catalyst 152th Post

Regular Customer
| "Re(1):I have seen the light" , posted Mon 10 Apr 06:45:
How does I-Tunes work? Do you have to use your credit card to buy songs or is there another way? I've also seen the I-Tunes gift cards and I was thinking of going with that if there's no other way.
From what I remember when we used to sell Ipods at the sharper image, really it is essentially similar like an MP3 organizer for your Ipod, take music from your CD's, use of audiobooks, etc, and transfer it to your Ipod.
As for the whole credit card usuage and I-Tunes, you can go online using any browser and it will detect whether or not you have the I-tunes program installed in your computer and order songs from the I-tunes music store that opens up. You don't have to buy songs using I-tunes really unless you want to find a song thats really hard to find. I have that motorola slvr phone and if you have I-tunes already installed works the same way for the I-tunes program.
edit: I assume thats the only way of payment for using the I-tunes music store to purchase music via credit card/debit card. I'm a little bit gray on the purchasing area but that's the best of extent from what I remember in selling them.
Actually my mistake, you can use both a credit card or that I-tunes gift card that you mentioned earlier that you can purchase in any store. That link should help you above.
Catalyst jukebox ::kicks:: - Etro Anime: "Endless"
[this message was edited by catalyst on Mon 10 Apr 07:02] |