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OmegaDog 1581th Post
Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "So, no price drop for current-gen systems?" , posted Wed 22 Feb 09:03:
So yeah -- there's a local Sam Goody closing up shop. Recently, they had a slimline PS2 there at 20% off, and I was considering it since I didn't yet have a PS2 -- though, being that I wanted to save a bit of money, considering that a game console wasn't a priority for me, and knowing that the PS3 would eventually roll around (so that I can ignore it, with its price tag, and go straight for the PS2 at that future point), I held off on it. Someone else picked it up after a while, and I didn't feel too bad.
Though, I was remembering that, when the XBox 360 came out, there was no drop in the price of the regular XBox. And that was $400, for a system that a gamer would want.
There's speculation that the PS3 could be priced even higher -- whether that'll actually be true, or whether Chris Morris's call on a fake is accurate. Either way, next to a system that's even $400, Sony might try to market its PS2 as being comparative peanuts at $150.
As such -- it's probably safe to assume that, in this round of next-gen consoles, the current-gen ones aren't gonna drop in price, are they? Probably not even the GameCube -- if the core of the Revolution isn't purportedly that much meatier (even if there's speculation that the visual differences between the graphics of the Revolution and other consoles will be minimal), and if most of the cost of the Revolution will be for the controllers anyway. (With all the features of the Revolution controllers, and with the cost of basic controllers for other systems not being that cheap, I imagine the Revolution controllers aren't going to be too cheap either.)
[this message was edited by OmegaDog on Wed 22 Feb 09:10] | | Replies: |