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Zepy 1209th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Anti FF12 thread" , posted Sun 2 Apr 21:05
討 伐 開 始
We've not really had any complaints about FF12 on mmcafe, but in 2ch the FF12 kusoge thread has already reached it's 105th thread while the kamige thread has only just finished its first thread. And new copies of FF12 are selling for almost half price in certain shops on the 2nd week.
Hence in order to keep mmcafe from collapsing upon itself and destroying the entire universe, it's required to have a FF12 hate thread here too.
I have to remind everybody that if you played FF12 it is your duty to talk about how crappy the game is, or you're not cool.
ハ_ハ _ ∩゚∀゚)ノ オイヨイヨ ) / (_ノ_ノ 彡 Van . _,,..-―'"⌒"~ ̄"~⌒゙゙"'''ョ ゙~,,,....-=-‐√"゙゙T"~ ̄Y"゙=ミ T | l,_,,/\ ,,/l | ,.-r '"l\,,j / |/ L,,,/ ,,/|,/\,/ _,|\_,i_,,,/ / _V\ ,,/\,| ,,∧,,|_/
My complaints of the game: - MMORPG style maps. The maps are all huge for no good reason and have nothing on them aside from enemies and treasure chests that contain randomly generated trash. - As above, most of the game time is spent travelling through the huge maps - Stupid mini-game quests - Main character is left out of the storyline - The more you play the game the more similar the characters become because of the license board, more so as compared to the sphere grid. - Extremely boring and meaningless "limit breaks". Early in the game it's incredibly overpowered and you kill bosses instantly, later in the game it becomes useless and if you use it you're more likely to get killed by bosses instantly instead.
Then again the game's still better than Seiken Densetsu DS. So it's still alright.
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Evenor 355th Post

Silver Customer
| "Re(2):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Mon 3 Apr 04:38:
- The more you play the game the more similar the characters become because of the license board, more so as compared to the sphere grid.
Cool thread. What do you mean by license board? I haven't played the game but im interested in this point.
"Learning and using abilities (magic spells, use of equipment, special skills, HP bonuses etc.) is done via the new License system. Each playable character begins with their own License Board, which looks like an oddly shaped chess board. The squares on the board contain various abilities which the character may use. In order to learn an ability, the character must first spend the required amount of LP (License Points) to permit its use. LP are earned in battle along with the usual experience points. When a square is activated, any empty squares adjacent to it also become available for activation. A square cannot be activated if there are no activated squares adjacent to it. While similar in some ways to Final Fantasy X's Sphere Grid, the License Board allows far more freedom; there are no restrictions on how the player may develop their characters. In practice, the License Board system is simply another in a long line of previous systems where ability points are earned and exchanged for new abilities."
Thank you Wiki.
肝臓入りのオレンジジュース! 腎臓混じりの甘口カレー! 膵臓仕込みのペスカトーレ! 愛しの愛しのサイコホラー
[this message was edited by Evenor on Mon 3 Apr 04:40] |
Maese Spt 208th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Mon 3 Apr 17:48:
Sucks to be a PAL player... I can't take part of the hatred to my heart's content!
Well, at least, this one already has a pair of things I hate: that ugly furry chick (I hope, later in the game, someone would eventually retake the good ol' FF tradition of impaling her, a la Aerith); and the fact that, visually speaking, every friggin' character looks like recycled trash from Nomura's sketch book.
Oh, I nearly forgot: this damned game seems popular and trendy too... more than enough to hate it, amirite?
EDIT: grammar frenzy
[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Mon 3 Apr 17:50] |
Maese Spt 208th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Mon 3 Apr 19:54
quote: Whaaaat? But Nomura didn't even do the designs. They don't look anything like anything Nomura's ever done. I can see someone complaining and saying "these characters look like rejected Vagrant Story designs" or something...but I really don't see the Nomura connection.
Really? Well, I dunno if he's the guy in charge of the designs or not, but they sure DO look like Nomura's doing to me... Perhaps Squenix has managed to find a clone of him or something, so he can devote himself to Kigdom Hearts.
Actually, I admit I've only seen like 4 or 5 character designs on random Famitsu scans around the net (sorry, I don't know the names):
- The main character (Vaan, it is?), who looks almost exactly like Tidus from FFX (and like other bazillion of previous FF designs as well)
- The chick: yet another Yuna clone, although she has different hair color, I believe. Anyway, all FF "main chicks" seem to suffer, since looong ago, the Clonic Face syndrome, only changing some hairstyle details from time to time
- Your average cool & witty secondary character, wich looks like a 18th century version of Irvine, from FFVIII
- The supposed bad guy: looks like a fussion between Laguna and Sephiroth. Or, perhaps, like a Malize Micer version of Laguna...
- The bunny chick: she's a furry, yeah, but her design and slutty attitude reminds me of FFX's Lulu a bit too much.
Maybe it's just me, but I can't help the deja vu sensation when I look at the characters... I'm only speaking about design issues, though.
I'm making these comments based only on mere glimpses I have taken over these past months, so I could very well be wrong... but they just look like some random Nomura crap, indeed. If they're actually another guy's doing, then Squenix has a serious creativity issue, since all their designers draw the same shit. IMHO, of course.
Heck, that sure was a hateful post!
Maese Spt 210th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(8):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Tue 4 Apr 16:45:
quote: As for the character designs, it's not a matter of if they look good or not, it's just that Yoshida and Nomura are about as far apart as artists come. If you want to say "The designs look like Nomura to me" I can't say "your opinion is wrong.", but I challenge you to look at Yoshida's art vs Nomura's and find any similarity whatsoever.
You know, I have no idea about how this Yoshida guy's designs looked on previous games, but they sure DO look Nomura-ish this time.
Well, let me rephrase that, maybe you've got me wrong. Actually, I don't recall wether or not I've seen the original designs, the ones by Yoshida's hand. So I'm basing my opinion mostly on the way characters look in game. Then again, I've only seen a few petty scans, so I may very well be wrong... but all the guys I've seen look just like the same FF shit as always, with different outfits at best. Maybe the real problem lies on Squenix' rendering and graphic design staff, who knows...the fact is everyone looks the same to me, with more polygons and flashier textures, but the same nonetheless. Perhaps when I finally see the game in motion I'll have to eat my words up, but hey, this is a hatred thread after all!
Anyway, that Yoshida is the one who made Vagrant Story's designs? If so, I admit his drawing bears little resemblance to Nomura. Well, they share certain taste for awkward fringes, but I guess that's a general trend among japanese drawers nowadays.
[this message was edited by Maese Spt on Tue 4 Apr 16:49] |
Arngrim 118th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Tue 4 Apr 17:46:
HATE!!! HATE!!! HATE!!!!!!
I can't believe nobody has complained about the main theme yet ...it's awful.
I'm refering to "Kiss me goodbye" by Angela Aki. Am I the only one suposed to hate that? I don't know, I had sort of great expectations for the main theme -__-; I don't like "Kokoro no senshi" either.
It's not only a bad song but also badly performed by the singer. Well, I also advise you to avoid her performance of "Eyes on me" at all costs.
Also, I consider the feminine cast of FF12 is somewhat plain, uninteresting and even fugly in some cases (do I really have to rely the weight of the sexy character in Fran the furry???), which I find rather disturbing considering the amount of bishies among the masculine cast. I'm not asking for sexual bombers, but I must admit that, for instance, Lulu in FFX caught my eye, while in FF12 none has.
I'm not very aware at the moment but what is the most popular character from the game so far? I bet it isn't a feminine character.
 Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.
[this message was edited by Arngrim on Tue 4 Apr 18:16] |
Shito 2th Post

New Customer
| "Re: anti FF12 thread" , posted Tue 4 Apr 23:12:
I don't understand how people can say Oblivion is an offline MMORPG. FFXII, I can see, ok, but Oblivion, no, it doesn't compute. Since when MMORPG are open games with a world always matching your level, focusing on funny and interesting sidequests rather than on level grinding ? Because, you know, I'd very much like to play this MMORPG.
(and on a side note, I find Oblivion utterly destroyed by the roots it's standing on, which is such a shame considering all the good intentions it's showing)
[this message was edited by Shito on Tue 4 Apr 23:13] |
Maou 818th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member+
| "Re(10):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Wed 5 Apr 03:31
quote: I'm not asking for sexual bombers, but I must admit that, for instance, Lulu in FFX caught my eye, while in FF12 none has.
Ashe is a well-designed female character, less bombastic and silly-looking that Lulu or to a lesser degree Tifa was. I like what happened with Yuna in X looking pretty yet not sexed-up bombshell (X2 never happened), sort of like most of Amano's designs are, and Ashe works well in my mind. Balfear and Basch are cool lookin'. I think the lack of outright anime-style drawings was a strength of early Final Fantasy, and XII's designs have an overall more mature style, too, which is refreshing.
Pollyanna 1724th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Wed 5 Apr 05:52
quote: Ashe is a well-designed female character, less bombastic and silly-looking that Lulu or to a lesser degree Tifa was.
Are we reversing the hate and starting the healing?
Ashe has a fantastic face. Especially her in-game render. The "painter" effect on everyone's faces looks good. I don't think I've ever played a game with charactrs with such great faces...and noses. I love that Fran has a rabbit face...it's funny looking. She could have been sexier...more feminine, less powerful looking, but instead has he impact. She has "mystique".
But all the girls are like...well...I like their designs because they have sexy costumes, but don't come across as "fan servicy" at all. That wasn't the impression I had when I first saw the renders, but it's changed now that I've played the game. I like "you can be sexy without being a sex object." The FF12 girls have a sort of class.
Ashe is a weird character, though...she doesn't quite act how I expect her to act in any given situation. She's not tremendously original or exciting, but she defies stereotypes like many of the characters do.
But Vaan...is weak.
And yeah...the theme song DOES suck. Well...I haven't heard it in the game yet, so maybe I'll like it more later.
PS: The game ISN'T like an online RPG! ARGH! It's like a normal RPG with SOME online RPG elements. If it was like an offline online RPG, I wouldn't like it. The only thing I like about online RPGs are that they're online.
Zepy 1218th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Anti Tim thread" , posted Wed 5 Apr 13:57
quote: totally false
__,, --- 、_ __ノ''、'、tヽ‐<` ゝ_、 /'=ミ|!|`>,、lヾ、l __ ヽ, l.| Y'' ´ ヽl、ヽ|γ) ノ |ィリ .ゝ, iィニフ|`lノ|.{Sノ| Y.、 l、l__, ノ l/! イ'y| ヽ,!.`ヽ-ニニ)' /l_ゝ、.、__ ` "...,,∠.‐'´_-| .l `'''' フニ‐ヽ __// /〈ンニ彡| 'l / ヽ_ _s‐'ソ/ノ、.ノ-、|´ /__, -' / .`ヽ /' 〉yUy`、ノ_ |`.//` ‐、, ;; ゝ、 ,- './ ノヽ, lフ!、_lT/ ./ / -i! ` ノ / __〉'´`7-、| l' ./ / l / .l r'..`'<-y'〉-' / /' ゝ、 / ,... ./___,,,('''`'.、_ン-..) '´ ノ / /''フ'´ ┌‐────┐ /`ヽ、__)'`y`lo l / .// │ ミツルギ |. /テ-、_`フ=-'、ノ |/ _/´ ├───‐─┴───────────────────── |ばかな!このスレは偽証拠とでもいうのか! | └───────────────────────────
Iggy 7639th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(1):Anti Tim thread" , posted Wed 5 Apr 17:44:
CURSES ! The board ate my post. Let's do it again.
So, you're looking for FF information in the FF/DQ board ? You must be like... like someone very bizarre. And courageous. But mostly bizarre.
Oh well. So :
(I'm taking only the threads that appear to talk about the game. Threads like "I would like to see a FF12 movie" or noise/fun threads around the game are left out, and so are "Seriously, what do you think about the game" which are neither Pro nor anti. And I guess people that talk about a specific aspect of the game are pro-, since they are playing it enough to toy around with the systems)
Pro FF12 threads on most of 2ch (ノーマル編)
■はなぜFF12をGCで出さなかったのだ! FF12の「シームレスバトル」は、次世代RPGの標準に (in the Hard board) FF12が神ゲー過ぎて他のRPGができない FF12 ファイナルファンタジー12 攻略スレ PART41 FF12 レアモンスター+ドロップ情報交換スレ 2匹目 ガンビット考察スレ ff12 ファイナルファンタジー12 〔はしゅまりむ〕FF12召喚まとめスレ〔マティウス〕
FF12よりエースコンバット0買うナイスガイ集まれ 【ファミ通クロレビ】FF12よりオモロイゲームを挙げるスレ【満点】 FF12が全く綺麗に見えなかった FF12 飽きた呆れた解約した FF12はどこに行っても在庫たっぷりですね^^ FF12、二週目200万本で230万本も売れない 5 FF12が糞すぎたおかげでリアルゼルダのデキに涙 FF12が糞ゲーだった・・・(´・ω・`)ショボーン(thread built one week before the release of the game)
(also, for those interested and not aware of it, FF12 doesn't work with HDA)
Pro FF12 threads on the FF/DQ boards (信者編)
( ´∀`)FF12アンチが糞な件について(・∀・ ) [FF12]武器について ■ FF12交易品情報交換スレッド Part6 ■ ■FINAL FANTASY XII~FF12スレッド~ver.0517■ ■ FF12 初歩で困った椰子専用スレ 2■ こんなFF12は嫌だ。 そんな風に考えていたFF12 なんでFF12は面白いミニゲームがないの? ▼FF12 Lv上げ・LP/金稼ぎ等総合研究所 Part 2▼ 松野信者専用FF12 スレッドvol.15 FF12 を FFT2 と思ったら神ゲー FF12 最強の矛 10本目 FF12 遅い人用スレ part14 FF12全クリア報告スレ FF12いろんな意味で遅い人の情報交換・質問スレ FF12やった香具師がFF11に興味を持つスレ FF12やりこみ FF12とFF6はどっちが面白いか徹底討論するスレ FF12で心に残ったセリフを語ろうぜ FF12を糞っていうヤシちょっとこい FF12は少なくともFF10よりは面白い FF12は果たして300万本以上売れるのか?6 FF12のミゲロはエロカワイイ FF12のドレイスは鎧がキモカワイイ FF12のジャッジマスターを語るスレ FF12の「バトル」は、次世代RPGの標準になる FF12召喚獣情報スレ2 FF12制限プレイ・やり込みスレ FF12普通に面白いでしょ? FF12初動 1 7 0 万 本 3週目 FF12インターナショナル版や12-2に望むこと FF12キャラの最も似合う武器を考えてみる FF12スタッフロールで吉田神のイラストに感動した奴 FF12進行状況報告スレ【日記帳】 結論、FF12は懐古には神ゲー ●FF12 取り返しのつかないものをあげていくスレ● 【育成】 ライセンス専用スレッドその3 【FF12】 【最強は】FF12 最も苦戦したボス【誰だ】 【FF12】俺たちはアンチにだまされた訳だが… 【FF12】AsheアーシェPart8【あーしゃん】 【FF12】レックスについて語るスレ part-1【Reks】 【FF12】バッガモナンの感動ストーリー【敵役】 【FF12】シナリオ考察part9【ネタバレOK】 【FF12】人気の無い武器にスポットを当てる【斧】 【ハゲ】FF12のレダスは禿カッコイイ【ヒゲ】 【サブ】 FF12:クリア後攻略スレ 【ストーリー】
【FM5】FM5>>>FF12は決定的【FF12】 【アミバ】FF12のヴェインについて【ブロリー】 【FF12】ゆとり世代がゲームをダメにする【糞ゲ論】 【FF12】ようやくしおらしくなった松野信者【SW】 【徹底】なぜFF12は失敗したのか【討論】 【豚に】野村世代はFF12やるな【真珠】 【売るなら】FF12中古売却情報交換スレ【今のうち】 ★★★ FF12の 売却価格 ★★★ mk2でFF12の評価がDwwwwwwww FF12シドに萌えるスレ FF12最大の長所ってさ FF12価格大暴落 FF12のサボテン一家かわいい(´∀`) FF12はドラッケンに匹敵するくそげ FF12を無理矢理誉めるスレ なぜ、FF12は発売初週176万本しか売れなかったのか 正直、DQ8>FF12だと思う Part2 正直FF12より10、7のが遥かに面白かったと思う奴→ FF12が糞な件について111 レイプはやめて FF12とうんこ FF12より糞なゲムはFF9wwwwwwwwww FF12に足りなかったもの 真・女神転生Ⅲの閉じたシャッターはエロカワイイpart2
The best thread of all : アンサガ>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>FF12 (only 10 posts ! (´・ω・`)ショボーン)
What I'm saying is that there are pro- and anti-, the game is not "bashed on 2ch". The ratio of Kôryaku/positive talk about the game can also mean that this time, the explanation "they are too busy playing it to discuss it" has a lot of truth. You are free to see only the 2/3 that fits your way of thinking. But doing so on the frontpage of a serious website and calling it "journalism" is just stupid. I KNEW I shouldn't have listened to Brandon.
Also, let me say I'm neither a pro- nor an anti- yet. I have the game, but I've been too busy playing Minstrel Song (again) and Metal Saga to even open the box. I'm just saying it for the sake of objectivity.
[this message was edited by Iggy on Wed 5 Apr 17:47] |
Iggy 7643th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(7):Anti Tim thread" , posted Thu 6 Apr 22:58
quote: You'd think Square would learn that the RS guy is some kind of bizzaro King Midas and everything the touches turns to shit.
∧_∧ ∧_∧ ´Д`)<Tonfa Kicks ! ∧_∧ ´Д`) ) Dogooo _ / ∧_∧ ´Д`) ) ノ/ ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ,_ ∧_∧ ´Д`) ) ノ/ ( 〈 ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ,/ノ_ _( ´Д`) ) ノ/ ( 〈 ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ,/、_ \ / ) ノ/ ( 〈 ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ,/、_ _\ ∩ / ,イ 、 ノ/ ( 〈 ∧ ∧―= ̄ `ヽ,/、_ _\ | | / / | ( 〈 ∵. ・( 〈__ > ゛ 、_ _\ |_/ | | | | ヽ ー=- ̄ ̄=_、 (/ , ´ノ \ / 〉 | | | | `iー__=―_ ;, / / / ,' '| | |_/ | |ニ(!、) =_二__ ̄_=;, / / , '| | / 〉 ∪ / / / /| | / 〉|_/ / / !、_/ / 〉|_/ / _/ |_/ ヽ、_ヽ
He produced the last 6 month of a game that was being worked on for several years. Do you really think he could interfere deeply in the creative process Matsuno left pending ? His job was to have the game finished, and he did it.
gorgeous 125th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(4):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Fri 7 Apr 14:05
quote: It's one thing to say FF12 is bashed on 2ch in an anti thread on a small board, it is another to report the fact (totally false) on a serious news website.
I mean, a website that used to be serious until they let Tim rogers write on the frontpage.
And what's wrong with being unserious?
Thank you for invoking my name, however!! I get a bigger spurt of thrill out of seeing Iggy type my name (mixed capitalization aside) than from hearing Gabe on the Penny-Arcade.com podcast spitefully growl it.
I mostly wrote the article in a clever attempt to make American people who hated the demo stop hating the game even though they haven't played it. Judging from the hundreds and hundreds of emails I got, well . . . I guess it was half hit, half miss.
They should have left in the good parts, though. I actually did, like, market research (I mean, that's my <i>job</i>), and they cut out everything except the speculation and moaning. Which, in the end, is I guess what life is, speculation and moaning.
When I write a column for them, I tag each paragraph with a series of one to four asteriks. I try to make each paragraph kind of independent. Any one of them can be cut out. The stars indicate my personal preference.
They just happened to start cutting out the paragraphs I like the most, which I guess is the best way to go. Though in this case, I reckon I actually liked the good parts.
. . . Hey Iggy, are you on mixi by any chance?
Pollyanna 1735th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Mon 10 Apr 17:01
quote: And yet you weren't wise enough to notice that sarcasm doesn't work in text type. Either that, or you switched positions to backpedal saying something really stupid.
Honestly...who says " Oh snap, dude! You totally won!" sincerely?
In other news, the more I play FF12, the less I like it. But...it's not like it's bad...it's like a really cool shirt that's full of holes. Or maybe, more like...stains. And the stains...well, they aren't so bad if you just look at the shirt. It's a cool shirt. It's even okay with the stains, but if you really look at it, it sure is a shame that such an awesome shirt has so many little stains on it.
But, hating it based on the demo/internet talk is still silly.
Olivier Hague 74th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(2):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Mon 10 Apr 22:21:
quote: Seriously, am I the only one who's annoyed to no end by that name-dropping egocentrical asshole and his arrogant "rockstar attitude" schtick?
That was more in reaction to a mail I got from another poster on this board, actually. He/she apparently had a problem with me telling Rogers to "go away". I guess that might sound presumptuous of me to say that, as I can't speak for everybody on this board, obviously. Hence "seriously, am I the only one[...]".
Not that you would know about any of that.
Seriously, dude. You're wasting your time, here. I'm not trying to compete with Rogers "e-fame" wise. God forbid. But the very fact that you didn't even think of something else other than a "e-Testicular Fortitude Contest" may be revealing as to the way you view things! (<- see, I can do that, too! it's so fun!)
[this message was edited by Olivier Hague on Mon 10 Apr 22:49] |
Pollyanna 1737th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(7):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Tue 11 Apr 17:22
There's also...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Chaos and to a lesser degree, Phunbaba, Antlion and Ultros. Well...I don't know that it's Ultros because I don't know if that's how his name was written in Japanese, but there's a definite resemblance at least and the spelling is close.
There's also Monteblanc and Nono of course, as well as a number of random characters that happen to have the same names as random characters in FFTA. Any more would be gratuitous.
End of Spoiler
Iggy: I don't think so, but I haven't seen everything by a long shot. I haven't even won it yet. I've been spoiled on a number of secrets, but thankfully, not on any plot points.
Also, the game has such a large number of challenging optional bosses that an easy last boss wouldn't be too much of a letdown for me. And...I never considered Yevon the "real" last boss in FF10,...more like the cinematic waste of time battle after the real fight.
Mm-mm...I liked the last boss in FF8 (in terms of design, not challenge) and I liked that the FF9 boss fight was short, but dangerous.
Arngrim 122th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Anti FF12 thread" , posted Wed 12 Apr 05:19
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Wasn't Chupon in FF7 as a summon also?
End of Spoiler
Ok, I'm listening to the soundtrack. I'm kinda disappointed... I don't think it will be much remembered among the FF fans... I mean, I'm even listening to the final bosses battles tracks and... well... let's say no tune will stay in my mind ^^U
...the whole soundtrack is so plain. Beatiful, melodic, exquisitely orchestrated... but plain, unimaginative and forgetable. They should have risked more in the soundtrack, IMHO, a lot of tracks sound dangerously similar (and when I say a lot, I'm refering to more than 30 tracks).
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - And WTF is that cover on "Clash on the Big Bridge"??? Are they crazy? Is sounds so soft that it doesn't even seems a Boss Battle theme!!!
End of Spoiler
To sum up: boring soundtrack.
Even though, now that I know that
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - There is a secret event battle with Gilgamesh, and he fights you with various swords from Square and Enix games such as Cloud's Buster Sword, Sephiroth's Masamune, Squall's Revolver, Zidane's dagger, Tidus's Brotherhood, and Loto's Sword and that his special attack is called Kyuukyoku Gensou (JP: 究極幻想) (or "Final Fantasy")
End of Spoiler
, solely this makes me want this game.
...Oh God! I'm such a fanboy!!! *guffaws*
Further spoiler with image link:
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - When defeated Gilgamesh will leave behind Loto's Sword, now called the Legendary Sword. Loto is the hero from Dragon Quest III, btw.
The kanji means "fake".
Source: mostly copypasta from the Wikipedia
End of Spoiler
 Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.