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Pollyanna 1753th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(3):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 05:49
I think Armor Ralf is a good match for KOF:MI. It's a novelty, it's stupid and it's ugly. Well...and it's fun. I think that describes MI pretty well.
I say "novelty" not only because the game has so many SNK references and "fan service" type things, but because even though 2/3 of the special moves in the game are only useful for combo filler, all the characters retain their original moves. Since the game is so unlike KOF, it wouldn't make sense in terms of balance or character design to have essentially the same set of moves for every character (that they've had before) and expect it to magically work out. But if they didn't have their classic moves, it wouldn't be KOF...and it wouldn't appeal to the fans.
It's strange to me that MI appeals to KOF fans in a novel way like that, while the gameplay is so violently different from KOF. When I play it, I think "is this something a KOF fan is supposed to like?"
It sounds like I'm being hard on the game...and I am, because it's so tacky and "base" for a fighting game, but it's still lots of fun...which is the most important thing.
Toxico 4169th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(4):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 06:24
quote: It's strange to me that MI appeals to KOF fans in a novel way like that, while the gameplay is so violently different from KOF. When I play it, I think "is this something a KOF fan is supposed to like?"
This isn't the first time that this issue appears, but by this point it should be clear to everyone that MI was, is and will be only a 'fooling around game'; almost everyone plays the game because they fool around with characters, play around with the voice acting or how laugh at poor made fan serive or the storymode, while it's awfully unfair for the population that 'the game it's only made to fool around', the game itself just doesn't amount to more.
It sounds like I'm being hard on the game...and I am, because it's so tacky and "base" for a fighting game, but it's still lots of fun...which is the most important thing.
From my point of view the most important feature of the first one was the mission mode; while it wasn't really extrictly hard, it was enough to keep me busy with the game for a long time; the best thing that the second game can do is to be completely filled with bonus, adds, features and minigames...

See??? He is a God...
hikarutilmitt 336th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 01:33
quote: MI2 seems to improve on the strengths of the original without correcting any of its flaws. I guess that's okay. I mean, it's never going to be pretty, balanced or deep, so they just piled on more and more crazy crap to occupy you with.
Playing it last night, finally, I already noticed some gameplay changes that are certainly for the better.
I noticed, first thing in training mode, that ground combos don't seem quite so easily accomplished, now. You can't just tag someone with a crouching light kick to pop them back into the air like before, it has to be a move with a prperty to do it, and most (maybe all) of those moves seem to be (S)DM or things like Kyo's ground grab.
They also changed the damage judgement on combos so that you can't just tack on a SDM with one or two hits and still get 30% or more damage. Even Jivatma falls to this, since his SDM usually eats half your life bar, but in a combo seems to do MAYBE 25% at most, effectively making whatever combo he did do less damag than the SDM by itself.
These two changes, alone, make the game more playable to me, and I still enjoyed the first game quite a bit.
Pollyanna 1759th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(7):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 03:40
quote: These two changes, alone, make the game more playable to me, and I still enjoyed the first game quite a bit.
Yeah, in my limited experience, totally absurd combos seem much more difficult to do now. You can still get hit on the ground with ridiculous things if you don't recover, though...but...well...who doesn't recover?
The "parry" move, unfortunately, doesn't seem to do much for the game, though. It's really not much different than a sidestep (although the sidestep seems less useful now).
kofoguz 331th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(5):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 08:10
quote: MI was, is and will be only a 'fooling around game';
Then please no more "fooling around" for MI3...
I got the copy today and play a bit. It seems fun. I'll be having fun but I dont really like the ending style (well, actually I only finished with Kyo)and I dont like the closing vid. It spoils the game endings (sort of)I wish it as a secret ending after some point. Anyway I'll wait for other endings for commenting.
For my other Complaints. The backgrounds. Too much tomb raider style backgrounds, I hate when the theme of backgrounds insistingly moving one type. (I hope I explained) what I meant. And most important one I hated Jivatma's background. How on earth they can call it a mosque. The place is not a mosque, (you cant find any hindu myth statues in a muslim's mosque. This ignorance is OFFENSIVE. Seriously. First Suija and now this. (If this "mosque" word in the game means something different that I dont know please enlighten me.) Second I dont like Jivatma and I dont like Falcoon being effected by 2d kof boss creations. I mean Mukai-->Duke, Magaki-->Jivatma. Do I need to say influence? Well if KOF XII will have short haired, cool looked, ruthless female boss , voila! it means we will have short haired, cool looked, ruthless female boss for MI3.
I hope they give nona or hiroaki co-producer job for MI3 to stop Falcoon sometimes.. Or someone else I dont know.Cause if they dont we will have another fooling around, kofashion show fighting game (I like some costumes though most of them unnecessary) for MI3.
I'm happy cause this game gonna be fun I'm unhappy cause this game has the potential for seriously better game, at least storyline-wise. And they wasted it.
Oh, one more thing...
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Todoh dies also...@_@
End of Spoiler
Pollyanna 1760th Post

Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive
| "Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 18:44
And most important one I hated Jivatma's background. How on earth they can call it a mosque. The place is not a mosque, (you cant find any hindu myth statues in a muslim's mosque. This ignorance is OFFENSIVE. Seriously. First Suija and now this. (If this "mosque" word in the game means something different that I dont know please enlighten me.) Second I dont like Jivatma and I dont like Falcoon being effected by 2d kof boss creations. I mean Mukai-->Duke, Magaki-->Jivatma. Do I need to say influence?
Yeah, I think they just decided the word "mosque" looked cool and tacked it on without any regard to potential consequences. I'm so-so on the level designs, but I like the music, and since the music matches the levels well, I feel like I like the levels more than I actually do.
I think Jivatma is really just like Lin, though. He has one of his moves exactly and several that are quite similar. He even spits poison. I'm not crazy about his face, but his motions are quite cool, especially for MI. If he was in 2D and/or a good artist tweaked his design, I think he could be quite cool.
kofoguz 334th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(7):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 05:08:
quote: I'm interested : how was Suija offensive?
Well in this link I saw what he doesnt like. It says Philistines who worship him. But as far as I know Philistines are muslim. So I guess he represents God of our religion which we believe one and only god in universe who owns the universe. But I might be mistaken hence misguided-translation of mine.
quote: Yeah, I think they just decided the word "mosque" looked cool and tacked it on without any regard to potential consequences. I'm so-so on the level designs, but I like the music, and since the music matches the levels well, I feel like I like the levels more than I actually do.
Actually, it might be wrong knowledge about Taj Mahal. I heard some people think that building was a Mosqoue. As far as I know its a "Grand Tomb" which builded by some emperor for his wife. Also I take back my complaint about backgrounds. I complained too early, when I played yesterday with Kyo I only saw "The temple Ruins" "Hunting cave" "whatever tomb" "sacred garden" and "Grand mosque". But today I noticed "war memorial" which also in 2003 bg, a background with 95 resemblance and "fleur de lis". Also I realized Hunting cave is above the SVC "forest" bg. I hope there are more cameos like this.
And I love most of the music, especially the ones with reminds me balkans music with guitar sounds, and classical violin theme.
[this message was edited by kofoguz on Sun 30 Apr 05:29] |
kofoguz 334th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 06:03
quote: It doesn't make any sense, indeed. First, it should have been "the philistines who DON'T worship him".
Then, I'm not quite good in history, but the philistine having been around since at least 1000 BC if I recall correctly, I don't see how they could have had any link with any aspect of the muslim faith. The word has gain a metaphorical meaning with I don't recall which scene in the new testament where Jesus is confronted to them, and they appear as people who follow any opinion of the group, without thinking about why they do it, just because they don't want to be seen alien to the group.
I got it but I thought it that way cause some time ago I read something from a missionery site and what I understood is christians(at least christians who wrote that) think that "we believe a moon god from ancient far-east myth". When I saw Suijas profile and his moveset (all of named with moon) I thought they were referring our god. By the way that site wrote that we believe "a moon god" so when its the holy month of Ramadhan which we fast each day from dawn till sunset, starts with crescent. According to them thats why we had a crescent symbol for our religion. And thats not exactly true. Cause if we believe a moon god we wouldnt be using sunset-sunrise for Namaz (ritual prayer). We believe a God which is one and only and owns everything on the universe, not just a pathetic satellite. Sorry for being off topic.
Cain Highwind 690th Post

Red Carpet Regular Member
| "Oldschool music tracks ahoy! AWESOME!" , posted Sat 6 May 11:54
(Just a copy/paste from my post at S-C)
I just unlocked the Neo-Geo land stage (the new stage not the reused one from MI1) And the..music...oh god the music... it just plainly KICKS ASS
The default version of the stage plays quite the spiffy remix of the neo-geo startup "chime". The alternate variation however has around *35* old tracks from previous SNK games. Half of which I have trouble recognizing.
Classic Pao Pao theme, 94 Esaka, Terry's Fatal Fury 2 theme, XXX (Omega Rugal's theme from 98), Classic Ikari themes, there's a LOT here.
And what's even cooler, is that, from doing it in Practice, whoever you're playing as will determine what theme is played. Classic Kyo gets 94 Esaka, Iori gets his classic Arashi no Saxophone, Chae Lim get's "Wild Party" (Korean theme from KoF 2000), and of all weird things Duke gets Rythmic Hallucination (Orochi Team theme from 97).
Going through the sound test just about all the "character themes" you could imagine are here. No Athena track though she uses a theme called "Dragon Gal RB" (from the slots game?). There's the AoF1 Todoh theme, Geese's classic theme, even one of 2001's horrid songs are here.
I hope I can get through the hard missions and Quest Survival for the other stages. HOT DAMN!
Apparently according to Gamefaqs there's a Mizuki stage that uses her BGM as well as a Krauser stage that uses his BGM.
hikarutilmitt 337th Post

Bronze Customer
| "Re(1):Oldschool music tracks ahoy! AWESOME!" , posted Sat 6 May 12:57
quote: (Just a copy/paste from my post at S-C)
I just unlocked the Neo-Geo land stage (the new stage not the reused one from MI1) And the..music...oh god the music... it just plainly KICKS ASS
The default version of the stage plays quite the spiffy remix of the neo-geo startup "chime". The alternate variation however has around *35* old tracks from previous SNK games. Half of which I have trouble recognizing.
Classic Pao Pao theme, 94 Esaka, Terry's Fatal Fury 2 theme, XXX (Omega Rugal's theme from 98), Classic Ikari themes, there's a LOT here.
And what's even cooler, is that, from doing it in Practice, whoever you're playing as will determine what theme is played. Classic Kyo gets 94 Esaka, Iori gets his classic Arashi no Saxophone, Chae Lim get's "Wild Party" (Korean theme from KoF 2000), and of all weird things Duke gets Rythmic Hallucination (Orochi Team theme from 97).
Going through the sound test just about all the "character themes" you could imagine are here. No Athena track though she uses a theme called "Dragon Gal RB" (from the slots game?). There's the AoF1 Todoh theme, Geese's classic theme, even one of 2001's horrid songs are here.
I hope I can get through the hard missions and Quest Survival for the other stages. HOT DAMN!
Apparently according to Gamefaqs there's a Mizuki stage that uses her BGM as well as a Krauser stage that uses his BGM.
To be honest, fanservicey games like this (in the literal sense, not the panties/tits/whatever sense) have the extra value to hlp them go from being merely okay or good to being outstanding due to a thoughtful execution. That and it helps that this particular iteration is actually pretty well executed overall.
I also noticed that, from what I can tell, there's a mix of Andy's FF2 music, thogugh I'm not sure if it's the time of day for the stage or just who was being used at the time.
Maese Spt 229th Post

Frequent Customer
| "3D graphics+2D gameplay=WIN!" , posted Mon 8 May 17:33
Yesterday I had the chance to play some matches on MI2 and I feel like talking about it.
Well, I don't remember having so much fun with a KOF since the days I played KOF'98... The gameplay is fast, swift and frenetic. Incredibly FUN. Heck, even I can do decent combos on this one...! The graphics are not glorious, but are quite nice indeed. Both the music and the speaker give the battles a much needed thrilling touch: you really feel like kicking your oponent's ass and making it to the next round. A fun game indeed. The cast could be better with Vanessa in and some of the Ikari guys out, but I won't whine too much about it. Plus, the alternate outfits are ludicrous and hilarious, as is expected on a 3D fighter. And, oh, god, I'm such an heretic, but I do like short haired Mai...
I think KOF MI2 combines all the great things I've always liked of the old school 2D fighters with many cool things I also love of 3D fighters (aka: Tekken or DoA). If this is the path KOF series is going in the future, count me in.