KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread. - http://www.mmcafe.com/ Forums

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326th Post

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"KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 13 Apr 06:49post reply

Fresh start for fresh news.


6239th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(1):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 13 Apr 07:32post reply

I'm so excited that B. Jenet is a hidden character here! That's very exciting! I can't wait for this to come to the States. Speaking of which, anyone know the NA release date?

Who would've thought that Richard Meyer would've made a comeback after so many years. That's amazing.

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243th Post

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"Re(2):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 13 Apr 07:40post reply

My guesses for three of the six obvious slots remaining: Robert, Benimaru, and Whip. Robert is almost too obvious (the moves would be easy to copy from Ryo; lots of potential for costumes). Whip is all over the character stories as the fourth member of the K'/Maxima/Kula team. And Benimaru shows up to taunt Kyo and talk about how he'd like to fight him soon.

The other slots, I've no clue.

216th Post

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"Re(3):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 13 Apr 08:44post reply

The new chara's for MI2 are
Wild Wolf(MOTW version of Terry)
Richard Myer
Nightmare Geese

373th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(4):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 13 Apr 08:52post reply

The new chara's for MI2 are
Wild Wolf(MOTW version of Terry)
Richard Myer
Nightmare Geese

Yay: Hyena (!!) and Richard Myer
Nay: MOTW Terry, Geese

I still predict that Ash is SOMEWHERE in the game.


Cain Highwind
683th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(5):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 13 Apr 09:18post reply

I just remembered, I can delete the other topic since I started it. That way no one will be tempted to post anymore in that one.

@Korigama (from previous thread): Yeah I'm pretty disappointed with these alternate costumes in general. I think the only ones I really like are Kyo's and Ryo's. But just remember that's not the only one in there (4 costumes for each "model" meaning a total of 8 per character). And I still don't see how an alternate costume can detract your opinion from the game as a whole so much.

We needs more AoF secret characters!

Ikari Loona
127th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(6):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 13 Apr 09:26post reply

We needs more AoF secret characters!

Ryuhyaku Todo for MI3!
Serious Mr Karate would be a nice match for Nightmare Geese though (whom being that particular incarnation of the character, mey still be officially dead after all, bar from Jin scroll inluence on matters of mortality)... if they tossed in Richard due to reusing Capoeira animations from Soiree, they could certainly borrow stuff from Ryo and work from there - very unlikely though...

Whip's been mentioned as a possibility, but I doubt that one... I'm not that sure SNKP has mastered 3D well enough to implement her weapon properly in that environment...
Then again, it never did look that good in the first place in the 2D KoFs IMO...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

Cain Highwind
684th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

""Farmgirl Jenet" and other updates" , posted Thu 13 Apr 20:50post reply

Official updates with mirror matches of the secret characters. You get to see Kim's, Ninon's, and Jenet's alts.

1231th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(1):" , posted Thu 13 Apr 21:46post reply

Wild Wolf
Nightmare Geese
Richard & Hyena

I... seem to remember Geese looking a lot cooler than that. The "nightmare" seems to hold a different meaning now.

2444th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):" , posted Thu 13 Apr 22:11post reply

Ninon likes to place curses and summon up the devil just for fun? I don't know how she'll handle in the game itself but I love her already.

375th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(2):" , posted Thu 13 Apr 23:55post reply


I... seem to remember Geese looking a lot cooler than that. The "nightmare" seems to hold a different meaning now.

The reason why Geese is called Nightmare Geese in MI2 is because he had a nightmare and didnt get any sleep. (look at the bags under his eyes)

Ninon looks awesome. So Londonian!


4157th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"I think...." , posted Fri 14 Apr 01:59post reply

That the release date was lost in the previous thread + a lot more of other good gimmicks; like the links of the trailers...

release date: 27/04/2006
source: http://game.snkplaymore.co.jp/consumer/playstation2.php

The site also has the release date for XI, and it was 22/06/2006

Now it's just to hope that the release dates doesn't get pushed back.

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166th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(3):" , posted Fri 14 Apr 02:28post reply


I... seem to remember Geese looking a lot cooler than that. The "nightmare" seems to hold a different meaning now.

The reason why Geese is called Nightmare Geese in MI2 is because he had a nightmare and didnt get any sleep. (look at the bags under his eyes)

ditto to that... Also Wild Wolf Terry looks like he will pummel you with his golden locks and Abercrombie and Fitch apparel... (nice jacket)

Are you slave to the blade?

505th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Fri 14 Apr 04:03post reply

We needs more AoF secret characters!

Glad I'm not the only one thinking this...

Enough with the damn Garou characters!!!

327th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Fri 14 Apr 04:52post reply

We needs more AoF secret characters!

Glad I'm not the only one thinking this...

Enough with the damn Garou characters!!!

Yeah its high time for Aof character to see love.

245th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(1):" , posted Fri 14 Apr 10:51post reply

Official updates with mirror matches of the secret characters. You get to see Kim's, Ninon's, and Jenet's alts.

Why does Ninon sound thirty-five years old?

264th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(2):" , posted Fri 14 Apr 23:52post reply

Another KOF MI2 video at http://www.showtime.jp/info/game/00878/

Rapidshare anyone?

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671th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(3):" , posted Sat 15 Apr 12:24post reply

Ninon likes to place curses and summon up the devil just for fun? I don't know how she'll handle in the game itself but I love her already.

There's a movie of Ninon fighting Ninon on the official site if you want to get a good idea of what she does.

I gotta say, though, her second costume looks way better than the first. Her sleeves didn't look like they had obvious clipping going on with it, but that could be the blurry video doing it.

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7044th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):" , posted Sat 15 Apr 21:42post reply

Another KOF MI2 video at http://www.showtime.jp/info/game/00878/

Rapidshare anyone?

In my site, as always.

4158th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):!!" , posted Sun 16 Apr 10:01post reply

I always forget the adress of the official site, so if there is anyone else with the same problem here it is:


See??? He is a God...

1955th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):!!" , posted Mon 17 Apr 10:14post reply

I always forget the adress of the official site, so if there is anyone else with the same problem here it is:


That's the consumer website. The address for the game website is:


128th Post

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Regular Customer

"Re(1):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 23 Apr 05:52post reply

Final secret characters revealed!!!

My guesses are:

Fio Germi / Jivatma (final boss) / Lily Kane??? (LOL)
Kusanagi / Gato / Krizalid???

Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.

2452th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(2):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 23 Apr 06:59post reply

Man, why is SNK so in love with the idea of cloning Kyo? Is the world not getting it's daily requirement of Kyo with only a single Kyo?

Considering how closely Nagase's move mirror Hanzo's I wouldn't be surprised if the modern generation of the Hattori family showed up in the game as well. Then again, that could just be a guy who looks a lot like Hanzo when blacked out.

While there is an interesting selection of characters I'm hoping one or two more people from the Fatal Fury roster make it in since I'm beginning to think of MI2 not as a KoF game but as Wild Ambition 2 instead.

329th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 23 Apr 07:26:post reply

My guesses are:

Fio Germi
Jivatma (final boss) John Crawley or Kevin
Lily Kane.
Kusanagi orr Shingo(LOL-j/k)
Gato Silver
Krizalid???=some says Hanzo and I dont agree with'em and some says Max (from robo Army). But I wish Krizalid.
This is Jivatma

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Sun 23 Apr 07:32]

1960th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 23 Apr 10:04post reply

What are these shots from? Well anyway my guesses:


249th Post

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Frequent Customer

"Re(4):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 23 Apr 19:18post reply

The bottom-middle guy looks like Fuuma.

2555th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Mon 24 Apr 06:32:post reply

It is Lily kane. There's a gasha set due to be released in July with a pic of her

[this message was edited by Holiday on Mon 24 Apr 06:38]

Cain Highwind
685th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(6):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Mon 24 Apr 06:41post reply

It is Lily kane. There's a gasha set due to be released in July with a pic of her

You got a messed up link there.

But yeah I saw that. It looks like from the shadow, I can make out her pigtails and dress that she wears (at least in KoF 2000 anyway), and she obviously wears a cute take on Billy's 95 outfit as her alt.

So cuuute ^.^

129th Post

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"Re(7):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Mon 24 Apr 09:09post reply

Yay! Si it's really Lily Kane!!

This was unexpected, hehe

Really cute and funny addition, in my opinion.

Those secret characters are becoming the most random thing ever.

Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.

Burning Ranger
1414th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(6):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Mon 24 Apr 10:32post reply

It is Lily kane. There's a gasha set due to be released in July with a pic of her

I know it's off topic, but who is that girl in the yellow & blue stripes?

Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

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1504th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Mon 24 Apr 14:06post reply

After seeing that image of Lily Kane, it makes me want to play this game even more than I already had. With the large cast, MI2 already promises to be my fav KOF yet. It's going to be hard to resist not importing it.

Ammadeau.net - My own personal waste of time.

106th Post

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"Re(5):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Mon 24 Apr 20:11post reply

The bottom-middle guy looks like Fuuma.

It looks like a female to me.
Slim waist, wide hips.

1961th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Mon 24 Apr 21:24post reply

The bottom-middle guy looks like Fuuma.

It looks like a female to me.
Slim waist, wide hips.

But the forearms... if those are forearms and not just sleeves...

Seeing as the first one is probably Fio/Eri, and since there was a Metal Slug tank... could it be Ryuuhaku? He was driving that bulldozer in one of the screenshots.

2453th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Tue 25 Apr 00:57post reply

It is Lily kane. There's a gasha set due to be released in July with a pic of her

Good to see Lily Kane is confirmed. To think, she's finally a playable character and poor Joe didn't make the cut for the roster.

I know it's off topic, but who is that girl in the yellow & blue stripes?

While that girl in the stripes is certainly someone worth getting to know better the question I have is where did you get that uppercutting Abe avatar from?

382th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Tue 25 Apr 04:15post reply


Good to see Lily Kane is confirmed. To think, she's finally a playable character and poor Joe didn't make the cut for the roster.

I would rather have a completely new character than a character that has appeared in all of the KOFs. (But being a Joe fan, it makes a a little sad)

Lilly Kane looks great! Hopefully she won't be a clone character.


2325th Post

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MMCafe Owner

"Re(9):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Tue 25 Apr 21:58post reply

Hidden Characters, etc.

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

Classic Kyo
Lilly Kane
2nd generation Mr. Karate (as in, Ryo Sakazaki with a different look
Armor Ralf
Jivatwa (Boss)

Images Here

End of Spoiler

2454th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Tue 25 Apr 21:59post reply

I would rather have a completely new character than a character that has appeared in all of the KOFs. (But being a Joe fan, it makes a a little sad)

Actually I was thinking more of Joe's interest in Lily. While I certainly wouldn't mind seeing Joe in the game I was being a plot scrub more than anything.

506th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(3):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 00:11post reply

Man, why is SNK so in love with the idea of cloning Kyo? Is the world not getting it's daily requirement of Kyo with only a single Kyo?

Fighting game companies are pretty thick when it comes to the simple concept that one version of a character is enough.

And after seeing the latest batch of hidden characters, I'd say that's a concept that'll forever be beyond their grasp.

Only one additional AOF character added and it's another Kyokugenryu character.


329th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(4):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 01:09post reply

Armor Ralf is ridiculous. And What's more Hanzo WTF? They really look like they dont care a bit about story.

386th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 04:11:post reply

Hidden Characters, etc.

Why couldn't it be Armor Hinako?!

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -

End of Spoiler

reminds me of Kurow from RS.

I really hate it when space is wasted on "dumb" versions of characters already in the game.


[this message was edited by Evenor on Wed 26 Apr 04:56]

764th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member+

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 04:33post reply

Armor Ralf might be one of the worst ideas ever. Thanks, Falcoon, thanks.

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2456th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 04:51post reply

I'm surprised that my guess of Hanzo was actually correct. But... Armor Ralf? Unless he can fold up and transform into a tank I don't get why he was added.

So have there been any very early impressions posted yet? Has the game engine changed dramatically from the previous game? How do the new characters handle?

1962th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 05:09post reply

OK Armor Larf, that's some funny shit. From now on I'm never playing Larf again unless he's wearing the armor.

250th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(5):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 07:59post reply

Armor Ralf is ridiculous. And What's more Hanzo WTF? They really look like they dont care a bit about story.

You know, Hanzo isn't a single guy; it's a title that's passed down through the generations. Though it's a little weird, it's not too unreasonable for the current-generation Hanzo to turn up here.

I wonder what his 2P outfit looks like.

131th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 08:11post reply

Only interested in Fio, Hanzo and Lily Kane.

I reassure that the secret characters in this game are the most random ones ever.

Hanzo REALLY doesn't fit there.

...well, most of the cast doesn't, in fact.

And that Armor Ralf (a la Armor King? xD) looks hideous and uninspired in my opinion.

...I would have much prefered Krizalid T__T

Death!!! But in this place... there is no happiness.

Burning Ranger
1416th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 08:38post reply

Armor Ralf might be one of the worst ideas ever. Thanks, Falcoon, thanks.


Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger

...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!

107th Post

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"Re(4):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Wed 26 Apr 18:32post reply

pics of alt. costumes here:

4169th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 00:53:post reply

pics of alt. costumes here:

Some of them are like.... really good
For better or worse, it seems that Falcoon really had some freedom with this game; Good that some good costumes from the first one are still here, I specially liked the 'office' style Athena; then again I always had foul fetishes with my father's secretary, it must be a inheritance thing...

See??? He is a God...

[this message was edited by Toxico on Thu 27 Apr 01:27]

251th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 01:19post reply

There is... May Lee.

506th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(7):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 03:09post reply

Leona - Rei! That's like a dream come true! Ok, there are lots of good alternate costumes, but there are also lots of crappy costumes as well. Terry looks awfull with every secondary costume for example. Ralf is quite ridiculous as well. Ralf - Marco was predictable, but Ralf - Jack Turner!?!

252th Post

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Copper Customer

"Re(8):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 03:55post reply

Leona - Rei! That's like a dream come true!

There's also an Asuka. They've got the whole Evangeleona going.

2457th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 04:36post reply

Some of the alt outfits are good [nice to see that Geese and Richard dressed up for the occasion] and some are not [Terry could not look more idiotic] but for me there are more winners than losers. With things like a Heiderned Leona and Chae Lim and May Lee doing the fusion dance to turn into some sort of wonderful aggregate character this extra feature is going to be just as amusing as it was in the first game.

330th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(2):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 04:45post reply

Why couldn't it be Armor Hinako?!

I couldnt agree more. I normal version is enough though.

If there're gonna more characters I think it would be benimaru and whip. I wish.

1753th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(3):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 05:49post reply

I think Armor Ralf is a good match for KOF:MI. It's a novelty, it's stupid and it's ugly. Well...and it's fun. I think that describes MI pretty well.

I say "novelty" not only because the game has so many SNK references and "fan service" type things, but because even though 2/3 of the special moves in the game are only useful for combo filler, all the characters retain their original moves. Since the game is so unlike KOF, it wouldn't make sense in terms of balance or character design to have essentially the same set of moves for every character (that they've had before) and expect it to magically work out. But if they didn't have their classic moves, it wouldn't be KOF...and it wouldn't appeal to the fans.

It's strange to me that MI appeals to KOF fans in a novel way like that, while the gameplay is so violently different from KOF. When I play it, I think "is this something a KOF fan is supposed to like?"

It sounds like I'm being hard on the game...and I am, because it's so tacky and "base" for a fighting game, but it's still lots of fun...which is the most important thing.

4169th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 06:24post reply

It's strange to me that MI appeals to KOF fans in a novel way like that, while the gameplay is so violently different from KOF. When I play it, I think "is this something a KOF fan is supposed to like?"

This isn't the first time that this issue appears, but by this point it should be clear to everyone that MI was, is and will be only a 'fooling around game'; almost everyone plays the game because they fool around with characters, play around with the voice acting or how laugh at poor made fan serive or the storymode, while it's awfully unfair for the population that 'the game it's only made to fool around', the game itself just doesn't amount to more.


It sounds like I'm being hard on the game...and I am, because it's so tacky and "base" for a fighting game, but it's still lots of fun...which is the most important thing.

From my point of view the most important feature of the first one was the mission mode; while it wasn't really extrictly hard, it was enough to keep me busy with the game for a long time; the best thing that the second game can do is to be completely filled with bonus, adds, features and minigames...

See??? He is a God...

185th Post

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"Re(5):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 18:36post reply

pics of alt. costumes here:

this is officially the most awesome game ever (aside from battle colloseum which included mudman). i will buy this today.

3416th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 19:30post reply

When I play it, I think "is this something a KOF fan is supposed to like?"

I'm a KOF fan since KOF 94 and no I deffinitely not like KOF MI...This is deffinitely the worst shit ever made by SNK or SNKP...
On the neo arcadia Forum memeber can't even understand how did the US player can be so interested it a such Pathetic game.

It's Ugly (very ugly Pityfull Falcoon Design, Lame Color edit, Worst graphics since MKD) the gameplay such (where is 3V3 of the KOF serie??)
And is deffinitely everything but not Fun to play, it's more like Falcoon is taking gamer for dweebs. "Looks we just make a pityfull 3D and they by it, Why woulde we take some time and work in a good 2D, if they're stupid enough to by my crap?? And I won't even think to a good 3D game that we can make in with the help of SEGA..."

The only thing that will kill SNK and their licence is Falcoon stupidity. IMO I prefer No more SNK than this kind of sh**

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1756th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 27 Apr 20:03post reply


This isn't the first time that this issue appears, but by this point it should be clear to everyone that MI was, is and will be only a 'fooling around game';

That's a good way to put it...and that's exactly how I feel. I enjoyed (laughing at) all the different colors and fooling with the ludicrous combo system and missions, but when it came to replaying the game for the sake of replaying it, or doing vs with my friends (outside of the novelty of "look at this!") the game got really old really fast.

MI2 seems to improve on the strengths of the original without correcting any of its flaws. I guess that's okay. I mean, it's never going to be pretty, balanced or deep, so they just piled on more and more crazy crap to occupy you with.

336th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 01:33post reply

MI2 seems to improve on the strengths of the original without correcting any of its flaws. I guess that's okay. I mean, it's never going to be pretty, balanced or deep, so they just piled on more and more crazy crap to occupy you with.

Playing it last night, finally, I already noticed some gameplay changes that are certainly for the better.

I noticed, first thing in training mode, that ground combos don't seem quite so easily accomplished, now. You can't just tag someone with a crouching light kick to pop them back into the air like before, it has to be a move with a prperty to do it, and most (maybe all) of those moves seem to be (S)DM or things like Kyo's ground grab.

They also changed the damage judgement on combos so that you can't just tack on a SDM with one or two hits and still get 30% or more damage. Even Jivatma falls to this, since his SDM usually eats half your life bar, but in a combo seems to do MAYBE 25% at most, effectively making whatever combo he did do less damag than the SDM by itself.

These two changes, alone, make the game more playable to me, and I still enjoyed the first game quite a bit.

1759th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(7):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 03:40post reply


These two changes, alone, make the game more playable to me, and I still enjoyed the first game quite a bit.

Yeah, in my limited experience, totally absurd combos seem much more difficult to do now. You can still get hit on the ground with ridiculous things if you don't recover, though...but...well...who doesn't recover?

The "parry" move, unfortunately, doesn't seem to do much for the game, though. It's really not much different than a sidestep (although the sidestep seems less useful now).

390th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(8):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 06:25post reply


That one of Jivatma's another costume is FEMALE. ( ex. breast )



Cain Highwind
687th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"More Costumes and yes Jivatama too" , posted Sat 29 Apr 08:07post reply


That one of Jivatma's another costume is FEMALE. ( ex. breast )


Yep, the person whose been taken shots, R.R. at Cyberfanatix made a thread compiling all the costumes he's unlocked so far.

Here's what you've seen and more

331th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(5):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 08:10post reply

MI was, is and will be only a 'fooling around game';

Then please no more "fooling around" for MI3...

I got the copy today and play a bit. It seems fun. I'll be having fun but I dont really like the ending style (well, actually I only finished with Kyo)and I dont like the closing vid. It spoils the game endings (sort of)I wish it as a secret ending after some point. Anyway I'll wait for other endings for commenting.

For my other Complaints.
The backgrounds. Too much tomb raider style backgrounds, I hate when the theme of backgrounds insistingly moving one type. (I hope I explained) what I meant.
And most important one I hated Jivatma's background. How on earth they can call it a mosque. The place is not a mosque, (you cant find any hindu myth statues in a muslim's mosque. This ignorance is OFFENSIVE. Seriously. First Suija and now this. (If this "mosque" word in the game means something different that I dont know please enlighten me.)
Second I dont like Jivatma and I dont like Falcoon being effected by 2d kof boss creations. I mean Mukai-->Duke, Magaki-->Jivatma. Do I need to say influence?
Well if KOF XII will have short haired, cool looked, ruthless female boss , voila! it means we will have short haired, cool looked, ruthless female boss for MI3.

I hope they give nona or hiroaki co-producer job for MI3 to stop Falcoon sometimes.. Or someone else I dont know.Cause if they dont we will have another fooling around, kofashion show fighting game (I like some costumes though most of them unnecessary) for MI3.

I'm happy cause this game gonna be fun
I'm unhappy cause this game has the potential for seriously better game, at least storyline-wise. And they wasted it.

Oh, one more thing...

Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
Todoh dies also...@_@

End of Spoiler

4172th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 08:16post reply

MI was, is and will be only a 'fooling around game';
Then please no more "fooling around" for MI3...

I hope they give nona or hiroaki co-producer job for MI3 to stop Falcoon sometimes.. Or someone else I dont know.Cause if they dont we will have another fooling around, kofashion show fighting game (I like some costumes though most of them unnecessary) for MI3.

Game play wise Falcoon doesn't have influence on HOW THE GAME SHOULD BE PLAYED, he is mainly there for design jobs, so this complain is directed the wrong way. SNK created a very light and bad engine and choose to mostly re-use it, is as simple as that.

See??? He is a God...

391th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):More Costumes and yes Jivatama too" , posted Sat 29 Apr 08:20post reply

Yep, the person whose been taken shots, R.R. at Cyberfanatix made a thread compiling all the costumes he's unlocked so far.

Here's what you've seen and more

Thanks for the link.
Candy is in this game!


332th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 08:47post reply

Game play wise Falcoon doesn't have influence on HOW THE GAME SHOULD BE PLAYED, he is mainly there for design jobs, so this complain is directed the wrong way. SNK created a very light and bad engine and choose to mostly re-use it, is as simple as that.

Then I think he did his job well. Really I mean it.
To tell the truth Jivatma looks heavily inspired by Magaki and he's not as much as cool magaki. On the other hand She-Jivatma looks kinda cool.

And when I saw credits, I saw english voice over actors and translator names but it has not have english language option. Those for english version of game or it is somewhere that I cant find?

7672th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 17:08post reply

OFFENSIVE. Seriously. First Suija and now this.

I'm interested : how was Suija offensive ?

storyline-wise. And they wasted it.

What is happening in the ending to make you so bitter ?

1760th Post

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Silver Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sat 29 Apr 18:44post reply


And most important one I hated Jivatma's background. How on earth they can call it a mosque. The place is not a mosque, (you cant find any hindu myth statues in a muslim's mosque. This ignorance is OFFENSIVE. Seriously. First Suija and now this. (If this "mosque" word in the game means something different that I dont know please enlighten me.)
Second I dont like Jivatma and I dont like Falcoon being effected by 2d kof boss creations. I mean Mukai-->Duke, Magaki-->Jivatma. Do I need to say influence?

Yeah, I think they just decided the word "mosque" looked cool and tacked it on without any regard to potential consequences. I'm so-so on the level designs, but I like the music, and since the music matches the levels well, I feel like I like the levels more than I actually do.

I think Jivatma is really just like Lin, though. He has one of his moves exactly and several that are quite similar. He even spits poison. I'm not crazy about his face, but his motions are quite cool, especially for MI. If he was in 2D and/or a good artist tweaked his design, I think he could be quite cool.

509th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(6):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 01:15post reply

Oh, one more thing...

5 bucks say he won't pull a Geese.

Most characters I like that die normally don't.

334th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(7):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 05:08:post reply

I'm interested : how was Suija offensive?

Well in this link I saw what he doesnt like. It says Philistines who worship him. But as far as I know Philistines are muslim. So I guess he represents God of our religion which we believe one and only god in universe who owns the universe. But I might be mistaken hence misguided-translation of mine.

Yeah, I think they just decided the word "mosque" looked cool and tacked it on without any regard to potential consequences. I'm so-so on the level designs, but I like the music, and since the music matches the levels well, I feel like I like the levels more than I actually do.

Actually, it might be wrong knowledge about Taj Mahal. I heard some people think that building was a Mosqoue. As far as I know its a "Grand Tomb" which builded by some emperor for his wife.
Also I take back my complaint about backgrounds. I complained too early, when I played yesterday with Kyo I only saw "The temple Ruins" "Hunting cave" "whatever tomb" "sacred garden" and "Grand mosque".
But today I noticed "war memorial" which also in 2003 bg, a background with 95 resemblance and "fleur de lis". Also I realized Hunting cave is above the SVC "forest" bg. I hope there are more cameos like this.

And I love most of the music, especially the ones with reminds me balkans music with guitar sounds, and classical violin theme.

[this message was edited by kofoguz on Sun 30 Apr 05:29]

7673th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 05:31post reply

Well in this link I saw what he doesnt like. It says Philistines who worship him. But as far as I know Philistines are muslim. So I guess he represents God of our religion which we believe one and only god in universe who owns the universe. But I might be mistaken hence misguided-translation of mine.

It doesn't make any sense, indeed. First, it should have been "the philistines who DON'T worship him".

Then, I'm not quite good in history, but the philistine having been around since at least 1000 BC if I recall correctly, I don't see how they could have had any link with any aspect of the muslim faith.
The word has gain a metaphorical meaning with I don't recall which scene in the new testament where Jesus is confronted to them, and they appear as people who follow any opinion of the group, without thinking about why they do it, just because they don't want to be seen alien to the group.

334th Post

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"Re(9):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 06:03post reply

It doesn't make any sense, indeed. First, it should have been "the philistines who DON'T worship him".

Then, I'm not quite good in history, but the philistine having been around since at least 1000 BC if I recall correctly, I don't see how they could have had any link with any aspect of the muslim faith.
The word has gain a metaphorical meaning with I don't recall which scene in the new testament where Jesus is confronted to them, and they appear as people who follow any opinion of the group, without thinking about why they do it, just because they don't want to be seen alien to the group.

I got it but I thought it that way cause some time ago I read something from a missionery site and what I understood is christians(at least christians who wrote that) think that "we believe a moon god from ancient far-east myth". When I saw Suijas profile and his moveset (all of named with moon) I thought they were referring our god.
By the way that site wrote that we believe "a moon god" so when its the holy month of Ramadhan which we fast each day from dawn till sunset, starts with crescent. According to them thats why we had a crescent symbol for our religion.
And thats not exactly true. Cause if we believe a moon god we wouldnt be using sunset-sunrise for Namaz (ritual prayer). We believe a God which is one and only and owns everything on the universe, not just a pathetic satellite.
Sorry for being off topic.

552th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(10):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 06:30:post reply

They're talking about philistines in the sense of "A smug, ignorant, especially middle-class person who is regarded as being indifferent or antagonistic to artistic and cultural values", I think(?), not the actual people. The japanese site uses the word "vulgar" I believe.

--- http://ngmc.retrogames.com

[this message was edited by JJWE on Sun 30 Apr 06:44]

7674th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 06:52post reply

what I understood is christians(at least christians who wrote that) think that "we believe a moon god from ancient far-east myth".

From the sound of it, it sounds like christian propaganda from the time the Ottomans owned Spain, 400 or 500 years ago.
And besides, we're talking about something written by japanese people, for whom the existence of whole world outside of their coasts was noticed less than 200 years ago and who still have trouble to assign a place to Europe on a map.

335th Post

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"Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Sun 30 Apr 06:58post reply

They're talking about philistines in the sense of "A smug, ignorant, especially middle-class person who is regarded as being indifferent or antagonistic to artistic and cultural values", not the actual people. The japanese site uses the word "vulgar" I believe.

Well Thanks. Really. I knew I might be mistaken.

About Grand Mosque, I guess its a honest mistake about Taj Mahal, like they did it similar mistake in SS Tenka, an Aztec background with Turkish Art Music song "Dönülmez Akşamın Ufkundayım <Vakit Çok Geç>" (you can hear same lyrics in the song) remixed with earthenware kettledrum (which is not commonly used in Turkish Art Music) sounds and another Turkish Art Music Mode elements.

Latest Snkp games has good Soundtracks I love SS Tenka's and Now MI2. Elizabeth's both themes in Kof XI is awesome. (I've got to say this one.)

2466th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):KOF MI2/ 2006 new thread." , posted Thu 4 May 00:43post reply

For losers like me who haven't been able to play MI2 yet SNKP has tossed us a bone with some more of the secret characters added to the MI2 homepage.

Cain Highwind
690th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Oldschool music tracks ahoy! AWESOME!" , posted Sat 6 May 11:54post reply

(Just a copy/paste from my post at S-C)

I just unlocked the Neo-Geo land stage (the new stage not the reused one from MI1) And the..music...oh god the music... it just plainly KICKS ASS

The default version of the stage plays quite the spiffy remix of the neo-geo startup "chime". The alternate variation however has around *35* old tracks from previous SNK games. Half of which I have trouble recognizing.

Classic Pao Pao theme, 94 Esaka, Terry's Fatal Fury 2 theme, XXX (Omega Rugal's theme from 98), Classic Ikari themes, there's a LOT here.

And what's even cooler, is that, from doing it in Practice, whoever you're playing as will determine what theme is played. Classic Kyo gets 94 Esaka, Iori gets his classic Arashi no Saxophone, Chae Lim get's "Wild Party" (Korean theme from KoF 2000), and of all weird things Duke gets Rythmic Hallucination (Orochi Team theme from 97).

Going through the sound test just about all the "character themes" you could imagine are here. No Athena track though she uses a theme called "Dragon Gal RB" (from the slots game?). There's the AoF1 Todoh theme, Geese's classic theme, even one of 2001's horrid songs are here.

I hope I can get through the hard missions and Quest Survival for the other stages. HOT DAMN!

Apparently according to Gamefaqs there's a Mizuki stage that uses her BGM as well as a Krauser stage that uses his BGM.

337th Post

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Bronze Customer

"Re(1):Oldschool music tracks ahoy! AWESOME!" , posted Sat 6 May 12:57post reply

(Just a copy/paste from my post at S-C)

I just unlocked the Neo-Geo land stage (the new stage not the reused one from MI1) And the..music...oh god the music... it just plainly KICKS ASS

The default version of the stage plays quite the spiffy remix of the neo-geo startup "chime". The alternate variation however has around *35* old tracks from previous SNK games. Half of which I have trouble recognizing.

Classic Pao Pao theme, 94 Esaka, Terry's Fatal Fury 2 theme, XXX (Omega Rugal's theme from 98), Classic Ikari themes, there's a LOT here.

And what's even cooler, is that, from doing it in Practice, whoever you're playing as will determine what theme is played. Classic Kyo gets 94 Esaka, Iori gets his classic Arashi no Saxophone, Chae Lim get's "Wild Party" (Korean theme from KoF 2000), and of all weird things Duke gets Rythmic Hallucination (Orochi Team theme from 97).

Going through the sound test just about all the "character themes" you could imagine are here. No Athena track though she uses a theme called "Dragon Gal RB" (from the slots game?). There's the AoF1 Todoh theme, Geese's classic theme, even one of 2001's horrid songs are here.

I hope I can get through the hard missions and Quest Survival for the other stages. HOT DAMN!

Apparently according to Gamefaqs there's a Mizuki stage that uses her BGM as well as a Krauser stage that uses his BGM.

To be honest, fanservicey games like this (in the literal sense, not the panties/tits/whatever sense) have the extra value to hlp them go from being merely okay or good to being outstanding due to a thoughtful execution. That and it helps that this particular iteration is actually pretty well executed overall.

I also noticed that, from what I can tell, there's a mix of Andy's FF2 music, thogugh I'm not sure if it's the time of day for the stage or just who was being used at the time.

Cain Highwind
691th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"Re(2):Oldschool music tracks ahoy! AWESOME!" , posted Sat 6 May 13:11post reply


I also noticed that, from what I can tell, there's a mix of Andy's FF2 music, thogugh I'm not sure if it's the time of day for the stage or just who was being used at the time.

Well, like I said, I have trouble recognize a good half of the themes. I was kind of curious about Jivatma's "theme". At S-C there were some thoughts on his parallels with Yuga, so could it be Yuga's theme? His track seems to be called (in the sound test) BIO-INFORMATICS

Red Falcon
5669th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):Oldschool music tracks ahoy! AWESOME!" , posted Sat 6 May 16:07:post reply


Well, like I said, I have trouble recognize a good half of the themes. I was kind of curious about Jivatma's "theme". At S-C there were some thoughts on his parallels with Yuga, so could it be Yuga's theme? His track seems to be called (in the sound test) BIO-INFORMATICS

Not Yuga's theme, and he doesn't really look or fight like Yuga either (True Yuga's arms stretch, but not like his...) Should I post up my old Yuga vids again? I could post Yuga's awesome theme, too. Sitar music rocks.

Update: Unlocked Neo Geo Land; Jivatma's theme is just music from Metal Slug, not Yuga's.

edit: Oh yes, and am I the only person who can't stop laughing whenever Hyena is flopping around?

Best site EVER:Link Here

[this message was edited by Red Falcon on Tue 9 May 12:57]

Maese Spt
229th Post

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"3D graphics+2D gameplay=WIN!" , posted Mon 8 May 17:33post reply

Yesterday I had the chance to play some matches on MI2 and I feel like talking about it.

Well, I don't remember having so much fun with a KOF since the days I played KOF'98... The gameplay is fast, swift and frenetic. Incredibly FUN. Heck, even I can do decent combos on this one...! The graphics are not glorious, but are quite nice indeed. Both the music and the speaker give the battles a much needed thrilling touch: you really feel like kicking your oponent's ass and making it to the next round. A fun game indeed. The cast could be better with Vanessa in and some of the Ikari guys out, but I won't whine too much about it. Plus, the alternate outfits are ludicrous and hilarious, as is expected on a 3D fighter. And, oh, god, I'm such an heretic, but I do like short haired Mai...

I think KOF MI2 combines all the great things I've always liked of the old school 2D fighters with many cool things I also love of 3D fighters (aka: Tekken or DoA). If this is the path KOF series is going in the future, count me in.


9th Post

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"Coin-Op.tv's Interview" , posted Mon 19 Jun 13:18post reply

An interview with Falcoon.