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deisied 384th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(1):chaos field" , posted Sun 22 Jan 19:12
Heh, my sentiments exactly. I just picked it up too. I only had time to throw it around for a few minutes last night, though. I can tell there's...something going for it but yeah it's not gonna be my favorite shooter.
I don't really get it yet, though. I was hoping to just read something at GameFAQs and go from there, but I should've known better, I suppose.
But uh, you have the three stocks, and that charge bar thing on the left. You pick up the stuff to fill up the charge bar and that lets you use the L-trigger target lasers, and the B-button defensive options, I guess. The only thing I ever really read about the Chaos Field itself was in some preview a bit back, so I guess my main question would just be what's the damn deal between switching between chaos and order, heh. I know your firepower goes up, and I think your charge bar thing on the left is infinite, but I'm sure there's a downside I'm forgetting too. Like, the sword doesn't destroy bullets anymore, maybe.
Also, what does the R-Trigger circular target looking thing do? These are probably in the manual, but I rented it off of Gamefly and then intended to buy it from there, so I don't have it yet.
Anyway, one thing I noticed is that even though the game has somewhat strong loading overall (it's a Gamecube game) it's kinda weird how the loading is distributed. Like, there's an odd delay when you die, and when you reload a character from a continue. And if you SWITCH a character from a continue it's a few seconds worth of loading. Pretty odd feeling for a shooter. Actually, it's a pretty cut and dry game from a lot of what I saw. Not very cohesive at all. But I guess it gets the job done.
If I recall, Extend mode is just that they add a more old-school feel by giving you some extra ships to shoot up in between the mid-boss things, right? Doesn't seem to add a lot to the experience. Sorta funny to me since they had to design all those ships and such just for them to be sorta mindlessly brushed aside in a few seconds as you move on to exactly what you would've been doing anyway.
All in all: this game has crappy character designs.
jiji 157th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(5):chaos field" , posted Mon 23 Jan 15:32
All of the basics of play and scoring are covered in detail here: Rink_Here
I got this, too, and I like it - I think. There are some things I don't like, like how low the volume of the sound effects is, with no option to change it, and how little feedback you seem to get when you die (sometimes I barely notice).
I think it's a pretty decent game, but there's something about it...I dunno, like I'll end up hating it if I really try to put apply myself to doing well at it. It connects the dots well enough, but there's something missing. The music is great, though.
Rajirugi looks much improved over this.