be improved though, especially the music department.

Dissapointments -

PS2: Castlevania Curse of Darkness

They were off to a pretty good start in terms of 3d gameplay with Lament, then they took more than a few steps back with this game. Not a "Castlevania" game in any sense.

PS2: Magna Carta

The artwork had me so hyped for this game. I guess my expectations were too high.

1279th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 21:02post reply

50 Cent: Bulletproof.

50th Post

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"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Wed 28 Dec 21:31post reply

Single player : RE4 and MGS3 tied
SotC is a blast but too short.

Multi player : Tekken 5

Disappointment : DQVIII. I'm just starting, but battles are sooooo boring !

14th Post

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New Customer

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Thu 29 Dec 01:29post reply

Killer 7 for the Gamecube was really good. The plot had a lot of politics involved in a fantasy world, and there was a lot of different interesting characters. [Image Attached]

How many dicks does it take to get to the center of a STD?

255th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Thu 29 Dec 08:42post reply

I'm going to be terribly pedantic and say Resident Evil 4. Notable mentions include Mario Kart DS, Tekken 5, Animal Crossing:WW and Oppai.

RE4 my first RE that I play completely and its awesome. I only watch the game and help my brothers by translating. I liked to watch but never want to try. RE4 is awesome to me.
Not this year maybe but I started Kingdom Hearts. To tell the truth Island and Traverse Town put me to sleep(no, really i always play games laying down). But I love wonderland and Jungle Deep. I didnt finish it yet but now i feel like its gonna be great fun.

Also Mortal Kombat:SM is not bad, too. 2P player is fun.

Dissappointment is...(I dont believe that Im gonna say it) KOF neowave. I put it on and I dont find any reason to play it. Please teach me polly how could I have fun with it?
Im sure its fun in arcade but in the port its pointless to play without competition (which ı dont have with ps2) or extras. No ending is also very sad. I expected more... but I guess Ill try more to have fun with it. Only good point for me is color edit.


1581th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Your game of the year?" , posted Thu 29 Dec 08:46post reply

No, you're right. Neowave is no fun without competition. Actually, I don't think any SNK game is fun without competition, since they're all rehashes (to some degree) these days. It's just if you're going to play any KOF, I think Neowave is best. (well, I haven't played 11, so...)

40th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(3):Your game of the year?" , posted Thu 29 Dec 15:12post reply

Bumpy Trot.

That's the correct answer!

4327th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Thu 29 Dec 15:18post reply


564th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Thu 29 Dec 19:19post reply

(...)I guess one might say Shadow of the Colossus is 2005´s best game (I´ve only played a demo, though).

More than enough to know it excels any other PS2 game... my favourite one this year (getting this ICO + Wanda EU pack will be a priceless birthday present...)

269th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Fri 30 Dec 03:04:post reply


I wish I had "Kishidan/Josuke" hair.


Edit: It was a close tie between two games (Killer7 and RS) but in the end Romancing Saga came out victorious as my game of the year.


[this message was edited by Evenor on Fri 30 Dec 03:24]

1255th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Your game of the year?" , posted Fri 30 Dec 04:55post reply

Bumpy Trot.

That's the correct answer!

I'm eagerly awaiting the english release, which actually will happen!

Blokus Club with Bumpy Trot (or something like that) sounds wonderful as well, haha. At least you're getting official Blokus! (anyone care to tell me how the hell they came up with that one, btw?)

118th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Fri 30 Dec 06:35post reply

Don't talk about gaming this year without mentioning this under-appreciated multiplatform gem. It's probably the most enjoyable and creative thing I've played since Katamari Damacy.

It's still "just" a platformer with more puzzle elements than the usual crap in that genre lately, but the astonishingly different and creative environments yielded each time Raz dives into someone's mind make it the most diverse game I've seen in ages. From war-torn battlefields, to a shiney disco paradise, to areas resembling modern art pieces in motion, Psychonauts is a conceptual masterpiece in gaming.

My other favorites lie in the norm of what's been said, here.

742th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Fri 30 Dec 07:08post reply

I say Soul Calibur 3 for greatest, I was going crazy over every new screen for that game months before it came out, and even though it stupidly lacked a Win/Lose Records option despite all the other stupid stuff they put in, I like it a lot. Not that I'm not all for making ridiculous characters, Ishmael has it right. Props for putting OUENDAN up there, too, it really makes me want a DS, and I've never wanted a portable. And I haven't played Colossus yet, but 10 to 1 when I do, I'll wish I wrote it here. So, Wanda and the Colossus.

Boo to stupid 3D Dracula Curse of Darkness. 3 bad 3D Draculas was already 3 too many, Konami should grow some guts and make another 2D extravagaza (the portable ones come really close, obviously).


661th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(7):Your game of the year?" , posted Fri 30 Dec 13:00post reply

Greatest: Ys: The Oath in Felghana

I feel as if maybe I'm a real sucker for buying into remakes of old games, but I don't care... this is Ys III done right, pretty much. Ys III was the first Ys game I played and I hold a certain fondness to it unlike the rest of you elitist bastards who started on Ys I & II.

Stinker: Shining Tears

The only thing that may surpass that is going down to TRU last week and finding out that Romance of the Three Kingdoms X was going for $9.99 when I bought it for $49.99

I found Kagami's sword in a junk yard.
I will rule the world and find that truly good cup of coffee.

1048th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(8):Your game of the year?" , posted Sat 31 Dec 06:44post reply

I have to say Advance Wars DS.

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New Customer

"Re(1):Your game of the year?" , posted Sat 31 Dec 10:39post reply

Call of Duty Finest Hour and Big Red One MAriokart ds and Animal crossin wild world

ANIMAL CROSSING 4295-5855-6039
Grappler IN Hoth Friut ORanges
MArio kART DS -493983072087
Chris ZELDA!!!

1417th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Your game of the year?" , posted Sat 31 Dec 22:11post reply

Well... 2005 games... The only ones I've played (enough) are the DS ones... And since I haven't played MKDS (I'm having doubts about getting this one...), I'll have to go with Dawn of Sorrow indeed.
Plot not as "good" as AoS, but the rest is just ssso beautiful... so many details, so well done...

So there.
For me I'd have to say Indigo Prophecy...(...)

Uoh! I was curious about it already (because this was Fahrenheit, wasn't it?), now you have raised my interest! Let's see if I can play it... and try it!

Do you know by any chance if the Spanish version is censored or uncensored?

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

50th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Sat 31 Dec 23:27post reply


Uoh! I was curious about it already (because this was Fahrenheit, wasn't it?), now you have raised my interest! Let's see if I can play it... and try it!

Do you know by any chance if the Spanish version is censored or uncensored?

Spanish is uncensored. I got it ^^

GREAT game Sensenic! Try it!

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

2539th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Your game of the year?" , posted Sat 31 Dec 23:34post reply

Summon Night Exthesis!

Sorry, Fate/Hollow Ataraxia and Senko no Ronde, you both draw at second.

6956th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"majoria's best of 2005 awards" , posted Sun 1 Jan 12:29post reply
