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Maese Spt 177th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Tue 28 Feb 20:46:
WooHoo, yet another narcissistic thread in sight!! Let's get to it.
Username: actually, "Maese Spt" is not the user name I wanted to have... I had many problems while registering a valid e-mail adress, so I unintentionally registered many nicks wich will be never used. Anyway, "Maese" is an ancient spanish word wich can be translated as "master" or "lord", but is mainly used when you want to adress a person of great wisdom and/or abilty (yeah, I have a really high concept of myself, haven't I?). I use it on other spanish boards as well.
The "Spt" thingie goes as an acronym of "Sephiroth". Shameful as it is, I'm adressed as FFVII's villain in some geek circles around my city. My original intention was to register myself only as "Maese", but I messed up with the e-mail thing and I had to figure out another nick, so I went with this.
Avatar: pretty much self-explanatory... A yuri kiss between Belldandy and Urd. Incest, lesbianism, pagan myths and Ah! My Goddess: concepts that happen to define my idiosyncrasy quite well.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - In fact, they are not exactly kissing each other: Urd only tries to feed Belldandy some kind of medicine pills, but Fujishima-sensei knows how to depict such a mundane action in an actually interesting way.
End of Spoiler
Signature: the pic is a fanart of Ico I found on 4chan not so much ago. While I love that game, and I find Yorda totally lovable, I probably will change the image for some Taki related crap in a few days. I felt inspired by Ishmael's new sign, I guess.
The bottom quote is from Tsuji Kunio's "Azuchi Okanki" (a novel translated as "The Signore" in english). It's a book about Nobunaga, his exploits and his time. The quote is the very first reference to Nobunaga in the book, when the main character asks the people of Sakai about that infamous lord of Owari wich seems to terrify everyone on the country. I find funny the fact that Nobunaga's name is not mentioned even a single time on the entire novel, they always refer to him as "lord of Owari", "the Signore" (the protagonist is a european mercenary) and such.
I'm sort of a Nobunaga fan myself, and I liked both the book and the quote, so I chose it as a signature. In fact, "Azuchi Okanki" has so many great quotes that could hold its own even against Romance of Three Kingdoms! No, srsly.
And that's about it. Man, I love talking about myself...
EDIT: spoiler
 "At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"
[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Tue 28 Feb 20:50] |
Pollyanna 1661th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(2):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Tue 28 Feb 20:51
We had a topic like this before, but...I think everyone's forgotten by now, so I'm happy to see it again.
Username: I used to be uncurably cheery. I was always happy and energetic...and was known as such. One day, someone made a comment about my happy disposition and I said "You can call me Pollyanna" (quoting the Mother song) and it stuck.
Avatar: Many of my avatars are by Akiman, who is my favorite artist. My previous one was my 2nd favorite character from Hanjuku Hero. My current one is simply the product of failing to find something better. It's from Namco's New Years card. I may change it soon.
Obviously, I don't have a signature. I used to hate image signatures, because I felt like they were very inconsiderate to people with slow connections. I don't feel so anymore, but somehow the idea has stuck in the back of my head. If I ever have anything good to quote, maybe I'll make a text signature, but someone I feel like it's just not appropriate for me.
deisied 394th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(1):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 03:22
Username: Well...it's something that's been in my head for a pretty long time, and I've been using it on TEH INTARWEBS for about 6 or so years now, though I use others sometimes too. Anyway, lots of people have asked what it means, and I've never told. Part of the reason is just because I enjoy being able to keep dumb little secrets like that sometimes, and messing with people, and part of it is because I don't really know how the hell I'd explain it anyway. It relates to a lot of things. Most people just notice it's a palindrome eventually and are happy enough noticing that, heh. Works for me.
Avatar: Brandon Heat a.k.a. Beyond the Grave from Gungrave. One day browsing the web I ran into some fanart site, with chibi-ish renditions of the cast. I got bored and made an animated AIM icon out of it one day. I think it's pretty neat since I'd never really tried doing anything like that at the time, and I threw it together in half a second anyway (you can tell). Sometimes I worry the guy who made the original sprite will see it and get pissed off, for some reason. But...hasn't happened. Anyway, I wish mmcafe didn't stretch it out so large.
Sig image: Rodo from the manga D.Gray-Man. I'm not usually the type to call someone who mostly only pleases me aesthetically a "favorite character" of mine in something I type somewhat seriously. Like, Ed is cute in Cowboy Bebop and all, but it bothers me when people say they watch the show for her, or something. I'm just like that. Despite this, I find Rodo, her aesthetics, personality, and overall presence to just be pretty cool, even if she hasn't done much so far. I've only had females in my sigs here for some reason, so I kept up with that with her. She'll probably stay for a while.
Nate 756th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(1):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 04:40:
quote: In this thread, give a brief explanation on the user name, and the current avatar & signature that you chose.
Username: Nate is my nickname and what roughly half of everyone I know calls me. The other half calls me Jonathan, which is my real name.
How does one get Nate from Jonathan?
JONATHAN - JO = NATHAN -> shorten NATHAN = Nate
Avatar: Muse, a character from Romancing SaGa 3. Too lazy to get anything new and she's rather pretty, even if the picture's just a little distorted from what it actually looks like.
Signature: It's "Wonderful! Beautiful! Exciting!" in Japanese, which I originally put up in support of Tiffany from Rival Schools for some voting contest a while back. Too lazy to change it, again.
ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!
[this message was edited by Nate on Wed 1 Mar 04:41] |
KTallguy 839th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(2):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 04:54
Well, I think it's funny, my turkish brother!
Nick: I've been using this name for a looooong time. I was using 'Nexus' until someone told me that was a hair product, and then I do use 'Wraith' on online games sometimes.
My dad's first name is Tulga, and he turned that into Tallguy, and used that on the internet when we first got it. My first name is Kenan. So there, I just ripped my dad's screenname and put a K in front of it! 相変わらず俺のバカ。
I'm much taller than my dad, at least 3 inches. I'm 192 cm, or 6'4". But in reality that's not THAT tall, I know.
Wow the new formatting is fun! =)
Um, Avatar is the Aphex Twin logo, but I've had Virtua Fighter stuff, KOF stuff, Ibuki stuff...
I am thinking about making an image sig someday. But the quote is just K' from KOF saying, 'You're so fricking low compared to me,' something like that. K' is a badass. Oh, and I hope the next gen brings some interesting stuff, right now it's all about cautious optomisim...
Proud Supporter of Next Generation GAMEPLAY "テメエがヤクブソクなんだよ!"
Maou 791th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(3):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 04:56:
quote: since I was posting on Gouki's Page of Whatever so I've had this handle for a long time in internet time.
Holy cow, I ALMOST remember what that was...I remember the name, at least, what a blast to the past. Sort of like Norimao's LL, a name to a page I haven't seen since early high school.
Oh ya, Maou is the dark lord from Chrono Trigger. The pictures is Ghaleon, my favorite RPG villain, from Lunar. Sigs seem like too much work.
edit: what do you know, I do have a sig! This is news to me. It is Ghaleon in Lunar 2: "Humans never cease to amaze me. What mysterious beings they are, humans..."
[this message was edited by Maou on Wed 1 Mar 04:59] |
Time Mage 2329th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 05:05
Username: When I first visited that thing called "internet" I found that in order to communicate with other people, I had to invent another name (It was in IRC chat, specifically). Wow, too complicated. So, after trying out some names that were already chosen, I thought about that curious job from FFV, that had the almighty Meteo. And that's all. Lately I'm using "Taim Meich" instead of Time Mage. Taim Meich is the phonetic adaptation in Spanish of Time Mage, so, basically, both are pronounced exactly the same.
Avatar: Takino Tomo, the hyperactive girl from Azumanga Daioh. I kinda like this kind of dumb, cheery characters, and Tomo sums the archetype pretty well.
Signature: Again, from Azumanga, it's a screenshot of the anime's intro. I have to change it someday, but I'm laaazy.
Sensenic 1459th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(1):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 07:03
quote: In this thread, give a brief explanation on the user name, and the current avatar & signature that you chose.
OMG, the originality!!
Sorry. /(;u_u) Heh, I always end up posting only in these kind of threads... Whatever:
User Name: I didn't have a fix nickname by the time I joined (or rather, started trying to join), so I chose to call myself "Without Nick". To make it a little more "cryptic" I just wrote it in Catalan "Sense Nick" and put it together to form what, to me, seemed and still seems a rather standard fantasy character name: "Sensenic" (Good Lord, how many times have I explained this story?). Since apparently it has become my fix user name everywhere I've joined ever since, it has become some kind of a paradox now ^_^
Avatar: Deidara. I just loved that face. Self-quoting apart, he's (yes, HE, unfortunately) a character from the 2nd part of Naruto, and a pretty evil, sicko and badass one. Then, once, he appeared in this funny scene with that face and I loved it so much it had to become my avatar (and many other people's as well ^_^).
Sig: Always been: comment on my avatar, tag and quote. Tag is, obviously, from Yotsubato!, a manga I truly and utterly love. And kudos go to Momotato and his excellent (I believe) scanlating work. Quote changes from time to time, right now is just a phrase a friend of mine said, "putting himself too much in the role".
And so be it.
Deidara. I just loved that face. XD
 "It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it" An undead friend.
Makondo99 322th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 07:09
Username: When I was at university I was computer iliterate, so I picked up a class for people like myself who had never turned on a computer in order to fix this. The first task we were given was to create an E-mail account. I was advised not to use my real name, so I had to create a nick. I decided to use the word "Macondo", which is a very special place depicted in Gabriel Garcia Marquez's "One Hundred Years of Solitude".Unfortunately, that name was already taken (and also Macondo01, Macondo02 and so on), I got nervous and the class was about to finish, so I decided to replace the "c" with a "k" (they sound the same in Spanish, in this context) and add "99" and thus "Makondo99" was born. When I joined the cafe, I used the same nick, but nowadays whenever I have to use a nick I prefer to use "Makondo"
Avatar: Recently I watched "Gankutsuou" and I fell in love with it. This image corresponds to the Count. He is THE AWESOME.
Signature: Haydee, from the same anime. I like her design and the crazy attires she uses (the background image is from one of her dresses) She's also quite sweet.
exodus 3296th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):User name, avatar, & signature" , posted Wed 1 Mar 07:14
I'm boring
I made up this nick when I was 17 and really liked the band exodus. wheeee.
sig and avatar - ummmmmmmmmmm a korean artist whose name I forget. man. Somebody asked me once, and I knew back then, but now I can't figure it out! I thought it was Windship, but it's not...
OH MAN. in the process of writing this, I searched my own site (via google) for 'korean artist'. and I got it! I'm a smartie every day.
anyway, they're both by Ropie, who did the art for kingdom under fire. Never played the game, but his art is nice. even if it didn't really make it into the game.
Bata kun 2797th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Randomness" , posted Wed 1 Mar 12:31
Let's see.
Now these days, I go under the name of Bata-kun. "Bata" is Tagalog for kid or child, and yes, people do think I am 17, which is sort of why I have this name, but of course, those people are way off on my age. Seeing that some of you don't know Japanese, "-kun" is a suffix for guys, but it also has other uses.
Every month, you'll see me change my avatar and tag. Why? Back then, I used to have a "Love Hina" Haruka avatar. It was the image people associated me by. Ha ha ha! Then, I realized, I don't want to be just like "The fight is all," guy. (If you don't know who I mean and you know "Street Fighter", shame on you.)
My av, as Arngrim mentioned a while back, is of Aka from "Rec", a series that came out earlier this month in Japan. I'll end up seeing it when I see a friend of mine. Maybe.
The girl in my tag is Hina from the "True Love Story" series. Though I have not played the games, I have seen two episodes of the anime if I recall? I know I saw the first episode for sure.