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Pollyanna 1725th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(4):April's new anime" , posted Fri 7 Apr 05:17
quote: I know that Air Gear is all about fan-service and non-sense techniques but... hey! it's really funny! and the character designs are amazing (I love Oh! Great's drawings). I hope the anime does a good job about this work.
The Air Gear anime is trash. Trash trash TRASH.
It's another one of those junk anime aimed at profit with no regard for artistry or creative integrity. Junk art, ugly colors, base direction, uninspired VA performances, poor execution, cheap animation.
I would say that the selling points of Air Gear are its excellent art/sense of design, humor, sex appeal and well-executed sense of action and motion. The TV series is missing all of these.
Of course, I've only seen one episode, but it was so horrendously poor and typical of the crap that most studios shovel out that it's evident what KIND of show it is, even if the budget increases later.
I don't know why people get excited about TV series of manga they like when 9 times out of 10 they turn into some cheap commercial affair.
Buuuut...some people don't care about that sort of thing, as long as it moves and it's in color. Just like some people pick favorite VAs and enjoy their performances even if they're misguided or the same old crap they've been doing for years. Air Gear does indeed move (barely) and is in (ugly) color...and the VA performances are uninspired, which might mean they're typical of someone famous. So...maybe it delivers.
Bata kun 2867th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Boku to Shigatsu no atarashii no anime" , posted Sat 8 Apr 16:47:
quote: As far as I know, this is the month with the most anime being aired ever? I am glad that you're using boku, because as this site shows, it means that you're not a noobie(perhaps about to change to 2nd class), and it means you're cute.
The record for "most anime" keeps getting renewed every year in april, so nothing new. We'll probably get 60 or 70 next year, then the industry crashes on itself and dies.
Actually, I have used "boku" ever since college a few years back. Outside of "watashi" and "watakushi", this is the form I use the most. I don't use "ore" unless I'm sleepy or something, but for "jibun" and "ware", I use the former every now and then and I hardly use "ware". The cuteness factor, I had the idea already.
So, the record I thought I heard of will be broken again next year? Well, that shouldn't be a surprise. Ah, April: the month that starts series like "Azumanga's" television series.
[this message was edited by Bata kun on Sat 8 Apr 17:58] |
Pollyanna 1748th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(1):The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" , posted Wed 19 Apr 06:06:
quote: The other boom of the season, in my opinion, is NaNa, this one has turned out to be really well-done and I think it will greatly surpass ParaKiss.
NaNA DOES surpass ParaKiss. Erm, well...I mean, it's got better source material, and probably a larger budget, so I'd be surprised if the anime somehow turns out less that great. But I mean, in general, NaNa is better anyway.
I like anime, but I don't like...erm...how to say it "otaku-like things" as much.I don't know how to say it...it's like I'm not part of the "anime subculture." "Moe" is a meaningless word to me and I demands some level of artistry in anything I watch (unless it's retro, then it wins automatically). With that in mind, should I check out Haruhi?
EDIT: Actually, I take it back. The NaNa anime has ugly colors! That's a big turnoff. Well, they're not REALLY ugly, but the overall look is weaker than ParaKiss. Oh well, at least the story is still good.
[this message was edited by Pollyanna on Wed 19 Apr 06:48] |
Jason 130th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" , posted Wed 19 Apr 07:45
quote: I demands some level of artistry in anything I watch (unless it's retro, then it wins automatically). With that in mind, should I check out Haruhi?
Yes? I mean, is comedy ever really considered artistic outside of, I dunno, French clowns or whatnot? The look is clean and smooth, nothing crazy go nuts. The characters both play off of and fall into some standard archetypes (not in any sort of self aware way, but rather, just by virtue of the goings on) and the setting, a school, is about as generic as that wacky japanese animation gets. The first episode is a nicely crafted emulation of a badly made fan video, complete with 4:3 ratio, washed out lighting, herky jerky camera movement and all that jazz. It has its own cringe inducing beauty in that way, I guess. I dunno, I enjoy it. The kinetic title character is offset by rambly narration and a surprisingly slow feeling show. Slow for an animated comedy, that is, we're not talking 45 secound pans over falling leaves or nothing.
I knew I would do it and I know this I know what I am doing now that I am doing something both beautiful but gruesome because I am destroying its beauty by knowing that it might be beautiful know that if I know that I am dong something beautiful that it's no longer beautiful. - Dave Eggers A.H.W.O.S.G.
Arngrim 127th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(2):The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" , posted Wed 19 Apr 09:11:
quote: NaNA DOES surpass ParaKiss. Erm, well...I mean, it's got better source material, and probably a larger budget, so I'd be surprised if the anime somehow turns out less that great. But I mean, in general, NaNa is better anyway.
I like anime, but I don't like...erm...how to say it "otaku-like things" as much.I don't know how to say it...it's like I'm not part of the "anime subculture." "Moe" is a meaningless word to me and I demands some level of artistry in anything I watch (unless it's retro, then it wins automatically). With that in mind, should I check out Haruhi?
EDIT: Actually, I take it back. The NaNa anime has ugly colors! That's a big turnoff. Well, they're not REALLY ugly, but the overall look is weaker than ParaKiss. Oh well, at least the story is still good.
I think that the main strong point of NaNa, leaving aside the art, is the story and its pacing, the characters and the setting are fantastic, in my opinion. I don't happen to see anything wrong with the colors, I agree that so far aren't as vivid as in ParaKiss but I think they fit the mood well.
And about Haruhi... I think it's a breath of fresh air in this anime season. The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, basically mocks at a wide variety of clichés in the anime industry. "Moe" being one of them, obviously (Haruhi herself explains what "moe" is to the main character in episode 2). The approach this series makes towards the anime clichés is rather cynical (for example, in episode 1, in the middle of what is supossed to be a shounen-action plot, it suddenly becomes a romantic-gakuen type ----doesn't that ring a bell of various other and recent anime series?).
To sum up, The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya is shaping out as a rather funny and auto-parodic anime, which has draught the attention of the fans of the genre. It also has some mystery and complicated issues that will keep the story interesting, keeping in mind that this is a sci-fi story even if it doesn't look like it yet.
Also, Pollyanna, if you happen to finally watch it, the real story begins in ep 2, being ep 1 sort of an experimental pilot or what could be called a "00".
I think it really has certain artistry so far. The script is rather good, taking into account it's based on a novel series, the premises of the story are quite promising and the animation is clean, disposes of a big budget, and undoubtably goes for a certain artistry, especially in the excellent and purposedly trashy episode 1.
I encourage you to give it a try! I will keep resposability for making you waste your time later if you consider so, hehe (I really hope not).
 Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.
[this message was edited by Arngrim on Wed 19 Apr 09:25] |
Pollyanna 1748th Post

Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member
| "Re(3):The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya" , posted Wed 19 Apr 09:33
Ah! It's a comedy parody show! I didn't know. Well, in that case, no...artistry isn't that important, as long as it's not painful to look at. I'll give it a shot. I'll certainly watch 2 episodes at least. I can spare an hour.
I guess it's no so much that the color palette in Nana is "ugly" as it's just not bold or artistic enough. I mean, it looks better than the junk you see in a lot of shounen shows (Air Gear, Eyeshield), but I was hoping for something more like ParaKiss or Beck, which betrayed the manga style for something that worked better in animation.
Since you can't really reproduce Nana in animation (especially due to the way the gags flow), I was hoping for a more dynamic recreation of the visuals. I was VERY pleased with the opening, but the show itself "just looks like normal anime" sometimes.
Buuut...the truth of the matter is that Yazawa's color work for Nana is really ugly more than half the time, so the anime is still improving on the original.
I'm glad that the awkward stage of neon-esque CG colors is at least starting to come to a close.
I'm not trying to act "superior" because I demand this and that out of anime. I'm no better than the viewer who says "Who cares about the colors if the story is good?" or "I just like the characters. Who pays attention to "direction" anyway?" People can enjoy shows without "artistry" and not tell the difference...so why should studios bother with it, when bitchy people like me are the minority?
Of course...that doesn't make cheap anime any BETTER, even if it excuses it from a production standpoint.
rid 7047th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "misc" , posted Thu 20 Apr 09:09
Okay, after watching episode 2... xxxHOLiC sucks. Go read the manga instead. The opening theme is nice, yes, but that's all.
Himawari 1 was way too generic for my tastes, and the writing and pacing were sloppy and flawed. But you don't expect quality in moe animes, do you?
Ah! My Goddess... it's the same as the first season. Not as good as the manga, but they tried more than with Holic, really. And it has Kikuko Inoue, of course.
I've started watching Ergo Proxy and seems to be promising, and while it seems the usual cyberpunk at first, it has a deeper storyline later, or so is it hinting.
Air Gear... Oh Great! isn't that "great" of a writer really, the manga was average and boring (but with pretty pics, yes) so I'll skip on this.
Arngrim 127th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):misc" , posted Fri 21 Apr 00:13
xxxHolic anime is becoming a letdown. I agree the manga is much better.
Same with Air Gear... T__T
That's a pity, since those two were in the group of the most promising animes (for me, at least).
I hope Tsubasa Chronicles 2nd season, which is airing soon, keeps at least a better animation and story than what xxxHolic has shown so far.
At least, in the 1st Tsubasa Chronicles season, the first episode was a killer (but, much to my dismay, the second one is ridiculously crappy, and so the series majorly continue). xxxHolic 1st episode has already been so-so in terms of quality so I'm serious about skipping this anime if it keeps this way.
I'll cross my fingers.
 Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.