DMC 4 infos - Forums

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3349th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"DMC 4 infos" , posted Tue 17 Jan 18:43post reply

here my friends!!
Famitsu news!

For those who can read french there a babelfish link at the end of the text.

Clic on the pics to enlarge them.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...


375th Post

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"Re(1):DMC 4 infos" , posted Tue 17 Jan 19:08post reply

That's...kinda ridiculous. More weapons, movements, enemies, environments, music, and cutscenes than the entire series so far combined? That doesn't actually sound interesting or well thought out to me. OMG MORE doesn't immediately make for a good game. Sounds like a huge lack of focus there.

DMC3 had more enemies than the first, but all of them were just basically sticks with mad faces painted on them. They stood there. They MAYBE had more than one attack. They did nothing. Nobody criticized the game for this, so there isn't much reason to think they'll fix it. I mean, every game since the first one has been 95% reactionary. It's getting kinda ridiculous.

Also, Dante isn't a beard kinda guy...

3350th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 01:01post reply

I see what you mean, but we're on the PS3 here. And the blue-ray seems to offer a large amount of place, after all nobody complains about various annemies in game like KH, Final fantasy, or even the old 2D Marios.

Having variety isn't a bad thing, even if you meet some enemies only onces in the game.
The cut-scenes part is here indeed, somehow, scary...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

2346th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 01:16post reply

Old and grizzled Dante makes me happy. The news that players won't be able to go "in reverse" is interesting and vague. Will the game not feature an interconnetected world in order to eliminate pointless backtracking? Will you no longer be able to repeat the same areas in order to stock up on orbs?

742th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 07:56post reply

Old and grizzled Dante makes me happy.

I still feel like between this and the new Metal Gear Solid there's going to be some kind of stupid "older grizzled version of main character LOL" trend in games. Mark my words.

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21th Post

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"Re(5):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 09:16post reply

Is it just me or is Dante starting to look like a young Klaus Kinski in the cut scenes?



(Sorry, not sure how to do hyperlinks here)

118th Post

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"Re(5):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 09:21post reply


I still feel like between this and the new Metal Gear Solid there's going to be some kind of stupid "older grizzled version of main character LOL" trend in games. Mark my words.

Damn straight, because between our creaking arthritic thumb joints and atrophied legs, we gamers are getting old too!

*end sarcasm*

That cutscene picture of Dante looks horrible - it's the expression on his face really, I can't imagine anything causing Dante to look like that.

377th Post

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"Re(3):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 10:24post reply

I see what you mean, but we're on the PS3 here. And the blue-ray seems to offer a large amount of place, after all nobody complains about various annemies in game like KH, Final fantasy, or even the old 2D Marios.

Uh huh? And none of those are intelligent action combat games. That doesn't really work.

1290th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 11:00post reply

I barely watch movies anymore because I learned about 10 years ago that most actors in America are anti-American scumbags. How 'progressives' can support terrorists and persecute Israel is beyond me.

3352th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 19:18post reply

Uh huh? And none of those are intelligent action combat games. That doesn't really work.

Yes of course, what I wish to say is that variety isn't a probleme in video games, even in a DMC.

Why did a huge amout of different ennemies would be something bad? the more you have the better the game is, you'll need to learn different thing to get you ass alive.

2nd variety in ennemies is a vague thing. look a RE4 (action game here right?) look at all the ganados, there is a really huge number of different ganados, if you'll combine all weapon with different skin, it goes more than 20 and only for the villagers.
Same with the monks, and the soldier. but if you take the really differnce between then, it's their way od attacking you and here, this is not that much varied.

So Variety can only means a difference in visual effects.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1481th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):DMC 4 infos" , posted Wed 18 Jan 20:11post reply

The more time and money you spend on making just more enemies could have been using on just making the ones you have smarter.

Yeah, I'm seriously sick of dumb enemies in most fighting games. The only one that gets away with it for me is Samurai Western and that's because the pace and the style of the game makes AI almost pointless.

These massive crowd games are bound to get boring fast because there's no way they can have complex individual AIs for that number, resulting in an repetitive experience.

From all I've heard, DMC4 is going to jump the shark, but it'd be nice if I'm wrong. - My own personal waste of time.

379th Post

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"Re(6):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 00:08post reply

Why did a huge amout of different ennemies would be something bad?

I already gave the example of DMC3. DMC1 had only a handful of enemies, but they might as well have been individual characters themselves. They were all memorable and they all had an impact on the game. The FIRST and most wimpy enemy in DMC1 is more intimidating and has more attacks than most of the god damn enemies in DMC3 put together. DMC3's enemies were DOLTS. They were B.S. 90% of them had one single strike, and that one strike was hugely telegraphed, and generally hugely boring. These weren't enemies, they were targets. Lots of targets painted different colors can't be called variety and certainly can't be called depth.

Unfortunately the few enemies in DMC3 that had like three attacks (WOWSERS) fell on their faces just as much. That'd be because they didn't take the time to focus on a decent amount of enemies that were actually worth anything, instead of just filling out a list.

the more you have the better the game is,

That's bullshit. What the hell kind of thing to say is that? Jesus. "More" doesn't mean a damn thing if every single aspect of the "more" is as shallow as the last. Seriously, don't say something like that again, please.

you'll need to learn different thing to get you ass alive.

No, you won't, because the enemies will all be retarded as there are 500 of them, none of which had thought put into them.

Could you at least play DMC and/or know what you're talking about before you make this argument, anyway?

1292th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 08:40post reply


Krzyzewski Man
1146th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 09:09post reply

I barely watch movies anymore because I learned about 10 years ago that most actors in America are anti-American scumbags. How 'progressives' can support terrorists and persecute Israel is beyond me.

elaborate plz

Seriously, persecute Israel? What the hell?

If life gives you AIDS make lemon-AIDS!
-Sarah Silverman

1294th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 12:20post reply


elaborate plz

Seriously, persecute Israel? What the hell?

The real reason the left hates Israel is two-fold. First of all, they have been hijacked by Palestinian Nationalism and secondly, they don’t like uppity Jews. And to mollify those who will immediately claim that anti-Israel sentiments do not amount to anti-Semitism, let me just say that I don’t buy it.

I’m not sure when Palestinian Nationalism began to seep into the Left’s dogma, but it appears to have been in the last 15 years or so. I first noticed this trend during a protest of the Gulf War, where I saw pro-Palestinian propaganda with a distinctly anti-Semitic edge to it. It was around this time that the term “Zionists” began to be used as a fill-in for all Jews who simply supported the continuing existence of the state of Israel and as such, were deserving of contempt. In short, “Zionist” became the politically correct term for “Hebe.” The years since have only solidified this pattern and these days, the anti-war protesters are more hateful than ever.

I’ve had the unique experience, while taking part recently in counter-protests, of witnessing the wrath of the Palestinian Nationalists up close and personal. The graying hippies wearing Intifada T-shirts and spitting in my face, women in burkas unfurling Palestinian flags in front of my signs, Arab-American teenagers telling me they want to “kill all the Jews,” and being called a “Zionist Pig,” are just a few of the precious moments I’ve taken home from “peace” rallies. This is the ugly side of the anti-war movement, among others, and they don’t want it publicized.

Indeed, the formerly celebrated Jewish liberal Michael Lerner, has recently been excommunicated for daring to criticize A.N.S.W.E.R., the main organizer of the anti-war protests. This is apparently a no-no among a movement that doesn’t tolerate dissent. Lerner also committed the crime of refusing to consign Israel to the dustbin of history. He didn’t go along with the program and for that, he became persona non grata.

The Left only likes Jews as long as they’re victims, passively marching to the Nazi death camps, or in this case, to the Mediterranean Sea. They can deny that they’re anti-Semitic by pointing to their loyal Jewish comrades, who fail to recognize their enemies. These Jews are acceptable because they either want the destruction of Israel too or at the very least, won’t stand in the way. But give a Jew a gun or God forbid, a tank, and suddenly they become the enemy. The Left, it seems, prefers suicidal Jews to tough ones.

The Left demands nothing of the Palestinians and everything of the Israelis. What, besides anti-Semitism, accounts for this double-standard? The anti-war crowd can continue to try and claim the moral high ground when it comes to questions of war and peace, but none of it will ring true, so long as their blatant hatred for Jews festers in the background.

3353th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 19:22post reply

Why did a huge amout of different ennemies would be something bad?
I already gave the example of DMC3. DMC1 had only a handful of enemies, but they might as well have been individual characters themselves. They were all memorable and they all had an impact on the game. The FIRST and most wimpy enemy in DMC1 is more intimidating and has more attacks than most of the god damn enemies in DMC3 put together. DMC3's enemies were DOLTS. They were B.S. 90% of them had one single strike, and that one strike was hugely telegraphed, and generally hugely boring. These weren't enemies, they were targets. Lots of targets painted different colors can't be called variety and certainly can't be called depth.

Unfortunately the few enemies in DMC3 that had like three attacks (WOWSERS) fell on their faces just as much. That'd be because they didn't take the time to focus on a decent amount of enemies that were actually worth anything, instead of just filling out a list.

the more you have the better the game is,
That's bullshit. What the hell kind of thing to say is that? Jesus. "More" doesn't mean a damn thing if every single aspect of the "more" is as shallow as the last. Seriously, don't say something like that again, please.

No, you won't, because the enemies will all be retarded as there are 500 of them, none of which had thought put into them.

Could you at least play DMC and/or know what you're talking about before you make this argument, anyway?

1st of all it's not because I don't share the same opinion than you, who means that I never played DMC1. Understood?

So, a 2nd things you seems to not remeber is that different players can like different things in the same game, you're not the truth owner.

Back on the game... DMC have interesting ennemies? Right! DMC borring ones? no!
The fact that the ennemies where different doesn't mean that one of them is better or obviously worst thatn another. they are just different. DMC3 ennemies where easy, deffinitely, but visualy they weren't that bad.

Now there is one detail you seems to forget, we're talking about a PS3 game, not a PS2 one. So did the idea that the PS3 hardware was strong enough to pull out, various AND clever ennemies have pessed through your mind?? doesn't seems to...
If the DMC3 ennemies were so limited, it was surely due to a limite of the PS2 hardware, who can't take too much things together (Ennemies, Graphisms, variety, ...)
But nothing prooves that the PS3 won't be able too. We can pefectly have a various cast of ennemeies as clever if not more that the DMC1 ones...

So taking such guess about ennemies being stupid, before having any idea of the PS3 possibility, is somehow lame...

And yes, having more and many thing in a gmae can be a good point.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1267th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 19:46post reply

the argument of more

there is an important lesson that isn't learned:

hardware potential != software quality

In the same way that there is a profound logical divide between that that "is" and that that "ought to be", there is a similarly profound divide between the various qualities of hardware and the software that is produced for it. One does not entail the other, as rational as it may seem.

Storage capacity, processing power, bandwidth, latency... they ALL mean almost nothing when poor content is being produced for the machine they serve. However, quality and quantity are not some sort of inversely related pair; there is the case where there is more, and it is quality. There is also the case where there is little, and yet it is still garbage.

Side note:
Where on earth did this word "graphism" come from? And what is it supposed to mean as opposed to "graphics"?

744th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 23:14post reply


Side note:
Where on earth did this word "graphism" come from? And what is it supposed to mean as opposed to "graphics"?

Graphism is a word only NARUTO uses and nobody knows why.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

333th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(10):DMC 4 infos" , posted Thu 19 Jan 23:47post reply

Lost in translation:
French for "graphics" is "graphismes".


381th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):DMC 4 infos" , posted Fri 20 Jan 03:34post reply

So, a 2nd things you seems to not remeber is that different players can like different things in the same game, you're not the truth owner.

Generally, depth is more universally respected over shallowness. Generally, effort is more universally respected than not. I don't think I need to be "the truth owner" to say these opinions have a bit of weight behind them.

The fact that the ennemies where different doesn't mean that one of them is better or obviously worst thatn another. they are just different.

You're right. Good thing I didn't say anything as vague and meaningless as "different". I explained exactly what about the change in design that I didn't like. Based on those ideas, one was clearly "better" at performing this idea, and one was clearly "worse".

DMC3 ennemies where easy, deffinitely, but visualy they weren't that bad.

That'd be fantastic if it had anything to do with what I was talking about. Yes, most of them were decent designs. I don't play DMC to look at skull-guys stand there with scythes and do absolutely nothing.

If the DMC3 ennemies were so limited, it was surely due to a limite of the PS2 hardware, who can't take too much things together (Ennemies, Graphisms, variety, ...)

Except how DMC had great enemies, enemies with variety, about 5 or more enemies available on the screen, and they all looked plenty good for their time. I don't see what PS2's limitations have to do with anything here. Besides, if that WAS the case, then I'm still saying I disagree with the design choices, and they should have cut back somewhat in some other area so that I could be provided with depth in my experience instead of improved graphisms.

But nothing prooves that the PS3 won't be able too. We can pefectly have a various cast of ennemeies as clever if not more that the DMC1 ones...

Yes, if they care to. That's the point here. They could do that any time they want, but if they don't understand why it's necessary, then it being on the PS3 won't make it any more likely to happen. And either way, the fact that the first thing they say is MORE MORE MORE just kinda shows to me that their heads simply aren't in the right place.

shin ramberk
227th Post

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"Re(4):DMC 4 infos" , posted Fri 20 Jan 08:57post reply


elaborate plz

Seriously, persecute Israel? What the hell?

The real reason the left hates Israel is two-fold...
(to read the rest of Sabo's comment, scroll up.)

I'll be brief because this thread is about DMC4...

1. There are a lot of Jews in Hollywood (people joke about this all the time) so it's kind of ODD that you claim that Hollywood hates Israel and Jews. Unless you believe "Hollywood Jews" are self-hating Jews.
2. People can be Pro-Palestine and simultaneously not hate Israel.
3. People who are Pro-Palestine do not necessarily agree with the tactics that some Palestinian militants take and do not necessarily think that Israel should be destroyed.
4. People who criticize Israel and their policies are not anti-Israel or anti-Jew.

Furthermore, my views on this whole thing are...

1. Israel should exist.
2. Palestine should exist.
3. Israel and Palestine have done A LOT of VERY BAD things to each other. Both are extremely guilty of this.
3. Israel has a lot more power then Palestine-- that's why the international community focuses on what Israel does. Because, for the most part, Israel is the one in control of that region.

I have no problem with Jews wanting their own state. But I think they want about it in a bad way.

1300th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):DMC 4 infos" , posted Fri 20 Jan 16:29post reply

Furthermore, my views on this whole thing are...

1. Israel should exist.
2. Palestine should exist.
3. Israel and Palestine have done A LOT of VERY BAD things to each other. Both are extremely guilty of this.
3. Israel has a lot more power then Palestine-- that's why the international community focuses on what Israel does. Because, for the most part, Israel is the one in control of that region.

I have no problem with Jews wanting their own state. But I think they want about it in a bad way.

I have four children and eight grandchildren (at the latest count). I am at the end of my years, but welcome any more that the Almighty Creator hands off to me. And I’ll take them on His terms. I’ve seen my share of death, grief, dysfunction, and destruction. But I was fortunate that the crap came when I was old enough to deal with it and get beyond it. I fear for the babies of today, especially mine.

I remember the “duck and cover” threat of the “Cold War”. I remember my History teacher telling us back in the 1950’s that Red China had the Cobalt Bomb. I thought back in 1989 that the fears of my youth were over for a while. But guess what? They’re back in the form of Islamic bombs. Say what you will about the USSR, they understood perfectly about M.A.D. But today’s Islamic nutjobs have no discipline. They welcome total destruction and annihilation. How do I tell my little grandchildren about that? These little ones of mine are so into trying to learn, so eager to please, so willing to achieve, and so happy to just be alive.

I’m a big chicken-shit. I can’t bring myself to scare my little ones any further than to tell them I have a “Boogie-Man Closet” that’s off-limits at my house. How do I tell them that some Islamic assh*le just wants them dead? I don’t know. Sometimes I just hope that by the time the fit hits the shan I will already be dead and gone and can be spared of witnessing what they may have to. I can’t even imagine losing any of our little ones to something so evil. But I still have hope for all those who come after me who can somehow straighten it all out (I'm not counting on France). We live in hope and die in despair, so it’s said; I hope not to die in despair, and that is mighty selfish of me.

3355th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):DMC 4 infos" , posted Fri 20 Jan 18:09post reply

Yes, if they care to. That's the point here. They could do that any time they want, but if they don't understand why it's necessary, then it being on the PS3 won't make it any more likely to happen. And either way, the fact that the first thing they say is MORE MORE MORE just kinda shows to me that their heads simply aren't in the right place.

Well, So far they'ed already announced DMC4 to be harder, so we can expect clever AI for the Opponents, since on an other side they want to make combo and such easier.

2nd as far I know most of the peoples working on this comes from the DMC1 and DMC3 developement-teams. so we can have something right.

It to soon to say that the game will such, because of the "More" concept of the team. At least we should wait for a trailer or such, to get an idea. will see than if the ennemeis moves their asses or not.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

shin ramberk
228th Post

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"Re(6):DMC 4 infos" , posted Fri 20 Jan 19:37post reply

(cut sabo10's long post)

I hope not to die in despair, and that is mighty selfish of me.

The problem is, that the "other side" sees itself in that same position that you just described. Palestinians live in poverty. Israelis live in terror. And they both keep pointing the finger at each other right?

I can totally sympathize with you Sabo. My heart goes out to both Israelis and Palestinians. And I blame both for their situation. I don't agree with everything you have to say but I guess, I'll just stop now cause this conversation really doesn't belong here. Sigh.

753th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(7):DMC 4 infos" , posted Sat 21 Jan 06:40post reply

Heh, poor shin, I think you're having an argument with a scarecrow, unless ol' sabo's got more child-bearing alter-egoes than I ever knew. Bring on DMC4!


shin ramberk
229th Post

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"Re(8):DMC 4 infos" , posted Sat 21 Jan 07:08post reply

Heh, poor shin, I think you're having an argument with a scarecrow, unless ol' sabo's got more child-bearing alter-egoes than I ever knew. Bring on DMC4!

Hot damn. Well this isn't surprising. And I was genuinely trying to extend an olive branch.

Sabo, you should seriously consider forming your own thoughts and you should examine why you think a certain way. Part of the problem, IMO, is that a lot of folks just blindly follow what the majority thinks and don't self-examine and examine their reasons and the root causes to these problems.

okay, i am officially off this topic. sigh...

thanks for the link maou

757th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(9):DMC 4 infos" , posted Sat 21 Jan 11:26:post reply

nono, the idea is that it's a joke to post someone else's serious long off-topic rants and see if there are responses, it's gone on before, not serious business. DMC is serious business, though, I haven't played a DMC since the first like four years ago. Something about globes and spiders...


[this message was edited by Maou on Sat 21 Jan 11:28]

383th Post

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"Re(10):DMC 4 infos" , posted Sat 21 Jan 12:05post reply

Globes, eh? That sounds more like 2.

Undead Fred
2617th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):DMC 4 infos" , posted Sat 21 Jan 20:03post reply

Hot damn. Well this isn't surprising. And I was genuinely trying to extend an olive branch.

Sabo, you should seriously consider forming your own thoughts and you should examine why you think a certain way. Part of the problem, IMO, is that a lot of folks just blindly follow what the majority thinks and don't self-examine and examine their reasons and the root causes to these problems.

okay, i am officially off this topic. sigh...

thanks for the link maou

Perhaps this news article will clear things up.