OT: Grandma's Boy and video game references - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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111th Post

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"OT: Grandma's Boy and video game references" , posted Sat 7 Jan 15:16post reply

I recently just got out of the theaters bout an hour ago and was wondering if anyone saw this movie. Not sure if anyone is into stupid funny movies, but I actually liked this movie it was pretty funny with lots of video game references. Even theres a scene with two of the main protagonists playing guilty gear xx against each other I believe it was millia and potemkin they were using.

Heck they even got a funny DDR scene in there, MGS dolls, castlevania..fight night and so forth. Not sure if you guys are into any specific types of funny movies but its pretty funny for a regular movie.


3109th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: Grandma's Boy and video game refere" , posted Sat 7 Jan 16:41post reply

I recently just got out of the theaters bout an hour ago and was wondering if anyone saw this movie. Not sure if anyone is into stupid funny movies, but I actually liked this movie it was pretty funny with lots of video game references. Even theres a scene with two of the main protagonists playing guilty gear xx against each other I believe it was millia and potemkin they were using.

Heck they even got a funny DDR scene in there, MGS dolls, castlevania..fight night and so forth. Not sure if you guys are into any specific types of funny movies but its pretty funny for a regular movie.

When I first saw the trailer in theatres for this movie a while back I noticed it seemed to be heavy on video game type stuff. I have been interested in checking it out, but am still unsure about it. Is it actually pretty funny throughout or is it mainly just stupid?

Mario Kart DS Friend Code:

113th Post

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"Re(2):OT: Grandma's Boy and video game refere" , posted Sat 7 Jan 23:47:post reply


When I first saw the trailer in theatres for this movie a while back I noticed it seemed to be heavy on video game type stuff. I have been interested in checking it out, but am still unsure about it. Is it actually pretty funny throughout or is it mainly just stupid?

I wanna say that the movie is directly within the border between stupid and funny. It really hits hard with the concept of geeky gamers, the people who havent grown up and so forth. Heck most of the movie had lots and lots of weed scenes and such, but you could say it fit nicely. They do share warm scenes with the main protagonist and his grandma.

I have to personally the movie is right in the middle between stupid and really funny. I personally was out with friends to go see a movie cause just after dinner and we were up for a funny movie a really brainless good laugh you could say but not too stupid. I think the movie in itself is average with a little more for a good laugh.

[this message was edited by catalyst on Sat 7 Jan 23:48]

121th Post

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"Re(3):OT: Grandma's Boy and video game refere" , posted Mon 9 Jan 04:56post reply

I think the movie in itself is average with a little more for a good laugh.

IMO, it's a rental at best. Not quite enough comedy jammed in there. I'd say it comes across more as a stoner movie. The film doesn't just have videogame references, though. It's a movie about a guy who works at a videogame company as a playtester. References are innumerable, from posters throughout their offices (highly XBox/PC-centric if you ask me) to actual games played. I'd say it's a breakthrough movie for videogame culture if it was a better movie to start.
If the movie wasn't dumb enough that nobody would take it seriously, I'd be afraid of how it reflects gamers. (either perma-virgins or stoner burnouts) But nothing in it is taken too seriously, so it all works out.
Even the intro and end sequences were played out as a Galaga ship firing at the credits. Like Star Soldier!

3134th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):OT: Grandma's Boy and video game refere" , posted Wed 11 Jan 02:49post reply

I think the question we all want the answer to is does he have sex with Raymond's mom?

Krzyzewski Man
1144th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Incredibly Shitty Movie Alert" , posted Wed 11 Jan 03:55post reply

It is video game related.

If life gives you AIDS make lemon-AIDS!
-Sarah Silverman

3110th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Incredibly Shitty Movie Alert" , posted Wed 11 Jan 04:21post reply

It is video game related.

I've never played Bloodrayne, and since it's directed by Uwe Bolle I especially wasn't interested in this movie. Until I found out Meatloaf is in it, and I kinda wanted to see it sometime just to see his part in it.

After following that link though, I now know that Michelle Rodriguez is in it, and I hate her. I might consider her an actress if I ever saw a difference in any of her characters, but she is terribly annoying to watch. I don't think I could sit through this movie now, even to see Meatloaf.

I'm not saying Meatloaf can act, I'm not really sure about that. But I like his music.

Mario Kart DS Friend Code:

1423th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Incredibly Shitty Movie Alert" , posted Wed 11 Jan 06:03post reply

It is video game related.

Why do moviegoers and gamers keep going to see video-game-based movies when neither group is ever happy with the results?
Maitland McDonagh.

Whoever this guy is... w0rd.

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

1916th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):Incredibly Shitty Movie Alert" , posted Wed 11 Jan 09:10post reply

It is video game related.

Why do moviegoers and gamers keep going to see video-game-based movies when neither group is ever happy with the results?
Maitland McDonagh.

Whoever this guy is... w0rd.

I was just about to quote it as well. w0rd x2.

1199th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost ..." , posted Thu 12 Jan 13:51post reply


Even though the article tries to assure us at the end that Uwe isn't attached, just him looking at the script soils it beyond belief.

And since I had a TF reference in the title I thought I would add this


It is test footage from ILM, but it is unconfirmed. It looks alright. Nothing like that one dancing car commercial a while ago. Just see the basic car transformation.

122th Post

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"Re(1):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Thu 12 Jan 14:07post reply

Bloodrayne may be Boll's undoing. I don't think I ever saw a preview of this movie in any form. Movie, TV, etc. Perhaps the studios are finally ceasing their support of his manical experiments in just what qualifies for multi-million dollar entertainment.

Boll aside, is it just me or is Bloodrayne the least-popular videogame to be made into a movie, thus far?

46th Post

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"Re(2):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Thu 12 Jan 18:06post reply

Boll aside, is it just me or is Bloodrayne the least-popular videogame to be made into a movie, thus far?

Yeah, I mean, I never played one of those fucking games.

That, and the games he picks to adapt into movies -- House of the Dead, Alone in the Dark -- are basically just videogame interpretations of B-movie genres anyway. House of the Dead wasn't an adaptation of a videogame, it was an excuse to make a zombie movie.

It's all pretty obnoxious. I haven't seen any of his movies yet, and I'm not sure I want to.

They get released over here in Japan straight to DVD, with the most cheesy-looking "$2.99 at your local supermarket checkout" presentation. GAHGALUG

3139th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Thu 12 Jan 20:30post reply

Boll apparently benefited from German tax laws that as far as I can understand gave back 100% of the investment in a bad movie if it does not make a profit. Therefor he had absolutely nothing to lose by making terrible movies. It seems that the loophole has been cleaned up so after the movies that were grandfathered into the old laws are made we might not have to worry about him anymore.

3213th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Fri 13 Jan 02:47post reply

it's more like it's in his best interest to make a bad movie. the law goes that german investors can write off their investments on their taxes. They then only pay taxes on any profit that the movie makes. So if Uwe makes a shit movie, it makes no profit. If it loses money, his investors gave the money for free, and get to write it off and get a bigger tax break than they would have otherwise. Uwe, in turn, made his money for less than they invested, and keeps the rest. So he wants to make movies that fail.

The law is still under review, it hasn't changed yet, which is why he's got four movies lined up under the old law. He's definitely not dumb, he's just cheating the government.

125th Post

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"Re(5):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Fri 13 Jan 04:48post reply

So how do they write off an advertising budget? I've always heard that's a significant portion of a given movie's cost. Might explain why Bloodrayne has next to no promotion. I think I saw a poster, once!

How dare this script get snagged, yet my cinematic masterpiece of a Pacman script goes unnoticed! Action! Love! Eating things!

3111th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Fri 13 Jan 10:07post reply

So how do they write off an advertising budget? I've always heard that's a significant portion of a given movie's cost. Might explain why Bloodrayne has next to no promotion. I think I saw a poster, once!

How dare this script get snagged, yet my cinematic masterpiece of a Pacman script goes unnoticed! Action! Love! Eating things!

Isn't someone already working on a Pacman movie?

Mario Kart DS Friend Code:

1567th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Sat 14 Jan 03:05:post reply

Action! Love! Eating things!

My good sir, this movie is insensitive to obesity issues!

EDIT: BARGHARGHARGH web account expired, images were borked :(


[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Sat 14 Jan 12:51]

127th Post

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"Re(7):Uwe must be stopped, no matter the cost" , posted Sat 14 Jan 07:33post reply

Action! Love! Eating things!
My good sir, this movie is insensitive to obesity issues!

Actually, it's a postmodern poke at our own culture's paradigm/oxymoron of overtly praising the thin yet continually forcing commercialism upon us to encourage gorging ourselves on fast food. Little Miss Pacwomen everywhere will feel empowered!
...did I mention it has full-frontal nudity?

1438th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Interview with Uwe" , posted Tue 31 Jan 17:11post reply

it's more like it's in his best interest to make a bad movie. the law goes that german investors can write off their investments on their taxes. They then only pay taxes on any profit that the movie makes. So if Uwe makes a shit movie, it makes no profit. If it loses money, his investors gave the money for free, and get to write it off and get a bigger tax break than they would have otherwise. Uwe, in turn, made his money for less than they invested, and keeps the rest. So he wants to make movies that fail.

The law is still under review, it hasn't changed yet, which is why he's got four movies lined up under the old law. He's definitely not dumb, he's just cheating the government.

Bumpin' again but thought this could interest you.

The horror

It's in Spanish tho'... If you want me to translate... well, when I find some free time I can try ^_^

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

2364th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Interview with Uwe" , posted Wed 1 Feb 02:43post reply


The horror

It's in Spanish tho'... If you want me to translate... well, when I find some free time I can try ^_^

That's nice of you to offer but it's Uwe Boll; it's not like he's going to have anything worthwhile to say.

Time Mage
2301th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Interview with Uwe" , posted Wed 1 Feb 02:58post reply


That's nice of you to offer but it's Uwe Boll; it's not like he's going to have anything worthwhile to say.

Well, the funny thing is that the whole interview is asking basically one thing: "Why do you torture us with your films?" Without any kind of tact from the interviewers.

2366th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Interview with Uwe" , posted Wed 1 Feb 04:46post reply

Well, the funny thing is that the whole interview is asking basically one thing: "Why do you torture us with your films?" Without any kind of tact from the interviewers.

Wow, you're right. Even with my poor language skills I can get the gist of just how unflattering the interview is. Does Boll know that he's being directly insulted? Does he care? If Uwe Boll was a fictional character I would have given up on the story he was featured in because he is too ridiculous to be believed.

1439th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):Interview with Uwe" , posted Wed 1 Feb 06:25post reply

Wow, you're right. Even with my poor language skills I can get the gist of just how unflattering the interview is. Does Boll know that he's being directly insulted? Does he care? If Uwe Boll was a fictional character I would have given up on the story he was featured in because he is too ridiculous to be believed.

Well, the interview is unflattering-standard. The real fun comes from the comments: before, during and after it.

But, to me, Boll is obviously completely ignoring them, he doesn't care about criticism at all. That's why I posted this as a reply to exodus' Uwe Boll's conspiracy theory post, because I do believe he's quite that kind of SOB, not a misunderstood game-loving director.

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

72th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Interview with Uwe" , posted Wed 1 Feb 08:43:post reply

Ok, the most relevant point along the interview is that Uwe is basically putting very little interest on their interviewers so, aswers vaguely with short and poor aswers (the interviewers try to jutify it by saying he is a man of little word, but I don't know).

The questions become more and more agressive but all the time he is like saying "Come on, guys, I don't care about your stupid videogames, all I really care is to get popular videogames licenses, in order to adapt the premises to the kind of movie I like, and make as most money as possible with a fastfood-like movie. I don't plan on quitting getting money from this gold mine that is attracting people to see my movies with the title and the premises of a popular videogame, and then resolving the movie my own way, so GTFO".

Kojima, obviously, won't give the license of MGS to such an individual, but I'm pretty sure he will continue to make trash of every videogame license he gets.

As I final note, I find sickly funny his quote: "I love gore and sex and I hate movies wich are rated +13 downwards". ^^U

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Wed 1 Feb 08:44]