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exodus 3272th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):PSP movies sales" , posted Sat 18 Feb 03:33
quote: I don't get what's wrong with it. Maybe in a vaccuum like the internet it looks stupid, but Variety IIRC is a men's magazine.
I guess what's wrong with it is that there's never a reason to get stuff wrong, or to not do a minute of research for a story. He researched some key players and got some quotes - why not also research the facts and numbers? Doesn't take much time...
And undead fred - I agree.
I'm irked because there's basically no reason to be right anymore. There's no reason to have your facts straight. The most important thing is to cause a stir with your writing, ala 'DID GRAND THEFT AUTO CAUSE THESE TEENS TO KILL?' when a copy of the game was simply found in their car.
It's similar with many hits-based websites. They'll have a story up which is essentially JUST the headline. THIS JUST IN: J ALLARD SAID 'BOOBIES'. And inside it'll just say something like 'in a recent teleconference, he said boobies.' and that's the story - no context, no research. That often leads to unsubstantiated rumors being printed as fact, and it's just rather irresponsible. But there's just no reason to be responsible anymore, not when everything is based on hits and views. It doesn't matter if you're right, just so long as you're first. Then you get all the links, and if you want to find out more, or hear the facts and numbers, you have to check around elsewhere.
This is becoming more and more true with newspapers as well, which is why we see such sensationalism. It's all just part of this cone of ignorance, which has the internet at its apex.