Siren: The Movie? - Forums

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Burning Ranger
1367th Post

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"Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 11:07post reply

I know there is a fanbase for the Siren game here in the Cafe (I personally hated it), so this news may be of interest:

Sony Grants Movie Rights to 'Siren'

It's going to Sam Raimi's production company (which is Sony owned, I believe). The Grudge (American version) was decent compared to the original (I liked it), though I heard Bogeyman sucked. Nevertheless, given Siren's content and themes, the studio might be able to make something good.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!


279th Post

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"Re(1):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 11:16post reply

Didnt they make a japanese Siren movie?

Anyways, this is a mxied bag for me. I hated The Grudge. I find all those movies with those girls with hair covering their faces to be pointless and boring ( ....when I say 'all movies', im not including Tales of Two sisters).

If they are going to base it on the game, I wonder how all the Japanese folklore and overall feel of the game will be translated to the movie. An all japanese cast? I highly doubt it.

Maybe they will give it the "Memoirs of a geisha " treatment!



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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 11:43post reply

I know there is a fanbase for the Siren game here in the Cafe (I personally hated it), so this news may be of interest:

Sony Grants Movie Rights to 'Siren'

It's going to Sam Raimi's production company (which is Sony owned, I believe).

"Spider-Man" director??? What will the half-dead bodies have web slinging powers?... disgust [Image Attached]

How many dicks does it take to get to the center of a STD?

1614th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 12:08post reply


If they are going to base it on the game, I wonder how all the Japanese folklore and overall feel of the game will be translated to the movie. An all japanese cast? I highly doubt it.

Wait...Japan? I thought Siren took place in jolly old England!

But no, the movie will be based on the Japanese movie, because video game movies aren't as popular as adaptations of Japanese movies. The Japanese movie will be based on the game.

Undead Fred
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"Re(2):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 12:21post reply

"Spider-Man" director??? What will the half-dead bodies have web slinging powers?... disgust

Come on, you know he directed Evil Dead 1-3, right? Evil Dead 2's a pretty huge name in the horror movie world.

And as for the US version of the Grudge, I liked it. I thought it was a pretty good conversion of Ju-on, at the very least.

Boogeyman sucked, though. Don't go near it.

117th Post

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"Re(1):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 19:41post reply

Ghost House Pictures has a press release about the announcement. I always thought Siren was better suited for a movie then a game (non-linear structure, uber-"realism"), so this may be a good move for the series.

Although what worries me is that it might be treated like a grindhouse, pulp, cult movie rather than the psychological, ensamble, indie-art movie the game really feels like.

LJ - DA - Flickr

10th Post

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"Re(3):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 19:53post reply

But no, the movie will be based on the Japanese movie, because video game movies aren't as popular as adaptations of Japanese movies. The Japanese movie will be based on the game.

With the "original" movie being a parallel story to Siren 2, this is getting REALLY complicated.
OR !
Or, since the heroin of Siren 2 (japanese game) will have at least an appearance in Siren (japanese movie), maybe they noticed the half-assed butcher job they did on the first Siren (american game) and decided to go even further by transporting Siren 2 (american game) in an american place and replacing everyone with american actors, some of which would have cameo appearances in Siren (american movie) !

My head hurts.

Olivier Hague
62th Post

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"Re(3):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Fri 27 Jan 20:31post reply

the movie will be based on the Japanese movie, because video game movies aren't as popular as adaptations of Japanese movies. The Japanese movie will be based on the game.

As far as I know, the US movie will be based on the first game. With a not-too-Japanese female main character.

154th Post

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"Re(4):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Sat 28 Jan 17:02:post reply

Sounds like Risa's the main character.. She seemed so uninteresting to me, I wish they would have gone with Shiro, or PROFESAA.

And I hope they do a good job with that infamous tomoko scene.

[this message was edited by altimus on Sat 28 Jan 17:18]

Olivier Hague
63th Post

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"Re(5):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Sat 28 Jan 22:59post reply

Sounds like Risa's the main character..

'Not so sure.

65th Post

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"Re(4):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Mon 30 Jan 18:49post reply

since the heroin of Siren 2

actually, i think siren 2 only advocates the use of PCP.

the japanese siren movie opens on february 11th, two days after siren 2 goes on sale. the director said it's a "supplementary story" to siren 2.

so the hollywood adaptation will be the same script, localized. with the same director! (i think?) which kind of doesn't make sense because of all the world war ii references in siren 2. maybe they'll make it about vietnam veterans?!

the director of the siren film is Yukihiko Tsutsumi. every once in a while, when he can be bothered, i guess, he writes/directs an episode of a lovely television show about detectives and psychics and the occult, called "TRICK." there are usually murder mysteries involved. it's like a hack-job of the japanese television-detective-drama show, in that most of the details don't go together. (japanese detective shows tend to be really bland, and only include exactly enough information for the detective to solve the crime. it's like detectives with tweezers.)

i like "TRICK" because it's nuts, and nonsensical, and by the end of the story, normally it doesn't matter what happened. however, in the six years since the show's debut, the "let's be wacky murder mystery!" genre of television show has grown too crowded; "TRICK" still manages to excite and make people tingle whenever it shows up in the form of a made-for-TV movie. like it did on new year's!

also, "TRICK" stars yukie nakama, who you can see here. she is gorgeous!! and she can actually act. she has a habit of always being in weird stuff. like the coffee commercial where a guy is falling asleep at his desk and she slams a can of coffee on his forehead and screams at him to wake up, with this big sick grin on her face.

they got yui ichikawa to play a character in siren 2, and then in the siren movie. i remember two years ago, when she was very skinny and had big ears; she was on the cover of all the comic magazines. now she's very simple and boring, though so many people know her name and remember liking what she used to look like.

word on the street is that the siren movie will also be kind of wacky, because Hiroshi Abe is never in anything totally serious. the reason is because he looks like such a totally serious guy, so the moments of weirdness and the awkward pauses in his dialogue always pull the audience out of the story for a brief instant. i like him a lot. on the television commercial, which has been running since the beginning of this month, he's seen cowering in a corner and screaming at the camera about the "SIREN! THE SIREN! WHEN THE SIREN SOUNDS, GET INDOORS! GAAHHHH!" and then making a completely straight face. you can see the director with the camera. abe smiles and says, "again?" and then he instantly starts screaming the same thing again. repeat three times.

BOOM!! the title card smashes in: "SIREN: THE MOVIE!!!!!"

wouldn't it be nice if other countries were able to promote movies like that and not be dismissed as flaky by the general public?

i have already purchased my tickets to see the movie OMG. it opens next saturday.

that's it! i'm done, then. i'm going home! goodnight!


Olivier Hague
64th Post

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"Re(5):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Tue 31 Jan 10:22post reply

so the hollywood adaptation will be the same script, localized. with the same director! (i think?)

And you're wrong.
they got yui ichikawa to play a character in siren 2

She's not in the game.
that's it! i'm done, then.

Thank god.

66th Post

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"Re(6):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Tue 31 Jan 12:41post reply

so the hollywood adaptation will be the same script, localized. with the same director! (i think?)
And you're

yeah you lost me. try writing shorter posts

Olivier Hague
65th Post

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"Re(7):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Tue 31 Jan 12:46post reply

And I'm sure you actually think that was a clever reply. You're just that stupid.

67th Post

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"Re(8):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Tue 31 Jan 12:49post reply


i couldn't get through this one either, sorry, i don't even think i'm going to remember to put a period on here

68th Post

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"Re(9):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Tue 31 Jan 13:02post reply

anyway, back on topic!

matsuo suzuki, director of the fabulous "koi no mon" and "in the pool" is also in the siren movie! he's an essayist, a novelist, a movie director, an actor, a comedian -- he's really great. his presence further guarantees that the movie might have a bit of wackiness in it. i'd recommend the two movies he directed, if you like good things. one of them has cameos by takashi miike and hideaki anno, though that's not what makes them good.

. . .

and yeah, the japanese movie is a side story to siren 2, and the hollywood movie is based on siren 1. well then!! exciting!

69th Post

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"Re(10):Siren: The Movie?" , posted Tue 31 Jan 13:09post reply

anyway, back on topic!

also, of interest!!

the island in the siren 2 game is called 夜見島, "Yamijima," "Night-View Island" -- and in the movie it's called 夜美島, "Yamijima," "Night-Beauty Island." The names are both the same pronunciation, though with different kanji! And やみ is also 闇, which means DARKNESS, as you must know.

That they use different kanji to spell the (same-sounding) names of the two islands in the movie and the game is kind of interesting. And not just because it's nice to find creative Japanese people willing to use simple puns. Modern Japanese puns are so convoluted -- this is very refreshing! Though the other reason this is interesting is because of . . . well.