your games for 2006 - Forums

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Maese Spt
123th Post

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"your games for 2006" , posted Sat 31 Dec 23:30post reply

Now that we already know MMCafers' favorite games in 2005, let´s talk about the games you expect with most excitement in 2006. I know it´s not a very original subject for a topic, but, well... it might be interesting anyway.

I myself am all for Suikoden V, and I look forward to Ôkami and Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess as well. I´d say I´m somewhat hyped about Tekken 5 Dark Resurrection and Sengoku Musou 2, but I have a feeling that those two will end up disappointing me.

So well, what are your most expected ones, fellow MMCafers?

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"


Olivier Hague
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"Re(1):your games for 2006" , posted Sat 31 Dec 23:47post reply

Siren 2
Final Fantasy XII
Shin Onimusha Dawn of Dreams
Ace Combat Zero The Belkan War
Zettai Zetsumei Toshi 2 -Itetsuita Kioku Tachi-

271th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 01:34:post reply

Siren 2

Edit: I totally forgot. Im really looking foward to Super Princess Peach ( US ver.)


[this message was edited by Evenor on Sun 1 Jan 04:16]

505th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 01:52post reply

Siren 2

New Super Mario Bros. A ds browser?

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 03:30post reply

-Tekken 5 DR (well, I just want Lili)
-Under Defeat

6213th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 05:08post reply

Only one for me so far:

Kingdom Hearts 2

No surprise there.

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 05:57post reply

Definitely Ookami, plus that game KTallGuy pointed out a while ago, Ryuu Ga Gotoku (as I recall), for sure. And ideally, if Soul Calibur III is going to the arcades like they say, an improved, tweaked home version of SCIII.


1425th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 09:03post reply

For me it's....

Virtua Fighter 5
Virtua Tennis 3
Psi Phi
Afterburner Climax
Final Fantasy 12
Rogue Galaxy
King of Fighters 11
Rule of Rose
Last Blade Collection
Gyakutan Saiban 4

... and probably a lot of other stuff that I just can't think of at the moment.

1583th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 14:35post reply

plus that game KTallGuy pointed out a while ago, Ryuu Ga Gotoku (as I recall), for sure.

Yeah, but that's been out for a while. Or are you talking about a domestic realease that I don't know about? Or maybe you're looking forward to it because -you're- going to play it in 2006?

Hmmm...I'm still thinking. I have ToA to finish and KH2 lined up, but I've become distracted by DOA4. But...hmmm...I'm not ESPECIALLY excited about anything coming up. "Cry On" sounds like it might be interesting. I'm sure I'm forgetting something. (no, not the new Devil Summoner...)

257th Post

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"Re(5):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 1 Jan 16:32:post reply

As much as I hate the game, I'm looking to see what else SNKP stuffs into SS Tenka for PS2 later this month. Also for PS2, the X Collection with polished content chosen by Capcom itself based off of feedback that was given to them, like better voices, a redone script, the X3 anime cutscenes, and other stuff.

That, along with the US releases of Rockman Rockman and Irregular Hunter X later in this quarter, I hope the PSP gets out more and better releases than it had in 2005.

Twilight Princess will probably get game of the year just because it has the Zelda name :p, but Twilight Princess is really the first 3d Zelda game I've been impressed by so far.

The DS has it made with Super Princess Peach.

For those who want blood in SS Tenka use this template.

[this message was edited by Abster on Sun 1 Jan 17:13]

332th Post

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"Re(6):your games for 2006" , posted Mon 2 Jan 02:10post reply

Virtua Fighter 5
Tekken 5 DR for PS2
Kingdom Hearts II
Valkyrie Profile: Silmeria
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Samurai Warriors 2 (assuming it gets a quick localization)
ESPGaluda II
Ibara for PS2
Tenka for PS2
Mega Man X Collection

744th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):your games for 2006" , posted Mon 2 Jan 05:22post reply


Or maybe you're looking forward to it because -you're- going to play it in 2006?

Hahah,that's exactly it. One of MY games of 2005 included Grandia II, so I'm obviously behind the times, since I don't buy systems until they've been out for several years. I catch up with fighters quickly, but RPG's take more time. In reality, it completely slipped my mind that Ryuu Ga Gotoku was out. I still need to start Final Fantasy IX.


261th Post

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"Re(6):your games for 2006" , posted Mon 2 Jan 08:20post reply

Snkp PS games Kingdom hearts and games that I miss. (We've just bought PS2 so ı gotta search what I miss. Dreamcast and arcade is enough for me before our arcade scene dies...)
Tekken 6 and tekken tag tournament.
Card fighters DS
I want to have a gamecube but waiting for revolution makes more sense. I can play gamecube games with revolution, right?


566th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):your games for 2006" , posted Mon 2 Jan 10:22post reply

I'm eager to get my Valkyrie dose (both PSP and PS2 ones) and my Mana shit (SD4 and CoM)...

1585th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):your games for 2006" , posted Mon 2 Jan 10:44post reply


Hahah,that's exactly it. One of MY games of 2005 included Grandia II, so I'm obviously behind the times, since I don't buy systems until they've been out for several years.

Then I change my answer. My games for 2006 will be Donkey Kong and Balloon Fight.

Dr Baghead
3544th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):your games for 2006" , posted Mon 2 Jan 16:09post reply

Whatever this year's Mortal Kombat game is (MK7 I guess it's gonna be, but in case it's not I'll just whatever it is that's it) sure it might not be a "good" game in the bibical sense, but it'll be more fun any other fighting games.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

1420th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 01:49post reply

New Super Mario Bros.


Also... were the FF3 remake and the new Castlevania planned for 2006? o_O

And Fahrenheit, I guess... even if it's 2005 I'll get to play it this year.
A ds browser?

But... but you already have it! In Super Mario 64 you have a DS Bowser...

Ok, sorry.

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

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1587th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 06:20post reply


Also... were the FF3 remake and the new Castlevania planned for 2006? o_O

What's "the new Castlevania?" I haven't heard of this.
I think Castlevania needs a vacation.

1173th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 06:59post reply

I haven't been very good at anticipating games lately, but... I guess I'm waiting for Disgaea 2 and the new Seikens. And Okami.

1912th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 07:29:post reply

A few months ago I would have said FFXII, but after playing the demo I might just buy the soundtrack and forget the game. I knew it would be different, but I never thought it'd be so... boring.

Suikoden 5 is on the list, although I'm still wary of it after what happened with 4. I still haven't seen Tactics anywhere for some reason.

Tenchu 4 I'm looking forward to, if it's really coming. I haven't heard a word about it since Kurenai came out, but supposedly it was 2006?

And Virtua Fighter 5 is looking good, so that'll be my new fighter. I'd say Dark Resurrection too, but I'm pretty uninterested in Lili and the other new characters.

[this message was edited by Gojira on Tue 3 Jan 07:33]

745th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(8):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 07:50post reply

A few months ago I would have said FFXII, but after playing the demo I might just buy the soundtrack and forget the game. I knew it would be different, but

Yeah, I'd have put that as an anticipated game, too, since it will probably be a good game, if not a good Final Fantasy, given that no one who has ever had anything to do with the main series really is working on it. I guess I'm anticipating it in the sense that I'm wondering what bizarro Vagrant Story Tactics Fantasy will look like.


1588th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 10:32post reply

The FFXII demo was poorly constructed. So very much so that I don't think it's an indication if the game will be good or not.
I mean...maybe it won't be good, but the demo didn't really tell me much.

1421th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 17:56post reply


Also... were the FF3 remake and the new Castlevania planned for 2006? o_O

What's "the new Castlevania?" I haven't heard of this.
I think Castlevania needs a vacation.

Eeh... I'm saying this based only on my memory, so take it with a grain of salt (I'd say even two, but that's bad for blood pressure)...
As far as I remember, not only it is not taking a vacation but there's already a new Castlevania announced for the DS (I guess they're doing like they did with GBA here.).
AND I read somewhere that they're already working on the first Castlevania for the next gen... sth BIG, they said. "Ph34r!", I say, for another 2D stravaganza or an actually good 3D Castlevania are quite unlikely...

Oh, and another game that looks quite neat for 2006 would be Nanostray.
What can thou tell me about it? Rid? Anyone?

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

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An undead friend.

1049th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(7):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 19:58post reply

Zelda Twilight
Chibi Robo (Europe)
Mario Party 7 (Europe)

Brain Training (Europe)
Super Princess Peach (Europe)
New Super Mario Bros
Card Fighter Clash
Rainbow Island
Animal Crossing (Europe)
Metroid Prime Hunters

Metal Slug games
Screw Breaker (Europe)

Games I'd love to see developed:
Batallion Wars 2
Star Fox DS
Fire Emblem DS
Mario Kart Arcade on GC
New Bionic Commando DS

Maese Spt
128th Post

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"Re(8):your games for 2006" , posted Tue 3 Jan 22:09post reply



Super Princess Peach (Europe)
New Super Mario Bros

I usually don´t care at all about portables, but I must admit I´m rather curious about those two games... Specially New Super Mario Bros, I expect great things from this one. Maybe it could get me into platformers again.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1283th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):your games for 2006" , posted Wed 4 Jan 00:38post reply

A few months ago I would have said FFXII, but after playing the demo I might just buy the soundtrack and forget the game.

This game is at the very top of my "Bad Games with Good Soundtracks Watch 2006" list.

3193th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):your games for 2006" , posted Wed 4 Jan 02:56post reply


Oh, and another game that looks quite neat for 2006 would be Nanostray.
What can thou tell me about it? Rid? Anyone?

Easy, sub-par shooter with nice graphics. I played through it once, got bored. You can also only switch weapons via the touch screen, which is kind of uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hard and stupid and pointless and takes you out of the action. I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it.'s not out in spain or something? cause it's been out here forever.

2329th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):your games for 2006" , posted Wed 4 Jan 03:57post reply

I should know better but I want to play Jaws Unleashed.

317th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(8):your games for 2006" , posted Wed 4 Jan 04:23post reply


Easy, sub-par shooter with nice graphics. I played through it once, got bored. You can also only switch weapons via the touch screen, which is kind of uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hard and stupid and pointless and takes you out of the action. I wouldn't spend a lot of money on it.

That was my impression too, but more and more people tell me the scoring system is actually very clever once you get into the game.

quote:'s not out in spain or something? cause it's been out here forever.

It's a european game that will ironically get released in Europe after the US and Japan. Had a hard time finding a publisher here.


42th Post

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"Re(3):your games for 2006" , posted Thu 5 Jan 11:09post reply

Im really looking foward to Super Princess Peach ( US ver.)

You know, I went from loving that game to totally hating it. The challenge is just too light. The "puzzles" involve, like, using your whirlwind ability to turn a windmill, which opens a door. There's a hint box right next to the windmill. "Maybe if you use your whirlwind, it'll open?"

And then -- the same situation pops up twenty more times in the game. The windmill and the door are always right next to each other. The hint box is always right next to the door. A pink item box containing a Toad is always right inside the door. The door always opens with a single blast of whirlwind.

Once, the door is kind of hidden up out of the way. Still, there's that hint box. It's like -- if you're going to hide the Toad, why bother putting it behind the door opened with the whirlwind? It's just kind of dumb.

Repeat this x20 for every other "puzzle" in the game, like running across a disintegrating bridge. There's no immediacy or danger.

That said, New Super Mario Bros. is going to be really awesome. The two-player cooperative/competitive wireless mode sounds like Zelda: Four Swords done right, in more bite-sized pieces.

I am also looking forward to

Blue Dragon
Dead Rising
Lost Planet

all Japanese, all for the Xbox 360, all with two-word titles with four-letter, one-syllable first words and six-letter, two-syllable second words. One of them has Toriyama, one of them stars Frank Cifaldi whacking zombies with baguettes, and the other stars イ・ビョンホン with a shotgun; two-thirds of them are also produced by Keiji Inafune, so, to be honest, I have about three-fifths of a boner right now.

51th Post

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"Re(1):your games for 2006" , posted Fri 6 Jan 00:52post reply

The game I'm the most eager to play is Ninety Nine Nights (XB360).

50th Post

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"Re(2):your games for 2006" , posted Sun 8 Jan 22:51post reply

Stuff i want to see, play, and/or own -

-World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade
-Phantasy Star Universe
-Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess
-Halo 3
-Rumble Roses XX
-Dead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball 2
-Soul Calibur 3 (on nextgen platform)
-Final Fantasy VI Advance