Suggestions? - Forums

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"Suggestions?" , posted Thu 2 Mar 13:29post reply

Anyone have any suggestions for a good game on GC, PS2, or XBOX??? Right now i have only been playing SSBM(repetitive), and a little bit of SSV... Any suggestions would be great... I am thinking about front mission 4 for PS2, but I'd like to hear what the pros at MMcafe have to say... Also I am on a budget for the game to be between 20 and 30 dollars...
THank you very much!!!


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1494th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Suggestions?" , posted Thu 2 Mar 15:05post reply

FM4 is boring and the gameplay is kind of broken. With a 98% chance to hit I missed three times... in a row. I'd say go to and check out what's cheap and looks interesting. There's lots and lots of games out there. - My own personal waste of time.

2405th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 00:45post reply

Everblue 2. Or if you want to be more practical you can take Ammadeau's advice and check out a selection of cheap games. Any type of genre you might be interested in will probably have several good titles avaliable for a very reasonable price.

92th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(3):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 01:38post reply

Everblue 2. Or if you want to be more practical you can take Ammadeau's advice and check out a selection of cheap games. Any type of genre you might be interested in will probably have several good titles avaliable for a very reasonable price.

I checked the Everblue 2 review on Gamespot and they gave it a 6.1. I know that reviews are reviews, and it depends on the eye of the beholder. Why did you enjoy everblue 2? Any more suggestions... I was looking along the lines for a mech game maybe. I dunno... Any suggestions from anyone is greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

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7025th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 02:55post reply

SRW Alpha 3?

316th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 05:05post reply

Phantom Dust for Xbox


2407th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 05:57post reply

I checked the Everblue 2 review on Gamespot and they gave it a 6.1.

The fools! You swim around and look at fish and that's the entire game. Everblue 2 is a work of genius.

While I am serious in my love of Everblue 2 and I immediately recommend it whenever anyone asks me for a game suggestion I do realize it's a niche title if there ever was one. Since I wasn't sure what you were looking for and the selection of titles on the three current consoles is so large I went with my default answer. But if you're looking for something with a mech feel... hrm, I'm afraid I can't help you.

Speaking of mechs, has anyone played Steambot Chronicles/Bumby Trot? Any impressions?

99th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 11:18post reply

Anyone have any suggestions for a good game on GC, PS2, or XBOX??? Right now i have only been playing SSBM(repetitive), and a little bit of SSV... Any suggestions would be great... I am thinking about front mission 4 for PS2, but I'd like to hear what the pros at MMcafe have to say... Also I am on a budget for the game to be between 20 and 30 dollars...
THank you very much!!!


Purchase made: Tales of Symphonia for GC... I will be completing it with my faithful companion: Evenor!

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1496th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 13:37:post reply

Speaking of mechs, has anyone played Steambot Chronicles/Bumby Trot? Any impressions?

Yes, and outside of the load times, it's incredible. It has unique gameplay and an infectious charm that made it one of the best games I played in 2005. I really, really hope Altus doesn't mess with the music, since they have a habit of doing that, but the main theme is in English already so there's not much reason to. It's the kind of game that's always finding new ways to make you smile, which means it'll sell just as poorly in the US as it did in Japan because people have awful taste.

For mech games, there's always the Armored Core series and either Phantom Crash for Xbox, or SLAI for PS2.

PS - I own Everblue 2, but have never played it. - My own personal waste of time.

[this message was edited by Ammadeau on Fri 3 Mar 13:39]

100th Post

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"Re(6):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 13:58post reply

Speaking of mechs, has anyone played Steambot Chronicles/Bumby Trot? Any impressions?
Yes, and outside of the load times, it's incredible. It has unique gameplay and an infectious charm that made it one of the best games I played in 2005. I really, really hope Altus doesn't mess with the music, since they have a habit of doing that, but the main theme is in English already so there's not much reason to. It's the kind of game that's always finding new ways to make you smile, which means it'll sell just as poorly in the US as it did in Japan because people have awful taste.

For mech games, there's always the Armored Core series and either Phantom Crash for Xbox, or SLAI for PS2.

PS - I own Everblue 2, but have never played it.

I played Armored Core two of the series for PS2 a long time ago... but I didn't like it that much... Phantom Crash is big with online play, and since I am not Xbox live capable :( I decided not to get it.

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2408th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Suggestions?" , posted Sat 4 Mar 01:20post reply


Yes, and outside of the load times, it's incredible. It has unique gameplay and an infectious charm that made it one of the best games I played in 2005. I really, really hope Altus doesn't mess with the music, since they have a habit of doing that, but the main theme is in English already so there's not much reason to. It's the kind of game that's always finding new ways to make you smile, which means it'll sell just as poorly in the US as it did in Japan because people have awful taste.

For mech games, there's always the Armored Core series and either Phantom Crash for Xbox, or SLAI for PS2.

PS - I own Everblue 2, but have never played it.

Thanks for the info. What I've seen of it looked promising so I'm glad to hear that the game is as entertaining as the previews made it look.

264th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):Suggestions?" , posted Sat 4 Mar 02:51post reply


Purchase made: Tales of Symphonia for GC... I will be completing it with my faithful companion: Evenor!

An excellent choice. I've had the game since it first came out, and while I haven't finished it yet, it is highly enjoyable.

160th Post

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"Re(1):Suggestions?" , posted Sat 4 Mar 11:24post reply

PS2 -
Capcom Classics Collection - The emulation isn't perfect (SF2) but good enough. The best part of the collection is all the trivia, info and extras. Also it has 22 games that you'd actually want to play. Puts Namco 20th to shame.

Technic Beat - A music game thats kind of hard to describe involving concentric rings and timing. But its enjoyable and only a third of the music sucks(jpop).

Metal Slug 3 - Great game.

Outrun 2 - One of the best racing games ever.

Gotcha Force - Alien toy robots battling it out. A fun game if you don't mind constant camera management. The wierd thing is that its team based and robots duke it out KOF style elemination.

101th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(2):Suggestions?" , posted Sat 4 Mar 15:14post reply

PS2 -
Capcom Classics Collection - The emulation isn't perfect (SF2) but good enough. The best part of the collection is all the trivia, info and extras. Also it has 22 games that you'd actually want to play. Puts Namco 20th to shame.

Technic Beat - A music game thats kind of hard to describe involving concentric rings and timing. But its enjoyable and only a third of the music sucks(jpop).

Metal Slug 3 - Great game.

Outrun 2 - One of the best racing games ever.

Gotcha Force - Alien toy robots battling it out. A fun game if you don't mind constant camera management. The wierd thing is that its team based and robots duke it out KOF style elemination.

They came out with metal slug 3 for xbox? did anything change? I know they have metal slug 4 and 5 for basically all consoles.. Me and Evenor have started to play Tales of Symphonia, and it is very good so far... I like how the characters are drawn... typical anime style, but I still like it.

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