Burning Ranger 1410th Post

Red Carpet Executive Member
| "Silent Hill movie thread" , posted Sat 22 Apr 15:52
I just saw the Silent Hill movie. All I can say is that the movie does the game justice better than Resident Evil ever did. You can tell that not only a lot of the scenery, but the scenes themselves were lifted straight out of the games. Of course, I didn't like the climax nor the ending as much, but it really didn't take away from the experience. The movie has the same atmosphere, the same imagery and even music from the games. It makes me want to play the games again.
And since it's the first Konami game to make the jump to film somewhat successfully (at least IMHO), lets hope other games can make the jump well too (Isn't Metal Gear in the works?).
Advanced Cyborg E. Branger AKA Burning Ranger
 ...and for Guilty Gear X2 # Reload!