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DarkZero 1268th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(9):Silent Hill" , posted Sun 23 Apr 06:54
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - The odd thing is, there were a lot of complaints about the dialogue, but I really prefer something simple like "We need to go to Room 111" instead of the sort of dialogue that's in all the other "I'm looking for my child" horror/suspense movies like The Forgotten. If this was The Forgotten, it would've been "I have to grab that piece of paper in its mouth because I need to find my baby!" instead of just grabbing it out of its mouth, or "My kid could be in Room 111, we HAVE TO GO TO ROOM 111!!!". If they had added those lines, no one would've accused the main character of doing anything ridiculous, but the movie would've bugged the crap out of me.
The whole thing reminds me of the plot of Kingdom Hearts 2, in that it reminds me of how stupid an audience usually is. For both this and KH2, everyone asks "Why did this happen?" or "Why did this character do this?", even though they explained it... but the problem is they only explained it once, instead of repeating it five times to beat it into your head like the average Hollywood movie does. They only explain once that "Only the Dark One can open and close the door to Silent Hill", with the obvious inference that it was only opened for a few minutes to get Sharon in there and Cybil just happened to be close by, but everyone (even those familiar with the game!) still ask "Why couldn't the father and the detective see it?"
Then again, I still didn't understand the ending, really. I mean, I understood what happened, but not why it happened, 'cause it kind of went against the whole "moral" of the movie. It's like an action movie where the hero kills a bunch of bad guys, never hurts an innocent person, rescues the kidnapped girl... and then shoots her in the head. Was it because taking revenge on those people somehow made Rose a bad person? Or are you just not supposed to help demons, even if they give righteous justice to a little girl who was wronged by dozens of adults? Or did Rose not WANT to go back to the real world? No clue.
End of Spoiler
Undead Fred 2671th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(2):Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Sun 23 Apr 14:53
quote: Darkzero's spoiler.
Yeah, there are two explanations I saw-
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - one is that once you are called to the town and enter, it keeps you forever. So, even though Rose was let out of the town, she wasn't let out of the Silent Hill dimension. The other's if that old theory I had (and I know I had heard from other people) about the first game's ending was that since both Cybil and Rose had wrecked their cars while entering the town, they were both actually dead.
End of Spoiler
If they wind up making a sequel, I'm pretty positive they'll be headed in the direction of Silent Hill 2's plot.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - Chris had a pretty decent resemblance to James Sunderland, and he was still really wanting to find his wife again... and he's still being called by the town (cel phone calls and the scent of his wife's perfume).
End of Spoiler
And of course, like any time I really enjoy a horror movie, some dickhead a row behind me has to frat boy grunt THAT MOVIE SUCKED LOL right after the credits started rolling.
CharlesProphony 25th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(3):Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Sun 23 Apr 22:46
If they wind up making a sequel, I'm pretty positive they'll be headed in the direction of Silent Hill 2's plot.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) -
and rose has some resemblance to mary/maria... rose being in other dimensions, etc... I think Gans is really milking the plot for a second movie...
End of Spoiler
and one interesting thing I've noted is rose's family last name "da Silva"... here in brazil "of silva" is something in the way of smith in US, as it's a very common surname. maybe just a joke with john does, "oh, can be anyone here", etc
oh, and yes, I've not seem the movie, but read enough spoilers to not miss some details... (and I would be happy if I had any idea of when it will start showing here...)
just improving my english...
sushi_bunny 390th Post

Silver Customer
| "Hot Cybil: Motocycle Cop" , posted Mon 24 Apr 04:53
No pun intended.
This movie was ok, I thought that some parts dragged, but for the most part people overuse the concept of a posessed girl. For the most part, the computer graphics were awesome. Some parts were really gross at the end, but it seemed artsy to me.
Still, I thought Cybil was pretty hot in the leather and all, but too bad she was, well, watch the movie if you hadnt watched it. I can't believe she Martyred herself while the Gas Mask guys beat the crap out of her. She's much more smart than that.
All I could say at the end was, Hm.
Cheers, sushi
DarkZero 1269th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Re(4):Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Tue 25 Apr 14:07
quote: When I left the theater the other night, I heard some guys talking saying they thought it was based on a true story. I wonder how many people know it's was based on a game.
Actually, they were probably talking about the fact that one of the major plot points that was added for the movie really is based on a true story, rather than on the Silent Hill games themselves.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - There really is a town in Pennsylvania where a fire ignited an underground coal mine. Several people really were killed and, as far as I know, the town really is still unhabitable (or was for decades?) because of the fumes. That was added entirely by the writers of the movie and is based on fact.
End of Spoiler
The more hateful reviews I've seen of this movie, and there really are many, I've sort of become convinced that an adaptation of Silent Hill 2 really would've made a better movie. I almost wonder if I liked the movie because I didn't play Silent Hill 1 and 3, because I think that if I was a big fan of those games, I would've had a problem with the replacement of a Lovecraftian cult with Christian religious zealots. I also think I liked Silent Hill 1's ending a lot better than Silent Hill: The Movie's. Shrug.
Undead Fred 2674th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(5):Silent Hill" , posted Tue 25 Apr 14:15
quote: I watched it, and thought it didn't suck very much! I wasn't sure about how I felt when they totally mimicked camera angles from the first game's intro scenario.
If the movie wasn't true to the spirit of the games, then I'd have been pissed about the camera work. You know how it is- normally, when Hollywood "re-imagines" a movie or TV show or whatever, they totally miss the mark, then throw in a really stupid, superficial reference to the source material to pretend that the remake is valid. "You see, in the movie we have the bioforce gun LOL!!!!!!!!!!! ...........................you know, the old bioforce gun? ....the BFG?"
BUT, since the movie was actually true to its source material for once (GOD FORBID...), then the camera work was a successful reference to the games in my eyes. I need to see it again before it leaves theaters.
samson 65th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Thu 4 May 16:46
quote: Everything else is just crap : Not even one good actor (the worst being the cop girl). Useless and ridiculous lines. Useless gore. Well, personally, I've seen much worse. If a horror movie's even middle of the road, they're still doing something right... too many horror movies dive face-first into the empty swimming pool of cheese and bad scares. I just really enjoyed how they stayed really true to the source material, and didn't really screw up in terms of dialogue and story and so forth. Yeah, they got a little cheesy here and there (I got really worried when the little girl was rolling on the ground screaming "SILENT HILL!!!" at the beginning), but overall, I can't complain.
I understand your point. I 'judge' this movie as a movie, not as a horror movie, or as a video game movie. I can stand 1 or 2 cheesy moments if the whole is very good, but in SH, I've seen 1 or 2 very good moments (pyramid 'undressing' the redhead) in 2 hours of cheesiness ;)
samson 66th Post

Occasional Customer
| "Re(9):Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Thu 4 May 16:46
quote: Everything else is just crap : Not even one good actor (the worst being the cop girl). Useless and ridiculous lines. Useless gore. Well, personally, I've seen much worse. If a horror movie's even middle of the road, they're still doing something right... too many horror movies dive face-first into the empty swimming pool of cheese and bad scares. I just really enjoyed how they stayed really true to the source material, and didn't really screw up in terms of dialogue and story and so forth. Yeah, they got a little cheesy here and there (I got really worried when the little girl was rolling on the ground screaming "SILENT HILL!!!" at the beginning), but overall, I can't complain.
I understand your point. I 'judge' this movie as a movie, not as a horror movie, or as a video game movie. I can stand 1 or 2 cheesy moments if the whole is very good, but in SH, I've seen 1 or 2 very good moments (pyramid 'undressing' the redhead) in 2 hours of cheesiness ;)
nobinobita 30th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(2):Re(10):Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Sun 7 May 07:01
I liked the movie overall. In spite of how dumb it was. I thought it was an OK horror movie, the best videogame adaptation yet, but it was not a faithful Silent Hill Movie.
If you want to see a good Silent Hill movie, go watch Jacob's Ladder or Rosemary's Baby.
I liked Silent Hill the Movie, i really did. I thought it was incredibly beautiful to look at, and acheived some really thrilling momements far beyond other horror movies (anything with pyramid head was awesome). But man, the script was AWFUL. It was awkward, and it made changes that were against the basic spirit of Silent Hill (as i see it anyway).
What i liked about the games, aside from the creepy visuals and mood, is that they were intersting. They had some meaning. You could talk about them after beating them. Everything fell into place.
I liked the idea the games established about Silent Hill; that it was a place connected to hell, where some people upon entering are thrown into their own personal hell. That isn't a terribly original idea, but the execution of it (in the games) was awesome. The monsters all had some meaning.
The monsters in the first game were reflective of how an isolated little girl prefered monsters to actual people, and Silent Hill 2 was even better. I loved how all the monsters in that game represented Jame's sexual anxieties. And the ending was incredible.
I liked how it established that Silent Hill was a personalised hell, but you could overcome it once you accepted all facets of yourself and understodd what a lousy person you were.
I'm sure i'm not telling you guys anything new. I'm certainly not trying to show how clever i am by pointing out all these neat things from the game (although i wouldn't mind more discourse about that either).
My point is that, you can't talk about the movie like that. It didn't really have very much meaning behind it.
The monsters didn't reflect anything. They were just cameos from the game (except for the Janitor, who was cool and had a place and reason to be there).
And the ending was vague, and almost seemed deep, but not really, because it didn't really add anything to the story.
I guess it did work out, mood wise though.
But yeah, I enjoyed Silent Hill the Movie. I thought it was great to look at. I appreciated that they kept the music and visual style, and it could have been MUCH MUCH MUCH worse. But it also could have been alot better. It could have been great.
nobinobita 32th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Sun 7 May 07:18
oh and DarkZero,
I totally agree with your points. Especially about how extraneous dialogue doesn't make a movie better. I think far too often, people associate wordiness with intelligence, when its often quite the opposite. I can't stand movies that have to constantly tell me how i should be feeling through dialogue.
There's this weird stance in American culture that images are somehow inferior to words in sophistication, and that's just not true. Often times it takes more engagement and thought to analyze an image than to be told outright what something means.
There are moments in Silent Hill the movie, that i thought were raelly visually sophisticated, and communicated alot without words.
For instance, i LOVED pyramid head. He was so brutal and fourthright. I loved how aggressive and cold he was. For him, killing seemed to be business as usual. And that gave him personality.
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - my favorite scene in the movie is when he tears that poor girl's skin off. He first lifts her in the air making he completely helpless. Then he strips her naked with one stroke, immediately demeaning her. Then he kills her in a really really awful way. It was so cold and horrific and it was just so much better than anything else i've seen in a hollywood movie in a long time.
End of Spoiler
That said. I kinda wish Silent Hill didn't have any dialogue at all. I can't wait for the DVD to come out so i can find some way to take out the dialogue, but leave the noise and music. I think the movie works wonderfully as a surreal, visual and aural adventure (minus the dialogue).
Undead Fred 2680th Post

Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master
| "Re(3):Re(10):Re(10):Silent Hill" , posted Sun 7 May 13:51
quote: I liked the movie overall. In spite of how dumb it was. I thought it was an OK horror movie, the best videogame adaptation yet, but it was not a faithful Silent Hill Movie.
Heh heh. Yeah, it could have been like a normal video game movie- "I've finished the script for the Virtua Fighter movie!" "Great! What's it about?" "Okay, so two cartoon rabbits are sitting on the floor in an empty house masturbating. Then Batman jumps in through the window and cuts their heads off. Blood sprays everywhere while a laugh track loops for 30 minutes. Then, fade to black." "Genius!"
But yeah, there were some un-Silent Hill sorts of things in the movie, but they really didn't bother me to the point where I couldn't overlook them. First off, they explained too much in the movie. BUT, if they hadn't, the non-SH players would have been totally excluded from the movie. I was worried about the cel phone from the previews, but it actually worked to me since
Spoiler (Highlight to view) - she can't REALLY call out from within the town... it's more like a ghost trying to make a phone call to the real world.
End of Spoiler
I was also worried about the number of people in the town, since the game's atmosphere really plays up on being alone and helpless... but that ended up working out pretty well too. There's the issue with the monsters being "re-appearances" too, but that was another element I was just able to overlook. I guess I was just so happy that they didn't make a train wreck out of ANOTHER one of my favorite game series and actually made a video game movie I could enjoy for once.