Original message (2006 Views )
sabo10 1288th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Early contender for Person of the Year 2006?" , posted Fri 13 Jan 10:37
story here
Michigan man wages biochemical warfare against courtroom over speeding ticket:
During a Dec. 21 court appearance on a traffic charge, John Ridgeway pulled out a vial of an unknown liquid, rubbed his hands with the contents and insisted on shaking hands with the (prosecutor, police officer and courtroom bailiff,) authorities said.
All of them got sick within an hour, suffering from nausea, headaches, numbness and tingling that lasted about a day. Two sought treatment at a hospital.
Ridgeway, 41, told the Associated Press in a telephone interview from jail Thursday that the substance was olive oil. He questioned whether the three officials were sick at all, and charged that the allegations were fabricated.
"They've got a vendetta against me because I took a ticket to a jury trial," he said.
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Juke Joint Jezebel 3496th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Early contender for Person of the Year" , posted Tue 17 Jan 09:52
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