The King of Fighters Another Day 2 - Forums

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"The King of Fighters Another Day 2" , posted Fri 6 Jan 23:32post reply

Even shorter than the first one °_°

It was the Rock ova, it featured Billy vs Lien and Rock vs Billy fights, and Terry also appeared on it. Very good animation as expected.

Lots of talking too, hopefully subs will appear soon?

And anybody can tell me what's Lien's backstory? Thanks ^_^


129th Post

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"Re(1):The King of Fighters Another Day 2" , posted Sat 7 Jan 04:46post reply

Even shorter than the first one °_°

It was the Rock ova, it featured Billy vs Lien and Rock vs Billy fights, and Terry also appeared on it. Very good animation as expected.

Lots of talking too, hopefully subs will appear soon?

And anybody can tell me what's Lien's backstory? Thanks ^_^

Really lousy quality sub by me if you're desperate:

Where darkness turns to light and order turns to chaos. 2003.

Ikari Loona
119th Post

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"Re(1):The King of Fighters Another Day 2" , posted Sat 7 Jan 06:58post reply

And anybody can tell me what's Lien's backstory? Thanks ^_^

There's some mentioned in the KoF MI comic, but I don't know if it's the official one - let me know if you want to know that... I'd post it right now if I had the comic with me, but since I don't, you get the choice of avoiding something that may be the comic author's "fanon".

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

262th Post

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"Lİen's ass." , posted Sat 7 Jan 07:22post reply

Is there anyone who didnt understand lien's got an ass? If soo check back the scene where she's 'bout to fight Billy. Its giant.
Anyway it looks great. Seems like they focused on Rock's fate and Rock's future girlfriend...


6965th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):L?en's ass." , posted Sat 7 Jan 07:59:post reply

Is there anyone who didnt understand lien's got an ass? If soo check back the scene where she's 'bout to fight Billy. Its giant.
Anyway it looks great. Seems like they focused on Rock's fate and Rock's future girlfriend...

Lien's ass is a kupo one indeed. Spanktastic.

[this message was edited by Rid on Sat 7 Jan 09:48]

109th Post

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"Re(2):L?en's ass." , posted Sat 7 Jan 08:43post reply

I can't seem to have it playing normally streaming from the showtime website, anyone having trouble with this or suggestions they could tell me?

263th Post

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"Re(3):L?en's ass." , posted Sat 7 Jan 09:14post reply

I can't seem to have it playing normally streaming from the showtime website, anyone having trouble with this or suggestions they could tell me?

Episode 2
Try this... or you can try from

Gai VS Urien

110th Post

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"Re(4):L?en's ass." , posted Sat 7 Jan 15:10post reply

I can't seem to have it playing normally streaming from the showtime website, anyone having trouble with this or suggestions they could tell me?

Episode 2
Try this... or you can try from

Thanks alot man I appreciate it.

3345th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Lİen's ass." , posted Mon 9 Jan 18:09post reply

Seems like they focused on Rock's fate and Rock's future girlfriend...

What did you mean??

PS: link is dead...>_<

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

Undead Fred
2596th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Lİen's ass." , posted Mon 9 Jan 21:40:post reply

Man, I still have to see the FIRST one... Does anyone have any screen shots or anything?

[this message was edited by Undead Fred on Mon 9 Jan 21:45]

113th Post

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"Re(3):Lİen's ass." , posted Mon 9 Jan 23:23post reply

Man, I still have to see the FIRST one... Does anyone have any screen shots or anything?

I could send you kof another day episode 1 if you want the file? How would you like it sent to you? No subtitles though thats the thing with this one.

741th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(3):Lİen's ass." , posted Mon 9 Jan 23:36post reply

Man, I still have to see the FIRST one... Does anyone have any screen shots or anything?

It's been uploaded to with decent quality. Just search for King of Fighters and it should be within the first few pages of results. That's how I finally saw it.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

6967th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):L?en's ass." , posted Mon 9 Jan 23:58post reply

Google for Shinsen Subs, they have torrents for both, still active.

261th Post

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"Late to the party" , posted Tue 10 Jan 00:16post reply

Google for Shinsen Subs, they have torrents for both, still active.

Thanks for the heads up Rid! And I just realized that in your sig was L!en.

2335th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Lİen's ass." , posted Tue 10 Jan 01:20post reply

It's been uploaded to with decent quality. Just search for King of Fighters and it should be within the first few pages of results. That's how I finally saw it.

Ah, there they are, thanks.

So it seems Iori will travel all the way to South Town just so he can randomly wander the streets and act like a dick to small children. People like this character because...? When I first played MI I wasn't sure what I was supposed to make of Alba and Soiree but if they are going to spend all night rescuing kittens I guess that means they're the good guys. Still, I miss Soiree's little cowboy hat; that thing made his outfit.

The second episode seemed a bit less slapdash in the plot department but it did make me wonder who owns Geese Tower at the moment. Is it run by a board of shareholders or is it being held in status until Geese turns up alive again?

Undead Fred
2596th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Lİen's ass." , posted Tue 10 Jan 05:58post reply

God, I'm so absent-minded. I checked YouTube, and noticed someone said the episodes were on AnimeSuki, which I totally didn't think to check. Thanks for the leads, though.

267th Post

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"Re(2):Lİen's ass." , posted Tue 10 Jan 11:29:post reply

"" Seems like they focused on Rock's fate and Rock's future girlfriend... ""

What did you mean??

I mean rock's geese syndrome and possible match-up with Lien (which is completely from my ass imagination...) In MOTW I couldnt match Rock to anyone, not to Hotaru or B. Jenet (having two girls is not helping). But I sense some chemistry between Lien and Rock (possibly coming from Lien's or my ass)...

Btw I always match B.Jenet with Dong Hwan (assuming they're both in near age). They could be perfect for couple for traditional hopeless relationship drama which is traditional to snk couples.
Kim : I forbid to see B. jenet. She's in kof and flirting with Tizoc. She's not good for you.
Dong Hwan : You cant just forbid me to see her. I'm an adult...
Kim : Sure I can. Now come train with me you might need in KOF.
Dong Hwan : *Yeah, like you give up KOF and let me join it, you old...*
Kim : Huh, What did you say ?
Dong Hwan : Nothing dad.

I know, I know. I need a break.

Gai VS Urien

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Tue 10 Jan 11:34]

Ikari Loona
121th Post

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"Re(5):Lİen's ass." , posted Wed 11 Jan 21:50post reply

So it seems Iori will travel all the way to South Town just so he can randomly wander the streets and act like a dick to small children. People like this character because...?

I prefer to think it's the voice - other than that, I think a lot of people who're into games might identify with the mostly "I don't care" attitude SNK gave their main KoF characters (the flame wielders mostly) prior to Ash - which is probably why they were designed that way in the first place... which kinda makes me wonder about what led them to make Ash in the first place...

When I first played MI I wasn't sure what I was supposed to make of Alba and Soiree but if they are going to spend all night rescuing kittens I guess that means they're the good guys.

For most of the MI comic Alba's quite far from acting that way - dunno if that fits the official story.

Speaking of that comic, since Rid asked about Lien's backstory there early on the the thread: according to it she used to be a part of some gang and was more of an emotional person, they were practically her family, etc..., until this group called Addis had them all killed and she was the sole survivor - apparently Duke, the MI1 boss, was a part of that Addis group, if not the leader, and Lien tried to find and kill him, but wasn't skilled enough to handle him despite her determination. Eventually she cut a deal with him, that she'd work for him, and once a month she'd get a shot at trying to take him on alone with no interference from anyone else.

Speaking of Lien, does anyone know what the deal is with the wrist thing was using and losing during the episode? The first time she used it it seemed like some sort of light signal to call for backup, but the second made it seem like she was calling for shots from some relative of the Zero Cannon from KoF2K... in both cases there was a collumn of blue light visible at the top of the building, but there seemed to be a blast the 2nd time....

The second episode seemed a bit less slapdash in the plot department but it did make me wonder who owns Geese Tower at the moment.

In MI1 apparently it was in the hands of Duke's group, Mephistopheles - I don't know if Duke's meant to be dead since then, of if his group's dispersed since then, but in the first episode of Another Day IIRC, Alba and Soiree seem to say something about having reclaimed the city and being in charge now, but I have my doubts as to wether that's meant to include the Tower...

It seems most of the episodes will be covering the same period of time, with different characters interacting in different places at the same time - clever way of handling a big cast, assuming there'll be a major event unifying it all near the end... so far it's only the fire that was seen in the first and mentioned in the new one... maybe we'll eventually see something coing on inside the actual building, and its current ownership will be clarified...

Is it run by a board of shareholders or is it being held in status until Geese turns up alive again?

Billy did mention Howard Connection, but odds are the people taking it over are doing it due to Geese's apparent death (I though he was dead in the MI timeline, but seems alive in the main KoF one... as if Rock's age jump wasn't odd enough...), not waiting for him... odds are they're the one who sent Lien to do Billy and Rock in...

BTW, I liked Rock's dream sequence, since it helped to support a pet theory of mine: the whole Jin scrolls thing was never too clear in the FF games, other than some mention of immortality, but it seems to be confirmed that the Jin twins were possessed by their ancesters in FF3 and RB1 - the way I figure things, that's what the scrolls teach: to keep your spirit in the world of the living even after death through the body of your descendants.
That could certainly help to explain a number of things, from Geese's smile as he let go of Terry ("let's put this Jin thing to the test then - if this works I'll keep what I earned through life and get back at this pansy one day; if it doesn't, he won't get the satisfaction of feeling good about himself for saving a life and seeing me beaten and humiliated"), to Rock knowing some of Geese's moves despite apparently not having been raised by him (doesn't he have a special victory screen in Garou when he wins by Rising Storm?), to people like Kain and Billy seeking him out while the Geese influence isn't fully dominant... but getting a dream that looks a lot like his dad's flashback seems pretty darn eloquent to me... =P

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

115th Post

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"Re(6):Lİen's ass." , posted Thu 12 Jan 01:43post reply

(I though he was dead in the MI timeline, but seems alive in the main KoF one... as if Rock's age jump wasn't odd enough...)

I'm possibly going to get flamed for this but IMO, I think the only way to logically include all the events that happen in kof and any other games is just remove the said year on the kof games and view them as events/episodes (like KOF XI) and include the rest of the games as stuff in between just.

But then when I look at Garou mark of the wolves, I feel that personaly it makes the story go huh? Then again I'm trying to find logic in a fighting games story, long as the story is interesting I suppose!

30th Post

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"Re(1):The King of Fighters Another Day 2" , posted Thu 12 Jan 02:06post reply

2 questions:

1. What is the name of the song in the ending? I'd like to try to find it for dl.

2. Did Billy Kane die? wtf was that laser shit all about?

116th Post

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"Re(2):The King of Fighters Another Day 2" , posted Thu 12 Jan 02:15post reply

2 questions:

1. What is the name of the song in the ending? I'd like to try to find it for dl.

2. Did Billy Kane die? wtf was that laser shit all about?

I heard the song was called Regret by Dakota Star, some exclusive track possibly cause it isn't listed anywhere on their website.

As for Billy, prolly fell another flow below and left not sure.

Cain Highwind
643th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):Lİen's ass." , posted Thu 12 Jan 05:36post reply

So it seems Iori will travel all the way to South Town just so he can randomly wander the streets and act like a dick to small children. People like this character because...?

He's after Ash. The Anime takes place right after KoF XI where (I'll spoiler tag it for people who don't want to know)

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Ash steals Iori's flames. You'll notice when he's fighting Soiree he'll put his hand up about to use a flame, but can't. Yep that's what that is all about. You can also see a green spark in Episode 1 JUST as the scene starts with Soiree seeing the fire.

End of Spoiler

BTW, I liked Rock's dream sequence, since it helped to support a pet theory of mine: the whole Jin scrolls thing was never too clear in the FF games, other than some mention of immortality, but it seems to be confirmed that the Jin twins were possessed by their ancesters in FF3 and RB1 - the way I figure things, that's what the scrolls teach: to keep your spirit in the world of the living even after death through the body of your descendants.
That could certainly help to explain a number of things, from Geese's smile as he let go of Terry ("let's put this Jin thing to the test then - if this works I'll keep what I earned through life and get back at this pansy one day; if it doesn't, he won't get the satisfaction of feeling good about himself for saving a life and seeing me beaten and humiliated"), to Rock knowing some of Geese's moves despite apparently not having been raised by him (doesn't he have a special victory screen in Garou when he wins by Rising Storm?), to people like Kain and Billy seeking him out while the Geese influence isn't fully dominant... but getting a dream that looks a lot like his dad's flashback seems pretty darn eloquent to me... =P

Wow that's actually a pretty cool theory! I'd love to see them elaborate on that in the future (hopefully).

1078th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Thu 12 Jan 06:20post reply

Does anyone know who does the song during the credits?

Fuu is a cutie!!

burning kyo
2384th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Thu 12 Jan 07:14post reply

Does anyone know who does the song during the credits?

dakota star

1079th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Thu 12 Jan 07:49post reply

Thanks a ton, do you know the name of the song?

Fuu is a cutie!!

123th Post

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"Re(3):The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Thu 12 Jan 14:14post reply

Dakota Star? Wild.
That's the girl who sung for Daiki Kasho's songs in the GT4 soundtrack. Also seems to go by "ch".

31th Post

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"Re(4):The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Thu 12 Jan 16:44post reply

Dakota Star? Wild.
That's the girl who sung for Daiki Kasho's songs in the GT4 soundtrack. Also seems to go by "ch".

Huh.... tried searching around but...

anyone know where I'd be able to find that song for dl?

burning kyo
2386th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Thu 12 Jan 17:19:post reply

Thanks a ton, do you know the name of the song?

not sure, but catalyst said it was "regret".

[this message was edited by burning kyo on Thu 12 Jan 17:20]

479th Post

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"Re(4):The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Thu 12 Jan 22:10post reply

Dakota Star is a band formed by Alan Brey, Chiaki and Tusk. It seems that Daiki Kasho is involved in the song from the ending of KOF Another Day, like he was in the Dakota Star songs from GT4.

I hope there will be a soundtrack CD for these OVAs...

2338th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):The King of Fighters Another Day Music" , posted Fri 13 Jan 01:18post reply

As for Lien's laser/Assault Type: Sadachiba move, I'm not sure I've ever seen an explanation for exactly what it is. You can do some nasty stuff with it in-game and a voice from the device will talk to her during her taunt but otherwise it's treated like it's just some sort of spy-guy equipment that she's using for her missions.

I quite like Ikari Loona's theory about the Jin scrolls. It makes sense and it ties together a lot of ideas that were forgotten or half formed. Since it works there's no way SNK will use it but it's still a good idea.