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Ammadeau 1496th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(5):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 13:37:
quote: Speaking of mechs, has anyone played Steambot Chronicles/Bumby Trot? Any impressions?
Yes, and outside of the load times, it's incredible. It has unique gameplay and an infectious charm that made it one of the best games I played in 2005. I really, really hope Altus doesn't mess with the music, since they have a habit of doing that, but the main theme is in English already so there's not much reason to. It's the kind of game that's always finding new ways to make you smile, which means it'll sell just as poorly in the US as it did in Japan because people have awful taste.
For mech games, there's always the Armored Core series and either Phantom Crash for Xbox, or SLAI for PS2.
PS - I own Everblue 2, but have never played it.
Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.
[this message was edited by Ammadeau on Fri 3 Mar 13:39] |
Shooo-rook 100th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(6):Suggestions?" , posted Fri 3 Mar 13:58
quote: Speaking of mechs, has anyone played Steambot Chronicles/Bumby Trot? Any impressions? Yes, and outside of the load times, it's incredible. It has unique gameplay and an infectious charm that made it one of the best games I played in 2005. I really, really hope Altus doesn't mess with the music, since they have a habit of doing that, but the main theme is in English already so there's not much reason to. It's the kind of game that's always finding new ways to make you smile, which means it'll sell just as poorly in the US as it did in Japan because people have awful taste.
For mech games, there's always the Armored Core series and either Phantom Crash for Xbox, or SLAI for PS2.
PS - I own Everblue 2, but have never played it.
I played Armored Core two of the series for PS2 a long time ago... but I didn't like it that much... Phantom Crash is big with online play, and since I am not Xbox live capable :( I decided not to get it.
Are you slave to the blade?
Ishmael 2408th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(6):Suggestions?" , posted Sat 4 Mar 01:20
quote: Yes, and outside of the load times, it's incredible. It has unique gameplay and an infectious charm that made it one of the best games I played in 2005. I really, really hope Altus doesn't mess with the music, since they have a habit of doing that, but the main theme is in English already so there's not much reason to. It's the kind of game that's always finding new ways to make you smile, which means it'll sell just as poorly in the US as it did in Japan because people have awful taste.
For mech games, there's always the Armored Core series and either Phantom Crash for Xbox, or SLAI for PS2.
PS - I own Everblue 2, but have never played it.
Thanks for the info. What I've seen of it looked promising so I'm glad to hear that the game is as entertaining as the previews made it look.