Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy - Forums
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Dr Orochi
503th Post
New Red Carpet Member
"Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Mon 13 Mar 14:09
This is not game related at all but I know a few people here will be interested. I'm not sure if this has been mentioned before.
Also, does anyone know where I can find the Santo cartoon that has been on Cartoon Network on DVD or VHS? I really want to see it.
Bata kun
2857th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Mon 20 Mar 03:54
You! You look familiar. Hee hee!
Oh and to answer your question, no I don't. Sorry.
1084th Post
Red Carpet Premium Member
"Re(2):Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Mon 20 Mar 04:05
Too hardcore for me, I'm afraid.
7590th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Mon 20 Mar 04:32
I think I might love the Mexican cinema.
Dr Orochi
504th Post
New Red Carpet Member
"Where's ONSLAUGHT?" , posted Tue 21 Mar 01:11
quote: You! You look familiar. Hee hee!
Oh and to answer your question, no I don't. Sorry.
Thanks anyway! I am kind of familiar. I've been here for such a looong time. I make little appearances here and again. I know ONSLAUGHT has to know about this film. Where is that little monkey? He needs to come over here and help me with this goat problem I've been having.
Bata kun
2859th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(1):Where's ONSLAUGHT?" , posted Tue 21 Mar 02:15
quote: You! You look familiar. Hee hee!
Oh and to answer your question, no I don't. Sorry.
Thanks anyway! I am kind of familiar.
Actually, that was a little joke. Of course, I know who you are. I forgot where that "You! You look familar" line came from though.
335th Post
Bronze Customer
"Re(1):Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Tue 21 Mar 12:33
Mexican B horror movies are great!
I think my favorite ones have to be:
"Santo contra los zombies" "Santo contras las mujeres vampiro" and "El Baron del Terror"
Any news when Mil Mascaras vs. The Aztec Mummy is going to be released?
"Santo contra los zombies" "Santo contras las mujeres vampiro" and "El Baron del Terror"
Any news when Mil Mascaras vs. The Aztec Mummy is going to be released?
I keep checking the site, but no news as of yet (on the release).
Some of my favorites are: "Operacion 67" "El Castillo de las Momias de Guanajuato" "Los Campeones Justicieros" "El Hacha Diabolica" "Santo y Blue Demon Contra Dracula y el Hombre Lobo"
I enjoy almost any lucha film I see... although some have been a little on the dull side. I have high hopes for this one though!!
4160th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(2):Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Fri 21 Apr 04:03
quote: I think I might love the Mexican cinema.
You should wait until you see turkish movies; the turkish exorcist, turkish ET and turkish star wars WHERE TOO MUCH; here in Chile B horror movies have a very big market / acknowledgement; they are even sold in some major stores AND there are TV programs that have VERY big reports on these movies, and most of the SANTO saga was broadcasted on TV when it was fresh many years ago... The brazilian Star Wars movie was freaky too
See??? He is a God...
3347th Post
Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
"Re(3):Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Fri 21 Apr 04:26
I checked imdb, and everyone but mil mascaras himself seems to be from the US, on the production team. the cast, too!
so, it won't be mexico quality. boo!
Dr Orochi
506th Post
New Red Carpet Member
"Re(3):Mil Mascaras VS. The Aztec Mummy" , posted Fri 21 Apr 05:00
quote: You should wait until you see turkish movies; the turkish exorcist, turkish ET and turkish star wars WHERE TOO MUCH; here in Chile B horror movies have a very big market / acknowledgement; they are even sold in some major stores AND there are TV programs that have VERY big reports on these movies, and most of the SANTO saga was broadcasted on TV when it was fresh many years ago... The brazilian Star Wars movie was freaky too
Ah, Turkey... land of long lost cinematic treasures. Since we are on the topic... there's the amazing "3 Dev Adam" or "3 Mighty Men" starring Santo (not really Santo), Captain America, and a killer Spider-Man. If you've been looking for it (as have I) it can be purchased here: ... it sometimes turns up on eBay as well. They have many of the great Turkish delights you speak of. I have read about the Brazilian Star Wars but I haven't seen it yet. You can get it at
And yes, this film (mmvsam) is American produced and directed. It has more money behind it than most lucha films... so this could be good or bad. I'm keeping the faith though!