Just when you thought Stefan was retarded... - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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6963th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Just when you thought Stefan was retarded..." , posted Sat 7 Jan 08:04post reply


...he reachs new levels of stupidity. From Akiman's picboard...

Thanks WS for noticing it.


Time Mage
2296th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Sat 7 Jan 08:21post reply

Hahahaha, too good!

Really, some people are just too dumb.

1913th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Sat 7 Jan 14:54post reply

I saw that, but rather than find it funny all I did was feel sorry for all the retards in this world.

3136th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Wed 11 Jan 20:36:post reply

I actually thought to myself as I was driving home a week ago "You know there hasn't been a thread on MMCAFE about how stupid that Cammyfan guy is" for a while. The universe is clearly now back in its correct state of being.

[this message was edited by radish on Wed 11 Jan 20:43]

324th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Wed 11 Jan 21:35post reply

I actually thought to myself as I was driving home a week ago

You think about peculiar things when driving home.


3136th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Wed 11 Jan 22:47post reply

I actually thought to myself as I was driving home a week ago

You think about peculiar things when driving home.

Don't get me started.

6968th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Thu 12 Jan 00:46post reply

I actually thought to myself as I was driving home a week ago "You know there hasn't been a thread on MMCAFE about how stupid that Cammyfan guy is" for a while. The universe is clearly now back in its correct state of being.

Now we just need a thread about Poison's gender.

Dr Baghead
3547th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"STEFANFIC!" , posted Thu 12 Jan 03:59post reply

I actually thought to myself as I was driving home a week ago "You know there hasn't been a thread on MMCAFE about how stupid that Cammyfan guy is" for a while. The universe is clearly now back in its correct state of being.

Pffff, we just haven't had one for a while because at a certain point it just stops being funny.

Yeah, when you first find the site and read it you're like "Holy Shit... this guy is creepy!" reading about how cool he thinks he is because he's been to Japan, his irrational hatred of Ryu and Chun-Li for being more popular then Cammy, his heavy conservative/Republican point of view, the fact he uses non-cannon/made up plot points to tell Cammy's history, and Hell the very fact Cammy's not his creation yet seems to think he's her elected representitive.

so that's all creepy funny for the first few months, then you realize SomethingAwful's ALoD was right... Cammy would have a restraining order on him.

You realize this isn't a "SF character fan site run by someone way to into a character" it's an "obsessed lover keeping daily tabs on the girl he's madly in love with, and convinced she's just as in love with him despite they've never met"

It'd be like reading a MySpace where some looser says "Chelsy is the prettiest girl at my school, we're in American History Studies together she sits on the far side of the room and always knows the answers to questions no one else does. I think she lives in the same dorm buliding I do, but she may just be visiting friends. We have so much in common I bet we'd hit it off right away!" and such so at first you're like 'hehe, this guy is crazy!'

Then later it turns to "So I was at the 'Campus Republicans Support The Greatest President And His War' rally today and Chelsy was outside protesting AGAINIST it... I can't believe someone convinced her to go againist everything she stands for to do that, since there's no way she wouldn't be a good Republican girl at heart"

... so now you're like 'uh, okay...'

and then evolves into the even creepier "I'M HEARTBROKEN!!!! Last night I saw my Chelsy kissing another man! I was at the diner where she works every Sun, Mon, Thur, and Sat from 1 to 9, 2 to 10 on Fridays, and some guy in her section (I never sit her section, I don't want to bother her at work, just go and sit in the other waitresses section so if Chelsy needs me there is always has a friendly face to look to when customers are being meanies) some guy in her section KISSED HER after finishing his meal. I thought maybe it was some creepy jerk who thinks he's in love with some chick he's never met so I ask the cashier 'hey, who was the lucky guy smoooching with your waitress?' expecting him to say 'some creep who comes in every now and then' but NO! His name is Gary and he and Chelsy have been dating since 11th grade!!! How could she do that to me?! Lead me on like this and never mention she's been seeing someone else for the past 5 years?!"

.... and now you're like "O_o this really isn't 'funny' so much as 'scary' now"

Then it turns to "DAMMIT CHELSY WHY ARE YOU PLAYING HIS GAME!!!!! I was at the diner again today and Gary came in again, well I wasn't gonna let this charade go on any longer. Right as he's leaving I march right up and say 'WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! WHO THE HELL IS HE, CHELSY?! WERE YOU EVER GONNA TELL ME?!' she just looks at me confused and says 'I don't know you! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!' obviously reacting to my sudden anger, I wrote her an appology note on the bathroom mirror in the locker room she changes in before swim practice so she knows I didn't mean to explode like that, but then GET THIS, the Short Order Cook, a big burly feel named 'Chuck' grabs me by the collar and throws me outside telling me to NEVER comeback again. I figure he'll deal with Gary next, he leaves 20 minutes later so I guess he got really chewed out! so I sit in my car and wait for Chelsy to get off work, in case Gary causes more problems so I can save her. Well I guess Gary must have waited too because before Chelsy leaves Chuck walks out, butcher knife in hand and looks around, sees my car and walks Chelsy to her's... guess he was afraid Gary would confront her and didn't want me to have to beat him senseless. Now that I've time to cool off I don't blame you for your actions Chelsy, he's obviously very manipulative and you were just trying to keep safe, sorry to endanger you like that, but still it broke my heart you never told me!"

.....at which point you know just how crazy his delussions are.

The next logical step Stefan has yet to make but will as soon as he figures out how to kill Akiman or something is "GARY IS DEAD CHELSY!!! I heard your friends talking about needing bridesmaid dresses and how romantic it was Gary proposed to you on a hot air balloon over his father's vinyard... I can't believe he manipulated you so much you would of had to marry him instead of me!! So I waited for him outside the diner and followed him back to his appartment, while he was fumbling with his keys in the dark I slit his throat with a piece of mint dental floss in a Hello Kitty dispenser I got in Japan, we like Japan remember Chelsy? We're going to move there after we get married! And eat egg burgers at MacDonald's, park our car in one of those wacky elevators, and be taller thene everyone!!!.... I'll need to lay low now, but when the heat's died off I'll come find you and we'll run away to Japan! We'll be together FOREVER!"

So that's why no one talks about Stefan and how dumb he is any more, he's just plan psycho and it's scary rather then funny after awhile. (phew! that was a lot of crappy writting >_< I hope that helped further correct the multiverses so we don't need another thread about Stefan anytime soon)

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

3138th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):STEFANFIC!" , posted Thu 12 Jan 04:22post reply


so that's all creepy funny for the first few months, then you realize SomethingAwful's ALoD was right... Cammy would have a restraining order on him.

Quite frankly I think most characters would hate their fans if they were real.

Also I was more wondering if he stopped being crazy and thus there was no new thread because he had gotten past being so insane. Guess he's been trucking along as nutty as ever, just people stopped paying attention (which is for the best).

788th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):STEFANFIC!" , posted Thu 12 Jan 04:27:post reply

I actually thought to myself as I was driving home a week ago "You know there hasn't been a thread on MMCAFE about how stupid that Cammyfan guy is" for a while. The universe is clearly now back in its correct state of being.

Pffff, we just haven't had one for a while because at a certain point it just stops being funny.

Yeah, when you first find the site and read it you're like "Holy Shit... this guy is creepy!" reading about how cool he thinks he is because he's been to Japan, his irrational hatred of Ryu and Chun-Li for being more popular then Cammy, his heavy conservative/Republican point of view, the fact he uses non-cannon/made up plot points to tell Cammy's history, and Hell the very fact Cammy's not his creation yet seems to think he's her elected representitive.

so that's all creepy funny for the first few months, then you realize SomethingAwful's ALoD was right... Cammy would have a restraining order on him.

You realize this isn't a "SF character fan site run by someone way to into a character" it's an "obsessed lover keeping daily tabs on the girl he's madly in love with, and convinced she's just as in love with him despite they've never met"

It'd be like reading a MySpace where some looser says "Chelsy is the prettiest girl at my school, we're in American History Studies together she sits on the far side of the room and always knows the answers to questions no one else does. I think she lives in the same dorm buliding I do, but she may just be visiting friends. We have so much in common I bet we'd hit it off right away!" and such so at first you're like 'hehe, this guy is crazy!'

Then later it turns to "So I was at the 'Campus Republicans Support The Greatest President And His War' rally today and Chelsy was outside protesting AGAINIST it... I can't believe someone convinced her to go againist everything she stands for to do that, since there's no way she wouldn't be a good Republican girl at heart"

... so now you're like 'uh, okay...'

and then evolves into the even creepier "I'M HEARTBROKEN!!!! Last night I saw my Chelsy kissing another man! I was at the diner where she works every Sun, Mon, Thur, and Sat from 1 to 9, 2 to 10 on Fridays, and some guy in her section (I never sit her section, I don't want to bother her at work, just go and sit in the other waitresses section so if Chelsy needs me there is always has a friendly face to look to when customers are being meanies) some guy in her section KISSED HER after finishing his meal. I thought maybe it was some creepy jerk who thinks he's in love with some chick he's never met so I ask the cashier 'hey, who was the lucky guy smoooching with your waitress?' expecting him to say 'some creep who comes in every now and then' but NO! His name is Gary and he and Chelsy have been dating since 11th grade!!! How could she do that to me?! Lead me on like this and never mention she's been seeing someone else for the past 5 years?!"

.... and now you're like "O_o this really isn't 'funny' so much as 'scary' now"

Then it turns to "DAMMIT CHELSY WHY ARE YOU PLAYING HIS GAME!!!!! I was at the diner again today and Gary came in again, well I wasn't gonna let this charade go on any longer. Right as he's leaving I march right up and say 'WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! WHO THE HELL IS HE, CHELSY?! WERE YOU EVER GONNA TELL ME?!' she just looks at me confused and says 'I don't know you! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!' obviously reacting to my sudden anger, I wrote her an appology note on the bathroom mirror in the locker room she changes in before swim practice so she knows I didn't mean to explode like that, but then GET THIS, the Short Order Cook, a big burly feel named 'Chuck' grabs me by the collar and throws me outside telling me to NEVER comeback again. I figure he'll deal with Gary next, he leaves 20 minutes later so I guess he got really chewed out! so I sit in my car and wait for Chelsy to get off work, in case Gary causes more problems so I can save her. Well I guess Gary must have waited too because before Chelsy leaves Chuck walks out, butcher knife in hand and looks around, sees my car and walks Chelsy to her's... guess he was afraid Gary would confront her and didn't want me to have to beat him senseless. Now that I've time to cool off I don't blame you for your actions Chelsy, he's obviously very manipulative and you were just trying to keep safe, sorry to endanger you like that, but still it broke my heart you never told me!"

.....at which point you know just how crazy his delussions are.

The next logical step Stefan has yet to make but will as soon as he figures out how to kill Akiman or something is "GARY IS DEAD CHELSY!!! I heard your friends talking about needing bridesmaid dresses and how romantic it was Gary proposed to you on a hot air balloon over his father's vinyard... I can't believe he manipulated you so much you would of had to marry him instead of me!! So I waited for him outside the diner and followed him back to his appartment, while he was fumbling with his keys in the dark I slit his throat with a piece of mint dental floss in a Hello Kitty dispenser I got in Japan, we like Japan remember Chelsy? We're going to move there after we get married! And eat egg burgers at MacDonald's, park our car in one of those wacky elevators, and be taller thene everyone!!!.... I'll need to lay low now, but when the heat's died off I'll come find you and we'll run away to Japan! We'll be together FOREVER!"

So that's why no one talks about Stefan and how dumb he is any more, he's just plan psycho and it's scary rather then funny after awhile. (phew! that was a lot of crappy writting >_< I hope that helped further correct the multiverses so we don't need another thread about Stefan anytime soon)


Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

[this message was edited by KTallguy on Thu 12 Jan 04:28]

3210th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Thu 12 Jan 05:58post reply

You think about peculiar things when driving home.

I had an mmc-related dream once! I hope I get shot for that, it's warranted.

Undead Fred
2605th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):STEFANFIC!" , posted Thu 12 Jan 06:23post reply

The next logical step Stefan has yet to make but will as soon as he figures out how to kill Akiman or something is "GARY IS DEAD CHELSY!!! I heard your friends talking about needing bridesmaid dresses and how romantic it was Gary proposed to you on a hot air balloon over his father's vinyard... I can't believe he manipulated you so much you would of had to marry him instead of me!! So I waited for him outside the diner and followed him back to his appartment, while he was fumbling with his keys in the dark I slit his throat with a piece of mint dental floss in a Hello Kitty dispenser I got in Japan, we like Japan remember Chelsy? We're going to move there after we get married! And eat egg burgers at MacDonald's, park our car in one of those wacky elevators, and be taller thene everyone!!!.... I'll need to lay low now, but when the heat's died off I'll come find you and we'll run away to Japan! We'll be together FOREVER!"
The Hello Kitty garrote was my favorite part. Heh heh.

864th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):STEFANFIC!" , posted Thu 12 Jan 15:31post reply

I actually thought to myself as I was driving home a week ago "You know there hasn't been a thread on MMCAFE about how stupid that Cammyfan guy is" for a while. The universe is clearly now back in its correct state of being.

Pffff, we just haven't had one for a while because at a certain point it just stops being funny.

Yeah, when you first find the site and read it you're like "Holy Shit... this guy is creepy!" reading about how cool he thinks he is because he's been to Japan, his irrational hatred of Ryu and Chun-Li for being more popular then Cammy, his heavy conservative/Republican point of view, the fact he uses non-cannon/made up plot points to tell Cammy's history, and Hell the very fact Cammy's not his creation yet seems to think he's her elected representitive.

so that's all creepy funny for the first few months, then you realize SomethingAwful's ALoD was right... Cammy would have a restraining order on him.

You realize this isn't a "SF character fan site run by someone way to into a character" it's an "obsessed lover keeping daily tabs on the girl he's madly in love with, and convinced she's just as in love with him despite they've never met"

It'd be like reading a MySpace where some looser says "Chelsy is the prettiest girl at my school, we're in American History Studies together she sits on the far side of the room and always knows the answers to questions no one else does. I think she lives in the same dorm buliding I do, but she may just be visiting friends. We have so much in common I bet we'd hit it off right away!" and such so at first you're like 'hehe, this guy is crazy!'

Then later it turns to "So I was at the 'Campus Republicans Support The Greatest President And His War' rally today and Chelsy was outside protesting AGAINIST it... I can't believe someone convinced her to go againist everything she stands for to do that, since there's no way she wouldn't be a good Republican girl at heart"

... so now you're like 'uh, okay...'

and then evolves into the even creepier "I'M HEARTBROKEN!!!! Last night I saw my Chelsy kissing another man! I was at the diner where she works every Sun, Mon, Thur, and Sat from 1 to 9, 2 to 10 on Fridays, and some guy in her section (I never sit her section, I don't want to bother her at work, just go and sit in the other waitresses section so if Chelsy needs me there is always has a friendly face to look to when customers are being meanies) some guy in her section KISSED HER after finishing his meal. I thought maybe it was some creepy jerk who thinks he's in love with some chick he's never met so I ask the cashier 'hey, who was the lucky guy smoooching with your waitress?' expecting him to say 'some creep who comes in every now and then' but NO! His name is Gary and he and Chelsy have been dating since 11th grade!!! How could she do that to me?! Lead me on like this and never mention she's been seeing someone else for the past 5 years?!"

.... and now you're like "O_o this really isn't 'funny' so much as 'scary' now"

Then it turns to "DAMMIT CHELSY WHY ARE YOU PLAYING HIS GAME!!!!! I was at the diner again today and Gary came in again, well I wasn't gonna let this charade go on any longer. Right as he's leaving I march right up and say 'WHAT THE HELL IS THIS?! WHO THE HELL IS HE, CHELSY?! WERE YOU EVER GONNA TELL ME?!' she just looks at me confused and says 'I don't know you! WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?!' obviously reacting to my sudden anger, I wrote her an appology note on the bathroom mirror in the locker room she changes in before swim practice so she knows I didn't mean to explode like that, but then GET THIS, the Short Order Cook, a big burly feel named 'Chuck' grabs me by the collar and throws me outside telling me to NEVER comeback again. I figure he'll deal with Gary next, he leaves 20 minutes later so I guess he got really chewed out! so I sit in my car and wait for Chelsy to get off work, in case Gary causes more problems so I can save her. Well I guess Gary must have waited too because before Chelsy leaves Chuck walks out, butcher knife in hand and looks around, sees my car and walks Chelsy to her's... guess he was afraid Gary would confront her and didn't want me to have to beat him senseless. Now that I've time to cool off I don't blame you for your actions Chelsy, he's obviously very manipulative and you were just trying to keep safe, sorry to endanger you like that, but still it broke my heart you never told me!"

.....at which point you know just how crazy his delussions are.

The next logical step Stefan has yet to make but will as soon as he figures out how to kill Akiman or something is "GARY IS DEAD CHELSY!!! I heard your friends talking about needing bridesmaid dresses and how romantic it was Gary proposed to you on a hot air balloon over his father's vinyard... I can't believe he manipulated you so much you would of had to marry him instead of me!! So I waited for him outside the diner and followed him back to his appartment, while he was fumbling with his keys in the dark I slit his throat with a piece of mint dental floss in a Hello Kitty dispenser I got in Japan, we like Japan remember Chelsy? We're going to move there after we get married! And eat egg burgers at MacDonald's, park our car in one of those wacky elevators, and be taller thene everyone!!!.... I'll need to lay low now, but when the heat's died off I'll come find you and we'll run away to Japan! We'll be together FOREVER!"

So that's why no one talks about Stefan and how dumb he is any more, he's just plan psycho and it's scary rather then funny after awhile. (phew! that was a lot of crappy writting >_< I hope that helped further correct the multiverses so we don't need another thread about Stefan anytime soon)

*standing applause*
You should write editorials.

15th Post

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New Customer

"Re(1):Just when you thought Stefan was retard" , posted Thu 12 Jan 20:07post reply

That was beautiful, Dr. Baghead.


Dr Baghead
3549th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):STEFANFIC!" , posted Fri 13 Jan 04:03post reply

*standing applause*
You should write editorials.

Editorials about what? How crazy Stefan is?

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)