Samurai Champloo and Flash game - Forums

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1554th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Wed 15 Mar 14:46post reply

I been out of the loop on anime for a while but this is catching my eye they say it is by the creators of Cowboy Bebop. What do you think about this one? Also, the flash game for it is the best flash game I have ever played a lot of fun!


435th Post

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"Re(1):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Wed 15 Mar 16:38post reply

As for the anime, I would highly recommend it. I remember hearing some complaints about it, but I can't remember what they were. In any case, I doubt I would agree since I enjoyed the series so much. In my opinion, any fan of Cowboy Bebop will enjoy Champloo as well unless they have some problem with samurai-era settings.

There are quite a few similarities to Bebop. At least a couple of the main character designs will be familiar, they try to go with a musical theme to the series, and while there is an overarching storyline, most episodes (or pairs of episodes) are independent of the others for the most part.

Anyhow, I enjoyed the characters, the comedy, the music, the action, the animation, the storyline(s), and the Japanese voices. I haven't heard the English dub, so I can't vouch for it. It's also a refreshing, self-contained 26 episode series. Now, all you need is a counterpoint to my overly-positive review before you can make an informed decision.

7578th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Wed 15 Mar 17:25post reply

The biggest problem of the series was its irregularity, where you could have a brilliant episode one week, then one of the most bland and uninteresting things you've ever seen the week after. (episodes 1=>2 come to mind)

But if you're starting now with all the episodes already released, especially the second part after episode 17, you'll be fine.

7036th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Wed 15 Mar 19:56post reply

No, the biggest problem of the series was the lack of schoolgirls flashing her panties, that's why series like Scrapped Princess go unnoticed.

Seems to be the only reason most people have to watch anime...

7580th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Thu 16 Mar 00:27post reply

Oh, yeah, Sutepuri was really good.

Is there anything interesting announced for this season ? without Mushishi and Glass no Kamen, I wonder what I will be following this spring...

Time Mage
2351th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Thu 16 Mar 01:04post reply

The biggest problem of the series was its irregularity, where you could have a brilliant episode one week, then one of the most bland and uninteresting things you've ever seen the week after. (episodes 1=>2 come to mind)

Yep, I have to agree on that. Anyway, even the mediocre episodes are better than most of the crap that's out there. And the good ones are great, indeed.

Oh, and the music. If you hate rap music, you may be a little irritated by its presence everywhere. But that's if you really hate it, I don't like that kind of music at all (the opening is great... muting the volume), but it doesn't bother me during the episodes.

2543th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Thu 16 Mar 01:14post reply

Oh, yeah, Sutepuri was really good.

Is there anything interesting announced for this season ? without Mushishi and Glass no Kamen, I wonder what I will be following this spring...

There's still Noein from last season! Underfed girl + quantum physics action is a good mix.

Well, for the hardcore of teh hardcore, there's HigurashinoNakuKoroni.

For Gargoyles, Yoshinaga-san'chi no Gargoyle

For okama fans, Himawari!

For weirdest official anime site, Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu

1555th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(6):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Thu 16 Mar 03:17post reply

Thanks for the input so far. I am a great fan of Cowboy Bebop and it sounds like I will really like this. You say there is a mix of mediocrity in some episodes combined with a great amount of excitement in other episodes. It sounds to me like another samurai anime called Kenshin in that respect. I got to see a little clip on youtube to see how it was. I picked episode 17 interestingly enough. Thanks for your input more is welcome.

7038th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"this season..." , posted Sun 19 Mar 06:33:post reply

As mentioned, Himawari! may be good for Okama fans... besides that, I really really hope that xxxHOLiC turns into a good series, but I have my doubts. Production IG haven't been able to keep a regular quality for most of Blood+... (a couple of episodes were great anyway).

[this message was edited by Rid on Sun 19 Mar 06:41]

1197th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member+

"Re(6):Samurai Champloo and Flash game" , posted Sun 19 Mar 14:56post reply

Well, for the hardcore of teh hardcore, there's HigurashinoNakuKoroni.


I'll probably watch the first episode and then complain on how the game is betta and forget the rest of the anime. Aha.

Then again there are quite a few scenes I want to see in animation too. I wonder how much gore they'll allow.

436th Post

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Gold Customer

"Other anime recommendations" , posted Mon 20 Mar 11:52post reply

While we're on the subject, I was wondering if anyone here has opinions on any of the following series. Most of these I've only seen artwork that piqued my interest in the first place and read short plot summaries.

Tsukuyomi Moon Phase, Overman King Gainer, Shakugan no Shana, Moonlight Lady, Burst Angel, Ichigo 100%, and Comic Party.

Thanks in advance for any input.