'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2 - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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Bata kun
2853th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 10:25:post reply

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

Okay! Now that the first round's over, I'm going to review the rules. So, pay attention because I am not going to repeat them, nor will I be forgiving anymore.

Vote for the team you want to win. In the case of a tie, you have to unscramble the letters to get a title, a name or what have you. If I give roumaji of a name where you can say the official name normally, i.e. "Sutoriito Faitaa" = "Street Fighter", give both the roumaji and the official spelling like so. If I give a name of a person, you better say it in traditional format. That is, last name, first name. Got it?

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

Until I find a team that can realistically beat my team, I have to stick with my team.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

That darn weakness of mine. =P

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

Hanzou and Mukurou. What can I say? Plus, it has Shinobu.

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

Still have to go with the megane.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sun 12 Mar 10:41]


7034th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 10:33post reply

Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu

Utena! Pink haired awesomeness.

The Super Fierce Fashion Team

Ulala! Pink haired awesomeness.

Redheaded Crazy Women Team

Body Body Uppah

Megane Chiimu

I'll likely lose, but I vote because of this

Dr Baghead
3582th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 10:41post reply

8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage.

Now that my team is dead, I'm fully backing Tomo's team. I'd draw an illustration to show Dan and Kagura wearing "Go Tomo" shirts to show such, but meh, I'm super super lazy

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy.

15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

Moe! Moe! Moe!!! How do like it, how do like it. Moe! Moe ! MOE!!!

If I give a name of a person, you better say it in traditional format. That is, last name, first name. Got it?

Oooooh, so that's why you didn't count my answer at first?! because I didn't put the last name first?!

Seriously all your rules seem very unfair to the non-Japanese. First there's no non-Japanese characters allowed, then there's guessing Japanese word puzzles, then there's writing names in Japanese format...

Christ H. Jesus (happy?!) that's a lot Japanocentric rules!!!

I'm still gonna make my own voting non-Japanese-centeric game with hookers and blackjack!!!

In fact forget the voting game!!

... and the black jack

...eh, just forget the whole thing.

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

Bata kun
2853th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 13:47post reply

I can understand people not being able to read kana, but if a contestant can't follow directions like placing names in a certain way, then what's the point of a person hosting a contest if he can't have something go his way? Think about it. If you were a casino host, would you want people winning all the time? No. By then, your casino would be in ruins.

94th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 16:18post reply

*watches Dan and Spike alternate on kicking a can while Maria stands arms folded*

Well, my team's out, but I suppose I can still vote.

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

dR bAgHeAd
3583th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 18:28post reply

I can understand people not being able to read kana, but if a contestant can't follow directions like placing names in a certain way, then what's the point of a person hosting a contest if he can't have something go his way? Think about it. If you were a casino host, would you want people winning all the time? No. By then, your casino would be in ruins.

Yeah, but most casinos have normal non-silly rules.

If I bet on boxing match I don't need to tell the book keeper "MIKE TYSON" I can say "Tyson, Mike" "Tyson" or if the other guy has a different given name "Mike" (although I wouldn't bet on him at all as he's not really been doing so well lately)... Hell, they even count Aces as 11 AND 1!! (What kind of God would allow that?!) They're somewhat flexible and they're given out huge cash prizes not just killing internet time.

Rules might be rules, and I'll respect that... you'll notice I avoided another loophole team (despite the fact I really should have had Bonnie Rockwaller in place of Dan, as he's not a short haired hottie, but oh well) and even went out of my way to take a penality point just so more of the rules could be used. But ones made up to give the illusion of complexity is just silly. It's not like there's a real prize so why make up silly rules that dampen the fun?!

I mean "Traditional Style" is a VERY vague term, you didn't say "Traditional Japanese Style" is it not traditional non-Japanese style to go "Firstname Sirname"? How the heck was I supposed to know you meant Japanese Traditional Style names? Oh sure, it's a Japanese name maybe it's implied but Google turns up Japanese sites when "Ami Suzuki" is entired (and it's written that way on the site), so if they don't care why should assume this contest did?

maybe I should just drop it since it's a moot issue, but still it's a silly rule! SILLY! SILLY! SILLY!

Blanka and Dan make for a most excellent tag image (yeah still not funny)

3383th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 19:06post reply

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

Time Mage
2345th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Sun 12 Mar 21:11post reply

Here are my votes:

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

Very good characters, and one of the best, if not the best, theme-wise.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

I'll remain neutral and cool. I'll lose because of that.

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

Seriously, Vanessa could bring this entire team alone into victory.

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

Rid's advertising skillz are superb.

Bata kun
2855th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Rule set proposal" , posted Sun 12 Mar 22:59:post reply

Even though I'm still in sleep mode, I think I got the perfect set of rules that I'm going to stick with. If I miss something, that's why. So, here's the new proposal!

1. You have to create a team of three characters along with picking a number. They can be from any game, manga, or anime. As for western series, the answer's no. While I am at it, no Korean series either. Why? The answer is because it would take too long for me to figure out what the emotion would be like in the end.

The maximum amount of teams allowed in a tournament is 16. If necessary, a lottery for second teams will be done to see which ones fill up the remaining spots. Lotteries will be done three days after the team signups.

2. Your team can't be composed of god-like characters. So, no Mahoro or just about any "Dragonball" character. Simple as that.

3. You can have all three characters be anime/manga characters or game characters or even have three characters from the same series. Now, because this is "KoF", like in the early "KoF" games, there are ways to get a boost and ways to get penalized for picking a certain team. How so? If your team follows certain rules, they get an extra vote at the beginning of each round. If the teammates don't get along with each other or if I feel that way, your team will get a vote subtraction in the end.

How do you get boosts? There is only one way (unless you know the loophole). You pick three characters from the same series that get along with each other. That's it.

4. In the case of a tie, I'm going to use a judgement system. What I mean is that one person has to state why his/her desired team should move on. If the arguement is good, you get the nod and that team you want to move on continues on the quest. If the arguement is either silly (i.e. "Ninja fighters just flat out rule") or not convincing enough, you don't get the nod.

I bet you're going to ask, "What if you make the arguement?" Then, I will allow any of you to make the judgement for yourself. Easy, right? You can also make the judgement for yourself if I can't do it myself.

However, you have to be careful when you judge. If you're too biased, I do have the right to throw a strike at you. So does everyone else and while we're at it, yes, you can throw strikes at me if I'm being biased, though I try not to be biased myself. If you get three strikes, you can't judge in another tournament.

If you need an example, I'll do it right here. Let's have Ter, Andy and Joe tie with King, Yuri and Kasumi. My statement would be, "Ter, Andy and Joe should win this because they've been here since the beginning". If I were to judge that myself, that'd be valid enough, but because I can't judge myself, I can't say that.

Well, that's that. If you guys like the new set of rules, yay. If you feel there should be a change somewhere, say what you need to say and I would need two more approvals before I can say that the rule has changed.

I told you that I hated these rules now, didn't I? That's why I made this proposal. That way, I don't have to figure out what rules work and what rules don't.

[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sun 12 Mar 23:04]

108th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Mon 13 Mar 10:23post reply

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

No vote

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

Are you slave to the blade?

1564th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(3):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Mon 13 Mar 13:14post reply

It's not like there's a real prize so why make up silly rules that dampen the fun?!

Erm, pending om the rules, sometimes they add to the fun? BTW, check your email.

760th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Tue 14 Mar 05:57post reply

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

I still hate May Lee, also Bridget >>>> Rosette.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

Same reasons as before.

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

Women who can still flip out and kill stuff > ninjas

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

The MOE is too powerful to be stopped.

ワンダフル! ビューティフル! エキサイティング!

110th Post

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"Re(1):'The King of Fighters 2006' - Rd. 2" , posted Thu 16 Mar 08:00post reply

1. Kawakami Tomoko-san Chiimu - Utena ("Shoujo Kakumei Utena"), Rosette ("Chrno Crusade") and Jinju ("KoF") - Me. vs. 8. The Kawaii Shoujo Mechanic Team - Lucca ("Chrono Trigger"), Winry ("Hagaren") and Roll ("Rockman Dash") - Cain.

5. Hyperactive Tomboy Girls Team - Lina ("Slayers"), Makoto ("Street Fighter III: Third Strike"), and Tomo ("Azumanga Daiou") - Time Mage. vs. 4. The Super Fierce Fashion Team - Ulala ("SpCh5"), Iwazaru ("Killer 7") and Sailor Aluminum Siren ("Sailormoon: Sailorstars season") - Evenor.

14. Ninja Fetish Power Team - Shinobu ("Shinobuden"), Hanzou ("SS") & Mukurou ("Warzard") - KTallguy. vs. 6. Redheaded Crazy Women Team - Maki ("Airmaster"), Vanessa ("KoF") and Red Akiha ("Melty Blood") - Nate.

7. Megane Chiimu - Fumiko ("Shikigami no Shiro" saga), French Lace ("Ibara", "Pink Sweets") & Natsuko ("Re: Cutie Honey") - Rid. vs. 15. Super (I refuse to type that other word) - Karnov ("Fighters History"), Kusaregedou ("SS") and Mr. Heart ("Hokuto no Ken") - Krzyzewski Man.

What will the winners receive? A cardboard cut-out of Dan doing one of his infamous taunts?

Are you slave to the blade?

Bata kun
2855th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Results" , posted Mon 20 Mar 03:06post reply

Sorry that I have been away. I've been dealt with too many tasks

1. Bata - 2

8. Cain - 5

5. Time Mage - 2

4. Evenor - 5

14. KTallguy - 3

6. Nate - 5

7. Rid - 4

15. Krzyzewski Man - 4

Between Rid and K Man, since I'm working on a project right now and I didn't work on some fancy gig, the first one to say "Uchi no kachi ya!" moves on. That's it. I'll start the semis afterwards.

7038th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Results" , posted Mon 20 Mar 03:07post reply

Uchi no kachi ya!, whatever that means