First pics of CFC: DS!! - Forums

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Cain Highwind
689th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member

"First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Tue 2 May 12:31:post reply

Man this is looking good...


Speaking of which
Metal Slug Collection on Wii

[this message was edited by Cain Highwind on Tue 2 May 12:32]


111th Post

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"Re(1):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Tue 2 May 17:36post reply


Man this is looking good...


Speaking of which
Metal Slug Collection on Wii

Lookin' pretty nice. Hopefully there will be some Wi-Fi support.

1091th Post

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Red Carpet Premium Member

"Re(2):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Tue 2 May 18:17post reply

2 excellent news indeed. But I wonder how they're going to implement the Wii's controller specificities in the Metal Slugs' gameplay. Anyway, it will certainly be an option.

2464th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(3):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Tue 2 May 21:55post reply

Interesting, I'll finally have a chance to try out CFC for myself. While I'm not a big fan of card games CFC has been praised in story and song for so long that I'm curious to at least give it a look.

7678th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(4):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Tue 2 May 22:04post reply

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !

So, they ditched everything, the system and the art... but they kept the special effects !

I'd rather have had another expansion, but I can't wait to try it anyways.
I hope the system is still as simple as the old one and not too Yûgiô-ish.
And you have to love the picture of Mary with Ryû's name on it.

4175th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(5):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Wed 3 May 02:54post reply

And you have to love the picture of Mary with Ryû's name on it.

The drawer of the last time was Falcoon, was it?? The art of this one seems similar, but less SDish... With the posibility of free on line capabilities we can only pray that the game live ups to it's prequels... I wonder how would they try to balance out the cards, after all if they want a fun on line game they shouldn't give you cards that are tooo powerful....

See??? He is a God...

1703th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(5):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Wed 3 May 03:22post reply

Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii !

So, they ditched everything, the system and the art... but they kept the special effects !

I don't know what to think. Looks like it could be a bit more complicated than the last two.


/ / /

1966th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(1):First pics of CFC: DS!! wii" , posted Wed 3 May 04:17post reply

Hmm... it doesn't look like Falcoon's art but the proportions on Mary are similar wii

I hope this new system isn't overly complicated wii. There are 8 slots, what looks like 5 types of little marble thingies wii. The text on the one card doesn't tell me much other than it's just placeholder wii

Well at least we finally got something tangible about this game wii

393th Post

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Silver Customer

"Re(1):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Wed 3 May 05:54post reply


I found my reason to buy a DS now.


75th Post

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Occasional Customer

"Re(1):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Wed 3 May 07:31post reply

I think it looks horribly ugly! I am buying it anyway!

please don't screw this one up, guys!

181th Post

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"Re(2):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Wed 3 May 07:49post reply


I found my reason to buy a DS now.


Are you slave to the blade?

1227th Post

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Red Carpet Executive Member

"Re(3):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Wed 3 May 10:24post reply

But...where is SNK v.s Capcom 2?

3420th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(6):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Wed 3 May 18:01post reply

I wonder how would they try to balance out the cards, after all if they want a fun on line game they shouldn't give you cards that are tooo powerful....

That was my thoughts... the last one was really unbalanced with cards at 1500 point. and since there were no limits of having the same card in your deck, a full deck with Cyber Akuma and Twelve = you're god.

hopes they'll change that.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

4177th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(7):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Thu 4 May 01:41post reply

That was my thoughts... the last one was really unbalanced with cards at 1500 point. and since there were no limits of having the same card in your deck, a full deck with Cyber Akuma and Twelve = you're god.

There it was a limit of up to three (or was it four?) times the same card in the deck; the main annoyance is that there it where some characters that could K.O. or Remove the enemy from the ring AND they where pretty tough, if you play the game long enough to truly arrange your deck then you could find many means to overcome something like 'just' 1500 HP, having your whole game screwed because that 900 HP character killed your 'main' wasn't that nice....

See??? He is a God...

7680th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Thu 4 May 01:56post reply

Relying on 1000 or 1500 characters was the best way to have your whole deck screwed by sneaky decks such as those using Kuroko or Kurô, or those based on Sôgetsu or Tiffany.

4178th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(9):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Thu 4 May 03:07post reply

Relying on 1000 or 1500 characters was the best way to have your whole deck screwed by sneaky decks such as those using Kuroko or Kurô, or those based on Sôgetsu or Tiffany.

My main grip with the card fighters games was that it was VERY HARD to do 'single' theme decks; with KoF and SF was pretty easy, you had tons of cards to choose from, but for others like Rival School, Project Justice or Samurai Spirits was VERY hard, some didn't even had enough cards to fill a deck, while I didn't use theme decks as my 'main' decks I use them to fool around from time to time... It was such a critical failure, but it mainly showed how some series got most of the spot light...

See??? He is a God...

7681th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(10):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Thu 4 May 03:30post reply

My main grip with the card fighters games was that it was VERY HARD to do 'single' theme decks; with KoF and SF was pretty easy, you had tons of cards to choose from, but for others like Rival School, Project Justice or Samurai Spirits was VERY hard, some didn't even had enough cards to fill a deck, while I didn't use theme decks as my 'main' decks I use them to fool around from time to time... It was such a critical failure, but it mainly showed how some series got most of the spot light...

I liked it, on the contrary.
Since it was a crossover, you might as well do your very own one, without the limitations of CvS2 or SvC.
Just think you can team up Mature, Vice and Natsu, win the fight AND draw disturbing dickgirls fanfics at the same time.
How can you get wrong ?

Hey ! Even though it's not even sure wether the game has any Capcom characters, I think we can assume it will at least have several recent SNK characters ?
It will be my duty to have 3 Gedô cards in my deck, whatever the power of the card is.


511th Post

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New Red Carpet Member

"Re(8):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Thu 4 May 05:27post reply

There it was a limit of up to three (or was it four?) times the same card in the deck; the main annoyance is that there it where some characters that could K.O. or Remove the enemy from the ring AND they where pretty tough, if you play the game long enough to truly arrange your deck then you could find many means to overcome something like 'just' 1500 HP, having your whole game screwed because that 900 HP character killed your 'main' wasn't that nice....

Yup, 3 of the same card was the limit.

Funny how the only characters the reviewer knows by name are from SF yet knows the names to 3 SNK series.

Good grief!

3424th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Thu 4 May 17:53post reply


There it was a limit of up to three (or was it four?) times the same card in the deck;

So there was a limit after all... Well I never really searched fot it.
Always doing the same deck with set of 2 or 3 similar card:

- 3 twelve
- 3 Q-bee
- 2 Bishamon
- 3 1000/1500 cards...

And a good bunch or reaction card. then I was quiet.

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1704th Post

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Tailored Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Fri 5 May 08:51post reply


So there was a limit after all... Well I never really searched fot it.

Then you shouldn't type it!

/ / /

1506th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(7):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Fri 5 May 12:17post reply

I wonder how would they try to balance out the cards, after all if they want a fun on line game they shouldn't give you cards that are tooo powerful....
That was my thoughts... the last one was really unbalanced with cards at 1500 point. and since there were no limits of having the same card in your deck, a full deck with Cyber Akuma and Twelve = you're god.

hopes they'll change that.

They already changed it in Extend. There were a number of cards that could instantly kill 800+ BP. That was Terry's special ability, for instance. I played mainly with a Rival Schools only deck because that volleyball bitch had the most powerful special power in the game. Get two of her in play and you're unstoppable... unless suck. - My own personal waste of time.

3425th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"Re(8):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Fri 5 May 17:44post reply

They already changed it in Extend. There were a number of cards that could instantly kill 800+ BP. That was Terry's special ability, for instance. I played mainly with a Rival Schools only deck because that volleyball bitch had the most powerful special power in the game. Get two of her in play and you're unstoppable... unless suck.

Already heard about the rival shcool decks, but didn't thought that Natsu can be so strong...
I've played a long time agao against someone with a zombie deck and it was a real pain to fight , cause most of my card were turn into pityfull zombies....

Tu Fuis Ego eris...Like you I was Like me you'll be...

1507th Post

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Red Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Member

"Re(9):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Fri 5 May 18:18post reply

Already heard about the rival shcool decks, but didn't thought that Natsu can be so strong...

Her power gives +300 BP to any teamed up card. That's cumlitive. So if you have all three cards on deck with team ups, you get +900 per round. 2 Natsus in play? +1800. A good human player can stop it, but the AI just doesn't know how to deal with it.

I also had a lowballer deck I really liked with no card above 700 BP. Impossible to win that way with the original game, but lots of fun in extend. - My own personal waste of time.

Ikari Loona
130th Post

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"Re(8):First pics of CFC: DS!!" , posted Fri 5 May 19:59post reply

There were a number of cards that could instantly kill 800+ BP. That was Terry's special ability, for instance. I played mainly with a Rival Schools only deck because that volleyball bitch had the most powerful special power in the game. Get two of her in play and you're unstoppable... unless suck.

I wonder of 700 and 300 will still be the "magic numbers" in this new game - the first keeps you safe from teh likes of that version of Terry and Wild Iori (a major part of the way I play involves trying to only play high cards when the opponent already has 3 cards in play and can't remove or add another because of that one...), and the 2nd number is the highest card value worth using as back-up, and also the standard damage dealt by certain (re)action cards and abilities.

Since this one seems to be coded from scratch, I figure we can at least expect the card numbers to be all grouped by game, since Expand just added the new cards to the end of the previous list - it's a minor thing, but it'd help keeping track of everyone you intend to collect. There's a few more things that it'd be nice to have in the game, like bonuses for using themed decks, but I'd better not turn this into a wishlist...

"Beat the machine that works in your head!" - Guano Apes "Open Your Eyes"

7685th Post

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Platinum Carpet V.I.P- Board Master

"various details" , posted Fri 5 May 20:53:post reply

(a major part of the way I play involves trying to only play high cards when the opponent already has 3 cards in play and can't remove or add another because of that one...)

Oh !
I remember that technique, using cards slightly less powerful than your opponent's, so he beats you each round and even causes you damage, then suddenly he's stuck with three 100BP cards (I called those trash cards) without any way to discard them and summon new ones, and you are free to bring round after round your real attackers.
The opponent tries to attack with his 100BP cards, but you just dont counter and take the blow until your power is all build up.
I LOVED those rounds that began with me having 500 HP against an opponent with his 3000 HP intact, and in one single attack, I win the fight.

Those situations also happened with the decks designed to have the opponent losing when he has no card to pull. Fighting an opponent with lots of "A" cards with a deck based on Blanka (D), Q (C) and Phobos overheating (C) was a blast.
There should have been be bonusses with the rarety of the cards you use : the more powerful the deck, the less cards you get, or something.

**************** STUFF ON THE DS GAME ****************

I thought somebody would translate, or even that some japanese sites would have more details, but since everybody is surprisingly quiet, I'll do it.
The images reveal the cards will have elements (Mary/Ryû is said to be of the "red" element, she costs one white point to summon, then one red point every turn. Well, it is also written "this is a test card", so I guess things will be different in the final game, but it still gives indications on the direction they're following).
I guess it will be like in the other games, when characters did have elements, but the only effect was the animation when they attacked ; this time, it will be part of the game.
Oh, and the second "Ryû" card (the one with the old combination attack effect) is apparently Ibuki.

Finally, Falcoon said at the 2005 Bônenkai last december that he was doing the illustrations on [what we now believe to be this game], and that he was merely at 2% of the schedule. If the interpretation is correct, and Falcoon is indeed doing the art, it might mean that more people from the previous games are working on it, which is always good.
Also, since they are redrawing all the cards from scratch (the 300 characters plus the new ones), I hope they will keep all the cards from the previous games, without erasing minor AoF or Star Gladiator characters because "nobody knows them anymore"...
Ah, and apparently, the characters proportions seem human, not SD like in the first games. I wonder if that mean they will keep the old AC and RE card art (or even the concept of those cards).

[this message was edited by Iggy on Fri 5 May 20:55]

885th Post

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Red Carpet Regular Member++

"Re(1):various details" , posted Mon 8 May 05:15post reply

main strategy me and my friends seemed to play was something like "bounceback/direct attack" deck. with 3x yamazaki 3x akuma 3x yashiro 3x wild iori 3x evil ryu and any 1000/1200/1500 heavy hitter and just try to clear the field quick for an easy big hit.

more recently I've been trying to make a stall/direct damage themed deck but its pretty tough to get all the right cards together (and recently me and a friend traded carts so I'm starting from scratch from the capcom cart).

1971th Post

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Gold Carpet V.I.P- Platinum Executive

"Re(2):various details" , posted Mon 8 May 06:29post reply

In CFC2 those decks are weak. You can only use the ability on the card directly across from it, so all it takes is some conscious placement by the opponent to make them worthless.

PS: Ibuki + Terry B. was broken

This is slightly off topic but can someone tell me what kind of memory battery NGPC uses? I lost the last one I had so I don't remember what to look for to replace it. All I recall is that it isn't that easy to find.

400th Post

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Gold Customer

"Re(3):various details" , posted Mon 8 May 07:58post reply


This is slightly off topic but can someone tell me what kind of memory battery NGPC uses? I lost the last one I had so I don't remember what to look for to replace it. All I recall is that it isn't that easy to find.

Lithium CR2032 battery
It shouldn't be difficult to find.

P.S - 400th post!! yay
