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sabo10 1286th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Yet undiscovered frontiers in Ikaruga." , posted Mon 9 Jan 01:21:
There is currently an interesting thread going on at Superplay discussing Ikaruga's Stage 2.
Stage 2 is interesting because it has two sections with "generators," those barrells that endlessly produce drones.
Unlike other stages, with a more or less fixed number of enemies, where, with enough skill, one can learn a pattern to quickly chain, and eliminate every last one, these generators offer more depth. This is because when you stop killing drones generated, and move on the the next section of the level, the generators will keep generating, meaning there are potentially chains you are missing. The ideal situation is to kill every last drone that comes out until the generator scrolls off the screen. This often requires very tricky use of the homing lasers. This is complicated by the end of the stage, which awards bonus rows for defeating the last set of enemies as quickly as possible. Defeating these enemies quickly, yet milking the the second set of generators for as long as possible offers an interesting conflict.
The highlight of this thread comes when it's discovered that the current world record score for Stage 2 was accomplished long before the Appreciate DVD even came out, and was done by some guy on a farm in Iowa without an internet connection.
The video can be found here.
[this message was edited by sabo10 on Mon 9 Jan 01:41] | | Replies: |