NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates - Forums

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2280th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 03:13post reply

I've been working around the MMCafe for the past few weeks. It's still taking time, but as a start, there's a few tweaks that's been made to the BBS.

1- Firefox support
It took a bit of time to find the right codes, but the BBS is more Firefox friendly now, and the tag buttons should finally work. Text input area should also look wider now.

2- Color Picker
Gone are the days where you need to know Hex codes to just select a color for your writing. From now on, a color picker assistant will pop up whenever you hit the "C" tag button. You use it by clicking on the left circle for your color. you can then hit the "Use" button to pick that color, or go on and select a contrast with the gradation selector on the right side of the circle.

3- Line Break and Image insertion fix
Line Breaks and Emotion Icons will get inserted where your cursor(caret) is, rather than at the very end of your writing.

4- Transparent spacer
There's a transparent "spacer" image that you can select from the Emotion Icons list. Use it when you need to add spaces. There's also an "E" button added in to the Emotionicons list for the sake of Atomiswave games.


Like this.

5- Message Icon List fix
The message icons pop-up list is functioning again.

6- ASCII ART tag modification
The [ AA ] tag should do bit of a better job than before at displaying Ascii Art.... or so I hope. The previous displaying style can still be used as well; just use [ AA2 ] as the tag instead. ( The "2" is only needed for the starting tag and not for the closing tag. Meaning, you do [ AA2 ] ~~~~ [ /AA ] )


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

(Warning: Not Worksafe)

   //!::i:.:.:./::::// ,r==、ヽト、:::.:::|:,r=、:::|:::!:::::!::::/
  ´  l::!:::::l::::/l::::!/ ,r=、`  ヽ:::|,=、 }イ:/:::/|:/
     l|:::::ハ/::!l:::l 、 {{ o}}.:.:::::::::ソ{o}}, '/イl::/。´
    。 ヽ|::::::::l:ヽヽ` ̄ _   、  ̄ j:::メ'、 o  _,. -‐‐-、  ブーン
   ○ ゚ lハ:::::ヽ::`ド‐ /‐`=ァ _, ィ´::ノ二 -‐_二 -‐ = 、 ヽ
     ,. '´ ̄``丶ヽ!``゙'==彳_:⊥'-‐´_, ⊂二二( ^ω^)二⊃
   /       ヽ、ー_.. -‐'´ _..-‐'´-_'´-― 、|    //
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   /   f´'´/!   ::c::    !       !'::/::/
 /    `i イ', ',              ,!/`丶、
'´       `ヽ', ヽ               イ'    \

End of Spoiler

And that's all for now!


365th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 03:48post reply

Thanks Prof.

What about MMC's main page possibly being back in business (in a form or another) around April? Is that still in your plans?


837th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 05:09post reply

Awesome, thank you for the update. And the lovely Ascii.

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

Time Mage
2327th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 05:49post reply

Wow, thanks a lot, Professor! Among all the great improvements, I like specially this one:
1- Firefox support
It took a bit of time to find the right codes, but the BBS is more Firefox friendly now, and the tag buttons should finally work. Text input area should also look wider now.

Now I can do this and this and this and even this with ease again!

Cain Highwind
655th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 11:16post reply

Wow, thanks a lot, Professor! Among all the great improvements, I like specially this one:
1- Firefox support
It took a bit of time to find the right codes, but the BBS is more Firefox friendly now, and the tag buttons should finally work. Text input area should also look wider now.

Now I can do this and this and this and even this with ease again!



You rock, Prof!

Okay that was lame, but good to see codes working again. I noticed with the color picker there's two spaces for codes but when picking colors it only fills in the first space (and just rewrites it when you pick another color). Not a big deal, but maybe you can change it to have two codes at a time

Oh and how do you do emoicons again? it says :name: format, but that doesn't seem to work.

83th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 11:35post reply

I've been working around the MMCafe for the past few weeks. It's still taking time, but as a start, there's a few tweaks that's been made to the BBS.

All hail the professor!

Are you slave to the blade?

284th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(3):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 14:53post reply

All hail the professor!

All hail, indeed.

Professor, hasn't it been over a year now since we have used the evac site? Lookit me! I am using Professor vision!

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

1457th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(4):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 16:20:post reply

Thank you prof!

Oh, come to think of it, I've never used color in this BBS before, but had to try that wunnnderful color palette.
Oh and how do you do emoicons again? it says :name: format, but that doesn't seem to work.

Like das:

[ :emoticon_name: ]

without the spaces.
As in :2ch_are: with the [] gives you this:
All hail the professor!

All hail, indeed.

Professor, hasn't it been over a year now since we have used the evac site? Lookit me! I am using Professor vision!

But quote tags still must be closed ;)

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

[this message was edited by Sensenic on Mon 27 Feb 16:21]

2283th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 18:16post reply

I'm planning to bring it back in April like I've previously mentioned. There probably won't be much of a change in terms of the site's design because I can't make time for a complete revamp (and anyways, the current wooden look isn't all too bad either). Rather, I've been working on the internals of the site so that updates can be made online. The minor fixes with the BBS are kind of like a part of it.

Cain Highwind:
If you click on the "P" tag button, you'll get a pop-up window with a list of the emotion icons. Just click on them to place them into your bbs entry.

There's two spaces featured in the color picker because one's for the color wheel on the left, and the other's for the contract picker on the right. The contrast picker reflects on whatever you click on the color wheel. Try clicking around on them and you'll see what I mean.

YES. and I hope we'll never need to use it again.

3369th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 19:07post reply

Thanks for those updates Profesor!

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

590th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(4):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 20:22post reply

Thanks for those updates Profesor!

Yeah , thanks a lot for your efforts to make the BBS more Firefox-friendly... but there's still a noticeable flaw :

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
The secret image on your sig doesn't show up when higlighted in Firefox...

End of Spoiler

321th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Mon 27 Feb 21:19post reply

Congraturations, Professor!

PS: Is there any chance to create a "Search" function for the BBS? It'd be nice to have one.

7544th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Tue 28 Feb 00:31post reply



宇宙乙, but isn't it better to use the japanese space :       ?

And plenty of other 乙 for everything else, and more.

Thanks, Prof.

838th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Tue 28 Feb 01:36post reply

Wow, the secret image is a bigger deal than I imagined! There's a cache of those types of images somwhere on the web...

Ya, I actually like the layout of these forums because they are so simple and compact, and threads don't have all that data and jargon that make my eyes go ...

The new color picker is rad!

Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY

2284th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(2):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Tue 28 Feb 01:53post reply

宇宙乙, but isn't it better to use the japanese space :       ?

You mean like this?

    ○ ,                   ○>
   / ̄'☆                   )  >>ケンシロウ
  / >                    /

          = 世紀末劇場 =

The spacer's just there for users without Ime/Atok input, kind of like the AA emotion icons. I've always wondered why web browers don't allow space indenting in English... pretty inconvenient.

Thanks for reminding me. I'm thinking of adding a google search since it's better than most search engine scripts. I've already got a form in experiment for the main site since a few months back, so it shouldn't be hard at all to add one for the BBS.

This BBS is old-style, lol. My personal favorite is the preview pane. Not exactly WYSIWYG, but still convenient enough.

1341th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Tue 28 Feb 08:39post reply

As always, Moriarty's Cafe is the place to be for (fun post)!

287th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(4):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Tue 28 Feb 14:49post reply

<Highlights said signature>

Wow. I never knew that.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...

Maese Spt
175th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(5):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Tue 28 Feb 20:15post reply

Those improvements in user-friendlyness for Firefox supporting posters will be much appreciated. Now I'll finally can quote things properly while posting from home! Thanks a lot, Prof.!

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

298th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(1):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Wed 1 Mar 03:33post reply


Cain Highwind
656th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Wed 1 Mar 10:28post reply

<Highlights said signature>

Wow. I never knew that.

Neither did I, I remember the Professor posting an article on that whole hidden image thing a while back. But of course one downside to FF is that it doesn't have that for some odd reason. I wonder why?

290th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):NOTICE: Bulletin System Tweaks, Updates" , posted Wed 1 Mar 14:56post reply

<Highlights said signature>

Wow. I never knew that.

Neither did I, I remember the Professor posting an article on that whole hidden image thing a while back. But of course one downside to FF is that it doesn't have that for some odd reason. I wonder why?

Gives "Professor vision" a whole new meaning for me.

I don't know how to live
But I've got alot of toys...