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nobinobita 23th Post
New Customer
| "Re(2):Future of Bomberman?" , posted Sat 18 Feb 14:12
quote: Cool! Seems like they're going back to the roots for this one .. for some reason that cover reminds me of the original NES cover. Also, the concept of the main chara being a robot mirrors the first game as well - anyone who beat the original Bomberman will remember his "becoming human" at the game's end.
Yeah, i'm with you on this one. This really doesn't bother me for a few reasons. First, its a return to the series' roots (as others have pointed out) so its not that innappropriate.
Second, Bomberman could use a change. Its been stale for a while and hopefully the new game will be fun and different. Bomberman has been a strong and versatile series and I think it can come out fine after this makeover.
Lastly, the new designs actually look kinda cool. I was a little put off at first, but if i didn't know it was bomberman, i'd think those robots look neat (and alot better than anything McFarlen has ever designed).
At the end of the day, i'll take this new Bomberman over Final Fight: Streetwise, or Jak II (which really doesn't get enough credit for how aggressively ugly and stupid it was).