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1623th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 18:06post reply

I play a lot of games, but, unfortunately, I don't get to talk about the games I play on the messageboard that's about games....that I post on everyday. Somehow I'm afraid to make topics, but now I'm making a topic about the games I'm playing in case anyone wants to talk to me about them.

1: Dirge of Cerberus

I don't know how this game got such a rotten reputation. Honestly, I don't know what people were expecting. It looked like a decent enough 3rd-person shooter, and that's exactly what it is. I suppose if I had to compare it to something, I would say it's like Biohazard 4 or Red Dead Revolver.

Thus far, I've found it to be a wholly enjoyable mediocre experience.

I mean, it looks great. It really really looks great. The FMV looks like...Advent Children good. Actually, I'm pretty sure they used the same renders. And good for them. They worked hard on those renders. When you get to Midgar, there's a rather lengthy, impressive FMV that's almost worth the price of admission, even with Cid's disgusting stubble and acne scars. I wonder what he looked like as a kid?

You have a lot of variety in accessories for guns, but not a lot of variety in guns. You have a machinegun and a sniper rifle, then your "normal gun" which you can make more like a machinegun or sniper rifle if you like. I gues it was stupid of me to make my "normal" gun into a sniper rifle type gun.

You also have a lame little punch/kick combo that usually makes you lose track of where you are and get hit in the back of the head.

Then you can turn into a monster (but not Frankenstein, nooo!) which is slow and drains a lot of MP you might use for powered up shots, but fully heals you.

Unforunately, you need to heal fairly often, because there seem to be a lot of irritating mandatory hits in the game. Situations that you couldn't have predicted that you can't get out of without being shot repeatedly. You can take a lot of hits, which gives you plenty of time to say "STOP SHOOTING ME! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU!?"

I'd rather have a game where you take fewer hits, but are more equal to your enemies in terms of opportunities. They almost always have the upper hand in terms of position. They also don't forget about you, which I actually like.

The targeting system is also lacking, because you can't properly stun enemies or aim at body parts. Different guns/barrels have different strengths based on high/med/low, so you can have the completely ridiculous scenario where a gun does more damage to someone's FEET than their HEAD. You also can't properly stun enemies, so if you're in a shootout, you're both going to get hit a lot. Idiotic.

But not as idiotic as the story, which is my biggest complaint against the game. I have surely played games with worse stories, but I can't remember them, because I've struck them from my memory. FF7 wasn't exactly the pinnacle of award-winning story telling, but it wasn't bad. Advent Children was so bad it was funny...but this is just bad. Bad and boring...and lacking in enjoyable characters.

There's a prostitute scientist with a mecha arm and one eye, though. Well, she's not really a prostitute, but she dresses like one. She drives me INSANE because she's so poorly designed. Her design and personality have so many mismatched elements, that she just...upsets me in every scene she's in. If she was a sexy woman dressed like a prostitute with her noisy high-heels, it would be fine, but as it is, it's like having Aerith dress like a ho and fight with a giant hotdog. I felt a little better when she lost her lab coat, but then she was just a prostitute, which is less confusing, but also less interesting than a prostitute scientist.

What was I talking about again? Hmm...I wonder what the online mode is like. Moving on...

2: Kingdom Hearts 2

Keep in mind, I don't like Disney movies. I don't dislike them, but I can't think of one I really like. This isn't the game for me...but...

I've only done, like, 3 worlds, but I've had tremendous fun thus far. The beginning (with Roxas) is very slow and boring, but it's worth it to get to Sora and say "wow, he has more polygons in his face than Roxas has in his whole body". Poor Roxas.

But really, poor Setzer. If you thought he looked lame, wait until you find out what his place in the story is.

The most notable addition to the game, as well as the greatest disappointment is the addition of the "kick ass button." On occassion you can do a dramatic special attack specific to the enemy you're fighting with a press of the triangle button. You're given an indicator when you can do this on your little menu. The problem is, the indicator tends to flash rather quickly, and the chances are you'll be watching the FIGHT, not your MENU. But NOOOO...I HAVE to do the awesome special attacks, so I have my eyes glued to the goddamned menu for half of the game.

I like the soundtrack. I like that they took the awesome title screen song from the last game and made it into the main theme. I like how you have a different battle theme for each world that feels like an upbeat reprise of the "map" theme for that level.

The me an idea of what premature ejaculation must be like. It throws so much crap at you at once, and you get really excited, and then it's over. You have all these special moves you only get to try out on certain enemies, then you get a new team member that you can do a new double attack with...and then...the level is over and it's all gone. The worlds are VERY short. You certainly don't get bored, but everything is over before I know it.

Ah, I wish they would spice up the Disney stories, though. Not because they're bad (though many of them are, especially when they're whittled down), but because I think it would be more interesting and productive to have Final Fantasy character in each Disney story. I don't like Hercules or Cloud, but I like how they worked together in the first KH.

3: Fighting Games

I think I missed the bus on talking about KOF XI, which is a shame, cause I really like it.

But...did anyone get NGBC? I think the game is highly underrated. It has decent balance (curse you Mr. Big!) and it's fast...and it has a fun combo system. Well, and a lot of characters.

I don't suppose anyone got DOA4, either? I find it equal parts enjoyable and disappointing.

How about the Bleach game for DS? I was kinda thinking about getting that one, too. I'd like some sensible feedback.

I didn't get the new Samurai Spirits game, because I've already spent years playing SS games, and my friends don't want to play. If I can talk them into playing me, I might get it, but as is, we're enjoying all-day runs on NGBC. Well...or we did, when I had days off.


66th Post

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"Re(1):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 18:23post reply

3: Fighting Games

I think I missed the bus on talking about KOF XI, which is a shame, cause I really like it.

But...did anyone get NGBC? I think the game is highly underrated. It has decent balance (curse you Mr. Big!) and it's fast...and it has a fun combo system. Well, and a lot of characters.

I don't suppose anyone got DOA4, either? I find it equal parts enjoyable and disappointing.

How about the Bleach game for DS? I was kinda thinking about getting that one, too. I'd like some sensible feedback.

I didn't get the new Samurai Spirits game, because I've already spent years playing SS games, and my friends don't want to play. If I can talk them into playing me, I might get it, but as is, we're enjoying all-day runs on NGBC. Well...or we did, when I had days off.

Nice thread, cause i was just thinking today that the fighting scene where i live will never be the same, because new fighting games are developed on new expensive boards that will never replace pirated boards; and cheap arcade owners here will never buy those.
Im VERY sad indeed, because of this, really, I wanna play KOF XI and spend hours on lines just to be defeated by any short kid, oh..those times..


1624th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 18:28post reply


Nice thread, cause i was just thinking today that the fighting scene where i live will never be the same, because new fighting games are developed on new expensive boards that will never replace pirated boards; and cheap arcade owners here will never buy those.
Im VERY sad indeed, because of this, really, I wanna play KOF XI and spend hours on lines just to be defeated by any short kid, oh..those times..

Where do you live?
It seems like online gaming is the only choice for a lot of people. It hurts me that NGBC has online support that I can't use. I want to get Xbox Live, but I just don't have I'm happy to have a nearby arcade and friends to play with (even though KOFXI is unpopular around here).

390th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(3):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 19:14post reply

What did you find disappointing about DOA4? I had a lot of fun with it so far. The superfluous stuff was kinda weak. Weak number of costumes, weak number of stages, stuff like that. But most of the movelist changes were pretty fun besides how much of a pain in the ass they made it to float some characters in order to do an air grab now.

Otherwise, the game did most of the things I needed it to, as far as I can recall.

For some reason I kinda distrust your assessment of DoC's plot though. I mean I'm sure it's not gonna knock me over, but if it's more just that wacky little details are messy and tend to bother you rather than whether some relevant FFVII-related plot points get out there or not, then I'll probably be okay. I won't be impressed, but I'll have gotten what I needed out of the game, I suppose.

Undead Fred
2641th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 19:33post reply

I wasn't sure if this is a general "what I've been playing" thread or not, but here are some games I've been itching to talk about:

Last month, I had gotten Stubbs the Zombie for Christmas. I loved it, and wasn't disappointed at all. The greatest part about that game is building your own zombie mob to follow you around tearing up the city. The humor was good, and there were some great moments in the game (like going through the mall and little things like directing a zombie mob to break down barracades like they do in movies). Recently though, I've been playing Guitar Hero and Metal Gear Ac!d a lot. I've gotten 5 stars on most of the songs on Medium in Guitar Hero, but I can't quite get good enough on songs like Cowboys From Hell and No One Knows. Ac!d's a lot of fun, too... I'm not really big on strategy games, but it's fun taking a game I like and playing it in the style of a strategy/ card game... plus, I like the artwork. So it's a fun little game all around.

As far as KOF XI goes, I got to try it out a little while back and I liked it, but I didn't get to do much since the jerk-off playing it didn't even let me figure out which buttons were which (they had put it in an old MK cabinet, so I was trying hard to just get my bearings). And the fact that I was rusty on KOF in the first place didn't help. But I got to see some of the new characters, and try out Oswald... who I had been wanting to see since the character roster was out. He was pretty cool, but again, didn't get to figure much out with him. I'd like to try it again, but I haven't managed to make it back to the arcade recently...

1626th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 19:44post reply

Fred: I dunno...most topics go offtopic, so I don't care what you talk about.

It took me two games to figure out what I was supposed to do with Oswald. He kinda threw me off at first, but he's a great character to use. They put so much work into him in terms of animation and just "conveying" who he is. He has a good variety of moves, too. The complete opposite of Elizabeth, who has one useful move and isn't (in my opinion, conveyed well enough). I'm getting into Momoko now, who is lots of fun.

I really love the leader system this year, because it makes you carefully consider your order moreso than it did before. Also, LDMs can make a BIG difference, especially in the case of Elizabeth, who improves SO much with her LDM, which I'm convinced is just about the most useful move ever.

What did you find disappointing about DOA4? I had a lot of fun with it so far. The superfluous stuff was kinda weak. Weak number of costumes, weak number of stages, stuff like that.

Yes, it was mostly the superflous stuff, as you mentioned, but it's come to a point of criminal negligence. Some of the characters have nice, realistic motion capture, or excellent renders, and others look like poorly-sculpted dolls flapping about on strings.

The game gives me a lot of little things to complain about, but since the gameplay is very much to my liking, it doesn't stop me from playing and enjoying it. In terms of gameplay, my only complaints are that I often cannot distinguish between high and mid attacks and can't be bothered to memorize each one and that the AI is too unpredictable (as in, it's suddenly too difficult) to make survival mode a very "stable" experience.

However, I am still impressed, and always increasingly so, at how well the characters (physically) interact with each other. The loving detail put into making the fight feel "real" never ceases to please me.

As for Dirge of Cerberus, honest to God, it has a very base, predictable plot. It is predictable, boring and trite. In the confines of FF7, where his role was limited, Vincent could have been considered a compelling character. In a game where he is the main character, he doesn't even come close. The supporting cast consists mostly of either cliches or characters put into cliche positions. It is honestly, unforgivably stale and only of interest to people who have little sense or will settle for FF7 anything.

BUT...I'm not finished with the game yet, and I may be bowing at its feet, begging for forgiveness. That's pretty unlikely, but if nothing else Hojo's voice is quite entertaining.

I DID forget an important point that I like about the game in terms of plot. Even if I dislike most of the characters, it has lots of Reeve, who I LOVE. His render is great. He looks like a sauve Spanish guy or something, but he's a bit awkward...he slouches a lot, he talks a lot, but he gives a quiet, gentle impression. His VA voices Reeve and Cait Sith, with entertaining (for me) results. At one point, they move in unison and make an awkward shrug. It was very cute.

391th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 21:26post reply

and others look like poorly-sculpted dolls flapping about on strings.

Haha, example? The animation and "texture" and all that type of thing seems fine to me. I'm mostly just fed up with the artistic direction. I'm tired of the ugly porcelain doll look to all the characters. It's pretty lifeless stuff. That, and the clothes/hair detection needs some work.

at how well the characters (physically) interact with each other. The loving detail put into making the fight feel "real" never ceases to please me.

Yeah, I'm thinking that's really Itagaki's signature touch. It's a certain kind of attention that's lacking in many, many games.

As for DoC, I'll put it this way...for the most part, I have no plans on caring about it on a the level of being an independently relevant video game experience. All I really needed from it was to act as some kind of Gaiden casting a new light on Vincent standing there in FFVII. Unless they did some specifically strong things (that they'd never do), I'd almost rather have them skip any attempt at "supporting" characters and flow of events and just let me pretend the game is some kind of odd combination of flashbacks and flashforwards. So yeah, on that level, I wouldn't be at all surprised if the attempt at them trying to make me believe a game world could center around and move forward based on this guy falls flat on its face, but I hope to at least scrounge enough spare details and vague understandings about his perspective such that I could at least have a richer active imagination regarding Vincent by the end of it.

but if nothing else Hojo's voice is quite entertaining.


Even if I dislike most of the characters, it has lots of Reeve, who I LOVE...His VA voices Reeve and Cait Sith, with entertaining (for me) results. At one point, they move in unison and make an awkward shrug. It was very cute.


486th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(6):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Fri 3 Feb 23:10post reply

Question about DoC: Do you know if it's true that Gackt only appears in the secret ending of the game?

Undead Fred
2642th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 00:20post reply

It took me two games to figure out what I was supposed to do with Oswald. He kinda threw me off at first, but he's a great character to use. They put so much work into him in terms of animation and just "conveying" who he is. He has a good variety of moves, too. The complete opposite of Elizabeth, who has one useful move and isn't (in my opinion, conveyed well enough). I'm getting into Momoko now, who is lots of fun.

Yeah, I liked his design first of all, and while I was playing with him, I had gotten a hint that he was going to be pretty versatile and all that, but again, I didn't get to really figure out much with him. I had a better time figuring him out more than Elizabeth, and I did okay with Momoko... although I didn't get to really get the feel of either character. I'm hoping I'll get to play it again soon, though. Hopefully when no one's on the machine for a few rounds. Heh heh.

69th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 02:00post reply


Nice thread, cause i was just thinking today that the fighting scene where i live will never be the same, because new fighting games are developed on new expensive boards that will never replace pirated boards; and cheap arcade owners here will never buy those.
Im VERY sad indeed, because of this, really, I wanna play KOF XI and spend hours on lines just to be defeated by any short kid, oh..those times..

Where do you live?
It seems like online gaming is the only choice for a lot of people.

I live in some small city in Argentina. Here I canīt use any kind of online service charging fees (I always wanted to play FFXI).
So my only chance is to play PS2 conversions with friends.


2372th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 05:39post reply

Thanks for the reviews. From the sounds of it I'm going to have to pick up DoC since it sounds like it's fine for what it is. That, and since the existence of the game annoys a certain faction of people for some odd reason I have to support it.

1627th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 06:26post reply

So far, no Gackt. I'm thinking that's the case. I don't even know how to get the secret ending, so I hope I can download it somewhere.


I think Kasumi and Ayane are animated quite poorly. They don't have any weight, their motions don't make sense half of the time, and they don't look like they're properly fighting, let alone living in the same world as the other characters. You can say "it's because they're ninja", but Hayabusa doesn't suffer from this nearly as much.

As for looking like dolls, it depends on the characters. I like some Japanese dolls, I look at them on artist's websites. But...that hasn't made my disatisfaction with the renders less, but rather has angered me into saying "not only do the characters look like dolls, they look like shitty dolls."

As for DoC, well, I guess what you're saying is like "I don't care if it's crap. I just like Vincent.". Which is fair. There are two ways to look at this. I feel that Vincent played a good enough role in FF7. For an optional character, his backstory was surprisingly interesting. However, ignorance may be bliss, because when you try to "uncover" him in detail, you find that nothing is there and your feelings of love for the character actually DEcrease.

However, from the other perspective, it may simply be enough just to SEE Vincent in his Turks suit with a sexy haircut having a picnic with Lucretia. Even if it's a poorly-written, stupid scene, the fact that it's there may satisfy your needs. I can understand that. The same thing goes for Hojo shooting Vincent in the face. I enjoyed that one...and not because I dislike Vincent.

But the point is, either way, the story is poorly written. Love for Vincent doesn't fix it, it just let's you enjoy it DESPITE how much it sucks.

Speaking of sucking, I hate Lucretia. She's just...a boring, generic, ugly woman. I think Vincent just likes her because he's a lame, shy guy who likes girls but can't talk to them. She, being a girl that talks to him, becomes his new, creepy obsession. I imagined for a time that Vincent used to wear glasses, talk like a nerd and get coffee for the Turks. They'd make fun of him, trip him, and laugh at him. Then he'd go home and listen to Gackt (who was then in Malice Mizer, so it fits), put on a cape and clammy makeup and pretend to be cool while "whooshing" around his apartment.

392th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(7):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 07:18post reply

I think Kasumi and Ayane are animated quite poorly.

This is kinda strange. I know exactly what you mean, and this kind of thing has bothered me in other games, but for some reason it never seemed wrong to me here. So I guess I agree with you and don' the same time.

"not only do the characters look like dolls, they look like shitty dolls."


As for DoC, well, I guess what you're saying is like "I don't care if it's crap. I just like Vincent."

Nah. It's definitely more like your second example. I think Vincent is pretty okay, and little things to add to my vision of him would be appreciated. As far as a supporting a whole game on his shoulders, I don't expect it, and because I don't expect a lot out of what IS there, I'd almost rather it be more straightforward and honest about just simple stuff that'd vaguely add to my appreciation of his character at this point than tossing together half-assed scenarios. Too late for that, obviously. But while it's here, I can probably still focus on those little things.

However, from the other perspective, it may simply be enough just to SEE Vincent in his Turks suit with a sexy haircut having a picnic with Lucretia.

Heh, that's pretty much what I mean, I guess.

The same thing goes for Hojo shooting Vincent in the face. I enjoyed that one...and not because I dislike Vincent.

Hm. Sounds Gungrave-y.

But the point is, either way, the story is poorly written. Love for Vincent doesn't fix it, it just let's you enjoy it DESPITE how much it sucks.

I'd say it more like "I'll get something out of it".

Also, your impression of early-Turks Vincent is no doubt spot on, regardless what the game would like you to think

Maese Spt
151th Post

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"Re(8):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 07:39post reply

Iīm not really interested in DoC but, out of curiosity... Does Sephiroth show up in the game or something? Perhaps itīs impossible due to the scenarioīs timeline, I dunno, but a cameo thing would be funny.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

1930th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(9):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 16:00post reply

Damn it Polly, how did you just get me interested in KH2? I was unimpressed with KH1 and had no interest in a sequel, yet I blacked out when I entered this thread and when I came to I was checking the US release date. WTF.

I too find NGBC quite fun. I never liked Hotaru in MotW but she's fun with all her new stuff in NGBC. I still have problems getting people to play it though. I think SvC Chaos has scarred SNK's reputation forever.

Juke Joint Jezebel
3499th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 18:25post reply

i've got a game better than DOA4 too. i sit down in front of my friends, and they take turns kicking me in the teeth

1629th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 18:34post reply

Damn it Polly, how did you just get me interested in KH2? I was unimpressed with KH1 and had no interest in a sequel, yet I blacked out when I entered this thread and when I came to I was checking the US release date. WTF.

I too find NGBC quite fun. I never liked Hotaru in MotW but she's fun with all her new stuff in NGBC. I still have problems getting people to play it though. I think SvC Chaos has scarred SNK's reputation forever.

Well, I mean...if you didn't like KH, you won't like KH2...but it's an excellent game. For people who liked (or almost liked) the original, it totally delivers. It doesn't expand in terms of mazes (if that's what people wanted), but everything else is improved and mosty well-executed.

I'm getting bored with the story, though. The main characters have little to no impact whatsoever on any given scenario and have minimal contact with the characters. I don't care to see Pirates of the Carribbean butchered and reinacted in 3D. If I want to watch PotC, I'll watch PotC.

As for NGBC, yeah, Hotaru is LOTS of fun. Lots of neat little combos and soooo many moves. She's actually my best character. I wish I could use Lee, but he's just so damned useless.

SvC was...well...not THAT bad, but I feel that NGBC is like it, only much much better. And faster. I really appreciate the speed in the game.

1178th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sat 4 Feb 21:55post reply

I'm getting bored with the story, though. The main characters have little to no impact whatsoever on any given scenario and have minimal contact with the characters. I don't care to see Pirates of the Carribbean butchered and reinacted in 3D. If I want to watch PotC, I'll watch PotC.

That's exactly the same complaint I have about KH2, it's a excellent game, but playing through the different worlds is boring because it's the exact same story as the original. I wish they did something more with the worlds than just reenactment. I hate the little mermaid world. A lot.

Aaand, I love XI too, I've been playing it quite a bit. Sadly, I don't think there has been much discussion over here about the game.

119th Post

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"Re(1):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 00:12post reply

Just adding stuff...

Shin Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams
Played only a couple hours so far - it's very nice that you can switch the game in English (text, voice, or both). I don't think the intro was as impressive as Onimusha 3, but that's a high standard to live up to anyway.

As for the game itself, it's a very meaty package - it's definitely geared more towards the action hack and slash now. Each of the characters have stats that can be upgraded, such as the length of your attack combo, soul absorption, etc. This is in addition to leveling the weapons - most of them seem to max out at level 9. There are also accessories and items you can equip. There are times when you'll have a partner on-screen, and you can give them basic commands. One nice command is "Wait and Recover", which will have them block everything while their health regenerates to half of their life (so you don't have to waste too many medicines on them).

Difficulty is on par with the previous games, except that Issens seem to be a LOT easier to do now. You can level up your issens so that the timing is less severe, and if you have a full magic bar, you can use it to get a freebie issen strike. I haven't seen much of the story yet, but there ARE nods to the previous Onimusha's.

Overall, I'm really enjoying it - the graphics are nice, although the art design can be a little gaudy at times. In particular, I think Soki, the main character, looks stupid with those horns. But that's just me.

125th Post

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"Here you go Ikari for DoC" , posted Sun 5 Feb 02:55:post reply

Question about DoC: Do you know if it's true that Gackt only appears in the secret ending of the game?

It's only a 12 second spoiler if you would like to see it.

Ah, I wish they would spice up the Disney stories, though. Not because they're bad (though many of them are, especially when they're whittled down), but because I think it would be more interesting and productive to have Final Fantasy character in each Disney story. I don't like Hercules or Cloud, but I like how they worked together in the first KH.

I kind of felt that way when I first played kh, not to say disney is bad or anything but I feel like they are just there to be there and really its all just Square Enix driven. I probably just got punched by captain obvious in the face but, it kind of feels in my opinion that the disney characters in themselves are a bit excessive and the story could of been done with out them.

[this message was edited by catalyst on Sun 5 Feb 03:06]

1630th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 07:04post reply


That's exactly the same complaint I have about KH2, it's a excellent game, but playing through the different worlds is boring because it's the exact same story as the original. I wish they did something more with the worlds than just reenactment. I hate the little mermaid world. A lot.

Aaand, I love XI too, I've been playing it quite a bit. Sadly, I don't think there has been much discussion over here about the game.

I need to do the Little Mermaid World, just so I don't have to dread doing it in the future. The boss fights make the game totally worthwhile, though. They're so...epic!

Who do you use in KOFXI? I'm irritated that Kula is SO strong this year, because now, people who normally wouldn't touch her, are using her, just because she's the best. That irritates me, of course, since I've been using Kula since she was introduced. I can't believe they didn't at least tone down the damage a bit on her "basic" combo.

But I always like to use new characters, so I'm good with Elizabeth, Momoko and Jenet, even though I'd be sure to lose out to a team of Kyo/Kula and whoever the hell they want for 3rd.

Sounds like great news to me. Onimusha doesn't appeal to me in any way but gameplay...but I found Onimusha 3 to be decidedly excellent. I'm excited about playing 4 now.

Having the issen be easier to do sort of removes some of the mystique, but half of the game (for me) is the gratification of pulling one off, so if they're more common, I'm not really complaining. Can you do multiple issen, or are you too early to say?

Well, of course, as a non-Disney fan, I'd rather see less Disney, but I feel like that's an unfair demand to make of Kingdom Hearts. I'm sure there are some people who are saying "wow! It's just like the movie!" about this and that and everything. I just don't think the Disney characters are implemented well enough. I want more originality.

509th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(1):Here you go Ikari for DoC" , posted Sun 5 Feb 07:11post reply

Question about DoC: Do you know if it's true that Gackt only appears in the secret ending of the game?

It's only a 12 second spoiler if you would like to see it.

edit: Ah, I wish they would spice up the Disney stories, though. Not because they're bad (though many of them are, especially when they're whittled down), but because I think it would be more interesting and productive to have Final Fantasy character in each Disney story. I don't like Hercules or Cloud, but I like how they worked together in the first KH.

I kind of felt that way when I first played kh, not to say disney is bad or anything but I feel like they are just there to be there and really its all just Square Enix driven. I probably just got punched by captain obvious in the face but, it kind of feels in my opinion that the disney characters in themselves are a bit excessive and the story could of been done with out them.

okay so is NGBC out for xbox?

(Warning kind of a rant follows.)
Bleach ds looks promising, made by Treasure. It sorta looks like Guardian Heroes. I dunno i feel a little gyped PSP has all the good fighting, racing and shmups and it has internet support right out of the box. I was expecting DS to have internet browsing capabilities by now.

So theres that. I kinda wanna pick up Worms ds. But still I mean I'm gonna have to wait for all the good games to come out for ds it seems like. Another thing: all the reviews in the US for Animal Crossing painted it be very mediocre, but famitsu gave it a awesome score. And it seems like it would be awesome i mean its sold out everywhere and u get missions in your email for it like pso.

One last final complaint. My favorite game of this year Sonic Rush had tails voice changed for the american version by 4KIDS entertainment and made him sound like the gayest piece of shit that walked the earth. Does this mean i should import my ds games from now or what?

Thanks for any interest in my ramblings....

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

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"Re(4):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 09:10post reply

But I always like to use new characters, so I'm good with Elizabeth, Momoko and Jenet, even though I'd be sure to lose out to a team of Kyo/Kula and whoever the hell they want for 3rd.

Gato! I swear, if I see one more Kula/Gato/Oswald match video, I'm gonna' hurl.


1180th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(4):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 13:31post reply

The little mermaid world's actually optional though, you can complete the game without ever touching that world.

Currently I use Kasumi, Ralf, Kula, K', Adel and Silber. Silber's really strange to use though, he's just so... slow in everything. It's like a Potemkin with short arms.

Normally I like to use the new characters too, but the new batch didn't "connect" very well with me. There's Momoko, but somehow I find her a lot harder to use than Angel, I can't execute her chainsss. I'd just fenix arrow. And stomp on heads.

1285th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 14:56post reply

Oswald is pretty cool. He has a somewhat extravagant idle animation.

Gato... ok, just who's idea was the ultra-fast rocket forward followup to the explosion jump? I know KOF is all about the running low jumps, but this is silly. The dramatic slowing down of his punch super compared to Garou (where it was like... SHIPPU! in speed, at least) makes me sad.

Shion. Now that character I'd like to use. She just seems to have buckets of moves, and she's well animated. But, she'd probably be too broken/stupid for competitive play.

I'm thinking of picking up Athena if only for her TENSHO JUUJI HO super. I don't know about anyone else, but I think it's hilarious.

In the end my team will probably still have Ralf and a shoto just to give myself a fighting chance.

1634th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 15:13post reply

The little mermaid world's actually optional though, you can complete the game without ever touching that world.

You just made my day.

As for KOF...ah, I forgot that Gato was common. It's upsetting because I've never seen anyone do anything remotely interesting with him. They don't use most of his moves, and seem to just pick him due to a simple chain and easy super-cancel combo.

If really dislike how you can pick certain characters, do almost the exact same thing with all 3 of them and have smashing results.

Oswald is at least interesting, though. Argh...but his LDM takes entirely too long.

I find Momoko's chains wayyyy easier than Angel's. She can't do as much, you don't have any complicated motions, and you don't have to move very quickly. She has less variety, much less range and generally less damage, despite the fact that I don't find myself getting stuffed nearly as much. Her supers just totally suck. Is it possible to do anything good (other than the LDM) after her toss one? I'll never use her LDM, because if I'm going to use Elizabeth (and want to win), I'd better use her as the leader. do you cancel into Kasumi's LDM?

22th Post

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"Re(1):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 16:34post reply

How about the Bleach game for DS? I was kinda thinking about getting that one, too. I'd like some sensible feedback.

Best thing I've heard about Bleach DS is that it's like GG Isuka but not shit.


1636th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Here you go Ikari for DoC" , posted Sun 5 Feb 17:01post reply

Does this mean i should import my ds games from now or what?

My policy is: Import everything! Of course, I'm a notorious import snob. The issue isn't that all, or even most localizations are bad. In fact, a growing number are superior to the original. It's just that I don't TRUST American companies NOT to screw things up (however small). I seem to have some complaint with almost every American version I buy.

Also, NGBC is only on PS2 for now, I believe. I thoughti t was gonna be on Xbox 360. You know, cause Xbox can't handle it.

23th Post

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"Re(2):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 17:20post reply

I'm not bothered by dub-Tails in Sonic Rush. I always though he was gay to begin with, so all the dub really did was confirm it for me.


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"Re(2):Here you go Ikari for DoC" , posted Sun 5 Feb 18:08post reply


One last final complaint. My favorite game of this year Sonic Rush had tails voice changed for the american version by 4KIDS entertainment and made him sound like the gayest piece of shit that walked the earth. Does this mean i should import my ds games from now or what?

Thanks for any interest in my ramblings....

Try setting your DS to Japanese then booting up the game. That may or may not return the voices to the original Japanese version. I know it'll at least make the text in Japanese.

Variable Savior
335th Post

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"Re(3):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 18:10post reply

I've got a Soul Calibur III related question. What's the best gameplay mode for earning money? I've been playing Tales of the Sword and earning around 60K - 90K a pop but the unskipable cutscenes are starting to drive me nuts. I like the game and all but winning the cash to buy things is becoming a freakin second job...

Blood marks heaven's path

3360th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 19:39post reply

I've got a Soul Calibur III related question. What's the best gameplay mode for earning money? I've been playing Tales of the Sword and earning around 60K - 90K a pop but the unskipable cutscenes are starting to drive me nuts. I like the game and all but winning the cash to buy things is becoming a freakin second job...

Best way is money glitch...
Something like buy items and didn't save, restart a Arcade, lose and back to shop, your money will be back but items sold...

Look on gamefaqs, they expelain it better...

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1182th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Sun 5 Feb 23:18post reply

Almost all the tougeki teams have Gato
Gato's just good at everything, and he's insanely good at charging the meter.

Just cancel from her command throw. It's kinda a waste though, with the dream cancel damage reduction and all, and beats the purpose of it being a counter.

I'm not sure about Momoko's toss though, I don't think there's anything aside from esper and a normal jump attack.

487th Post

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"Re(7):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Mon 6 Feb 09:07post reply

Hey Catalyst, thanks for the link! I guess it's ok, nothing to be too excited about or anything, so I guess that all the Gackt haters out there won't complain about it...

121th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Tue 7 Feb 11:25post reply


Sounds like great news to me. Onimusha doesn't appeal to me in any way but gameplay...but I found Onimusha 3 to be decidedly excellent. I'm excited about playing 4 now.

Having the issen be easier to do sort of removes some of the mystique, but half of the game (for me) is the gratification of pulling one off, so if they're more common, I'm not really complaining. Can you do multiple issen, or are you too early to say?

I agree, 3 was quite good - and 4 is basically an evolution of its features.

I'm still not that far ahead - been wanting to play more but work's keeping me busy. Anyway, you can issen multiple enemies, they call it a chain issen. It's ridiculously easy though, if you spam the slash button after the first issen, 99% of the time you'll combo any other enemies as well. You can only chain issen twice at first, but as you level up, you can spend points to increase the chain.

I've heard however, that there's the possibility of chain issening WITH your partner - if that's true, that's got to be a sight to see.

I'm not good enough to pull off true issens with the faster enemies, so I've been resorting to guard issens.

And quick comment regarding DoC - I agree that it's definitely mediocre - just by the fact that I play it, and it screams mediocrity at me, but yet I keep playing. Maybe it's the prospect of good cutscenes, but something's definitely driving me forward with it, despite the fact that I've played far superior shooters before.

I cannot fathom why they chose to invert the horizontal axis though - that was the first thing I changed before I went crazy.

78th Post

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"Re(1):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Tue 7 Feb 11:55post reply

2: Kingdom Hearts 2

The me an idea of what premature ejaculation must be like.

Actually, a premature ejaculation usually comes (!!) about when a man is very very excited. Like this:

Excitement --> dream fulfilled --> ejaculation --> feeling of bewilderment --> dizziness --> (vomiting) --> apology --> desire to return to excited state --> vocal desire to return to excited state --> perhaps-halfhearted attempt at exracurricular activities --> excitement returned --> spectacular evening.

For me, Kingdom Hearts II was more of a Just-on-time Ejaculation. Which still comes sooner than, maybe, a woman would appreciate (or much later, if she's bored), and is followed by a sudden feeling of vague, probably-unfair disgust, which fades as you suddenly fall asleep and forget about the whole thing.

And you wake up in the morning, and however bored she was the night before, she's in love with you, and you don't bother to put her in your PlayStation2 ever again because you've gone back to Burnout Revenge if you know what I mean by "Burnout Revenge."

1638th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Tue 7 Feb 20:13post reply

I almost forgot to post this. I played the Arc Systems Hokuto no Ken game recently. I think I'll wait until I play some more (whenever that may be) to make my final judgement, but my initial impressions are...
1: It isn't that much like HnK to me.
2: It's combo crazy, but it's not SO bad, since the damage scaling is very harsh. That is to say, players that can do decent combos can compete with those who do insane ones, but players who can't do combos should play HnK Pachislot instead.
3: The wakeup game sucks SUCKS SUCKS! It's not fair! The people on the ground have the most ridiculous disadvantage and have to settle for being hounded when they get up until they do a counter move. You can't even come up with supers as far as I can tell.


I block issen half the time anyway. I abused block issening on Onimusha Buraiden so much that nobody would play with me.

As for DoC...yeah, I changed the horizontal axis thing as soon as I figured out what was wrong. I thought "surely I don't suck this much. Why is it so hard to do anything?"

I don't understand! If KH2 still loves you, then why? Why!? KH2 will understand if you need to play Burnout Revenge sometimes as long as you remember KH2. (or think of KH2 as you play) I think I'm missing something here.

Also, the board of directors has decided that it's time for you to abandon your ugly Gouki avatar and use the picture of you and Brandon in the horse costume.

81th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 10:56post reply

I don't understand! If KH2 still loves you, then why? Why!? KH2 will understand if you need to play Burnout Revenge sometimes as long as you remember KH2. (or think of KH2 as you play) I think I'm missing something here.

Also, the board of directors has decided that it's time for you to abandon your ugly Gouki avatar and use the picture of you and Brandon in the horse costume.

Issue #1:

Because I'm sick!

I sent Kingdom Hearts II an email. I sent it with my cell phone. I said, "You do nothing for me. Yet I'll continue to let you sit on my videogame shelf, though I'll never play you again. And when I play Burnout, you won't cross my mind even once."

In addition, it's nice to have a videogame shelf for once.

Issue #2:

I have a Gouki avatar? Are you referring to the picture of me with the Power Glove?

You were the one who drew that picture of me and Brandon in the horse costume?

You know, my friend's girlfriend, who's Japanese, told him that "NO ONE EVER SAYS 'ORE' OUTSIDE OF, LIKE, MANGA!!" just to discourage him from trying it. He said, "Well, I know someone who does." And then she told him "NO YOU DON'T."

You know, every guy in this office is 俺! Every one!! It's only when the dumpy Chinese boss lady from the other floor comes around that they all say 僕. They don't say 僕 in front of the secretary! They don't say 僕 in front of the coffee machine! They say 僕 to the dumpy Chinese woman, because they figure she should. They don't want to burst her bubble, that men don't talk like they actually talk.

And they say Japanese men are inconsiderate! Oh, I don't think so!

The world must have treated my friend's girlfriend the way these hard-hitting whiskey-drinking pompadour-salaryman bastards treat that dumpy Chinese woman.

1329th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 12:00post reply

I like the Gouki avatar.
He's got the Hazzan Alliance thing going on.


776th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 12:18post reply

I like the Gouki avatar.
He's got the Hazzan Alliance thing going on.

Yeah, it's good that his legacy lives on, though not in the way you'd think. 滅殺。


816th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 13:50post reply


You know, my friend's girlfriend, who's Japanese, told him that "NO ONE EVER SAYS 'ORE' OUTSIDE OF, LIKE, MANGA!!" just to discourage him from trying it. He said, "Well, I know someone who does." And then she told him "NO YOU DON'T."

Learn to speak Japanese from a girl, and you'll have to catch yourself going そうううねぇ~ ~かしら。

I had frends doing that in class and it cracked me up. =)

But it IS interesting, sometimes I see guys (both in videogames and real people) use わ at the end of their sentences like it's the most masculine thing in the world. It's like ... "I'm so fucking hardcore and secure with my masculinity わ." Why is that ?

oh and 滅殺。

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

777th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(5):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 14:15post reply

Hahah, some forms of 'wa' are old and masculine, something you'd expect out of a yakuza or samurai's mouth. I don't remember dialect histories or anything, but the gangster wa and the modern girl's wa aren't quite the same. Now, classmates who have learned Japanese from girls, on the other hand...

There was a great story about some Russian Czar way back who learned Japanese from some provincial woman for reasons I don't remember, and he cracked up Japan's court in a serious way.


1330th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 15:54post reply


82th Post

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"Re(7):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 16:14post reply


(Score:3, Insightful)

83th Post

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"Re(6):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 16:17post reply

the gangster wa and the modern girl's wa aren't quite the same.

Yeah. I know a hard-hitter from Osaka who uses "wa," and he's definitely not a homosexual.

. . . I think!

He said to me, in an email, just two days ago:


I've never seen him use the tilde before. If he shows up at Ueno Station in hot pants and white aviator sunglasses -- well! Wouldn't that be gorgeous!!

1331th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(7):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 16:25post reply

Hey 百八 did you get that picture of the inside of your mouth that I sent? You can put that up on the new LPN article.

85th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(8):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 17:09post reply

Hey 百八 did you get that picture of the inside of your mouth that I sent? You can put that up on the new LPN article.

fuck, yeah, you're right.
i should use it as an avatar.

86th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(9):games. Games...GAMES!" , posted Wed 8 Feb 17:19post reply

Hey 百八 did you get that picture of the inside of your mouth that I sent? You can put that up on the new LPN article.

fuck, yeah, you're right.
i should use it as an avatar.

IS THIS WHAT 宮本武蔵 meant by "THE VOID"?!?!