Xenosaga Episode III Question - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Xenosaga Episode III Question" , posted Thu 2 Feb 07:12post reply

I don't remember the legal status of the connection between Xenosaga and Xenogears. Is Xenosaga still really a prequel? Is it allowed to be, considering copyright law? Because these characters seem like they're definitely Elly (Nephilim) and Fei (Abel), and I remember that one of Fei's original names was Abel...


1325th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Xenosaga Episode III Question" , posted Thu 2 Feb 08:05:post reply

I archived as much as I could about it here:


[this message was edited by sabo10 on Thu 2 Feb 08:07]

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"Re(1):Xenosaga Episode III Question" , posted Thu 2 Feb 08:12:post reply

I don't remember the legal status of the connection between Xenosaga and Xenogears. Is Xenosaga still really a prequel? Is it allowed to be, considering copyright law? Because these characters seem like they're definitely Elly (Nephilim) and Fei (Abel), and I remember that one of Fei's original names was Abel...

Tetsuya Takahashi was always vague when answering that question: the most anyone was able to get out of him was that Xenosaga was meant to be a re-envisionment of the Xenogears storyline. Though there were a number of differences, the first game matched up rather well with the time line in the Perfect Works.

With staff changes and the removal of Tetsuya Takahashi as the project lead however, the series went off on a tangent in the second game. The little we've seen on Episode III has me guessing that it will continue to deviate from the Perfect Work's time line.

A similar thing happened with Halo as it was suppose to be linked with the Marathon series.

Edit: Sabo beat me to it :(

[this message was edited by Mog on Thu 2 Feb 08:14]