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Maese Spt 216th Post

Frequent Customer
| "Re(2):Metal Saga and Ace Combat Zero tomorrow" , posted Tue 25 Apr 18:32
Woah, Ace Combat... that name brings veeeery good memories to me. I used to love the first ones back on the early days of the PSX, but somehow I stopped following the series somewhere on late 90s.
Does the new titles have that awesome rock music as well? Oh well, it seemed awesome to me 10 years ago, at least.
I've always liked how the 'Namco touch' twists every seemingly simulation game into a fun, arcade-ish one. I tend to despise those complex flying or driving simulators so popular nowadays, but titles like Ridge racer or Ace Combat make the trick for me. In fact, Ridge Racer is the only driving saga I really like (along with Sega Rally, another arcade by the way)... and same goes for Ace Combat and the whole aiplane genre.
Damn, Namco was such a great company on mid 90s...