PSP movies sales - Forums

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2389th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 04:31post reply

Variety reports that sales on PSP movies aren't what was hoped for so Paramount, Warner Bros. and Sony are cutting back on movie releases.


3269th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 05:08:post reply


Some have reasoned that sales may have slowed recently because of a shortage of new titles in the last month and because users may be illegally copying films from DVDs onto a memory chip the PSPs can read.

...along with so-called 'video games', which are like electronic versions of chess and checkers.

heh. memory chip. I imagine this person walks with a cane.

j00 can download pics toololz

Sony is hoping to combat online piracy starting in March when it begins selling movies online via its Connect digital media store. Users will be able to download a pic and watch it on PSP without a disc.

this is awesome journalism. are games that hard to understand? are press releases that hard to read? Does google not exist for these people?

sorry, I'm obsessed now.


Overall, Sony has shipped more than 6 million PSP units worldwide since it went on sale a year ago, making it a moderate success but not a smash hit. Nintendo DS, another handheld gaming system that went on sale a few months earlier, has shipped 14.4 million units.

I believe the PSP has sold 6 million in america. more like 13 million worldwide. jesus.

[this message was edited by exodus on Fri 17 Feb 05:15]

1579th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 06:16post reply

j00 can download pics toololz

Sony is hoping to combat online piracy starting in March when it begins selling movies online via its Connect digital media store. Users will be able to download a pic and watch it on PSP without a disc.

this is awesome journalism. are games that hard to understand? are press releases that hard to read? Does google not exist for these people?

I've just looked up pic on -- and supposedly, the word can also be used as slang for a movie.

The article seems a bit more reasonable, knowing that.


3269th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 06:32post reply


I've just looked up pic on -- and supposedly, the word can also be used as slang for a movie.

The article seems a bit more reasonable, knowing that.

oh, so like...short for moving picture? hmmm. this 1920s slang sure has staying power.

787th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 06:42post reply

-new adapter that would allow a user to watch a PSP pic on a TV.
-widespread criticism that consumers have to buy two separate copies of a movie to watch on PSP and TV.

Hahaha, serves Sony right, maybe people would've bought PSP's to play movies if they used the same format in the first place, like with PS2 ("I already need a DVD player, maybe I should just get a PS2 so I can do games too"). As if anyone will buy an adapter on top of a PSP...even if you buy a portable DVD player, you can still watch it on TV, so there's still no point to PSP movies at all it seems.


360th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 08:21post reply

Sony had around 15 million PSP units produced (and stated as shipped) last january. Whatever the actual shipment figures and the actual hardware sales (the public guess is around 6~8 million in that last case), it is much more than a "moderate success": it makes it the most successful Non-Nintendo handheld of all time. It is quite unfair (or more correctly a proof of not knowing shit about the subject) to compare it to the Nintendo DS, which is like the second coming of the Famicom since the dogs and the professor kicked in.


75th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 11:14post reply

Variety reports that sales on PSP movies aren't what was hoped for so Paramount, Warner Bros. and Sony are cutting back on movie releases.

Good! About time. Whenever I go to the videogame store all I see in the psp section are damn movies. Who would want to watch a movie on a tiny ass screen anyway?

1209th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 12:48post reply


Good! About time. Whenever I go to the videogame store all I see in the psp section are damn movies. Who would want to watch a movie on a tiny ass screen anyway?

The bigger question is who would want to pay DOUBLE the price of a DVD for a tiny ass movie.

1654th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 12:57post reply


this is awesome journalism. are games that hard to understand? are press releases that hard to read? Does google not exist for these people?

You have to let this stuff go. I know this is a bit different, but I get irritated at the ignorance and unprofessionalism in video game journalism all the time.

I'm trying to cut down on the outraging, but if Monster Hunter 2 doesn't come out over here, it's coming back in full force. I bring that up, because that game suffered from a lot of bad journalism.

3271th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 14:41post reply


You have to let this stuff go. I know this is a bit different, but I get irritated at the ignorance and unprofessionalism in video game journalism all the time.

well, I'm re-outraged because this isn't game journalism, it's...normal journalism. The kind where in the old days, you'd check the facts and things of that nature. This is the kind of job you're supposed to have a specific degree to get, if I'm not mistaken. So it's more annoying. Variety is rather shit anyway though, so...whateverrrrrrrrrrrr

823th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(4):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 16:48post reply

Ars Technica is a bit more professional...

...but the same information... essentially.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

1491th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 20:36post reply

well, I'm re-outraged because this isn't game journalism, it's...normal journalism. The kind where in the old days, you'd check the facts and things of that nature. This is the kind of job you're supposed to have a specific degree to get, if I'm not mistaken. So it's more annoying. Variety is rather shit anyway though, so...whateverrrrrrrrrrrr

It's movie journalism, so it's about the same as the gaming breed, despite what some people may claim. Though just because you have a degree in something doesn't mean you can write worth a damn. - My own personal waste of time.

Undead Fred
2649th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 21:28post reply

well, I'm re-outraged because this isn't game journalism, it's...normal journalism. The kind where in the old days, you'd check the facts and things of that nature. This is the kind of job you're supposed to have a specific degree to get, if I'm not mistaken. So it's more annoying.
It's even more annoying to me when the people whose job it is to write things and put them in print can't use words like "your" and "you're" correctly or can't use spellcheck.

Or put apostrophies on just about anything ending in S.

1934th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 21:30post reply

I don't get what's wrong with it. Maybe in a vaccuum like the internet it looks stupid, but Variety IIRC is a men's magazine. The kind that focuses mostly on "guy stuff" in a half-assed drunken neighborly kind of way. This is interlectural edumacated reading by their standards. The kind of stuff you shock your friends with by making them think you're a magnificent dork, then quickly follow with a shrug and a hearty guffaw that signifies the end of your fantasy nerd life and defiantly states "In truth, I really prefer to talk about women, football, and right-wing politics."

223th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(6):PSP movies sales" , posted Fri 17 Feb 22:34:post reply

I don't get what's wrong with it. Maybe in a vaccuum like the internet it looks stupid, but Variety IIRC is a men's magazine.


It's the most influental trade rag for the movie business. And it has been since... what, 1920? Maybe this guy's one of the original staff?

[this message was edited by aderack on Fri 17 Feb 22:35]

3272th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):PSP movies sales" , posted Sat 18 Feb 03:33post reply

I don't get what's wrong with it. Maybe in a vaccuum like the internet it looks stupid, but Variety IIRC is a men's magazine.

I guess what's wrong with it is that there's never a reason to get stuff wrong, or to not do a minute of research for a story. He researched some key players and got some quotes - why not also research the facts and numbers? Doesn't take much time...

And undead fred - I agree.

I'm irked because there's basically no reason to be right anymore. There's no reason to have your facts straight. The most important thing is to cause a stir with your writing, ala 'DID GRAND THEFT AUTO CAUSE THESE TEENS TO KILL?' when a copy of the game was simply found in their car.

It's similar with many hits-based websites. They'll have a story up which is essentially JUST the headline. THIS JUST IN: J ALLARD SAID 'BOOBIES'. And inside it'll just say something like 'in a recent teleconference, he said boobies.' and that's the story - no context, no research. That often leads to unsubstantiated rumors being printed as fact, and it's just rather irresponsible. But there's just no reason to be responsible anymore, not when everything is based on hits and views. It doesn't matter if you're right, just so long as you're first. Then you get all the links, and if you want to find out more, or hear the facts and numbers, you have to check around elsewhere.

This is becoming more and more true with newspapers as well, which is why we see such sensationalism. It's all just part of this cone of ignorance, which has the internet at its apex.