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nobinobita 30th Post

Rare Customer

| "Re(10):why women cry in h-doujins" , posted Sat 29 Apr 21:15:
quote: Well America IS the porn capital of the world even with the prudish TV compared to say Europe.
Gotta disagree with you on this one.
I've been lucky enough to travel around alot the last few years and I think alot of other countries are more comfortable with their porn.
I'm sure everyone on this site is familiar with how common porn is in Japan.
Taiwan seems to have a similar attitude. When i visited last year I was delighted to find vast hentai sections in book stores and software stores, and they were out in the open, and yoou didn't have to be a weirdo to go through them.
Europe seemed to be open with porn too. There was hardcore porn at every newstand i saw (and often they had DVDs) and in Italy, they even sold h-dojin anothologies at magazine stands.
Meanwhile in the states, porn is sold mostly through speciality stores or behind the counter, or in that creepy room behind the curtains that you have to provide photo id to enter.
I'm currently going to school in Georgia, and there are lots of porn stores in the area. But they can't call themselves porn stores, instead they sell "adult novelties", or they pretend to be video rental outlets, or comic book shops.
I mean, sure we produce and sell lots of porn in the good ol USA, but we still have to pretend like it's not there most of the time.
I dunno if there's any correlation between porn and that poll though (or if that poll really means anything)
oh, and uh, i didn't mean this to sound argumentative. I was just taking this as an opportunity to share some thoughts (on porn) I'd had for a while.
[this message was edited by nobinobita on Sat 29 Apr 21:17] |