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sabo10 1299th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Fri 20 Jan 11:27:
feel free to commence furious candle slurping
personally, I'm hoping there's a scene where she is jogging down a long corridor, the camera dollying behind her, her feet clanging repetitively against the grated floor, she then veers to the left, and runs against a wall where a door is, and continues pressing against the wall while running back and forth for a bit, she then suddenly halts, and tries to open it violently, and it makes a loud clacking noise, she then continues jogging for one step, and tries to open it again in the same manner, producing the same noise, then she continues jogging down the corridor
[this message was edited by sabo10 on Fri 20 Jan 11:33] | | Replies: |
Undead Fred 2612th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Fri 20 Jan 12:12
quote: http://movies.yahoo.com/movie/1808718754/trailer
feel free to commence furious candle slurping
personally, I'm hoping there's a scene where she is jogging down a long corridor, the camera dollying behind her, her feet clanging repetitively against the grated floor, she then veers to the left, and runs against a wall where a door is, and continues pressing against the wall while running back and forth for a bit, she then suddenly halts, and tries to open it violently, and it makes a loud clacking noise, she then continues jogging for one step, and tries to open it again in the same manner, producing the same noise, then she continues jogging down the corridor
So far, looks like the world's first and only near-accurate video game to movie translation.
The only things I didn't like were that she was able to call out to the real world... and it looks like there are far too many people in it, but the atmosphere and other elements of the games look pretty awesome.
sabo10 1300th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(2):Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Fri 20 Jan 12:56:
quote: The only things I didn't like were that she was able to call out to the real world...
Didn't care for this much either. Really hope the director was smart enough to pick up on how dumb a working cellphone in silent hill is, and the calling stuff just happens at the beginning, and he does something like have the connection getting cut off after a dimension shift.
The fact of the matter is that, even in the beginning, a dimension shift has already taken place, as evidenced by the fact that outside of the boundaries of the town is an infinite void.
I wonder what company ponied up to get their cellphone advertised in the movie as the phone that doesn't lose its signal, even across interdimensional boundaries.
One thing I liked, is that in one scene it showed her walking through a group of seemingly "inactivated monsters." I hope he really picked up on, and was able to express that the main reason the games are so scary is that the things in it are so fundementally inexplicable that you would run into random things like a group of monsters standing perfectly still in the middle of a room, oblivious to the heroines presence without explanation.
And I'm really hoping that when the final credits roll its wall to wall Joe Romersa cheesy Bowie lounge rock.
[this message was edited by sabo10 on Fri 20 Jan 13:07] |
Undead Fred 2613th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Fri 20 Jan 15:46
quote: Didn't care for this much either. Really hope the director was smart enough to pick up on how dumb a working cellphone in silent hill is, and the calling stuff just happens at the beginning, and he does something like have the connection getting cut off after a dimension shift.
The fact of the matter is that, even in the beginning, a dimension shift has already taken place, as evidenced by the fact that outside of the boundaries of the town is an infinite void.
I wonder what company ponied up to get their cellphone advertised in the movie as the phone that doesn't lose its signal, even across interdimensional boundaries.
YES. I really have a feeling that her phone won't work fairly quickly into the town, but the part that bothers me is like you said, she's calling after entering Silent Hill's "own personal hell" realm. The town's supposed to call people in and swallow them up, and a big element of the games was getting cut off from human contact (other than a couple of other people... who you have to question why they're there too).
One thing I liked, is that in one scene it showed her walking through a group of seemingly "inactivated monsters." I hope he really picked up on, and was able to express that the main reason the games are so scary is that the things in it are so fundementally inexplicable that you would run into random things like a group of monsters standing perfectly still in the middle of a room, oblivious to the heroines presence without explanation.
Yeah, also a thing I liked. One of the things I've always loved about Silent Hill was that they really mess with your expectations by throwing in "fake scares" like the little ghost babies in SH1, or just weird things that you can't figure out just to throw you off. And it creates anticipation that you might be attacked or see something horrible. Heh heh. From what I've seen from the trailer, it looks like they got the feel of the movie down, and picked up on the details that make the games so creepy.
Undead Fred 2618th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Sun 22 Jan 06:22
quote: And not only the fact she's able to call "outside" but just the fact there'll be "outside" scenes... No. Daddy with cops, me no like. EDIT: And... ash falls instead of snow, and there was a big fire... Looks like they're gonna explain. While the first game did not. Leaving the spectators who haven't played the games "WTF? o_O" would be cool to see. Tho' I guess that would make the movie not sell much... Oh well... \( u_u)/
Yeah, you're right. I REALLY wish they'd stop explaining too much in Silent Hill... it's much more interesting when there's that WTFFFFFF aspect that you have to investigate and interpret things for yourself. But at this point, I just read the fire thing as probably not going any deeper than what they did in SH1- "Alessa was burned to create pain to feed Samael. ...and that's about all." Who knows. The issue with being able to call out may be excusable if she can't call any more once she's in town early into the movie. But they'll still probably go back and forth from Silent Hill goodness to the real world crap for backstory or something. It's a shame, but I'm willing to overlook it if the rest of the movie's there, and there's still SOME focus on being alone.
The issue I've got with the phone and what I think other people here have with it is that Silent Hill and the real world don't exist together. You get called to Silent Hill and sucked in, and you're sort of in another dimension at that point. But like I said, who knows, maybe it won't be that big of a deal in the movie.
Just a Person 756th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(9):Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Mon 23 Jan 06:49
It looks really good so far! I mean, the scene with Cybil and all those people does seem weird, but we don't know if they are really people or if it's another trick from the town (after all, I don't remember seeing people other than the characters in the town in the other scenes). Same thing with the cell phone: maybe Rose was able to contact someone out of SH because the town itself wants it??
At first, I thought that Rose's story would happen at the same time than Harry's (and that would be the reason that most of SH characters are there, except for Harry and Cheryl - it could even explain where people like Cybil or Dahlia were when they weren't with Harry), but it seems that Harry was just substituted for her, anyway... Oh well, the most important thing in the movie is Silent Hill itself, after all...
I can be any person in the world ... maybe I'm this person right in front of you ... or maybe I'm not !!
Undead Fred 2626th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(10):Re(10):Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Tue 24 Jan 10:47
quote: I don't like it when people are being stupid, that's all.
Elitism! I like it.
At this point, whether you're right or not isn't even an issue. I'm going to stick to my guns out of spite. Samael is in the game and I've fought him and he had Samael written in moon language on his back. Now, if someone else had corrected me instead of screaming some troll bullshit at me, then I'd have went "huh?" and reconsidered. But just for you, I still believe Samael is the final boss of Silent Hill 1.
First of all, I drew that conclusion about the game based on what I saw within the game. I pretty much never read FAQs or other guides in the first place because I like exploring and finding things out for myself. I like surprises in games and movies. I had been given an explanation in the game that they were followers of Samael, and his mark was all over town. And when, at the end, the two halves of Alessa were united and their god was ready to show itself, I naturally assumed that was Samael. And apparently, I wasn't the only one. Now, the only other additional reading I had managed to find at the time was an interview with Akira Yamaoka, where he just talked about the game in general. And again, since I would much rather explore and try to figure out the puzzle on my own, I would rather not read something where the mysteries of Silent Hill are spelled out to the letter. If someone had read it and had said, "actually, Samael didn't really exist... here's what actually happened" instead of "NO U!!!", I'd have accepted the answer.
And I'm done with this discussion. Back to cautious optimism.
sabo10 1309th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(6):Silent Hill trailer out" , posted Tue 24 Jan 12:42
Red: By the way, I guess "candle slurping" refers to "flaming"? I've never heard the term before. But in truth I avoid a lot of BBSes, only post at a few.
Stabo: It means slurping the melting wax out of a candle...possibly getting a lot of it on your chin and chest, and making a lot of loud slurping noises in the process...possibly with a group of men doing it to the same candle.
Red: Oooookay.
Stabo: Maybe you would accidently touch your neighbors tongue...accidently. But the main aim is to slurp that candle!
Red: I can't say I understand, but... okay, ha ha ha.
Stabo: I just explained it in painful detail. The candle is still lit by the way.
Let me translate:
Alessa was burned to create pain to feed Samael. "hey guys, i've got this candle, what do you want to do with it?"
There never was a "Samael". That's just something some stupid fanboys came up with. "give it here! shhhhhlrp"
So, the big demon that they kept talking about in SH1 that comes out of Alessa's back at the end of the game isn't Samael? "hey that looks fun let me try to! ssshfffshshf"
Well, an incubus is a demon type, and that's probably what he was called in the boss list or something, but I thought that was actually Samael himself showing up at the end... I could be wrong, though. Anyway, my point was that I didn't just grab that name out of thin air. Dahlia brought him up in Silent Hill 1, and said she was feeding him by torturing Alessa. And that's whose mark she said was tattooed all across the town, too. "SHHHFFFTTSHSHSHSHSLUUSHSH"
Nothing is Samael. There is no Samael. 'Never was. "SHHHHHHHHHHHHLFFFLT! *flicked some wax on freds cheek*"
Yes, in one of her lies. It's just a random demonic name she used to deceive Harry. "licks the wax off freds cheek"
Stabo: Etc., etc...
Red: Strange way of looking at it. I would envision it more as a parliamentary session.
Stabo: Imagine...how like...a mother...who's 5 year old child just died of brain cancer. She's in the hospital, standing over the corpse of her newly dead child. Right there, you immediately come up to her and hand her a print-out of a transcription of this thread. If she were to try to read it, it would look the same to her as a room full of men, playfully fighting over slurping wax off of a candle.
Red: Candle wax isn't edible.
Stabo: You're starting to understand.