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Professor 2292th Post

MMCafe Owner
| "Re(9):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Fri 10 Mar 03:45:
quote: To put it another way, nobody that I know of reads Famitsu any more. Still...500,000 people per week! Somebody is reading it. Mystery!
Bu it used to be around 800,000 readers. So Prof's friends might be part of those 300,000 that disappeared in a few years.
One more thing to remember: Famitsu's figures are completely self-declared. The company doesn't release its so-called "real print figures", which requires an authentification with a certificate. (Insatsu-Shoumei)
Typically, only magazines that either aren't selling well, or might run into major issues by releasing its real figures do that. Like Shounen Champion. Without Grappler Baki, that magazine is as good as gone. Not that I'm comparing the two.
Famitsu is definitely #1 in videogame magazines, but its half-million figure is incredibly high when considering that the weekly Playboy magazine, which is targeted towards half the human population in Japan and not just gamers, prints 458,937 (certified figure).
[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 10 Mar 04:02] |