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Baines 149th Post
Regular Customer
| "Re(1):Good non-gamer games?" , posted Mon 20 Feb 07:58
Red Hot Rumble is about as new-gamer unfriendly as a melee game can get. Unless you are hyperactive, or sit down with it for a while, you won't adjust to the chaotic nature of the game. Even then, the action can get hard to follow when you are playing 3 or 4 player on certain stages.
Super Smash Bros Melee is the obvious choice. It is a well polished game, and playable at pretty much any skill level. If anyone complains about Jigglypuff, then teach them to hold the block button. :p If someone complains about an item being too cheap, turn it off. (There are a few I have turned off by default, when I play using items at all.) If someone complains about a stage, don't play it and disable it from random select. (Everyone got to pick a stage or two to turn off, either for finding them hard to play or finding they interfered too much with the actual melee part of the game.) Someone dies faster than the rest, play timed instead of stock. Someone feels they are picked on, (unlock and) turn on score display.
While Urban Reign might not be that great, the multiplayer battle can be okay. Particularly before people learn to abuse the reversal system. (Use an Action Replay to unlock everything though.)
For a casual FPS crowd, try a shooter like Timesplitters 2 or Future Perfect.
Depending on the group or method of play, co-op Dynasty Warriors can be entertaining.
Super Monkey Ball minigames might have their place. We play a bit of Monkey Japanese 9-Ball every now and then. Before that was Monkey Bowling. Unfortunately, it is easy to argue the minigames aren't polished or formed enough to maintain interest. (And a few are just junk, like Monkey Soccer.)
Bomberman is an option.
Kikkoken 1078th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
| "Re(2):Good non-gamer games?" , posted Mon 20 Feb 20:37
Wario Ware, Kuru Kururin Squash, Monkey Ball 1 & 2, SSBM, PacMan Vs, Mario Kart, Donkey Konga, CapvsSnk2 on Easy Operation mode, Navy Trackers or even, with some practice, Hyrule Adventure.