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black_hayato 164th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(7):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Thu 6 Apr 12:20:
I loved the game until about a month ago I just stopped. I feel like its mocking me. As I kept playing it became more and more of a chore.
You have to play it almost everyday. Or else things fall apart, friends leave and your home and community suffers. And in the game you have to wake up each moring and do repetitive menial tasks, try to make and keep friends, earn money, etc. just like in real life. Except your driven to do these things in real life. You make sacrifices and endure trials to survive and further your dreams or relationships. And a good portion of the time it can be fun.
The game tricks you into thinking that playing work is fun. The payoffs for your work(time) is small too, and you need a ton of patience. Same as real life, but its not nessasarily "fun" is it? And all you can work towards is getting stuff and a bigger house.
Its like when a child plays kitchen, driving, vacuum/cleaning, mommy or house its fun. There's a backing of 100% imagination; not the case with Animal Crossinging. So its not so much fun when you get actually get there. I probably overthinking it.
[this message was edited by black_hayato on Thu 6 Apr 12:24] |