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Dr Baghead 3550th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Mortal Kombat... is it up to SEVEN now!!!" , posted Sat 14 Jan 15:53
quote: Will this be the "KOF'98" of MK? I thought they had tried that with Trilogy.
Two things about the KoF thing: -MK Triology came BEFORE KoF 98, so isn't it techincally the "MK triology of KoF"? -No, '98 left out characters like the Boss team and Eiji, with 60+ characters it's safe to assume EVERY character is in no matter how shitty (and yes, I mean by MK standards)
And yeah, this game is exactly like what they did with Triology... but why is that a bad thing? It's not like to die-hard fans of MK Triology was a bad game.
Seriously, the crazy GameFAQ/'post at an MK message board' die-hard MK fans bitch and moan and bitch some more if their favorite character (and as the old saying goes 'Everyone is someones favorite character') isn't in the game... there's really no way to win for Ed Boon unless he makes 'Everyone back in the pool!' games every so often.
Granted they'll find new stuff to bitch about... that Scorpion's UMK3 Alt isn't an Alt costume for EVERY ninja, that they don't like a certain redesign, that (favorite character's) fighting styles should have been (their 3 favorites) not what was assigned... but it's the best they can do.
--- Personally I'm really looking forward to MK7, assuming it's nothing more then expansion on MKD it should be a blast to play. Maybe I'm a lamer, but I'll take MK7 over Tekken 5:DI (it's DI right?) or DoA4 or VF5 or that new KoF any day of the week.
I've given up on trying to learn combos, when I play a game I want it to be fast and easy to play! And that's MK7 (assuming it plays like MKD)
I wonder how the two creation (kreation?) modes will work... Is "Kreate a Character" a realization of what they intended for Shinjuko in MKD (that he's truely customizable you pick the styles and whose moves you use) or will it end up just a Barbie doll you map 3 styles and a set of attacks too? I wonder if it has Soul Calibur 3 level accessorizing options or is just "you get a ninja suit, pick a color! YAY! all done" (which would actually make 99.7% of the fan base insanely happy)
... I assume creating a Fatality isn't as in deep as most fans would want (ie- actually getting to make one up out of your head rather then picking a few options) so I wonder what it actually is
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Just a Person 750th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):Mortal Kombat... is it up to SEVEN now!" , posted Sat 14 Jan 21:48
quote: -No, '98 left out characters like the Boss team and Eiji, with 60+ characters it's safe to assume EVERY character is in no matter how shitty (and yes, I mean by MK standards)
And yeah, this game is exactly like what they did with Triology... but why is that a bad thing? It's not like to die-hard fans of MK Triology was a bad game.
Seriously, the crazy GameFAQ/'post at an MK message board' die-hard MK fans bitch and moan and bitch some more if their favorite character (and as the old saying goes 'Everyone is someones favorite character') isn't in the game... there's really no way to win for Ed Boon unless he makes 'Everyone back in the pool!' games every so often.
Granted they'll find new stuff to bitch about... that Scorpion's UMK3 Alt isn't an Alt costume for EVERY ninja, that they don't like a certain redesign, that (favorite character's) fighting styles should have been (their 3 favorites) not what was assigned... but it's the best they can do.
--- Personally I'm really looking forward to MK7, assuming it's nothing more then expansion on MKD it should be a blast to play. Maybe I'm a lamer, but I'll take MK7 over Tekken 5:DI (it's DI right?) or DoA4 or VF5 or that new KoF any day of the week.
I've given up on trying to learn combos, when I play a game I want it to be fast and easy to play! And that's MK7 (assuming it plays like MKD)
I wonder how the two creation (kreation?) modes will work... Is "Kreate a Character" a realization of what they intended for Shinjuko in MKD (that he's truely customizable you pick the styles and whose moves you use) or will it end up just a Barbie doll you map 3 styles and a set of attacks too? I wonder if it has Soul Calibur 3 level accessorizing options or is just "you get a ninja suit, pick a color! YAY! all done" (which would actually make 99.7% of the fan base insanely happy)
... I assume creating a Fatality isn't as in deep as most fans would want (ie- actually getting to make one up out of your head rather then picking a few options) so I wonder what it actually is
Actually, some characters are not confirmed. I wasn't expecting that people from MK:Mythologies, Special Forces or new people from Shaolin Monks would appear anyway, same thing with Chameleon, Khameleon and Meat (in fact, I'm even surprised that Mokap is in the roster!). However, Motaro wasn't included, and he may be absent, since it would be kinda hard to make a completely different character with a horse torso. Not that I care about Motaro at all.
And yes, probably many people will complain, like: "Why the fighters from Deadly Alliance and Deception didn't get new looks? Why is Blaze seeming to be more important than Shao Kahn? He sucks!". But I guess that, if Boon and his team do work hard in it, Armageddon may be a fantastic game, and an excellent way to end this saga (since Boon's quote seems to imply that MK8 will have only brand-new characters, without people like Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung or Scorpion).
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 751th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(3):Mortal Kombat... is it up to SEVEN now!" , posted Sun 15 Jan 22:34
quote: But I guess that, if Boon and his team do work hard in it, Armageddon may be a fantastic game, and an excellent way to end this saga (since Boon's quote seems to imply that MK8 will have only brand-new characters, without people like Sub-Zero, Shang Tsung or Scorpion). may I ask Where?? never heard somethign like this from Mr Boon...not that I don't belive you...
Baghead just a word it's TK5 DR not DI ^ ^ Dr standds for dark resurection... which could fit to aMK game...
IMO I never was a big fan of MK since the 3D series, (play the 2D a lot) but if this one is really a "go out with the bang" i'll deffinitely try it. all we need is to wait until the E3.
It was somewhere in the magazine scans. But people made different interpretations, like: some characters will come back, while most of them die; or that the new MK would happen in a different timeline or an alternate story (some people even want the children from Liu Kang and Kitana, and Johnny Cage and Sonya, to be in MK8...). Nevertheless, Boon said that he WANTS to do it, not that they WILL DO IT, so we'll have to wait and see.
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Just a Person 752th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(3):Mortal Kombat... is it up to SEVEN now!" , posted Sun 15 Jan 22:43
quote: Oh shit >_<
I almost responded to that "just because they're not confirmed doesn't mean they're not in"
knowing how the MK team works that's probably what they want people to think; Motaro is probably omitted just to work people into a frenzy just to unlock something that's not even there on the logic "EVERYONE ELSE IS IN!!!" (the fact he's be hard to program is just icing)
So, do you think that Motaro will be in it? Like I said, it's probably going to be really hard to make him to the game like a full character, and he's not one of my favorites anyway. But it would be cool if he's really in it; after all, this game is supposed to bring everyone from the MK games (forget about Chameleon, Khameleon, Meat and the people from Mythologies and Special Forces, they aren't as important as Motaro). And, I would be able to beat him down with Sheeva! Again! ^_^
quote: Yeah, I'm calling bullshit on that. ('sides I thought he said Sub-Zero and Scorpion were staying and everything else would be as new as possible)
I'd love of the game to go through some really major changes (while keeping what works in MKD) but I doubt it'll ever be able to escape it's past.
Street Fighter had to bring back Chun-Li and Akuma (and the fact the cast of SF2 is over used in the SNK Vs games is similar) , Tekken brought back everyone in Tekken Tag after it's major cast change and since all it's heavy hitters have returned as mainstays... If MK10 or 11 isn't another "Triology" I'll be SUPER impressed
Like I said, Boon stated this idea, but they're not sure if it will work out yet. Personally, I would like to see Sonya back again (although I wouldn't mind if she gets out of MK for good, but only if she gets a really nice ending), and it will definitely be hard to make characters as charismatic as the ones we have right now. But... a "Trilogy" for MK 10 or 11?? Assuming a lot of new characters will appear in MK 8, 9 and maybe 10 (maybe even in Armageddon), will everyone fit into a single game??
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Dr Baghead 3553th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Mortal Kombat... is it up to SEVEN now!" , posted Mon 16 Jan 02:12
quote: Baghead just a word it's TK5 DR not DI ^ ^ Dr standds for dark resurection... which could fit to aMK game...
Thank you, I don't follow Tekken and just know there's a Tekken 5 upgrade with D in it, don't know why I keep thinking it's DI (maybe I think it's a Ridge Racer crossover about King when he really hit the sauce hard?)
Although, that WOULD have been a good subtitle for this MK game.
quote: So, do you think that Motaro will be in it? Like I said, it's probably going to be really hard to make him to the game like a full character, and he's not one of my favorites anyway. But it would be cool if he's really in it; after all, this game is supposed to bring everyone from the MK games
I'll think he's in once I see some offical screenshots of him, it'd be cool on the novelity side of things to see him back but I'm not playing their game and just assuming he's in.
I almost thought "well surely he's in if it's everyone returning!" but that's what the MK team probably wants everyone to think! In board meeting they were probably like "So uh... how Does Motaro fight?" "good question... maybe he's got like styles that only use his uppertorso and legs are special moves only?" "We could make him a Horse Capoera fighter!!!" "C'Mon guys we made Stryker AND Cyrax we're too original to not just create him a brand new fighitng style from sratch!"
Then Boon was all like "He doesn't... we'll just keep saying in interviews 'everyone is back' and if they ask directly about Motaro say 'well he's not NOT in the game, he's definately in the Krypt if you look hard enough' and just have him hidding there! People will spend HOURS maybe even MONTHS exploting glitches and piecing together the most random clues to unlock when he's not even playable!.... it's the "Super Unlockables" all over again!"
quote: Like I said, Boon stated this idea, but they're not sure if it will work out yet.
Boon has a LOT of ideas that never work out... remember when MK4 came out he said "No more palette swaps"
and how much of the cast of MKD was Ninjas? Granted they've tried their damnest to make them look different, but still a lot of Ninjas in MKD (everyone but Rain and Kitana I believe, right?)
quote: But... a "Trilogy" for MK 10 or 11?? Assuming a lot of new characters will appear in MK 8, 9 and maybe 10 (maybe even in Armageddon), will everyone fit into a single game??
I bet they could all fit... they're just motion swaps (I doubt they'll ever come up with 60+ original fighting styles, let alone 180+ if everyone was truely unique) with unique special moves.
At worse maybe they could be original and find some way to use the Hard Drive to make everyone fit... but I doubt it's impossible to do another Triology, maybe not for MK10 or 11, but as the 'last game' on the Xbox 3 or PS4 it probably could be, they've gotta have enough space!
 Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)
Just a Person 755th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(5):Mortal Kombat... is it up to SEVEN now!" , posted Mon 23 Jan 06:41
quote: I'll think he's in once I see some offical screenshots of him, it'd be cool on the novelity side of things to see him back but I'm not playing their game and just assuming he's in.
I almost thought "well surely he's in if it's everyone returning!" but that's what the MK team probably wants everyone to think! In board meeting they were probably like "So uh... how Does Motaro fight?" "good question... maybe he's got like styles that only use his uppertorso and legs are special moves only?" "We could make him a Horse Capoera fighter!!!" "C'Mon guys we made Stryker AND Cyrax we're too original to not just create him a brand new fighitng style from sratch!"
Then Boon was all like "He doesn't... we'll just keep saying in interviews 'everyone is back' and if they ask directly about Motaro say 'well he's not NOT in the game, he's definately in the Krypt if you look hard enough' and just have him hidding there! People will spend HOURS maybe even MONTHS exploting glitches and piecing together the most random clues to unlock when he's not even playable!.... it's the "Super Unlockables" all over again!"
He'll regret this kind of decision if he ever commits this mistake...
Anyway, I saw the pictures. Graphically, MK:A looks the same as MK:DA and MK:D, which I don't consider a bad thing (the most important thing is that the game is fun). And yes, the "Kreate-a-Kharacter" mode doesn't seem to be as interesting as the same mode in SCIII, but it seems interesting, anyway. About the new cotumes for old characters, Sheeva looks really cool, but her muscles are too big (even for a big character like her); same thing with Kai. Stryker is a little weird, but at least he's cooler than in MK3. Reiko, Rain, Fujin are Jarek look great, while Kintaro and Shinnok kept their same old looks so far (but they don't really need to change). Sektor looks interesting in the concept art; a little too big, though (but I'll wait for in-game pictures of him for a better opinion).
By the way, Dr.Baghead, do you know that many fans of the MK series are complaining that they want new costumes and special attacks for ALL the characters from MK:DA and MK:D?? They never seem to be satisfied...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!