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Professor 2280th Post
MMCafe Owner
| "NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 03:13
I've been working around the MMCafe for the past few weeks. It's still taking time, but as a start, there's a few tweaks that's been made to the BBS.
1- Firefox support It took a bit of time to find the right codes, but the BBS is more Firefox friendly now, and the tag buttons should finally work. Text input area should also look wider now.
2- Color Picker Gone are the days where you need to know Hex codes to just select a color for your writing. From now on, a color picker assistant will pop up whenever you hit the "C" tag button. You use it by clicking on the left circle for your color. you can then hit the "Use" button to pick that color, or go on and select a contrast with the gradation selector on the right side of the circle.
3- Line Break and Image insertion fix Line Breaks and Emotion Icons will get inserted where your cursor(caret) is, rather than at the very end of your writing.
4- Transparent spacer There's a transparent "spacer" image that you can select from the Emotion Icons list. Use it when you need to add spaces. There's also an "E" button added in to the Emotionicons list for the sake of Atomiswave games.
Like this.
5- Message Icon List fix The message icons pop-up list is functioning again.
6- ASCII ART tag modification The [ AA ] tag should do bit of a better job than before at displaying Ascii Art.... or so I hope. The previous displaying style can still be used as well; just use [ AA2 ] as the tag instead. ( The "2" is only needed for the starting tag and not for the closing tag. Meaning, you do [ AA2 ] ~~~~ [ /AA ] )
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
(Warning: Not Worksafe)
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End of Spoiler
And that's all for now!
| | Replies: |
Cain Highwind 655th Post
Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Re(2):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 11:16
quote: Wow, thanks a lot, Professor! Among all the great improvements, I like specially this one: 1- Firefox support It took a bit of time to find the right codes, but the BBS is more Firefox friendly now, and the tag buttons should finally work. Text input area should also look wider now.
Now I can do this and this and this and even this with ease again!
You rock, Prof!
Okay that was lame, but good to see codes working again. I noticed with the color picker there's two spaces for codes but when picking colors it only fills in the first space (and just rewrites it when you pick another color). Not a big deal, but maybe you can change it to have two codes at a time
Oh and how do you do emoicons again? it says :name: format, but that doesn't seem to work.