Animal Crossing DS friend codes - Forums

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1086th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Sun 2 Apr 20:38post reply

Name: Bebemiel
Town: Origan
Code: 2319 9653 0000


3402th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Mon 3 Apr 17:06post reply

Well I didn't have it, but I was curious to have an opinion on the game, how is it? Is it different from the GC version?
I Will maybe by it...

Btw Kikkoken, did you get my mail?

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1715th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(2):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Mon 3 Apr 19:05post reply

Animal Crossing is for girls.

502th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Tue 4 Apr 02:40post reply

Animal Crossing is for girls.

Hey, but it's fun! And the town people are really funny, they've done their homework with the translations.

I broke my AC Adaptor, so I can't play anymore, thus I can't post the friend code...

1087th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(4):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Tue 4 Apr 05:18post reply

Animal Crossing is for boys who like boys too!

To Naruto: thanks for the email, I'm always glad to make myself useful when asked as kindly as you did. But all the credit is definitely yours. Let's hope your letter will be read by the right people, now. Cheers.

3130th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Tue 4 Apr 13:19post reply

My friend code list is full. I posted my code on this message board when I got Animal Crossing DS the week it came out, but apparantly no one here had it at the time. In any case, if I delete someone, I'll put my code up again for you.

I have plenty of room on my Metroid and Tetris friend code lists though, and am mainly playing those on the wi-fi now. I just check in on my AC town every day for at least 30 min.

3405th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Tue 4 Apr 18:31post reply

Animal Crossing is for girls.

Juste like Onimusha, or FF12 is suposed to be for boys...^ ^

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1723th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(4):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Wed 5 Apr 03:16post reply


Juste like Onimusha, or FF12 is suposed to be for boys...^ ^

Ohhh? I thought every Final Fantasy after 7 was for girls, too.

I have to make fun of Animal Crossing because of the Japanese ads, though.

1217th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(5):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Wed 5 Apr 04:20post reply

I have Animal Crossing but I have no idea how to have fun with it.

Hence I'm playing Contact.

3326th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Wed 5 Apr 06:57post reply

I have Animal Crossing but I have no idea how to have fun with it.

that's the difficult part! apparently young girls get the highest scores.

503th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Thu 6 Apr 05:44post reply

My friend code list is full. I posted my code on this message board when I got Animal Crossing DS the week it came out, but apparantly no one here had it at the time.

Dude, it just came out here in Europe!

164th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(7):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Thu 6 Apr 12:20:post reply

I loved the game until about a month ago I just stopped. I feel like its mocking me. As I kept playing it became more and more of a chore.

You have to play it almost everyday. Or else things fall apart, friends leave and your home and community suffers. And in the game you have to wake up each moring and do repetitive menial tasks, try to make and keep friends, earn money, etc. just like in real life. Except your driven to do these things in real life. You make sacrifices and endure trials to survive and further your dreams or relationships. And a good portion of the time it can be fun.

The game tricks you into thinking that playing work is fun. The payoffs for your work(time) is small too, and you need a ton of patience. Same as real life, but its not nessasarily "fun" is it? And all you can work towards is getting stuff and a bigger house.

Its like when a child plays kitchen, driving, vacuum/cleaning, mommy or house its fun. There's a backing of 100% imagination; not the case with Animal Crossinging. So its not so much fun when you get actually get there. I probably overthinking it.

[this message was edited by black_hayato on Thu 6 Apr 12:24]

3131th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Thu 6 Apr 14:18post reply

My friend code list is full. I posted my code on this message board when I got Animal Crossing DS the week it came out, but apparantly no one here had it at the time.

Dude, it just came out here in Europe!

Really? I didn't know. In any case, if I do have any room free-up, I'll let you all know.

384th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(6):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Thu 6 Apr 19:11post reply


Hence I'm playing Contact.

Ah, I'd like to hear about that game, pretty please.

I couldn't resolve myself to buy it in japanese, so in order to still be cool & hip and give money to Grasshopper, I instead got myself Samurai Champloo and The Silver Jiken (which my low level of japanese is having a hard time with).


517th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Tue 11 Apr 04:36post reply

whats up dudes heres my animal crossing friend code. It pisses me off i planted a bunch of fruit trees i got from this dude and they all diseapared....


my animal crossing friend code.

Pretty please check out my neato sweet awesome webpage

163th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(7):Animal Crossing DS friend codes" , posted Tue 11 Apr 11:26post reply

My friend code list is full. I posted my code on this message board when I got Animal Crossing DS the week it came out, but apparantly no one here had it at the time.

Dude, it just came out here in Europe!

You may be glad to know European cafe members...

FREE gift(in game)!!! if you visit your virtual town between good friday and the end of easter weekend...!!! too bad i reside in the states that are united

Are you slave to the blade?