Spectral vs. Generations upcoming PS2 release - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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"Spectral vs. Generations upcoming PS2 release" , posted Tue 17 Jan 07:00post reply

I don't know almost anything about this game and I would like to gather a little information about it before considering buying it. This game has caught my attention due to the little information about it I can find (I also like the artwork).

As much as I love 2d fighters, this game looks rather unimpressive, by its looks, it gives heavy Guilty Gear vibes, also the official site only features 10 characters, which are the only ones I have seen since its release on the arcades.

The report on the PS2 port says it will have 33 playable characters and new play modes such as Training and Survival Modes. So its about 23 characters I haven't even seen any artwork of.

Could somebody tell me about gameplay, the characters not featured on the site, etc?

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-


1604th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Spectral vs. Generations upcoming PS2 r" , posted Tue 17 Jan 07:03:post reply

33 characters!? I think you've been misinformed.

I mean, I haven't seen anything but the original set, and that seems like an absurdly large amount to add to a home version.

Of course, I don't know any better than you, I just haven't heard that anywhere.

[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Tue 17 Jan 07:16]

53th Post

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"Spectral vs. Generations upcoming PS2 release" , posted Tue 17 Jan 07:22:post reply

33 characters!? I think you've been misinformed.

I mean, I haven't seen anything but the original set, and that seems like an absurdly large amount to add to a home version.

Of course, I don't know any better than you, I just haven't heard that anywhere.

It says so on the Magic Box, and that quite shocked me too... I don't know if this site is reliable at all or they just have been misinformed... O__o;

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-

[this message was edited by Arngrim on Tue 17 Jan 07:25]

1604th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(1):Spectral vs. Generations upcoming PS2 r" , posted Tue 17 Jan 07:27post reply


It says so on the Magic Box, and that quite shocked me too... I don't know if this site is reliable at all or they just have been misinformed... O__o;

Yes, but their source is Gamewatch, and Gamewatch says nothing of the sort. People here tend to exaggerate how unreliable The Magic Box is...but they do "miss" sometimes and this seems to be one of those cases.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Spectral vs. Generations upcoming PS2 r" , posted Tue 17 Jan 07:36post reply

no, definitely wrong.
that official site there is for the PS2 version, I'm sure it would mention 23 extra characters.

53th Post

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"Re(2):Spectral vs. Generations upcoming PS2 r" , posted Tue 17 Jan 08:03post reply

no, definitely wrong.
that official site there is for the PS2 version, I'm sure it would mention 23 extra characters.

Woh... how disappointing T__T

I think that 10 characters is indeed a VERY small party for a 2D-fighter videogame for these days... so that many extra characters would "redeem" it a little, add more variety and make it more interesting ...I mean, I wasn't expecting Marvel vs Capcom 2 in terms of number of characters, but I thoughy 33 is a "decent" cast number in order to make this game more appealing.

Thanks a lot for clarifying this!! ^^

-Death!!!... but in this place there is no happiness.-