Top 100 game list from Famitsu? - Forums

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Bata kun
2834th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 09:50post reply

This is probably the most botched up list I've seen. Ever.



1212th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 10:09post reply

This is probably the most botched up list I've seen. Ever.


It makes me sad that Tactics is the lowest rated of all the Final Fantasy games.

7030th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 10:13post reply

What did you expected, it's Famitsu! of course the list will make no sense.

1345th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(2):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 13:01post reply

It makes me sad that Tactics is the lowest rated of all the Final Fantasy games.

It makes me sad that you replied to this thread. And I mean that not in an insulting or hateful way, but in more of a fatherly, loving, dissapointed way.

7557th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 17:41post reply

I'm not sure if it makes me sad that no one reads my random news thread, even when the Professor himself is posting in them.

Probably not, actually.

Time Mage
2338th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 20:24post reply

I'm not sure if it makes me sad that no one reads my random news thread, even when the Professor himself is posting in them.

Probably not, actually.

No one replies to your thread. That's a big difference. Even if it's full of news of strange games I've never heard of, there are usually news that interest me.

And yes, the Famitsu list sucks. But it sucks because it doesn't fit exactly with my personal tastes.

1941th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 20:37post reply

Looks more like a list of top 100 commercial successes.

3142th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Mon 6 Mar 20:57post reply

Looks more like a list of top 100 commercial successes.

That makes sense since it's a reader generated poll so stupidly popular games will work their way to the top.

The best part is that the original Tokimeki Memorial is good enough to be on the list twice.

51th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(7):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Tue 7 Mar 01:31post reply

I can understand the Japanese liking FFVII and even FFX better than FFVI.

But they also prefer FFIV, FFIII (!), FFV, FFVIII AND FFIX to FFVI??? Woah.

κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού.

1942th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(8):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Tue 7 Mar 04:52post reply

I can understand the Japanese liking FFVII and even FFX better than FFVI.

But they also prefer FFIV, FFIII (!), FFV, FFVIII AND FFIX to FFVI??? Woah.

It's possible. I'd often heard people who played both when they were new say FFVI was a big step down from FFV in terms of gameplay.

Bata kun
2838th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Tue 7 Mar 05:23post reply

I can understand the Japanese liking FFVII and even FFX better than FFVI.

But they also prefer FFIV, FFIII (!), FFV, FFVIII AND FFIX to FFVI??? Woah.

It's possible. I'd often heard people who played both when they were new say FFVI was a big step down from FFV in terms of gameplay.

Yeah. You have to remember. Characters in "VI" are assigned a job. You don't have the job flexibility there like you do in "V".

105th Post

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Regular Customer

"GTA all alone" , posted Tue 7 Mar 10:03post reply

This is probably the most botched up list I've seen. Ever.


Gta: Vice city... all alone with RPGS and fighters surrounding it

Are you slave to the blade?

52th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(10):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Tue 7 Mar 10:17post reply

I can understand the Japanese liking FFVII and even FFX better than FFVI.

But they also prefer FFIV, FFIII (!), FFV, FFVIII AND FFIX to FFVI??? Woah.

It's possible. I'd often heard people who played both when they were new say FFVI was a big step down from FFV in terms of gameplay.

Yeah. You have to remember. Characters in "VI" are assigned a job. You don't have the job flexibility there like you do in "V".

Hmmm... still, that was a little shocking to me when I first saw the list. Everywhere outside Japan, FFVI seems to be amongst the more popular FFs. And it's definitely more popular than FFIII, FFIV and FFV, at least. That just came as a surprise to me.

κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού.

98th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):GTA all alone" , posted Tue 7 Mar 11:19post reply

This is probably the most botched up list I've seen. Ever.


Gta: Vice city... all alone with RPGS and fighters surrounding it


25th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Tue 7 Mar 21:07post reply

One thing to keep in mind is that just cos they're Japanese doesn't make them hardcore gamers. I guess this list is a good indication of what the casual gamer over there likes, just as EGM is indicative of what casual gamers here tend to enjoy.

I am suprised that FFVI is below all those other FFs though.

And it also makes me sad that Grandtheft Auto is popular enough to make the list there.

2288th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(5):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Tue 7 Mar 21:19:post reply

I'm not sure if it makes me sad that no one reads my random news thread, even when the Professor himself is posting in them.

Probably not, actually.

No one replies to your thread. That's a big difference.

2258 Views kind of says that everyone is enjoying ROM'ing.
(Note: ROM = Read Only)

About the top 100s. Personally, I think there's a generation transition happening with the readers of Famitsu. I wonder how many of its readers have actually played Super Mario Brothers.

To put it another way, nobody that I know of reads Famitsu any more.

[this message was edited by Professor on Tue 7 Mar 21:27]

35th Post

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Rare Customer

"Re(1):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Wed 8 Mar 02:17post reply

Japan loves them some RPGS. I can't believe final fantasy 6 (3 in the US) is under some of the other FFs.

I stopped reading the list at Metal Gear Solid 3. What a joke.

101th Post

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"Re(6):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Wed 8 Mar 14:11post reply

I wonder how many of its readers have actually played Super Mario Brothers.

Well, obviously enough had played Super Mario Bros. 3 to vote it #99!

. . . that's so, so . . . I don't know. It makes me feel weird.

And yeah, I think it says a whole lot that Final Fantasy VI is right below Final Fantasy IX. Hell!!

182th Post

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"Re(7):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Wed 8 Mar 18:13post reply

what is machi? i've never even heard of it.

is it any good?

Maese Spt
184th Post

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"Re(8):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Thu 9 Mar 02:08post reply

Honestly, does anyone still give a damn about Famitsu and its "opinions"?

Maybe years ago it was the reference magazine on japanese videogames, but now has become the japanese version of Hobby Consolas. Spanish folks would know what I'm talking about, lol.

"At his coming the gods themselves are put to flight and the Buddhas vanish"

367th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Thu 9 Mar 02:57post reply

what is machi? i've never even heard of it.

is it any good?

SegaSaturn sound novel, by Chun Soft. Re-released on PSP by Sega this spring.


1461th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(9):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Thu 9 Mar 07:06post reply

Honestly, does anyone still give a damn about Famitsu and its "opinions"?

Maybe years ago it was the reference magazine on japanese videogames, but now has become the japanese version of Hobby Consolas. Spanish folks would know what I'm talking about, lol.

You mean Famitsu is the best magazine out there in the market, with wise and critical reviews that are not biased in any way by factors such as favoritism or "other external ones", and an open attitude that tries to get to every kind of public, trying to help them form a criterium of their own?


Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Irony? Why, my blood iron level is good, thanks.

End of Spoiler

Deidara. I just loved that face. XD

"It's you know like when you die and you can't quite believe it"
An undead friend.

323th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Thu 9 Mar 07:14post reply

According to IC, Famitsu revealed that there is a Persona 3 for PS2 in the making ( with Shigeki Soejima designs).

Any scans!?!?!


7563th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Thu 9 Mar 07:34post reply

Any scans!?!?!

Yes. Plenty.

106th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(10):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Thu 9 Mar 07:55post reply

Honestly, does anyone still give a damn about Famitsu and its "opinions"?

Maybe years ago it was the reference magazine on japanese videogames, but now has become the japanese version of Hobby Consolas. Spanish folks would know what I'm talking about, lol.

You mean Famitsu is the best magazine out there in the market, with wise and critical reviews that are not biased in any way by factors such as favoritism or "other external ones", and an open attitude that tries to get to every kind of public, trying to help them form a criterium of their own?


You have enough iron..y to donate blood

Are you slave to the blade?

324th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(3):Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Thu 9 Mar 08:23post reply

Yes. Plenty.

Is it pretty? Any returning characters?


3301th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Thu 9 Mar 09:15post reply


To put it another way, nobody that I know of reads Famitsu any more.

Still...500,000 people per week! Somebody is reading it. Mystery!

1675th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Thu 9 Mar 10:21post reply


Is it pretty? Any returning characters?

Igor. It's VERY VERY PRETTY. But quite different than the previous games. More colorful. I don't know what to think. It's not quite "Persona", but it looks fantastic.

Given the setting, returning characters are highly unlikely.

368th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Thu 9 Mar 11:37post reply

Evenor, you can download a long promotion video here.

Though I don't care about Persona as much as about DeviSumo, Saejima's designs and the HUD are magnificent. On the other hand, I don't understand the choice of almost-SD characters.


325th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Thu 9 Mar 12:53post reply

Evenor, you can download a long promotion video here.

Thank you very much for the video.

This game looks gorgeous!!!
The only thing I dont like is that the actual in-game character models look very young. (They remind me of Radiata Stories characters)

Expected release date?


1676th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Thu 9 Mar 13:46post reply


Expected release date?

July 17.

2416th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Thu 9 Mar 23:36post reply


To put it another way, nobody that I know of reads Famitsu any more.

Still...500,000 people per week! Somebody is reading it. Mystery!

But doesn't GamePro -a magazine nobody would admit to owning- claim to have 3 million readers? I suspect Famitsu is counting the people who view illegally uploaded scans of their magazine as readers.

371th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Thu 9 Mar 23:49post reply


To put it another way, nobody that I know of reads Famitsu any more.

Still...500,000 people per week! Somebody is reading it. Mystery!

Bu it used to be around 800,000 readers. So Prof's friends might be part of those 300,000 that disappeared in a few years.


325th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):Famitsu: Persona 3!?!?!" , posted Fri 10 Mar 03:13post reply


It does look pretty! Unfortunately, I guess the chance of seeing and English release is below zero. To begin with, Persona games are quite obscure and

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
in the video the characters are pointing guns to their heads

End of Spoiler

a thing that would indeed freak out concerned parents/be another scapegoat to media to blame suicides on videogames.

2292th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Fri 10 Mar 03:45:post reply


To put it another way, nobody that I know of reads Famitsu any more.

Still...500,000 people per week! Somebody is reading it. Mystery!

Bu it used to be around 800,000 readers. So Prof's friends might be part of those 300,000 that disappeared in a few years.

One more thing to remember: Famitsu's figures are completely self-declared. The company doesn't release its so-called "real print figures", which requires an authentification with a certificate. (Insatsu-Shoumei)

Typically, only magazines that either aren't selling well, or might run into major issues by releasing its real figures do that. Like Shounen Champion. Without Grappler Baki, that magazine is as good as gone. Not that I'm comparing the two.

Famitsu is definitely #1 in videogame magazines, but its half-million figure is incredibly high when considering that the weekly Playboy magazine, which is targeted towards half the human population in Japan and not just gamers, prints 458,937 (certified figure).

[this message was edited by Professor on Fri 10 Mar 04:02]

107th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(8):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Fri 10 Mar 09:31post reply


To put it another way, nobody that I know of reads Famitsu any more.

Still...500,000 people per week! Somebody is reading it. Mystery!

But doesn't GamePro -a magazine nobody would admit to owning- claim to have 3 million readers? I suspect Famitsu is counting the people who view illegally uploaded scans of their magazine as readers.

I don't like US game magazines all that much... One reason because some of them just plain suck... AND another reason (kind of OCD=ish)... the type of pages they use for their magazines are very poor quality, and I barf everytime my fingers touch those pages...

Also x box nation(XBN)- this magazine i bought like 3 issues of A long time ago had very good quality pictures and pages... but I remember they had a preview of Dead to Rights and it was their cover story... What a horrible game that turned out to be :(

Are you slave to the blade?

372th Post

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Silver Customer

"FamitsuWave DVD and the Jaguar" , posted Sun 12 Mar 14:18post reply

Speaking of Famichu~:

Courtesy of Nova, here's a feature from a recent FamitsuWave DVD about the AtariJaguar:


Burning Ranger
1381th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):FamitsuWave DVD and the Jaguar" , posted Sun 12 Mar 15:32post reply

Speaking of Famichu~:

Courtesy of Nova, here's a feature from a recent FamitsuWave DVD about the AtariJaguar:

They didn't play Tempest 2000--which is the only redeeming game on the Jaguar.

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

1498th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(8):Top 100 game list from Famitsu?" , posted Sun 12 Mar 18:13post reply

But doesn't GamePro -a magazine nobody would admit to owning- claim to have 3 million readers? I suspect Famitsu is counting the people who view illegally uploaded scans of their magazine as readers.

They also count the postman who delivers the magazine and the pets of the people who use the mags to line their cages as readers. How Gamepro still manages to exist, however, is still a mystery. Someone should make a CSI episode about it. - My own personal waste of time.