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Tai-Pan 89th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Loneliness and video games" , posted Sat 25 Mar 13:45
Why nothing is like it used to be, i mean, years ago I could spend weekend nights playing something, just going deeper in an imaginary world of my own, didnt pay attention to anything else. Its friday night, and im alone at home, full of games, yet no fun, glass of wine, still I miss being with people. When im around people I starve for time for me, then when im alone i cant seem to enjoy games as i used to. I hate how the human being starts to fall apart (imagination wise) while growing up.
ok, excuse my weekend depression people
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
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Tai-Pan 92th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Loneliness and video games" , posted Sun 26 Mar 12:02
quote: It may be too late but don't start playing MMORPGs in order to be social with people. It will only destroy your life. I'm serious.
Its not like im trying to be social, I am, but people bores me, yet sometimes I feel bad not being with people. Its funny that you say it, cause I "tried" doing that like a month ago, tried WOW, RO, Maple, and many other games, but they just made me feel stupid, too much going around collecting stuff, those games are "too capitalist" to me, to say it in some way.
BTW, im not emo my friend, im a 24 year old guy who misses his girlfriend. Its funny that excersise was mentioned, cause im a martial artist, I do too much excersise, and martial arts is one of the things that make me feel just perfect, Its like the whole disappears around me.
MMORPGs are dangerous. Excersise is good. Only stay around people when you feel like it. The human being starts to grow as a social monster as it becomes an adult. King Of Fighter rules Theres good people at the cafe
"Those who follow the path of a warrior must be ready to die in order to stand for one's convictions live for one's convictions die for one's convictions"
catalyst 148th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(3):Loneliness and video games" , posted Sun 26 Mar 12:47
quote: BTW, im not emo my friend, im a 24 year old guy who misses his girlfriend.
Its not like im trying to be social, I am, but people bores me, yet sometimes I feel bad not being with people.
Maybe thats problem of it all, probably you do have lingering thoughts about your gal. Did you and your gal have a close nit of friends possibly you hung around with that you could connect to? Maybe its that.
I can agree that you can say people could bore you cause maybe its the whole intellectual side of things and what they as in people can offer to you in a conversation in terms of interest. Certainly despite this being a monitor and a html screen your talking too I don't see you would be bored of us as in the cafe members.
I mean look at me i'm dumb as rocks and I'm actually really suprised I fit in this cafe of people. Not that I am saying that your not social at all because your really trying to be, but really in some instancies you just gotta say fuck it and let another person's ignorance be their bliss possibly and just give it a chance. Besides you got that option to walk away when you feel like it, no ones forcing you to stay and chill with a set group. Good luck
Oh and hey makes you feel better my girlfriend ditched me for FFXI haha, I can whole heartedly agree that MMORPG's are a piece of shit.
Catalyst jukebox ::kicks:: - Etro Anime: "Endless"
EddyT 538th Post

New Red Carpet Member

| "Re(3):Loneliness and video games" , posted Mon 27 Mar 00:08
Its not like im trying to be social, I am, but people bores me, yet sometimes I feel bad not being with people.
When you say people bore you, do you mean in general, or do you mean that your current group of friends are boring?
If you mean the latter, then you have to find other people in your area that aren't as boring, of course. Need to be more social and find ways to meet people if you want to find friends... they're not going to fall on your lap when you sit idly.
If you mean the former, where you feel everyone is boring, you may have your standards held way too high. Not everyone can be as awesome as your girlfriend.
Anyways, good luck to you. Everyone's right... video games should be a pasttime, nothing more. Hope you will get out of your funk and get out of the house more often.
Maese Spt 202th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Loneliness and video games" , posted Mon 27 Mar 16:50
or if you really are as misanthropic as i think you are, just spend a couple of hours with friends, then leave whenever the homicidal urges start tugging at you
That's exactly what I use to do, and it sure works. I guarantee it.
Try not to force yourself at nothing and, if you just don't feel like being in certain place (or with certain people) at certain moment, there's nothing wrong about it: excuse yourself and go home, back to your own, interior world. Agh, that sounds just as one of those cheap new age self-improvement books!
Anyway, that doesn't mean that you are a hopeless misanthrope or a bosnian kid per se, it's just that you need some private space every once in a while. Believe me, I can tell it for sure, being a true misanthropic hermit myself. In fact, the funny thing is the more people surrounds you, the more you hate human kind. Oh, but I digress...
Toxico 4139th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "!!" , posted Tue 28 Mar 04:16
Well, about games you have to admit that back in the NES/SNES/PSX days there it was A LOT that 'imagination' did with the games; as most of the facial expresion, character voices or tempo of the events where 'imaginated' by the player, the didn't really existed in the game; that's what really lured me out of FF X, it felt like a movie badly directed; previous games felt more like a novel to me.
If your problem is boredom; then you have to face the fact that you can possible have fun every time and you can't be around people all the time OR be completely lonely all the time; there aren't many 'perfects' in this world, and have perfect company all the time as well as being completely lonely all the time...
As for fighting the boredom is different for every people; even if it's your FF VI or Disgaea are favorite games you can't play them every weekend to have fun with them and when you play something different you get bored because you wanted something similar or 'equally good' to them; Ranma 1/2 is great; but I can't watch it every time I got free time in my hands... After many years of 'practice' I have made an art of 'being alone'; I keep track of several hobbies and activities that keep me busy and I can interchange between them; having one hobby is not enough, sometimes having ten hobbies is not enough, but having the possibility to choose between many things can sometimes get you geared to do something, sometimes even choosing between can help you when spending the time.
About friends; it's hard but I have been able to find people on who to trust and who I find interesting AND people who can drink as much as I can, people who can create too or who can appreciate something like I do; it's a lucky - hard find but there are decent people out there...
I can't comment on the 'ex' thing, I'm going now through the 'break up blues' too right now XD

See??? He is a God...
Korigama 98th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(1):!!" , posted Tue 28 Mar 05:29
For me, it's strange. Most of the time it doesn't bother me, other times, being alone actually gets to me. It could have something to do with my being a walking contradiction as a result of having both schizoid (reserved, but preferring one's own company) and avoidant (reserved, yet wanting at least some contact with other people) tendencies. Either way, I'm not sure what it is I want, and while I can't say I'm actually happy, it's rare that sadness has any effect on my activities, of which there aren't all that many. I suppose if anything, feelings of melancholy may be to blame for my general apathy, though.
Shooo-rook 129th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):Loneliness and video games" , posted Tue 28 Mar 09:33
quote: Why nothing is like it used to be, i mean, years ago I could spend weekend nights playing something, just going deeper in an imaginary world of my own, didnt pay attention to anything else. Its friday night, and im alone at home, full of games, yet no fun, glass of wine, still I miss being with people. When im around people I starve for time for me, then when im alone i cant seem to enjoy games as i used to. I hate how the human being starts to fall apart (imagination wise) while growing up.
ok, excuse my weekend depression people
Time management is the key... Although I will not say I have perfect, or even the least good time management skills, time management is very useful... but it depends, you can't plan in advance when you hate man kind, or when you love the kind... One thing, ignorance is bliss, be with people you hate, act like them, have no consciousness, and fit in the group!!! AMERICA #0!!! I hate human kind, but there are 5,999,999,999 other people on the planet with me... WTF can I do?
WTF can I do??? contaminate the gene pool
Are you slave to the blade?