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gorgeous 46th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Thu 12 Jan 18:06
quote: Boll aside, is it just me or is Bloodrayne the least-popular videogame to be made into a movie, thus far?
Yeah, I mean, I never played one of those fucking games.
That, and the games he picks to adapt into movies -- House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark -- are basically just videogame interpretations of B-movie genres anyway. House of the Dead wasn't an adaptation of a videogame, it was an excuse to make a zombie movie.
It's all pretty obnoxious. I haven't seen any of his movies yet, and I'm not sure I want to.
They get released over here in Japan straight to DVD, with the most cheesy-looking "$2.99 at your local supermarket checkout" presentation. GAHGALUG
exodus 3213th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Fri 13 Jan 02:47
it's more like it's in his best interest to make a bad movie. the law goes that german investors can write off their investments on their taxes. They then only pay taxes on any profit that the movie makes. So if Uwe makes a shit movie, it makes no profit. If it loses money, his investors gave the money for free, and get to write it off and get a bigger tax break than they would have otherwise. Uwe, in turn, made his money for less than they invested, and keeps the rest. So he wants to make movies that fail.
The law is still under review, it hasn't changed yet, which is why he's got four movies lined up under the old law. He's definitely not dumb, he's just cheating the government.
Sensenic 1438th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Interview with Uwe" , posted Tue 31 Jan 17:11
quote: it's more like it's in his best interest to make a bad movie. the law goes that german investors can write off their investments on their taxes. They then only pay taxes on any profit that the movie makes. So if Uwe makes a shit movie, it makes no profit. If it loses money, his investors gave the money for free, and get to write it off and get a bigger tax break than they would have otherwise. Uwe, in turn, made his money for less than they invested, and keeps the rest. So he wants to make movies that fail.
The law is still under review, it hasn't changed yet, which is why he's got four movies lined up under the old law. He's definitely not dumb, he's just cheating the government.
Bumpin' again but thought this could interest you.
The horror
It's in Spanish tho'... If you want me to translate... well, when I find some free time I can try ^_^
Deidara. I just loved that face. XD
 "It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it" An undead friend.
Arngrim 72th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):Interview with Uwe" , posted Wed 1 Feb 08:43:
Ok, the most relevant point along the interview is that Uwe is basically putting very little interest on their interviewers so, aswers vaguely with short and poor aswers (the interviewers try to jutify it by saying he is a man of little word, but I don't know).
The questions become more and more agressive but all the time he is like saying "Come on, guys, I don't care about your stupid videogames, all I really care is to get popular videogames licenses, in order to adapt the premises to the kind of movie I like, and make as most money as possible with a fastfood-like movie. I don't plan on quitting getting money from this gold mine that is attracting people to see my movies with the title and the premises of a popular videogame, and then resolving the movie my own way, so GTFO".
Kojima, obviously, won't give the license of MGS to such an individual, but I'm pretty sure he will continue to make trash of every videogame license he gets.
As I final note, I find sickly funny his quote: "I love gore and sex and I hate movies wich are rated +13 downwards". ^^U
-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-
[this message was edited by Arngrim on Wed 1 Feb 08:44] |