X-Men 3 New Trailer! - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"X-Men 3 New Trailer!" , posted Tue 7 Mar 01:39post reply

The trailer will be shown tonight during the 2 hour 24 event tonight on Fox. And it will be on the internet tomorrow March 7th.

Fuu is a cutie!!


3126th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):X-Men 3 New Trailer!" , posted Tue 7 Mar 17:08post reply

The trailer will be shown tonight during the 2 hour 24 event tonight on Fox. And it will be on the internet tomorrow March 7th.

It's already up online. The only thing in the trailer I loved seeing was Angel in flight. I am even more convinced by this trailer that Cyclops is going to die, and probably early on in the movie. He's my favorite character in the comics, so I'll be bummed if that does happen. Of course, they haven't used him correctly in any of the movies anyway. That isn't a spoiler, just speculation.

The trailer just seemed extremely dark, but maybe if I see the trailer in the theater it will look a little better to me and I can make out some more of the things in it.

shin ramberk
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Frequent Customer

"Re(2):X-Men 3 New Trailer!" , posted Wed 8 Mar 02:11post reply

Thanks for the heads up you two.

That was a KICK ASS trailer. Wowzers. I'm really looking forward to this movie.

They're giving everyone a credible motivation in this story it seems. And it looks like whoever wins 'the war', everyone will be a big loser at the end. Hrm.

Rogue might join Magneto? Jean is having a breakdown because of her powers. The x-people have to seriously consider whether Magneto is right. And of course, the humans want to swat them all down.


1085th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(3):X-Men 3 New Trailer!" , posted Wed 8 Mar 02:30post reply

I think Kelsey Grammer will make Beast fans very happy. And who is the guy with the spike like skin?

Fuu is a cutie!!

Just a Person
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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):X-Men 3 New Trailer!" , posted Fri 10 Mar 00:26post reply

I am even more convinced by this trailer that Cyclops is going to die, and probably early on in the movie. He's my favorite character in the comics, so I'll be bummed if that does happen. Of course, they haven't used him correctly in any of the movies anyway. That isn't a spoiler, just speculation.

The trailer just seemed extremely dark, but maybe if I see the trailer in the theater it will look a little better to me and I can make out some more of the things in it.

I read this speculation, too. Although I donīt care about Cyclops, it would be really stupid killing the leader of the team so fast (even though he hasnīt made anything special in the past 2 movies).
Not so stupid, though, as another speculation on the Internet, claiming that Psylocke dies in the first 30 minutes of the movie (yay, great for people like me who would like to see her back in a possible X4...).

Anyway, weīll probably just know whatīs true and whatīs not by watching the movie. The trailer is interesting, and I like this dark feel; I just want Psylocke to be able to return for a future movie...

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