might be sure because last november we could see a port of Onimusha 3 for PC.
forgot that to add
Sourcenext is release that port of Onimusha 3
Burning Ranger
1369th Post
Red Carpet Executive Member
"Re(2):Resident Evil/Biohazard 4 coming to PC" , posted Sat 28 Jan 09:21
Well, I know the PC versions of RE2 and RE3 were decent (the DC versions were based on the PC versions). Now that I think about it, perhaps RE4 would be ideal for a PC-style FPS control sceme.
I do want to see the Onimusha 3 PC port, though.
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger ...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!