House of the Dead 2 movie - Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"House of the Dead 2 movie" , posted Mon 30 Jan 13:53:post reply

Wow, I can't believe they went through with this. Just check out the trailer. Worse yet, they use the subtitle of a RESIDENT EVIL game (Dead Aim).

Apparently it is going to be on the Sci-Fi channel on Feb 11.

That day will be the darkest of video game based movie history.

[this message was edited by GekigangerV on Mon 30 Jan 13:54]


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"Re(1):House of the Dead 2 movie" , posted Mon 30 Jan 15:29post reply


That day will be the darkest of video game based movie history.

The acting in the House of the Dead 2 video game was among the worst that I have ever seen, so at least they have the chance of exceeding the game in that department.. Although I guess I wouldn't count on it, considering its a Sci-Fi Pictures Original, AKA the worst garbage on TV.

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):House of the Dead 2 movie" , posted Mon 30 Jan 15:42post reply


That day will be the darkest of video game based movie history.

The acting in the House of the Dead 2 video game was among the worst that I have ever seen, so at least they have the chance of exceeding the game in that department.. Although I guess I wouldn't count on it, considering its a Sci-Fi Pictures Original, AKA the worst garbage on TV.

Is Uwe Bolle directing it? If not, this might be better than his movie.

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1277th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):House of the Dead 2 movie" , posted Mon 30 Jan 17:28post reply


The acting in the House of the Dead 2 video game was among the worst that I have ever seen,

After playing HotD 3 and 4, you realize that the superlatively bad acting in 2 must've been intentional. Why? Because in 3 and 4, they've gone from shockingly awful to reekingly mediocre... and it's a change for the worse.

"Goodbye, friends."

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):House of the Dead 2 movie" , posted Tue 31 Jan 03:54post reply

Not done by Uwe.

All of the initial reviews for it say that while it's a generic, bad direct-to-video horror movie, it's not nearly as awful as Dr. Boll's debut. That's not saying much, but it does provide hope that these game franchises can be saved after Boll has his way with them.

Ooh... plus Sid Haig's in it for about 5 minutes. That automatically makes it better than the first one.